Transcription by Stooge: 
ATTORNEY....Emil Sitka
I. SLIPP....Kenneth MacDonald
TRAIN CONDUCTOR....Heinie Conklin
TRAIN PORTER....Dudley Dickerson
The short opens with an outside shot of a door that
reads "Cess, Poole & Drayne - Attorneys At Law". The door
opens and inside the office, we see an attorney sitting at
his desk, talking with Moe, Larry, and Shemp.
ATTORNEY (aggravated): Gentlemen! Ugh! I''ve been trying
to tell you for an hour that Mr. Slipp is the
of your estate. I''m only your attorney.
LARRY: Attorney, schmorney! We want our
ATTORNEY: For the fiftieth time, don''t you understand?!
The will is being probated!
SHEMP: Oh, I forgot in this morning''s paper, it said our
inheritance ain''t tied up anymore. Wait, I''ll read
Shemp takes out a lens-less pair of glasses and beging
polishing the non-existing lenses.
LARRY: C''mon, hurry up! We''re waitin'' for you to read.
SHEMP (pulling a napkin through each "lens") Don''t rush
me. Rome wasn''t built in a day, neither was Syracuse.
(puts on the glasses) I''ll read it. (pulls out the
newspaper and begins reading the article) "Ambrose Rose
Estate Release From Probate. Three Nephews Sole Heirs.
Huge Estate Turned Over To Executor. The estate of the
late Ambrose Rose, deceased millionaire junk dealer was
today released from probate by Judge Woodcock R.
The estate is now held by the executor, Mr. Icabod
ATTORNEY: Aha! I''ve been trying to subpoena Mr. Slipp but
he''s been avoiding me. You know, I think he''s trying to
pull something crooked!
LARRY (scratching his right palm): My right palm itches;
what''s that a sign of?
MOE: Your hand''s dirty!
Moe knocks Larry''s palm into his face.
SHEMP: Why doncha leave ''im alone?
MOE (slapping Shemp): Quiet!
Moe gives Larry and Shemp the stomach-head combination at
the same time, then nose-honks Shemp.
ATTORNEY: Gentlemen! Gen-tle-men! You want your
inheritance, don''t you?
STOOGES (in unison): And how!
ATTORNEY: Then I''ll have Mr. Drayne draw three subpoenas,
then it will be up to one of you to serve Mr.
Slipp. Uh,
and then we''ll hail him into court and settle this matter
once and for all. (gets up from his desk) To save time,
will one of you get the files from the Ambrose Rose file
cabinet, and bring it to Mr. Drayne''s office?
The attorney leaves the room.
MOE (to Shemp): Get the Ambrose Rose files from the
over there.
SHEMP: Aw, get it yourself! I can''t see without my
MOE: Oh, no? (taking Shemp''s glasses out of his pocket)
I''ll fix that.
SHEMP: Whaddaya doin''?
MOE (puts the glasses on Shemp''s face): Can ya see now?
SHEMP: Yeah!
MOE (holding up his eye-poking fingers): What''s this?
SHEMP: Two dirty fingers!
Moe pokes his two dirty fingers into Shemp''s eyes through
the empty lenses.
MOE (pushing Shemp away): GO ON!!!
Shemp backs into a file cabinet and accidentally pushes in
the middle drawer, which causes the top drawer to shoot
out and knock Shemp down. Larry rolls his eyes as he
watches, then shoves Moe out of the way to walk up to the
crying Shemp.
LARRY (pushing Shemp out of the way): Step aside, nitwit!
I''ll show ya how to do this!
Larry pushes the top drawer in, then the bottom drawer
suddenly shoots out and strikes Larry''s leg.
LARRY (hopping up and down in pain): OWWWW!!!!
Moe walks into the scene.
MOE: A fine time to play Hopscotch! (slaps Larry) I
have to do everything around here!
Larry and Shemp back away from Moe as he angrily throws
hat to the ground.
MOE: Now pay attention you two pickle-brains and learn
Moe swiftly kicks the bottom drawer in, then quickly ducks
before the top drawer can whack him in the head.
MOE: Ha, ha, ha! See! You have to use your brains!
