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Bradford, England
(Victor Rosenbloom)
1948-05-22   (64)
Los Angeles, CA

Sometimes billed as Victor Travis

Acting Credits (49)

Film or Short Title Featuring Role
WEE WEE MONSIEUR (1938) Moe, Larry and Curly Man walking by Legion HQ
WEE WEE MONSIEUR (1938) Moe, Larry and Curly Peddler's customer
TASSELS IN THE AIR (1938) Moe, Larry and Curly Man leaving elevator
A DUCKING THEY DID GO (1939) Moe, Larry and Curly Duck hunter
A DUCKING THEY DID GO (1939) Moe, Larry and Curly Policeman outside precinct
YES, WE HAVE NO BONANZA (1939) Moe, Larry and Curly Man sitting outside saloon
OILY TO BED, OILY TO RISE (1939) Moe, Larry and Curly Uncle Tim
GLOVE SLINGERS (1939) Shemp Howard (Solo) Father Donovan
THREE SAPPY PEOPLE (1939) Moe, Larry and Curly Party guest
BOOBS IN THE WOODS (1940) Shemp Howard (Solo) Customer
HOW HIGH IS UP? (1940) Moe, Larry and Curly Man on street
NO CENSUS, NO FEELING (1940) Moe, Larry and Curly Man leaving assessor's office
ALL THE WORLD'S A STOOGE (1941) Moe, Larry and Curly Party guest
AN ACHE IN EVERY STAKE (1941) Moe, Larry and Curly Ice customer
IN THE SWEET PIE AND PIE (1941) Moe, Larry and Curly Justice of the Peace
LOCO BOY MAKES GOOD (1942) Moe, Larry and Curly Bald nightclub patron
THREE SMART SAPS (1942) Moe, Larry and Curly Justice of the Peace
PHONY EXPRESS (1943) Moe, Larry and Curly Newspaper editor
CRASH GOES THE HASH (1944) Moe, Larry and Curly Party guest with mashed potatos
BUSY BUDDIES (1944) Moe, Larry and Curly Chicken soup customer
THE YOKE'S ON ME (1944) Moe, Larry and Curly Deputy Sheriff
IDLE ROOMERS (1944) Moe, Larry and Curly Man in lobby
GENTS WITHOUT CENTS (1944) Moe, Larry and Curly Man in audience
THREE PESTS IN A MESS (1945) Moe, Larry and Curly Patent Office man
OFF AGAIN, ON AGAIN (1945) Shemp Howard (Solo) Desk clerk
IF A BODY MEETS A BODY (1945) Moe, Larry and Curly Link relative
A HIT WITH A MISS (1945) Shemp Howard (Solo) Spectator with toupee
THE GENTLEMAN MISBEHAVES (1946) Shemp Howard (Solo) Doorman
MR. NOISY (1946) Shemp Howard (Solo) Spectator with toupee
TALK ABOUT A LADY (1946) Joe Besser (Solo) Man in nightclub
UNCIVIL WAR BIRDS (1946) Moe, Larry and Curly Justice of the Peace
THE THREE TROUBLEDOERS (1946) Moe, Larry and Curly A. P. Blake, Justice of the Peace
HALF-WITS HOLIDAY (1947) Moe, Larry and Curly Sleeping party guest
THE GOOD BAD EGG (1947) Joe DeRita (Solo) Mr. Collins
HOLD THAT LION! (1947) Moe, Larry and Shemp Man with beard
ALL GUMMED UP (1947) Moe, Larry and Shemp Bubblegum customer
HEAVENLY DAZE (1948) Moe, Larry and Shemp Mr. DePeyster
MERRY MAVERICKS (1951) Moe, Larry and Shemp Newspaper editor
PEST MAN WINS (1951) Moe, Larry and Shemp Sleeping party guest
BOOTY AND THE BEAST (1953) Moe, Larry and Shemp Man with beard
BUBBLE TROUBLE (1953) Moe, Larry and Shemp Bubblegum customer
BEDLAM IN PARADISE (1955) Moe, Larry and Shemp Mr. DePeyster
SCHEMING SCHEMERS (1956) Moe, Larry and Shemp Sleeping party guest
PIES AND GUYS (1958) Moe, Larry and Joe Sleeping party guest
THREE STOOGES FUN-O-RAMA (1959) Moe, Larry and Joe archive footage
STOP! LOOK! AND LAUGH! (1960) Moe, Larry and Curly archive footage
THE 3 STOOGES FOLLIES (1974) Moe, Larry and Curly archive footage
THE THREE STOOGES GREATEST HITS! (1997) Miscellaneous Appearances archive footage
HEY MOE! HEY DAD! (2015) Miscellaneous Appearances archive footage

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