Stooges' Lost Episodes, The (The Fifty Never Before Released Stooge Adventures)
Playing violin at McGurn's cafe in exchange for a bowl of soup, Prof. Perriwinkle's rendition of Pop Goes the Weasel turns waiter Rameses (Shemp Howard) into a fighting whirlwind, knocking out customer Killer Kilduff (Joe Palma), the boxing champ. Promoter Jonesy immediately signs Rameses and Perriwinkle, and the three set out to make Rameses the new champ. At the championship bout, the Prof's violin is smashed and he begins a mad rush to find another source of the magic tune. Rameses is left to stall and keep Kilduff from pounding him into the canvas.
Professor Perriwinkle is played by former Hal Roach director and screenwriter Charley Rogers, a life-long friend of Stan Laurel's who appeared in several L&H comedies, notably as the butler in OUR WIFE (1931).
A remake of PUNCH DRUNKS (1934). A couple of the longer shots of Prof running are stock footage of Larry Fine from that Three Stooges comedy.
Shemp Howard
Marilyn Johnson
Rameses' fiancee
John Tyrrell
Spud McGurn
Robert Williams
Joe Palma
Killer Kilduff
Wally Rose
Scarred fighter
Blackie Whiteford
Restaurant patron
Charley Rogers
Professor Periwinkle
Heinie Conklin
Lew Davis
Ring announcer
Johnny Kascier
Kilduff corner man
Arthur Housman
Harry Watson
Boy throwing gumballs
Al Thompson
Spectator with cigar
Victor Travers
Spectator with toupee
Jack Hill
Sam Lufkin
Don Brodie
Arthur Rowlands
Frank Mills
Charles King
Man on truck
Larry Fine
archive footage
Unidentified A HIT WITH A MISS 1
Kilduff corner man
Unidentified A HIT WITH A MISS 2
Jules White
Jules White
Jack White
Moe Howard
Larry Fine
Jerry Howard
George Meehan
Director of Photography
Charles Hochberg
Film Editor
Charles Clague
Art Director
Prod. No.: | 4038 |
Shooting Days: | 4 days From: 1945-01-03 To: 1945-01-06 |
No audio files are available for this episode.
A Rework of the July 13, 1934: Moe, Larry, and Curly short: "PUNCH DRUNKS:"
SHEMP HOWARD........................K.O. RAMESES
ROBERT WILLIAMS....................JONESY
JOE PALMA.............................KILLER KILDUFF
JOHN TYRRELL........................SPUD MCGURN
HEINIE CONKLIN......................REFEREE
LARRY FINE..............................STOCK FOOTAGE
The short starts off with a camera close-up of Rameses and his fiancée. They are entering a city park in the Spring Time. The park is calm and serine. The sun is shining. There is no wind. The lake is totally calm, not a ripple on it. Rameses and his fiancée are now approaching a park bench where they are now sitting down.
RAMESES to his FIANCÉE: (They are now approaching the park bench and he is holding a box of chocolates says to her). "Here we are dear, sit right down!"
FIANCÉE to RAMESES: (As they are now sitting down on the park bench and Rameses is opening the box of chocolates. She has a really happy look on her face and glee in her eyes as she notices the gift that Rameses has brought her states). "Oh, Rameses!"
RAMESES to his FIANCÉE: (With a look of glee on his face and happiness in his eyes as he is finishing opening the box of chocolates states). "I got you some bon-bons!"
FIANCÉE to RAMESES: (As they both are taking a piece of chocolate and she has a happy look on her face says to him in a thankful tone of voice). "Thank-you!"
RAMESES to his FIANCÉE: (As he is now starting to eat his piece of chocolate with a happy look on his face says to her). "You\'re welcome!"
FIANCÉE to RAMESES: (With a look of wonderment on her face and a state of question in her voice says). "Rameses, darling, my father and mother are getting awfully impatient about us!"
RAMESES to his FIANCÉE: (As he is looking at her with a look of dismay on his and question in his voice). "What are they so impatient about? We\'ve only been engaged seven years!"
FIANCÉE to RAMESES: (With a hurt look on her face and wonderment in her voice states). "Well, seven years is a long time!"
Camera is now back on Rameses and his fiancée. They are both still sitting on the park bench and eating the chocolates. She is giving Rameses a look of embarrassment as she is thinking, {that the bullfrog that she does not know about yet}, is Rameses belching.
They both give each other looks of disappointment thinking that it is each other that is belching, {not yet knowing that it is a bullfrog}.
FIANCÉE to RAMESES: (With a look of dismay on her face and he has one on his face for her as she says to Rameses). "Darling, we must do something, father says if you don\'t propose pretty soon, he\'s gonna make me marry Kilduff!"
RAMESES to his FIANCÉE: (With a look of madness on his face and madness in his voice as he pounds one hand on the park bench in reference to his fiancée\'s statement about Kilduff, is slightly shouting). "Kilduff, you can\'t marry a prize fighter!"
Rameses has just now finished his second piece of chocolate, {the bullfrog has now croaked again that they do not know about yet}. His fiancée is now giving Rameses a look of embarrassment.
FIANCÉE to RAMESES: (As they both still are sitting on the park bench enjoying the chocolates. She is giving Rameses a mad look and has madness in her eyes, {the bullfrog has now croaked again, and they still don\'t know about him yet}. as she is thinking that Rameses is belching states). "That isn\'t very nice!"
RAMESES to his FIANCÉE: (Also giving her a look of wonderment and supporting a bit of a mad tone of voice, {still not knowing yet about Mr. Bullfrog}, (as he is thinking that it is her who is belching), "No, I was thinking the same thing about you!"
Mr. Bullfrog has now let a giant and huge croak. Rameses and his fiancée are supporting looks of dismay on their faces still thinking that it is each other that is belching.
FIANCÉE to RAMESES: (She now has a look of really madness on her face and madness in her voice as she is holding a piece of chocolate. She sighs and shouts at him still thinking that he is belching). "Now, see here, Rameses, that is enough of that!"
RAMESES to his FIANCÉE: (Looking at her with madness in his eyes and madness in his voice shouts back to her thinking she is the one that is belching). "I didn\'t do it, you did!"
FIANCÉE to RAMESES: (Giving him a look of hurt and glare and has madness in her voice as she still is sitting on the park bench and holding onto a piece of chocolate says to him in reference to belching). "No, I didn\'t!"
Mr. bullfrog has just now croaked another large and giant croak for the fifth time. Rameses fiancée gives him another look of embarrassment.
Mr. bullfrog has now made his presence and has hopped onto a rock in front of them. Rameses and his fiancée have just noticed the bullfrog and they give the bullfrog stares of wonderment.
They both have now discovered that is was a croaking bullfrog all along and are smiling and laughing hysterically in glee.
RAMESES to his FIANCÉE: (As they both are smiling joyfully and laughing loudly in glee says to her as he is pointing a finger at the bullfrog says). "Somebody outta feed that guy bicarbonate of soda!"
As Rameses and his fiancée are sitting on the park bench, enjoying the beautiful Spring day, each others company and laughing at the bullfrog. He then notices his watch and gulps loudly and now has a worried look on his face.
RAMESES to his FIANCÉE: (As he is getting up and giving her a quick goodbye kiss and the remaining portion of the box of chocolates and a happy and loving look states). "Oh, gee, baby, I\'m late! I gotta get going, see ya tonight! Bye!"