Moe, forgetting that he''s still crouching under the open
top drawer, stands back up and bangs his head on the
MOE: OWWW! OH! OH! (as Shemp and Larry bring him
What happened? What happened???
SHEMP AND LARRY (together): You used your brains!
As he''s laughed at by Shemp and Larry, Moe fixes Shemp in
the knee-elbow-chin position. He then give a no-look bop
to Larry''s head, which shuts his laughing up.
LARRY (holding face in pain): OWW!
SHEMP (still in the knee-elbow-chin position): What
with me?
MOE: Nothin''...
Moe suddenly kicks Shemp in the leg, causing him to punch
himself in the chin.
SHEMP: OH!!!!!
The attorney walks back into the room.
ATTORNEY: Sorry, gentlemen. Mr. Drayne had the file all
the time. Subpoenas will be ready in a minute. (leaves
LARRY: Oh! He had the file all the time!
SHEMP: How do ya like that guy?
LARRY: Oh, what a dope!
SHEMP: How do ya like him?!
MOE: I don''t like him. Besides, I don''t like
this (pointing to the open drawer). But it''s a
matter of principle with me. I''m gonna shut that drawer
if it''s the last thing I do!
Moe slams the drawer into Larry and Shemp''s fingers, which
sends the drawer shooting back open again and crashing
into Moe''s head.
MOE (shaking his head in pain): That''s the last thing I''ll
The scene dissolves to an outside shot of Icabod Slipp''s
office, who''s door reads:
Scene cuts inside of the office, where Icabod Slipp is
at his desk, talking on the phone.
I. SLIPP: Hello, reservations please? ... Hello, this is
Icabod Slipp. Have you my reservations? ... Yes? ...
paper and pen and starts writing) Cannonball Express. Car
314. 7 PM. (stops writing) Thank you very much ... I''ll
pick them up. Thank you. (hangs up the phone and walks
his closet)
The front door to Slipp''s office opens up and the Stooges
peek inside. When they think the place is empty, they
LARRY: Here''s where we beard the lion in his den.
MOE (pulling out the subpoenas): Yeah, we''ll slap Slipp
with these subpoenas. (gives a subpoena to Larry and Shemp
each) Here.
I. Slipp looks outside of his closet and sees the
SHEMP: Then he''ll have to give us the inheritance that
Uncle Ambrose left us.
MOE: Yeah...say, I wonder what this guy Slipp looks
LARRY: I don''t know.
SHEMP: You can search me!
MOE: ...That''s a good idea! We''ll search all the
I. Slipp, still peeking outside of his closet, puts his
LARRY: We''ll get that filthy lucre!
SHEMP: The moolah!
LARRY: The geetus!
LARRY AND SHEMP (together, singing): No slippery guy named
Slipp, is ever gonna cheat us! A-zoo, a-zoa, a-zoe!
MOE (slapping both Shemp and Larry): C''MON!!! Get
Moe and Shemp each leave the office, as Larry stays in the
office, still holding his face in pain. He then notices
Slipp''s desk and, wanting to look high and mighty, sits at
the desk. I. Slipp then barges out from the closet and
startles Larry.
I. SLIPP: So! At last, Mr. Slipp, I''ve caught you at your
LARRY: Me???
I. SLIPP (grabbing Larry by the nose): What did you do
my money, you thief?!! (slaps Larry''s nose)
LARRY (holding nose in pain): Ugh! There must be some
I. SLIPP: You bet! And you made it!
I. Slipp grabs Larry by the legs, pulling him away from
desk and knocking over several things.
I. SLIPP (holding Larry upside down): Give me back my
money, you crook!
I. Slipp slams Larry''s head into the ground repeatedly.
A whole bunch of stuff falls from Larry''s pockets,
including the subpoena.
I. SLIPP: You crook!!!
Slipp pulls Larry back right-side up, then Larry falls
into the seat of a couch. Larry then just sits there,
a blank and dazed look on his face.
I. SLIPP (ripping up the subpoena): HA, HA, HA, HA, HA!!
Slipp notices Moe about to come in through one of the
office doors, so he quickly heads out of the office
the other door. Moe walks in and notices Larry.
MOE: Larry, did anybody come in here? I think that crook
Slipp barges back into the office and grabs Moe by the
I. SLIPP: Aha! Mr. Slipp! Where''s that dough you gypped
me out of?
