Posted 2010-10-21 00:08:00 by Final Shemp
When talking about Oily to Bed, Oily to Rise, three scenes must be brought up. The opening where the Stooges find themselves doing yard work for a stranger, in exchange for a meal is the first. The slapstick in the scene is dead on, as the Stooges take one shot after another to great comic effect. Curly takes a lot of punishment from saws in this sequence, getting smacked in the face and sliced on the head. He even attempts to repair a broken saw by sawing it in half, giving birth to one of my favorite Stooge lines "I'm sawing a saw in half with another saw, see?" The Stooges incompetence at the simplest tasks get the better of them in this sequence, as their property damage turned a man who offered them food for work into someone who demanded compensation. One can't help but wonder how long it took to work off their debt, or if they just wandered away.The Widow Jenkins was a different breed than this gentleman. She didn't ask for compensation and helped the Stooges out of the goodness of her heart. It was the Stooges that offered her compensation for their meal, which proves that they have good hearts buried within them as well. This also leads to the second sequence of slapstick, the pump scene, which is arguably the Stooges' finest hour.This scene is positively brilliant. Every touch is just right. Every knock to the head is perfectly executed. Every sound effect has the right amount of oomph. Curly's round as an "unsuccessful cork" brings the guffaws coming long and hard.Changing out of their oily clothes and into old lady dresses for the finale, the Stooges go looking for the crooks and have a battle with them in a runaway car. One of the crooks threatens to punch Curly out "dame or no dame," prompting Curly to retaliate "Oh, hit a woman would ya'?!" The brawl brings the short to a triumphant conclusion, as the Stooges warm hearts conquer all.Not only that, this is a rare Stooge short in which the boys get the girls in the end, and not only that, they're the daughters of a millionaire widow, ensuring no money problems from here on out. If the Three Stooges shorts had continuity, I'd suggest Oily to Bed, Oily to Rise be the series finale, as it has an appropriate happy ending.As it is, it's about as close to a perfect Three Stooges short you can get. There are three lengthy scenes of slapstick full of laughs and a story that makes you cheery. It's an all-time favorite.Final Shemp's Final Word: 4 Pokes
Reviewer's Rating:

Posted 2002-01-26 16:28:00 by BJR
A good 1939 effort, just before the so-called "Golden Era" of Curly shorts. I liked it pretty well, but it's not a classic.A lot of the beginning was somewhat funny, but not that funny. Once the boys arrive at the lady's house, it gets better. The oil-pumping scene was pretty good, as was the "chase scene" with the guys who bought the farm and the Stooges.Many of you will want to "moida me" when you hear this... but I will say this... this is the ONE CASE where the Besser remake is better than the Curly version. Because OIL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL had an entirely different plot, it wasn't annoying having to see Joe exactly replicate Curly's lines, as is the case in PIES AND GUYS.I know most of you have already seen this, since it's a "Curly Classic." But one thing... do yourself a favor... ESPECIALLY if you are a Moe fan... and also watch OIL'S WELL THAT ENDS WELL.Rating: 7/10
Posted 2001-10-22 00:45:00 by [Deleted Member]
Moe has shown over and over how tough he was, starting with "the falling through the table" incident in "Pardon My Scotch" (1935). But in "Oily", he had to get stuff plucked out of his eyes! I know how getting soap in my eyes feels and I've had many cosmetic eyelid surgeries. I can sympathize with Moe. In fact, we ALL know how soap or some particle in the eyes feels. Not good. It's scary to think about eye injuries happening to us.Anyway, this short is great from beginning to end! There's 2 things I don't get 1.) Why did the bad guys still think the Stooges were "dames" when Curly has his bonnet off? I think it's Dick Curtis that says the "dame or no dame" line, but can we be sure from that line that he knew the Stooges were guys? Wouldn't he have exclaimed something like Bud Jamson as Pierre in "Whoops, I'm an indian", when he said "She's a HE!"?2. How in the world did all of the bad guys and all of the Stooges totally trade places in the car?Aside from these gliches, it's a great film, made all the better by the presence of the lovely Lorna Gray. I could look at her all day and night. (SIGH)ISLIPP-you TRIPP. ®2001Edited by - ISLIPP on 10/23/2001 1:20:34 AM
Posted 2001-03-06 00:03:00 by sickdrjoe
Even if you don't like the Stooges (and if so, why are you reading this?), this short features Lorna Gray (aka Adrian Booth Bryan), the most drop-dead gorgeous woman ever to appear with the boys. Unfortunately, being under contract to Columbia limited her opportunities and her career never took off as it might have somewhere else...but what a woman! Christine might've been a better actress and nobody played outraged society matrons like Symona, but Lorna/Adrian was the piece de resistance. Huh? The SHORT?? Oh, yeah, the short! It's great, of course!
Posted 2000-12-31 12:52:00 by Uncle Mortimer
Tony, whadaya been smokin? This is a great short! It might not be "ACHE IN EVERY STAKE", but it still has memorable scenes, good lines, great violence and "CURLY: THE WISHIN' WIZARD". Not to mention APRIL, MAY & JUNE! Three of the sweetest dames in Stoogeville. (they rank right up their with Mergatroyd's 'leggy' assistant in "Fiddler's Three"
Posted 2000-09-15 19:27:00 by Ichabod Slipp
Some great scenes in the barn trying to saw a saw in half with a saw, see? I do wonder how they did that oil gusher scene on Columbia's budget.