Rameses is now in a hurry because he is late for work. He is in such a rush that he mistakenly grabs her hat instead of his as he is rushing off.
FIANCÉE to RAMESES: (As she has now noticed that he has taken her hat by mistake calls back to him with a smile on her face and glee in her voice). "Rameses!"
RAMESES to his FIANCÉE: (Has now turned back around and is smiling at her lovingly says). "Bye!"
Rameses has just noticed that he has taken her hat by mistake and is running back to make the change.
RAMESES to his FIANCÉE: (As he has now noticed that he has her hat instead of his says to her in a kind and tender tone of voice and a gleeful look on his face as he puts down his cane says). "Eveytime I leave, I get so excited!"
Rameses has now put what he thinks is her hat on her head, but instead is still his hat. He has put what he thinks is his hat, but is hers on his head and as it falls off and now has put it back on his head and he picks up his cane and now rushing off again, late for work.
RAMESES to his FIANCÉE: (As he has put on what he thinks is his hat, but still ends up being hers, and once again he picks up his cane and is rushing off to work and says to her in a lovingly voice). "Goodbye!"
RAMESES to his FIANCÉE: (As he has now for the third time come back for the hat exchange says to her as he is handing her, her hat and he is now finally taking his says). "How do ya like, will you hold this a minute, hold that, can\'t make decisions!"
Rameses has now finally put on his hat and is now picking up his cane for the third time and is leaving in a hurry for work.
RAMESES to his FIANCÉE: (With a look of wonder on his face and a worried sounding voice about being late for work has now put on his hat and now has his hand stuck to the brim says to her as he is running off). "How do you like that, I\'m late, I\'ll have to get a plumber to get my hand out!"
Rameses with his hand stuck to his hat brim picks up his cane and is rushing off, late for work as his fiancée is watching him leave with glee in her eyes and a big smile on her face.
Camera close-up on a beautiful beveled glass door of a restaurant that has the name of the restaurant etched in the glass that reads:
We are inside the restaurant.
The customer is sitting at a table. He has his napkin tucked in shirt collar and is using it as a bib. He is using very poor table manners. He has one arm on the table. He is holding his fork like you would a shovel and he is shoveling in his food.
Rameses has now entered the restaurant, late for work as he is closing the door behind him. Has tipped his hat to the restaurant owner, "Spud McGurn", his boss.
Rameses is now getting ready for work. He has put his hat, cane, coat, and gloves on a coat rack. He is now taking out a long tailed shirt tail that he has tucked in trousers and is now using it as an apron. He now takes from his vest pocket a shoe buffer and is now buffing his shoes. He then looks into the mirror and is now using the shoe buffer as a hair brush. Then he takes a napkin and drapes in over his arm and then he picks up an order pad and pencil.
All the while that Rameses was prepping for work, his boss, Spud McGurn, was standing there in front of the cheque out stand with his hands balled up into fists and on his waist. He has his lips puckered in, in total madness and with a total look of madness and grimace on his face.
JONESY to the CHAMPION FIGHTER: (With a mad look on his face and is shouting madly, as they are sitting at a table. Jonesy is eating and he is arguing with the fighter). "Hey, wait a minute champ, how about our agreement?"
CHAMPION FIGHTER to JONESY: (Has a mad look on his face and grimace in his eyes as he is shouting back at Jonesy in madness). "Our, contract expired, we don\'t have time with you, we\'re through!"
The champion fighter is refering to himself and the other gentleman who is sitting at the table with them who is also a fighter and is under the same contract.
JONESY to the CHAMPION FIGHTER: (As he is eating his food. Has a mad look on his face and is shouting and pointing a finger wildly at him states). "You mugs can\'t do this to me!, I\'ll be left without any fighters!"
Rameses is now approaching the table to take the remaining orders.
CHAMPION FIGHTER to RAMESES: (As he is still look at Jonesy in total madness shouts to Rameses). "I want a steak!"
RAMESES to the CHAMPION FIGHTER: (Rameses has a professional look on his face and a professional tone of voice says to the fighter as he takes the list of steaks from his pocket and hands it to the fighter). "Good choice!"
CHAMPION FIGHTER to RAMESES: (As he has made up his mind about his steak choice says to him a total state of happiness). "Give me a \'Filly-mig-don\', well done! Say, is that good?"
RAMESES to the CHAMPION FIGHTER: (As he is writing down the fighters order and has a look of mischief on his face and is smiling states). "Oh, gentlemen, everything we have here is excellent, but if I might suggest, the roast beef? {Rameses is now giving the fighter a really mischievous look, and has cocked his head in mischief}.
CHAMPION FIGHTER to RAMESES: (In a thorough state of madness and using a mad and irate voice shouts at Rameses). "I tell you I don\'t like roast beef!"
CHAMPION FIGHTER to RAMESES: (The fighter is now furious with Rameses and is turning his head madly and is shouting loudly). "Hey, McGurn?"
CHAMPION FIGHTER to RAMESES: (The fighter has now turned back around and is look at Rameses in a really mad state as he is pounding one of his hands on the table and is waving the other one madly shouts loud and mad at Rameses). "Send, McGurn over here!"
Mr. McGurn, the restaurant manager has now rushed over to the table to see what the commotion is all about and to settle the dispute.
As Mr. McGurn is now rushing over to the table to see what is going on, the third guest has now stood up.
MR. McGURN to the CHAMPION FIGHTER: (As he is approaching the table with a worried look on his face and dismay in his eyes says). "What\'s going on?"
CHAMPION FIGHTER to MR. McGURN: (Thoroughly mad and is shouting madly and furiously as he is shouting). "We\'re trying to order something to eat, and all this dope keeps yappin\', roast beef, roast beef, roast beef!"
MR. McGURN to the CHAMPION FIGHTER: (With a look of madness on his face and is shouting back to the fighter in a mad tone of voice as he is waving his hand at the fighter in madness states). "So, what, you think the roast beef is bad?"
All the while that Mr. McGurn and the champion fighter were having their argument, Rameses was standing by them holding his order pad and pencil and looking at the fighter with a look of wonderment on his face.
The champion fighter is now furiously mad at both Mr. McGurn and Rameses as he is now standing up and taking hold of both Mr. McGurn\'s head and Rameses head and he is knocking them together in a state of furry and hate.
After Mr. McGurn and Rameses have just gotten their heads knocked together. Mr. McGurn has now turned away and is bending over and rubbing his head in pain and has a painful look on his face and shouts painfully "O-U-C-H!" Rameses is standing there looking at the fighter with a horrible look of pain on his face and is also shouting "O-U-C-H!"
CHAMPION FIGHTER to MR. McGURN and RAMESES: (The fighter is standing up with a horrible look of madness on his face and madness in his voice as he shouts to both of them). "I don\'t want roast beef!"
CHAMPION FIGHTER to RAMESES: (Still in a total state of furry and with a mad and nasty look on his face as he is pointing a finger at Rameses in madness shouts). "Now, bring me a steak smothered in lamb chops, or I\'ll break your noggin!"
THIRD GUEST to RAMESES: (As he is also pointing a finger at himself and is shouting at Rameses madly as he is standing up in reference to the champions last order). "Me, too!"
Rameses is giving both of the guests an apologetic look and has an apologetic tone of voice.
RAMESES to the CHAMPION FIGHTER: (As he has a look of sorry on his face and is using an apologetic tone of voice as he is pulling out a chair for the fighter to sit on states). "Yes sir, sorry please sit down!"