Slipp gives Moe the stomach-head combination, which knocks
him out. Slipp reaches for Moe''s pocket and pulls out the
subpoena. After a few seconds of just letting the dazed
Moe just stand there, Slipp blows air in Moe''s face,
pushing him down onto the couch and next to the knocked-
I. SLIPP (looking at Larry and Moe): Ha!
Slipp rips up the subpoena and then turns towards the
desk. All of a sudden, Shemp back walks in the office.
SHEMP (to Slipp): Pardon me, did you happen to see...
I. SLIPP: Aha! At last I''ve caught you at your office,
Slipp, you dirty crook!
SHEMP (angered): Them is fightin'' words in my country!
(throws his hat to the floor)
I. SLIPP (rolling up his sleeves): Alright, let''s fight!
SHEMP (fearfully): Well.... we''re not in my country...
As Shemp quickly turns around, Slipp give him a swift kick
in the rear.
SHEMP: Oh! (turns back towards Slipp) Cop a sneaker, eh?
Shemp starts doing his shadowboxing dance, and Slipp just
stands there watching, not intimidated at all. Finally,
Slipp hauls off and slugs Shemp in the jaw. Shemp then
dazedly spins around, and then stops, facing away from
SHEMP (wondering where Slipp is): It''s lucky he left!
Slipp taps on Shemp''s shoulder.
SHEMP (turning back towards Slipp): Yes?
Slipp gives Shemp another punch, which knocks him into the
wall. A fish tank close-by falls off of the shelf and
smashes over Shemp''s head, leaving Shemp knocked out and
looking like an astronaut. Slipp walks over to him and
takes the subpoena out of his pocket, then rips it up.
After throwing the ripped-up pieces in the trash, Slipp
walks up to his desk and pulls out his satchel, which has
the Stooges'' inheritance inside of it.
I. SLIPP (looking at the money): The estate of Uncle
Ambrose Rose...and we thank you!
Slipp is on his way out the door, then looks back at the
dazed Larry and Moe.
I. SLIPP: So long, chumps!
Slipp leaves and closes the door. Moe and Larry then come
out of their daze, then startle each other as they face
each other.
LARRY (doing a double take): Moe!
MOE: Yeah...Hey, a guy thought I was Slipp!
LARRY: Me, too, I...
Larry and Moe look off-screen in shock then get up from
couch. Camera cuts over to Shemp, who''s struggling to get
the fish tank off of his head. Moe and Larry run up to
MOE: Take it easy, kid! We''ll get if off.
Moe and Larry try to pull the tank off of Shemp''s head,
with no luck.
SHEMP: (mumbles something indecipherable inside of the
MOE (to Larry): What''d he say?
LARRY: (mumbles something indecipherable like Shemp just
MOE: (slapping Larry) Get outta here! (trying again to
pull the tank off of Shemp''s head) This thing is wedged
down; we can''t get it off.
LARRY: We''d better get a hammer and crack it open.
MOE: Now you''re usin'' the bit of your brain. (slaps
on the head) Go on!
Moe and Larry walk over to Slipp''s desk and look through
the drawers, searching for a hammer. Larry pulls a pistol
out of one drawer.
LARRY (to Shemp): Hey! I can''t find a hammer, but this''ll
do. I''ll shatter it! (points the gun at Shemp) Step
back, to the right. I got it,
right between the eyes...
Larry fires the pistol, but Shemp ducks, dodging the
bullet. Moe is startled by the gunshot.
MOE: (yanking the pistol away from Larry) Why you goose-
brain, you, I''ll...
LARRY (noticing a poster in one drawer): Wait a minute!
Larry pulls out the poster and he and Moe look at it. The
poster has a picture of I. Slipp on it and says:
"Vote for Honest Icabod Slipp. For Councilman"
MOE: Hey, that''s the guy that beat me up!
LARRY: Me, too! That''s Slipp!
MOE: How do ya like that dirty crook? He give us the
business, then scrammed!
LARRY: (noticing a note on the desk) What''s this?
the note) "Cannonball Express. Car 314. 7 PM." He''s
leaving on a train!
MOE: Hey, that''s in 20 minutes. (looking out the window)
Hurry up, it''s gettin'' dark, too.
Moe and Larry head outside the door. Shemp, still stuck
the fish tank taps Moe on the shoulder before he
SHEMP: (mumbles something indecipherable inside of the
MOE: Oh! Sorry kid, I forgot.
Moe takes the pistol and strikes it against the tank,
shattering it. Shemp nearly passes out. Moe and Larry
help him back up.
SHEMP (standing back up): I''m okay...Thanks, I would have
never gotten out of there without your help.
MOE: You sure you''re alright?
SHEMP: Never felt better in my life! Let''s go.
Shemp is about to walk out the door with Moe and Larry,
only after one step, he passes out on the ground. Moe and
Larry rush back in the room, and then carry him away.
LARRY: What happened with him?
MOE: I dunno. Poor kid must have indigestion!
The scene ends, and then fades into the inside of the
Cannonball Express pullman train. The Stooges are then
seen running inside of the train.
SHEMP: Whew! We just made it!
The train starts moving.
LARRY: Hey! The train''s movin'' and we got no money for
MOE: So what? We''ll grab Slipp, jump off the train and
take him with us!
SHEMP: Yeah, he won''t give us the "slipp" again.
MOE: Right! We''ll search the train carefully and give
everybody a close...uh, a close....(to Shemp) Say, what''s
good word for ''scrutiny''?
SHEMP: (thinking)...Scrutiny!
MOE: ...Thanks! (eye-pokes Shemp) C''mon!!!
LARRY (looking around the train): I don''t see ''im
anywhere. Maybe he''s disguised.
Larry continues looking around the train and then notices
man with a hat covering his face.
LARRY: (calling Shemp and Moe) Hey! I''ll bet that''s
MOE: Take it off!
Larry takes the hat covering the passenger''s face, and
reveals that the passenger is asleep, and wearing a
clothespin on his nose.
SNORING PASSENGER (snoring): ZZzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZ! Woo-
woo-woo-woo-woo-woo! ZZZzzzzzzzzZZZZ! Woo-woo-woo-
woo-woo-woo! ZZZZzzzzzzzzZZZZ! ARF!!!! ARF!!!!
SHEMP (to Moe): What is that, a Cocker Spaniel?
MOE: No, I think he''s just a Spaniel!
Moe quickly puts the clothespin back on the passenger''s
nose, and Larry puts the hat back over his face.
LARRY: That''s not him!
The Stooges walk away from the snoring passenger, then
by another sleeping passenger, with a hat and a long
SHEMP (to Larry and Moe): Here he is! He''s disguised
with a phony beard.
Larry takes of the passenger''s hat, and Moe yanks his
beard. It turns out that the passenger is not Slipp, and
his beard is real.
BEARDED PASSENGER (holding his beard in pain): OWWWW!!!!
(standing up out of his seat) YOU IDIOT!
The bearded passenger triple-slaps the Stooges, then sits
back in his seat, crying and holding his beard in pain.
The Stooges quickly walk away. Suddenly, they run into
train conductor. The boys make way for him.
TRAIN CONDUCTOR: Tickets, please!
LARRY (pretending to search his pockets): Oh, tickets?
SHEMP: Oh, tickets?
MOE: Oh, tick -- Oh, yes! (pointing to a door) We left it
right here in the drawing room. Right this way.
Moe shows the conductor into the "drawing room" which is
actually a woman''s dressing room; we see the shadow of a
woman curling her hair. After the conductor falls for the
trap and walks inside the room, Moe slams the door shut.
Suddenly from outside the room, the Stooges hear
sounds) GO
AWAY! (more slapping sounds)
The Stooges quicky run-off camera, then we see the
room door open up and the conductor comes out with a nasty
black eye. He then sees the Stooges standing in a huddle
on the other end of
the train.
TRAIN CONDUCTOR (to the Stooges): Hey, you!!!!
Moe hides and sticks his leg out while Shemp and Larry
silly sounds and faces to taunt the conductor. He runs up
to them, and trips over Moe''s leg.
LARRY (to Moe): C''mon! C''mon!
Moe, Larry, and Shemp escape from the conductor, and then
run inside of a room with several large cargo boxes.