Rameses has now moved the chair away from the champion fighter in madness. The champion fighter goes to sit down in what he thought was a chair but lands hard on the floor.
Rameses is now running away to void being hit by the fighter who is now getting up. All three of the guests are now in a furious state and are giving Rameses horrible looks of madness and glares as Rameses is running away.
The other gentleman has now entered the restaurant in a proud state and is closing the door gently behind himself.
The gentleman with a fiddle in his hand is looking the restaurant over when he and Mr McGurn lock eyes and give each other looks of awe.
MR. McMcGURN to the GENTLEMAN: (Mr. McGurn to the other gentleman with a look of wonderment on his face says). "Yes, sir!"
GENTLEMAN WITH FIDDLE to MR. McGURN: (As the gentleman has a happy tone of voice and a smile on his face. Tips his half of a hat to Mr. McGurn, he tips the top part at Mr. McGurn while the brim of his hat is still on his head). "How do you do?" Professor Periwinkle is the name. I think a little entertainment might liven up this place, and increase your business too!"
MR. McGURN to PROFESSOR PERIWINKLE: (Looking at him with wonderment in return states). "Could be, I\'ll give you a bowl of soup!"
PROFESSOR PERIWINKLE to MR. McGURN: (As he is still standing in front of Mr. McGurn at the cheque out table holding his fiddle and giving Mr. McGurn a happy and proud look points a finger at Mr. McGurn and says in a happy agreeable tone of voice). "I\'ll take it!"
Mr. McGurn has now shrugged his shoulders at Professor Periwinkle as Professor Periwinkle smiles happily back at Mr. MvGurn and smacks his lips and puts his finger on his lips and cheerfully tips his hat at Mr. McGurn and proudly walks away and takes a seat in a corner by an opened window.
MR. McGURN: (Shrugs his shoulders again and has a dazed look on his face and wonderment in his eyes as he is leaving the counter perplexed at Professor Periwinkles\' agreement). "Well, I\'ve seen everything!"
Professor Periwinkle is now in his corner window seat and is whistling merrily as he is getting ready to perform. He is merrily taking off his overcoat and is folding it neat and throws it underneath the table where he is at. He is smiling merrily as he is opening his fiddle case and he is removing the following different items.
1: A Cane: (Which he is place on the table in front of his fiddle case).
2: A Comb: (Which he is also placing on the table in front of his fiddle case).
3: A Salt Shaker: (Which he is placing on the table at the side of his fiddle case).
4: A White Tuxedo Style Collar: (Which he is also placing on the table in front of his fiddle case).
5: A Pair Of Well Polished Dress Shoes: (Which he blows the dust from inside and throws them on the floor in front of the table he is standing behind).
6: A Hot Water Bottle: (Which he is also placing on the table in front of his fiddle case).
7: His Fiddle Bow: (Which he is placing also at the side of his fiddle case on the table).
8: His Fiddle: (Which he is holding onto).
All the while that Professor Periwinkle was merrily "unpacking" his fiddle case, Mr. McGurn was standing at the cheque out stand, standing and watching him with a smile on his face and is laughing quietly.
Professor Periwinkle is now sitting down and is playing "The Blue Danube Waltz". The window where he is sitting is open. While Professor Periwinkle is sitting there with a happy look on his face and happily playing his fiddle a little bird has landed on his fiddle bow and is chirping happily in harmony with Professor Periwinkles\' playing. The Professor is loving it and is smiling happily at the little bird. The little bird has now flown off of his fiddle bow and into the restaurant, while Professor Periwinkle is watching the little bird in awe and with a smile on his face.
Rameses with a look of worry on his face is now running out of the kitchen at a fast pace to deliver the two fighters their food. As Rameses is running he trips over a nearby chair leg and looses his balance and spills the food onto the table and the scalding hot coffee on the lap of the champion fighter.
RAMESES to the TWO FIGHTER: (As the two fighters and Jonesy are standing up with horrified looks on their faces as they are brushing the scalding hot coffee off of themselves. Rameses has a look of panic on his face and a very apologetic tone of voice as he goes and helps them brush the coffee off of themselves says). "I\'m sorry, I\'m sorry, I\'m so sorry, I\'m sorry!"
CHAMPION FIGHTER to RAMESES: (As the two fighters and Jonesy are standing up in total state of madness and panic in their voices as the champion fighter shouts loudly). "Clumsy, what\'s the matter with you?"
RAMESES to the SECOND FIGHTER: (As is walking over the fighter with an apologetic look on his face and an apologetic tone of voice as he is now over helping the second fighter wipe the coffee off of himself also states). "I\'m sorry, I\'m sorry, I\'m so sorry, I\'m sorry!"
As the two fighters and Jonesy are finishing wiping the coffee of themselves they are giving Rameses horrible and nasty looks.
As Rameses is in the process of helping the two fighters wipe off any remaining spots of coffee the champion fighter takes a hold of Rameses nose and tweeks it hard, then the second fighter pulls his ears roughly and now the champion fighter is back and slugs Rameses hard in the stomach, the second fighter is now kicking poor Rameses in the backside. Rameses is now yelling loudly in pain \'Ouh-ouh-ouh-ouh-ouh!"
JONESY to RAMESES: (In a mad tone of voice and with total madness on his face shouts loudly and madly at Rameses). "You like to butt into things, well butt into this!"
RAMESES to JONESY and the TWO FIGHTERS: (In a horrible state of pain, pain on his face and pain in his voice as he is rubbing his sore nose says madly). "Let me alone, I\'m a union man, let me alone fellas!"
Professor Periwinkle is now standing up happily and is getting ready to play his fiddle hoping it would calm things down.
Professor Periwinkle has now decided to play a cheeful and upbeat tune to liven things up so he has chose to play "POP GOES THE WEASEL!"
Jonesy and the two fighters are watching Rameses as he is panicking out with worried looks on their faces.
As Professor Periwinkle is playing "POP GOES THE WEASEL", Rameses is now totally panicking out. He is going into a hypnotic state. He is jumping up and down, shouting in panic \'EEB-EBB-EBB-EEB-EEB ---- TA-TA-TA-TA-TA ---- ARUFF-ARUFF-ARUFF-ARUFF-ARUFF!\' Rameses is now in his full hypnotic state and not realizing what he is doing. He rushes over to the champion fighter and then the second fighter and knocks them out cold to the floor. Then he is still in his state of furry spins around several times then turns over a set of chairs and table. Then he bounces up and down a few more times and still not realizing what he is doing being totally mesmerized and hypnotized by the song "POP GOES THE WEASEL", now rushes over and knocks Jonesy out cold also.
Rameses is still in his hypnotic state from Professor Periwinkle playing "POP GOES THE WEASEL!" Rameses now picks up a chair to throw it. Professor Periwinkle has now realized what is going on and has stopped playing it.
JONESY to RAMESES: (Rushes over to Rameses and is helping him calm down with a worried look on his face puts his hand on Rameses shoulder says). "Hey, take it easy!"
Rameses is now calming down, he is hitting the sides of his head six times, and is kneeling on the chair in a total state of exhaustion and is swaying to and fro and blinking his eyes in pain. Rameses is now calmed down.
Jonesy is still sitting on the floor, with his hands on his lips and a horrified and worried look on his face at what just has happened to Rameses.
As Jonesy is getting up he looks over at the two fighters who are still lying on the floor totally knocked out and have dumbfounded looks on their faces.
Jonesy is now rushing over to Rameses with a look of happiness on his face and glee in his voice.