MOE: That conductor''s after us and we''d better hide!
LARRY (opening up the latch to one of the boxes): Hey, in
here, fellas!
Larry opens up the box and the Stooges hide inside of it.
They don''t even notice that there''s a lion right behind
them in the box.
MOE: Whew! We''ll be safe in here.
LARRY: Yeah, we''ll wait until the conductor goes, and then
we''ll find Slipp.
MOE: Shh!
The boys listen out. The lion behind them suddenly lets
out a roar.
MOE (to Shemp): What''s the matta, you got indigestion?
SHEMP: No! I feel fine!
MOE (to Larry): Then it must be you! Why don''t you take a
bicarbonate of soda?
LARRY: Why don''t you shutup; you wanna give us away?!
SHEMP: Don''t be silly, we''re safe as babies in here.
The lion behind the Stooges roars again.
MOE: I''m sure I hear something!
LARRY (sniffing): I smell somethin'' awful!
MOE: You tellin'' me? Why doncha use cologne? ... Shh!
The lion roars once again, this time causing a breeze down
Moe''s back.
MOE (to Shemp): Stop breathin'' down my neck!
SHEMP: I ain''t breathin''!
MOE (to Larry): Then it must be you...
LARRY: How can I be breathin'' down your neck on
that side
when I''m on this side? -- SHUTUP!
MOE: ...maybe there''s a draft behind...
Moe turns around and notices the roaring lion.
The Stooges dash out of the box, and the lion follows
them. The Stooges run out of the room and then duck into
pullman berth, ditching the path of the lion.
LARRY (out of breath, and clutching his chest): I''m
paralyzed! I can''t move!
MOE: Nevertheless, we gotta find Slipp!
LARRY: We''ll never find him now. All the berths are made
and everybody''s asleep.
SHEMP: That''s good, and that''s just what we''re gonna do --
MOE: For once in your life, you''re right. We''ll
get that
crook in the morning.
The Stooges take off their shoes and Shemp accidentally
hits Larry on the head with his.
LARRY (holding his head): OOH!
MOE: Take it easy, boys!
SHEMP: Which way''s the train going? I''m gonna sleep
LARRY: Eh, sleep that way...
Camera cuts over to the lion, who''s wandering around the
back of the pullman train, and crawls inside of a room
where the train porter is humming to himself while
polishing his shoes. The lion crawls on the couch behind
the porter and makes itself comfortable. The porter, not
noticing the lion at all, mistakes the lion''s tail for a
dauber and dips it in the polish bottle. A sudden roar
from the lion catches the porter''s attention and he slowly
looks behind him.
The porter tries to jump out the window, but he gets stuck
The lion crawls over to him, and starts scratching the
porter''s rear end with it''s sharp claws.
The lion leaves the room as the trapped train porter
continues to scream helplessly. Camera cuts back over to
the Stooges'' pullman berth, where the Stooges are asleep,
and Moe''s foot is hanging outside of the berth. The lion
crawls over up to the outside of the berth and then starts
to lick Moe''s foot. Moe, still sleeping, begins to smile
little. The lion then breaks into a random fit of
sounding laughs before continuing to tickle Moe''s foot
his tongue.
MOE (still asleep): HA, HA, HA, HA, HA! HA, HA, HA, HA,
Moe awakes and pulls his foot back into the berth. He
looks over at the snoring Shemp and then, thinking Shemp
was the one tickling him, gives him a kick right in the
jaw. Shemp awakens
SHEMP: What''s the idea?!
MOE: Stop ticking my foot!
SHEMP: I didn''t touch your foot!!
MOE: Ya did, too! Come on up here and sleep with us.
As Shemp makes his way over to Larry and Moe''s side of the
bed, Moe wakes Larry up with a tap to the shoulder.
MOE: Hey! Wake up and go to sleep!
LARRY (still half asleep): I''ll wake up sleeping...
MOE: Yeah, c''mon...Under the blankets.
SHEMP (to Larry): Move over!
Larry makes room for Shemp, and then they all fall back
asleep. The lion crawls inside of the Stooges berth and
lays right on Moe and Larry''s feet, waking both of them
MOE (to Larry): Get your big feet off of me!
LARRY: I ain''t got my feet on you, you got
your feet on me!
Get ''em off!
MOE: I said get your feet off!
LARRY: Get yours off of me first!
SHEMP (awakening): Ohh, will you guys keep quiet around
here, I...
The Stooges look over and notice the lion right in their
STOOGES (together): NYUUUUUUH!!!
The Stooges dash out of their pullman berth, pulling down
the curtains covering the berths. All the other
awaken and notice the lion.
PASSENGER VOICE #1: Oh look, a lion!
The Stooges manage to escape from the mess, and they stop
by a door.
MOE: Boy, that was close!
Suddenly, the door next to the Stooges opens and I. Slipp
walks out.
MOE: Hey, it''s SLIPP!!!!
LARRY: You dirty...
The Stooges reach out to deck Slipp, but he ducks and runs
away, leaving the boys to accidentally punch out each
MOE: Why you...(noticing Slipp ducking into a room) there
he goes down there!!!
The Stooges follow Slipp into the room with all the cargo
boxes. The boys run around the boxes and end up
bumping into each other.
MOE: Why you...
Slipp peeks his head out from behind a box.
LARRY: There he is!
Slipp ducks out of the way. Moe grabs a hammer.
MOE (to Shemp): Hey, you surround ''im! We''ll chop him off
at this end.
Shemp sneaks over to where Slipp his hiding, and Slipp
gives him a punch right in the jaw. Slipp then pushes
over toward Moe and Larry. Moe, mistaking him for Slipp,
gives Shemp a whack to the head with the hammer, knocking
him out unconscious.
MOE (realizing who it is): Aw, Shemp!
LARRY: Shemp!
MOE: How do ya like that?
Larry and Moe carry Shemp back up and Moe tries to bring
him to by fanning a hammer in his face.
LARRY: Say a couple of adjectives!
MOE: (whacking Larry in the eye with the hammer) Quiet!
Slipp sneaks behind the Stooges and pulls out his knife.
Moe throws the hammer away behind him and unknowingly
knocks out Slipp.
I. SLIPP (groaning): OHHHHH!
Slipp passes out and Moe and Larry look over at him. Shemp
comes back to.
MOE: It''s Slipp! He''s out!
Larry grabs Slipp''s satchel and opens it up.
LARRY: Oh, boy! Our inheritance! We''re in the gyp!
MOE: The moolah!
LARRY: Ha, ha!
MOE: (hands some money to Shemp) Here''s one for you...
(hands some money to Larry) for you...(hands some
money to himself)...and one for me!
I. SLIPP (regaining consciousness): OHHHH....
MOE: (grabbing the hammer) And one for you! (whacks
on the head with the hammer again, knocking him out)
SHEMP (anxiously grabbing the money): Gimme the bonds! I
want the bonds!!!
MOE (pushing Shemp back): Hold your horses!
SHEMP: I want it now this minute!!! (makes ticking sound)
That''s what I want right now!
MOE: ...Well, you got it...
Moe eye-pokes Shemp, then pushes him away. Shemp falls
back down and lands right onto a crate of eggs.
SHEMP (hands filled with egg yolk): Ugh! How do ya like
that? I feel like a piece of french toast! I...
Shemp looks up at Moe and Larry, then gets a sly idea. He
grabs two eggs and launches them in the air. Camera cuts
over to Larry and Moe counting through their money.
MOE: Fifty one, fif...
Suddenly, the two eggs splatter all over Moe and Larry''s
faces each.
SHEMP: Ha, ha, ha, ha...
Shemp stops laughing when he realizes that Moe and Larry
are probably going to kick his butt.
LARRY AND MOE (together): HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, HA!
The hysterical Moe and Larry walk over to Shemp, who''s
covering his face in fear.
SHEMP: fellas ain''t mad???
LARRY AND MOE (while still laughing): NO! HA, HA, HA, HA,
SHEMP (relieved): HEE, HEE, HEE, HEE, HEE! HA, HA,
Suddenly, Larry and Moe stop laughing and then shove
eggs all over Shemp''s face.
LARRY: Who''s mad?
MOE: Mad, huh? Who''s mad, huh?
LARRY: There ya are!
MOE: How do ya like that?
Larry and Moe continue to egg poor Shemp as the scene