JONESY to RAMESES: (In a thorough state of happiness says). "Boy, oh, boy, you\'re terrific, you just knocked out the champ!"
Rameses is now looking at the champion wrestler with a look of dazement on his face.
RAMESES to JONESY: (As he is taking a few paces backwards and shouts \'EEB-EEB-EEB-EEB-EEB\', as he is looking at Jonesy in a total state of worry and panic and panic in his eyes says as he is waving a hand in worry). "Did I do that?"
JONESY to RAMESES: (As he is looking at Rameses with a look of dismay on his face and worried in his voice as Jonesy is pointing at Rameses and shouts in glee). "Did you do that, don\'t you remember!"
RAMESES to JONESY: (With a total look on pain and panic on his face as he says to Jonesy in a low, monotone voice pitch). "No, everytime I hear that song "POP GOES THE WEASEL" song, something pops inside of me, and then everything goes blank." (Rameses is pointing to his head).
JONESY to RAMESES: (With a look of wonder on his face and is thinking says). "Is that so?"
Mr. McGurn has just now approached Rameses.
MR. McGURN to RAMESES: (In a furious state with thorough madness in his voice and a furious look on his face says as he slaps Rameses and then bonks him on the nose). "What\'s the idea, knocking out the champ, didn\'t I tell you that the customer is always right, you got something, you can\'t do that!"
Mr. McGurn is now furiously mad at Rameses and is hitting Rameses on the face in a fit of rage.
RAMESES to MR. McGURN: (In an apologetic tone of voice and a hurtful look on his face as he is rubbing his face in pain and is pacing to and fro states). "I\'m sorry, I\'m sorry, I\'m sorry, I\'m sorry!"
Jonesy is now approaching Professor Periwinkle who has been standing in the background holding his fiddle and watching all of the commotion with a look od dismay and wonderment on his face.
JONESY to PROFESSOR PERIWINKLE: (As Jonesy is running up to Professor Periwinkle with a look of dismay on his face and wonder in his voice as he puts a hand on Professor Periwinkles\' shoulder says). "Hey, fiddler, play that last tune again!"
Professor Periwinkle is now putting his fiddle underneath his chin as he has nodded his head affirmatively to Jonesy and has a look of dismay on his face as his eyes are popping out of his head is now in the process of once again playing, "POP GOES THE WEASEL".
Rameses is now hearing Professor Periwinkle playing "POP GOES THE WEASEL" for the second time. Rameses starts to go into his mesmerized, hypnotic state of panic saying, \'EEB-EEB-EEB-EEB-EEB ----- ARUFF-ARUFF-ARUFF-ARUFF-ARUFF,\' with a deep look of panic on his face, then he stomps his foot madly and is swinging his fists out of control. He has just now knocked Mr. McGurn in the face and has sent him flying totally knocked out to the top of the chandelier. Rameses is now swinging around several times in panic.
Jonesy has just now noticed that his second try at the "POP GOES THE WEASEL" song worked out the way he wanted it to.
JONESY to PROFESSOR PERIWINKLE: (In a total state of happiness and glee in his voice as he puts his hands on Professor Periwinkles\' shoulders says). "Hold it fiddler, it worked, oh, boy!"
Jonesy is now happily running over to Rameses finding himself his next fighter.
Rameses is now returning from his out of body and mind experience as Professor Periwinkle has now stopped playing "POP GOES THE WEASEL". Rameses is now once again saying \'EEB-EEB-EEB-EEB-EEB,\' as he is hitting himself four times on the sides of his head.
JONESY to RAMESES: (Saying to him in a calm and gentle voice as he is putting a hand on Rameses shoulder states). "Come on, snap out of it!"
RAMESES to JONESY: (As he is looking Jonesy with a look of worry on his face and in his eyes says to him). "That total eclipse again, what happened?"
JONESY to RAMESES: (With a total look of glee on his face and in his eyes as he is pointing at the chandelier where Rameses has sent Mr. McGurn flying and knocking him totally out says). "Look!"
Professor Periwinkle has now also returned to Rameses side with a look of hurt and can I help with anything look on his face.
RAMESES to JONESY: (As he is looking at Mr. McGurn hanging on the chandelier jumps back a couple of paces and shutters a bit as he is waving his hands in worry states). "How did McGurn get up there?"
JONESY to RAMESES and PROFESSOR PERIWINKLE: (As Jonesy gives Professor Periwinkle a happy and joyful look and he is patting Rameses on the shoulder and is giving Rameses a look of happiness and says in a low, gruff voice). "Never mind, from now on, we\'re a corporation. Professor your\'re "Vice President In Charge Of Music," and you\'re the preferred stock. Come on, let\'s get going, we\'ve got work to do!"
Jonesy has his hands on Rameses shoulder in friendship and is giving him a happy look. Rameses is standing in the middle with his arms spread and a look of wonderment on his face. Professor Periwinkle is also standing by Rameses arm, and is giving Rameses a look of dismay.
RAMESES to JONESY and PROFESSOR PERIWINKLE: (With a look of dismay on his face and a worried tone of voice as he is walking over to Mr. McGurn who is still hanging from the chandelier, but now has woken up says in general discussion). "Wait, a minute!"
RAMESES: (Is now standing on a chair by Mr. McGurn who is still draped over the chandelier. Rameses is now pulling up Mr. McGurn\'s trouser leg and is pulling out McGurn\'s hair on his legs and is saying). "She loves me, she loves me not, she loves me!"
As Rameses is pulling out Mr. McGurn\'s leg hairs he is yelling out in pain.
MR. McGURN to RAMESES: (In a total state of pain and is still draped over the chandelier is waving his arms to and fro and is shouting loudly and madly at Rameses). "You\'re fired!"
RAMESES to MR. McGURN: (As he is still standing on the chair with a look of madness on his face and with madness in his voice. Rameses is now viciously biting Mr. McGurn\'s leg shouts back). "I quit!"
After Rameses has viciously bitten Mr. McGurn on his leg is now getting off of the chair with a look of happiness on his face. As Rameses is getting down off of the chair Mr. McGurn reaches over one last time, still draped on the chandelier, and slaps Rameses hard on the face.
RAMESES to MR. McGURN: (After he has viciously bitten Mr. McGurn\'s leg a second time and Mr. McGurn has yelled out loudly in pain, Rameses says to Mr. McGurn in a really happy tone of voice). "I quit, now!"
We are now at different boxing matches where Rameses is fighting and winning the matches. All the while the different audiences are standing up and cheering him onto victory in delight. While Professor Periwinkle is standing in the sidelines with his fiddle and is hypnotizing Rameses towards his victories by playing, "POP GOES THE WEASEL".
The following different clips are now appearing mentioning the different fights that Rameses has won, plus announcing all of his victories:
1: K. O. Rameses stops Gitlitz.
2: Rameses scores knockout.
3: K. O. Rameses wins again.
He is now at his fourth winning fight with his arms raised in the air in victory with a look of happiness on his face and the fight manager is by his side smiling at Rameses in total delight.
We are now at Rameses fifth fight and an announcement sign comes up that reads as follows:
"Rameses to meet Champ."
Rameses is now in the basment of the fight arena where he is doing deep knee bends to limber up with a look of determination on his face while his fiancée is sitting on a massage table watching him work out with a total look of happiness on her face.
Jonesy and Professor Periwinkle have now entered the room unannounced to Rameses. Rameses now has a set of five pound dumbbells in his hands and is now working his biceps along with deep knee bends. As Rameses is standing up and stretching his arms out sideways doing arm bends. Jonesy and Professor Periwinkle are standing by Rameses sides. Jonesy is on Rameses right side while Professor Periwinkle is by Rameses left side. Rameses not knowing they are there flings out his arms with the five pound weights still in his hands, hits both Jonesy and Professor Periwinkle square in their kissers.
Rameses fiancée is still sitting on the massage table looking at both Professor Periwinkle and Jonesy with a worried look on her face.
JONESY to RAMESES: (As he is rubbing his sore face shouting at Rameses in a playful tone of voice). "Cut it out, always showing off for that girl, how many times have I gotta tell ya, that boxing and woman don\'t mix, now hurry up and get ready for the fight!"
Both Jonesy and Professor Periwinkle have now left still rubbing their faces in pain.
RAMESES to his FIANCÉE: (As he leaning on the massage table and says to her in a low worried tone of voice and has worry in his eyes says). "Don\'t let them worry you honey, when I win this fight tonight, I\'ll have enough money to retire!"
FIANCÉE to RAMESES: (As she is looking at him lovingly and has a look of love in her eyes says in a sweet tone of voice to Rameses). "And then can we get married?"
She is looking at Rameses adorningly and has true love in her eyes and is smiling at Rameses in a sweet and loving manner.
FIANCÉE to RAMESES: (With a loving look on her face and mischief in her voice says). "Kiss me!"
Rameses is looking at her with a look of wonder on his face and joy in his eyes, as Rameses is now approaching his fiancée with a happy look on his face as he puckers up his lips and gives her a loving look and goes over to give her a gentle kiss. She grabs hold of him tight and lovingly and they are now engaged in a giant-sized hug and kiss-athon!"
As they were engaged in their giant-sized hug and kiss-athon, fireworks were exploding all around them.
After they have finished kissing, Rameses is now in a total state of joy and happiness and has love written all over his face says, \'Unh-unh-unh-unh-unh ---- woof-woof-woof-woof-woof\', as he is fanning himself with his hand to cool himself off.
JONESY to RAMESES: (As he is approaching Rameses and has noticed that he was engaged in a deep kiss with his fiancée, says to him as he pats him on the shoulder and has a worried look on his face and in his voice states). "Hey, take it easy, K. O., take it easy!"
JONESY to ROB: (Jonesy is waving his finger at Rob and giving Rob a determined look says). "Rob, cool him off!"
Rameses is still hot from his kissing engagement with his fiancée. Rob is now walking over with a giant pail of water and is dumping over Rameses head to cool him off.
As Rameses is getting the pail of water poured on him, his fiancée is in the background, still sitting on the massage table with a horrified look on her face. Jonesy is standing behind Rameses with his hands in fists and on his waist with a look of wonderment on his face.
RAMESES: (In general discussion to everyone as he is looking up at the ceiling and not realizing he just had a pail of water dumped on him says). "How do you like that, the roof is leaking and me without rubbers!"
We are now at the arena where the big fight is taking place betwixt Rameses and Killer Kilduff. Rameses is in the right corner of the fight arena and Killer Kilduff is in the left corner of the arena.
The announcer is now making his announcement which is:
"The main event of the evening, a middle weight championship bought, fifteen rounds, in this corner the defending champion "Killer Kilduff", {the announcer has just now pointed to the left corner of the arena where \'Killer Kilduff\' is standing up shaking his hands in glee}, The announcer again, {as he is pointing to the right corner of the arena saying}, "In this corner the challenger, K. O. Rameses!"
Rameses is now standing up waving his hands above his head in glee as he has a really happy look on his face. Jonesy is standing by him as well as Professor Periwinkle, both with gleeful looks on their faces.
Killer Kilduff is now knocking his gloves together and giving Rameses a look that says I am going to beat the living daylights out of you.
After Rameses has noticed Killer Kilduff\'s look to "KILL!", is now chickening out and is trying to escape through the guard ropes.
JONESY to RAMESES: (As he is grabbing Rameses by the arm and is dragging him back into the arena says). "Hey, where are you going!"
RAMESES to JONESY: (With a terrible look of scaredness on his face and is using a scared tone of voice says). "Look, Jonesy, I got a feeling I shouldn\'t fight this fight, that guy is too tough and besides he\'s mad at me for knocking him out!"
JONESY to RAMESES: (Putting a hand on Rameses shoulder and saying in a comforting tone of voice). "Oh, relax, with the Professor here, on the spindle box, you have nothing to worry about!"
Rameses and Killer Kilduff are now entering the arena giving each other ugly looks.
FIGHTER MANAGER to RAMESES and KILLER KILDUFF: (The fight manager is now talking to both of the fighters and is saying). "Now boys, make it a good fight, play it clean and no dirty fighting."
KILLER KILDUFF to the FIGHT MANAGER: (As he has just clobbered Rameses in the head hard and knocking Rameses to the floor asks). "Okay, but first a point of information referee, what about this kind of a punch?"
Jonesy is now shouting loudly and has a horrible mad look on his face.
JONESY to KILLER KILDUFF: (Pointing at him madly and is shouting at him in a really mad voice states). "Hey, that\'s a Rabbit Punch!"
FIGHT MANAGER to KILLER KILDUFF: (As the manager is hitting Killer Kilduff hard with a finger and has a really mad look on his face and states in a tone of voice). "No, that is out, if you do it, it will cost you two points!"
FIGHT MANAGER to RAMESES and KILLER KILDUFF: (In a professional tone of voice says). "Now, go to your corners and come out fighting!"
Rameses is now rolling over in a total state of dazement and is staggering to his feet.
JONESY to PROFESSOR PERIWINKLE: (As he is giving Professor Periwinkle a stern look and is talking to him in a pleasant tone of voice). "Okay, now pop, you know what to do, I\'ll give you the signal when to start!"
Rameses is now back in his corner and is sitting on his stool as with Killer Kilduff.
Rameses is sitting on his stool in a total state of dazement as Jonesy is giving him a drink of water to wash his mouth out and then Jonesy is holding a spit horn to Rameses to spit in.
RAMESES to the SPIT HORN: (Still is a total state of dazement as he is looking at the horn says). "Hello ma, hello pa, it was a tough fight, but I won!"
JONESY to RAMESES: (In a total state of panic as he has now noticed Rameses condition shouts). "Holy, smokes!"
Jonesy is now at a pail of ice water and is in total state of panic at Rameses condition that he is taking a large sponge soaking in the ice water and is squeezing it over Rameses head to bring him too.
Rameses is now coming too as the ice water is hitting him and he has a cold look on his face is shouting \'EEB-EEB-EEB-EEB-EEB ---- TA-TA-TA-TA-TA ---- Bruff-bruff-bruff-bruff-bruff.\'"
RAMESES to JONESY: (As Rameses has now come too, is looking at Jonesy with a worried look on his face and question in his voice asks). "What happened?, what round is it, did I win?"
JONESY to RAMESES: (In a total state of calmness says to Rameses). "Take it easy K. O.!"
The timekeeper is now looking at his watch and is getting ready to ring the bell for round one. The timekeeper has now sounded for round one. K. O. Rameses is now getting up from his stool and is heading over with a really scared look on his face to meet with Killer Kilduff. Killer Kilduff is now punching his goves in the air as if it is K. O.\'s face. K. O. Rameses is now chickening out and has returned to his corner.
K. O. RAMESES to JONESY: (In a total state of panic says). "Look Jonesy, I don\'t wanna......"
JONESY to K . O. RAMESES: (As he is shoving K. O. back into the centre of the ring with a mad look on his face and madness in his voice says). "Go, on, get in there and fight!.
Rameses is now back in the centre of the ring totally scared but is now getting ready to fight.
Professor Periwinkle in now commencing to play "POP GOES THE WEASEL."
The crowd is cheering loudly.
Rameses is now hearing "POP GOES THE WEASEL" and is now in the centre of the arena and is saying, \'Beep-beep-beep-beep-beep, ---- Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta, ---- Aruff-aruff-aruff-aruff-aruff ---- Eeb-eeb-eeb-eeb-eeb,\' as he is being hypnotized by the song "POP GOES THE WEASEL" and is now taking a punch at Killer Kilduff who is looking at K. O. with a look of dazement.
As K. O. is now in his hypnotic state goes to take a punch at Killer Kilduff, Kilduff blocks his punch and pushes K. O. slightly making K. O. loose his balance and K. O. is now falling backwards into the guard ropes and lands on Professor Periwinkles\' fiddle and breaks it.
The crowd is now laughing and jeering at K. O. Rameses as he is falling.
Jonesy has now rushed over to K. O. and is helping him up.
JONESY to K. O. RAMESES and PROFESSOR PERIWINKLE: (With a total horrified look on his face and a horrified sounding voice states when he has noticed the broken fiddle). "Holy, mackeral!"
Professor Periwinkle is standing there with a sad look on his face and sadness in his voice.
PROFESSOR PERIWINKLE to JONESY: (As he is giving Jonesy a sad and worried look and is slightly crying as he is holding his broken fiddle states). "Look, my violin is broken!"
JONESY to PROFESSOR PERIWINKLE: (In a total state of panic is shouting in a panic state and panic in his voice as he is shoving Professor Periwinkle and is saying). "Get another violin, hurry up!
Professor Periwinkle is now running out of the fight arena in a sad and panic state as he is hurrying to find another violin.
JONESY to K. O. RAMESES: (As he is patting K. O. on the shoulder and says to him in a worried voice and worry in his eyes). "Get in there and stall him, K. O., stall him!"
K. O. to JONESY: (As K. O. is getting up off of the floor and both K. O. and Jonesy have worried looks on their faces K. O. says). "Okay, okay!"
K. O. has now returned to the centre of the fight stage and is in a slight mischievous mood.
K. O. RAMESES to KILLER KILDUFF: (In a mischief mood as K. O. is kneeling to the floor). "Hey, come here!"
Killer Kilduff is looking around to see if he was gonna be getting any penalty points for kneeling down in front of K. O.
As Killer Kilduff is kneeling down in front of K. O. Rameses the crowd is shouting, cheering and jeering at them.
K. O. RAMESES to KILLER KILDUFF: (In a total state of mischief says). "I just heard a brand new story, \'ha-ha-ha-ha-ha\'!"
He is now running down the totally dark Larchmont Boulevard in search of a musical store for a new fiddle. But all of the stores are now shut down from business. The poor Professor Periwinkle is now frantically running around to find some version of "POP GOES THE WEASEL".
We are now back in the fight arena camera is on the fight manager, K. O. and Killer Kilduff.
K. O. RAMESES to KILLER KILDUFF: (As he is continuing his story says). "Now, if you heard it, stop me!"
KILLER KILDUFF to K. O. RAMESES: (With a mad look on his face and madness in his voice as he hits K. O. in the kisser says). "I\'ve heard it!"
K. O. is standing up and rubbing his face with a glove and is saying, \'oh-oh-ah, oh-oh-ah, oh-oh-ah\'."
FIGHT MANAGER to K. O. RAMESES and KILLER KILDUFF: (As he is separating them apart and says in a professional voice). "Come on now, and fight you Palookas!"
Killer Kilduff is now beating the daylights out of K. O. and the crowd is cheering Killer Kilduff on.
We are now back with the poor panicking Professor Periwinkle who is frantically running down Larchmont Boulevard and ajacent streets hoping to find some sort of a version of "POP GOES THE WEASEL."
We are now back in the fight arena where the crowd is shouting and jeering and cheering at K. O. Rameses and Killer Kilduff.
K. O. is shuffling around the arena avoiding being hit by Killer Kilduff. As Killer Kilduff is getting mad at K. O. for shuffling around to void being punched by him.
One again we are now back on the dark streets with the poor pathetic, frantic, Professor Periwinkle who is frantically searching for some version of "POP GOES THE WEASEL" Professor Periwinkle has now come upon a store that reads in the window: "RADIO SHOP!". Outside of the store is a radio that is playing "POP GOES THE WEASEL". The now totally frazzled, bedraggled, and worried Professor Periwinkle grabs the radio and is running down the streets at a frantic pace and back to the arena with it.
We are now back in the fight arena where Killer Kilduff has now totally knocked K. O. out and K. O. is out cold on the floor and the fight manager has now patted Killer Kilduff on the shoulder in congratulations. The fight manager is now standing over the totally knocked out K. O. Rameses and is counting 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8, as the fight manager was counting we have noticed that the Timekeeper was fast asleep.
Jonesy also noticed a kid with a sack of candy.
JONESY to the CANDY KID: (As he s cupping one side of his mouth with one hand and is shouting at the kid to get his attention and wanting the kid to throw a piece of candy at the bell to make it ring says). "Hey kid, kid, throw a piece of candy at the bell!"
The candy kid now has a piece of candy in his hand and a total look of mischief on his face as he is tossing the piece of candy and hitting the bell with it. As the candy has now hit the bell and rang it, this has now woken up the Timekeeper and has stopped the fight manager from counting and Killer Kilduff is now back to his corner of the ring as the knocked out K. O. Rameses is crawling back to his corner.
Jonesy is now helping up the really battered and bruised K. O. Rameses onto his stool.
JONESY to K. O. RAMESES: (As he is patting him on the shoulder and looking at him with a concerned look on his face says to K. O. Rameses). "All right, K. O. take a deep breath!"
K. O. is now taking a deep breath and is saying, \'Yeep-yeep-yeep-yeep-yeep,\' K. O. starts to cough a bit and Jonesy is patting him on the shoulder to help calm him down.
K. O. is still trying to get his breath back and is saying \'Eeb-eeb-eeb-eeb-eeb-eeb\'.
The crowd is now really mad and are jeering and booing loudly.
JONESY to K . O. RAMESES: (As he is patting K. O. Rameses on the shoulder and is in a worried state says). "Oh, where is Prof?"
K. O. Rameses is now still sayin, \'Yeep-yeep-yeep-yeep-yeep,\' as he is being patted on the shoulder by Jonesy to help him get his breath back.
We now return to dark and lonely streets and the now really worn-out, frazzled, bedraggled, and tired Professor Periwinkle who is now frantically running down the dark streets back to the arena with the radio that is playing, "POP GOES THE WEASEL" as fast as he can run.
The kid is in his mischievous state and has now thrown a second piece of candy at the bell making it ring. The Timekeeper has been startled a bit as he was getting ready to ring bell himself.
After the ringing of the bell, Killer Kilduff is now going into the centre of the fight ring. K. O. Rameses is starting to go back but has returned to his corner.
K. O. RAMESES to JONESY: (Totally tired and beat out says to Jonesy). "Let\'s call it off!"
JONESY to K. O. RAMESES: (Patting K. O. on the back and is talking to K. O. in a reassuring tone of voice says). "Get in there and fight K. O., he ain\'t laying a glove on you!"
K. O. RAMESES to JONESY: (With a look of panic on his face and panic in his voice says). "Well, you better keep your eye on the referee because somebody is!"
JONESY to K. O. RAMESES: (As Jonesy is shoving K. O. back to centre stage and has a mad look on his face and madness in his voice shouts). "Go, on!"
We are getting another quick update on that poor tired, worried, frazzled, bedraggled and panicking Professor Periwinkle who is frantically running down the different dark and lonely streets hoping to make it back in time with the radio playing, "POP GOES THE WEASEL".
K. O. Rameses is now back at centre stage with Killer Kilduff. K. O. took a punch and thought he had knocked out Killer Kilduff, {but it ended being up the fight manager}, K. O. is now counting, 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10, really fast to make the fight end. But as K. O. is now turning around he is now seeing Killer Kilduff looking at him really mad.
K. O. Rameses not realizing what is going on is now approaching Killer Kilduff.
K. O. RAMESES to KILLER KILDUFF: (As Killer Kilduff has a perplexed look on his as K. O. is saying as he is raising Killer Kilduff\'s arm, and K. O. not knowing what he is doing says). "The winner, hooray, you\'re the champ, boy, you\'re a champ!"
As K. O. is saluting Killer Kilduff the fight manager is now getting up off of the floor and has swiftly kicked K. O. in the backside.
FIGHT MANAGER to K. O. RAMESES and KILLER KILDUFF: (With a mad look on his face and madness in his voice shouts). "Get in there and fight you mugs!"
The crowd in still now a mixed bag of tricks. Some are cheering, some are jeering, some are booing and hissing.
K. O. Rameses is now totally bedraggled himself is starting to fight the fight manager who is giving K. O. a really mad look and pointing a finger in the direction of Killer Kilduff.
K. O. is now doing his shuffle and waltzing around to void from being hit by Killer Kilduff.
The candy kid is now trying to help K. O. out and is getting ready to throw his third piece of candy at the bell and has once again successfully rang the bell. As the candy kid has now successfully rang the bell with his third piece of candy is now being recognized by the Timekeeper. The candy kid then quickly turns back and has a mischievous look on his face trying not to be caught.
K. O. Rameses is now sitting on his stool totally bedraggled as Jonesy is wiping his face with a wet towel.
PROFESSOR PERIWINKLE UPDATE: The now really tired, worn out, frazzled, bedraggled, panicking, worried, Professor Periwinkle is now finally entering into the fight arena with the radio playing, "POP GOES THE WEASEL!"
K. O. Rameses was totally worn out is now starting to get into his hypnotic state as he is hearing "POP GOES THE WEASEL!"
K. O. Rameses is now up fully recovered and is bouncing up and down and saying, \'Yeep-yeep-yeep-yeep-yeep----Ta-ta-ta-ta-ta----"eeb-eeb-eeb-eeb-eeb, "bee-bee-bee-bee-bee----"Bruff-bruff-bruff-bruff-bruff!"
The now really tired, worn out, frazzled, bedraggled, Professor Periwinkle totally proud is now holding the radio over K. O. Rameses\' head to help him to get into his full hypnotic state.
The Candy Kid is now getting ready to throw his fourth piece of candy with a look of mischief on his face as the Timekeeper is starring at him with squinted eyes the Timekeeper has now caught the fourth piece of candy and sticks his tongue out at the Candy Kid and then rings the bell himself.
K. O. Rameses is now in his hypnotic state and is running onto the arena furiously and socking at Killer Kilduff madly.
Jonesy is waving his hand and smiling gleefully and cheering K. O. Rameses on as Professor Periwinkle is sitting there in a quiet state but smiling with happiness at K. O. Rameses.
K. O. is now in the process of beating the stuffins\' out of Killer Kilduff.
"POP GOES THE WEASEL" is now done and we are now hearing a portion of a story on a kids radio station which is:
"Now little kiddies, bearie man will tell you how Popeye Weasel met Jerry Porcupine. It was at the Hollow Stump right next to Peter Rabbit\'s Gingerbread House, in the pond......"
"POP GOES THE WEASEL" has now ended and K. O. Rameses is now once again coming out of his hypnotic state and is hitting the sides of his head six times with his gloves to calm himself down.
Jonesy in now thoroughly and outrageously mad at the poor beat out, tired, frazzled, bedraggled, worn out, Professor Periwinkle who has tried his loving best to provide "POP GOES THE WEASEL" is now getting the radio smashed over his head by Jonesy.
Professor Periwinkle now has a look of hurt on his face as he is staggering a bit from being smashed in the head by the radio.
JONESY to PROFESSOR PERIWINKLE: (Is giving the poor Professor Periwinkle a look of sheer madness and nasty is shouting at Professor Periwinkle and waving his hand furiously shouts). "Now, go and get a violin, and hurry!"
The very obedient Professor Periwinkle is now on his merry way in search of a violin, {or some version of "POP GOES THE WEASEL"}.
We are now back in the fight arena where poor K. O. Rameses is getting the stuffins\' beaten out of his by Killer Kilduff.
Killer Kilduff has now given K. O. Rameses a hard hit on the head, sending K. O. Rameses to the floor doing the splits. While K. O. Rameses is still in the splits position and is unable to defend himself is now taking a hard blow to the chin by Killer Kilduff.
K. O. Rameses is now really worn out and unable to defend himself once again gets hit hard on the head again and sending him back into the splits position again.
K. O. Rameses fiancée is now getting into the cheering act as she swings her fists wildly like punching gloves and is jumping up and down cheering K. O. Rameses on. She is now so wrapped up in the cheering ons of K. O. that she breaks a mans stogie and then knocks his toupee off of his head.
FIANCÉE to K. O. RAMESES: (Shouting in total happiness and glee is shouting at the top of her lungs). "Fight, fight, fight, come on fight, come on fight!"
We are now back at centre ring where the fight is now turning into a "FREE-FOR-ALL FIGHT" K. O. now has the fight manager by the stomach and is holding him in front of himself for protection from being clobbered to death by Killer Kilduff while Killer Kilduff is taking wild pot shots at K. O.
KILLER KILDUFF to the FIGHT MANAGER: (With a mad look on his face and madness in his voice as he is gesturing with his hands says). "Come on refree, break it up!"
MAD FIGHT MANAGER to KILLER KILDUFF: (As he is still in K. O.\'s clenches and being swong around furiously and has a look of worry on his face and shouts to Killer Kilduff worriedly). "How can I help it if the guy\'s crazy about me!"
K. O. is now doing a few jumpings arounds still holding onto the fight manager while Killer Kilduff is shuffling around trying to take a few blows at K. O.
K. O. is now thoroughly exhausted and goes crashing to the floor still holding onto the fight manager.
K. O. is now beating and slugging and smashing the poor fight manager viciously onto the floor.
Killer Kilduff has now intervened and has grabbed hold of K. O. Rameses and is beating him up madly.
KILLER KILDUFF to K. O. RAMESES: (In a thorough state of madness and hate towards K. O. is pounding his face in and is saying). "Come Sparkie, you now good!"
K. O. Rameses fiancée is now standing up and is now thoroughly involved with the fighting as she has her hands in the shape of fists and is using them like boxing gloves.
FIANCÉE to K. O. RAMESES: (As she is imitating boxing and is shouting at the top of her lungs as she is cheering K. O. on). "Fight, fight, fight, Rameses, come on, Rameses!"
Killer Kilduff has his arm around K. O.\'s neck in a hammerlock hold and is wildly punching K. O. in the head and is knocking out poor K. O. Rameses witlessly.
K. O. Rameses is now at the point of total exhaustion as he reaches over and bites Killer Kilduff viciously on his chest. As K. O. is viciously biting Killer Kilduff, Kilduff is yelling out loudly in horrible pain.
KILLER KILDUFF to K. O. RAMESES: (As K. O. is still viciously biting Killer Kilduff, Kilduff is shouting in utter pain). "Ouch-ouch-ouch, let go!"
FIGHT MANAGER to K. O. RAMESES: (As the fight manager has a look of madness on his face and is shouting mad and loudly at K. O. as he is pushing K. O. off of Kilduff says). "Hey, that\'s enough!"
Killer Kilduff is still having total fun at beating the daylights out of poor K. O. Rameses.
Jonesy is now sitting outside of the arena and is so worried about K. O. Rameses loosing the fight. He is taking out his frustrations by ripping a sponge into little teeny-tiny pieces with his teeth and is spitting them out.
JONESY to K. O. RAMESES: (Still with a piece of sponge in his mouth and a horrified look on his face is shouting at K. O.). "Come on K. O. slug him!"
We are now back on the dark and lonely streets with the Poor, very obedient, exhausted, tired, worn-out, bedraggled, frazzled, worried, and panicking Professor Periwinkle who is still in a frantic search of some version of the song "POP GOES THE WEASEL". He is now frantically runnining down every different street he can think of, then he finally here\'s "POP GOES THE WEASEL" playing. He then makes skid marks stopping with a look of wonder on his face as he tracking it down. Professor Periwinkle has now found where it was coming from and has raised and clapped his hand in happiness and is grining from ear to ear as he is running over to a Sideshow Entertainment Truck that is playing a 78 rpm record of "POP GOES THE WEASEL". The carnnie that operates the sideshow is standing up in the back of his truck as the over joyed Professor Periwinkle jumps into the drivers seat of the truck and and speeds fastly on his way back to the arena and knocks the carnnie onto the street flat on his back. The carnnie is now standing up as Professor Periwinkle is speeding as fast as he can with "THE GOLDEN NUGGET", ("POP GOES THE WEASEL").
We are now back at the arena where poor K. O. Rameses is now totally getting tar and feathered by Killer Kilduff. Rameses fiancée is still merrily joining in.
FIANCÉE to K. O. RAMESES: (As she is standing up and using her fists as boxing gloves and is shouting joyfully). "Come on fight Rameses, fight Rameses, fight! fight!"
Rameses fiancée has now knocked off that poor mans toupee for the second time and she picks it up and sits it back up on the mans head.
FIANCÉE to K. O. RAMESES: (She is now sitting down and shouting wildly at K. O. Rameses). "Come on Rameses fight, come on, come on, come on!"
TOUPÉE MAN: (The gentleman who has lost his toupée twice is now shouting in K. O.\'s favour). "Come on, come on, come on!"
The rest of the audience is shouting and cheering K. O. Rameses on.
K. O. Rameses is so thoroughly beaten to death and exhausted that he tries to hit Killer Kilduff but doesn\'t have the strength to do so. Killer Kilduff then blows at K. O. Rameses as K. O. falls flat onto the floor on his back.
As K. O. Rameses is lying on the floor the fight manager is counting 1-2-3...
The totally obedient, exhausted, tired, worn-out, bedraggle, frazzled, worried, and proud, Professor Periwinkle has now crashed the truck into the side wall of the fight arena and is representing the beautiful "GOLDEN NUGGET, POP GOES THE WEASEL" to K. O. Rameses.
K. O. Rameses is lying on the floor thoroughly worn-out is once again going into his hypnotic state as he is hearing "POP GOES THE WEASEL".
K. O. Rameses is now sitting up and saying, \'Yeep-yeep-yeep-yeep-yeep, \'Eeb-eeb-eeb-eeb-eeb, Aruff-aruff-aruff-aruff-aruff,\' as he stands up totally revieved and approaches Killer Kilduff in a total hypnotic state and tosses a barrage of different punches at Killer Kilduff in a fast manner all the while saying \'Eeb-eeb-eeb-eeb-eeb,\' and shuffling around wildly.
Killer Kilduff is now totally knocked out and the fight manager is counting 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10.
K. O. Rameses is still in his hypnotic trance as he is waltzing wildly around the fight arena yelling out, \'Yeep-yeep-yeep-yeep-yeep, Eeb-eeb-eeb-eeb-eeb, Aruff-aruff-aruff-aruff-aruff!"
"POP GOES THE WEASEL" has now ended and K. O. Rameses is now coming out of his hypnotic trance and is once again pounding the sides of his head with his fists.
Jonesy is now happily hugging Professor Periwinkle tightly in a total state of joy and kindness thanking Professor Periwinkle professionally for all his effort in finding "POP GOES THE WEASEL".
Professor Periwinkle is now smiling in glee from ear to ear and is hugging Jonesy back in a total state of joy, his way of saying you\'re welcome, glad to have helped out.
As they are dragging Killer Kilduff away K. O. Rameses has now realized that he has just now won and is grinning from ear to ear in a really happy state.
The fight manager is now approaching K. O. Rameses and raising his arm is now saying: "THE WINNER AND THE NEW CHAMPION!"
K. O. Rameses is now holding his gloves together and is waving them happily over his head as he is basking in his glory about winning. Rameses fiancée is now rushing up on the stage in total delight to K. O. Rameses.
The fight manager is also standing in the background supporting a really happy look on his face.
FIANCÉE to K. O. RAMESES: (As she is running up to him in total joy and smiling happily at him says in a gleeful voice). "Rameses you won, you won, you\'re the new champ, kiss me!"
K. O. RAMESES to his FIANCÉE: (In a slight state of embarrassment as he turns his head away and says). "Ah, not in front of all these people!"
FIANCÉE to K. O. RAMESES: (In a slightly mad mood and is shouting at him with a slight mad tone in her voice shouts). "Rameses kiss me!"
K. O. RAMESES to his FIANCÉE: (As he is turning around says in a happy voice says). "Well, if you insist!"
K. O. Rameses still basking in the glory of his victory isn\'t paying attention to what he is doing, accidentally puts his arms around the fight managers shoulder and gives him a giant kiss.
K. O. Rameses has just now realized that he has just now kissed the fight manager has turned around and spit while the fight manager is rubbing the kiss off of his eye.
The fight manager is now running fastly off of the fight stage to wash his face.
K. O. Rameses is now lovingly approaching his fiancée and grabs her in a hard hold and bends her over slightly says to her as they are engaging in a giant lip-lock and hug. "OH BABY!"
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After all these years, I finally saw a Shemp solo and "A Hit With a Miss" was the first one. I have to admit it was odd hearing Shemp with the name "Ramses", but overall I throroughly enjoyed it. Charley Rogers part as the Professor, albeit small, was cute and the footage that was lifted from Punch Dunks was incorporated into the short nicely. Just kind of weird hearing Robert Williams yell "Hey, Kid!" - talking to the kid who threw the jawbreakers at Arthur Houseman in the original 11 years prior.Definitely different seeing Shemp in the Curly role, but the whole short solid. I hope the rest of the Shemp solos I have are half as good as this.4 pokes
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