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Released December 01, 1939
Featuring Moe, Larry and Curly
17.4 min. (Short Subject)

Millionaire Rumsford has about had it with his wife Sheri's eccentric behavior. He calls the office of psychiatrists Ziller, Zeller and Zoller to help. The call is taken by the Stooges, who are actually phone repairmen. They assume the doctors' identities and try to cure Sheri at her society birthday party, while inciting a cream puff fight.

During the cream puff fight, Lorna Gray, who played 'Sheri Rumsford', had a cream puff accidentally lodged into her throat. Or so the story goes. Adrian "Lorna Gray" Booth has said that the story is exaggerated. She was quite surprised at its impact and accuracy (as seen in her eyes, on-screen), but says she was never in any distress or required any medical attention.

Curly mentioned his wife, 'Gertie,' which was actually Shemp's wife's name.

Eddie Laughton plays two roles... the painter and a party guest.

Costar Adrian Booth Brian, aka Lorna Gray ('Sheri Rumsford'), was a guest of the 1995 Three Stooges Convention, and the 2004 Fan Club Meeting, both held in Philadelphia. See The Three Stooges Journal # 75 (Fall 1995) and The Three Stooges Journal # 110 (Summer 2004) for details. Ms. Booth joined ten other actresses who worked with the Stooges, including Joan Howard, at a costar reunion held on Feb. 17, 2007 in Burbank CA; see The Three Stooges Journal # 121 (Spring 2007) for the story and photos.

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Avg. Rating: [9.42/10]

Lorna Gray
Sherri Rumsford

Don Beddoe
J. Rumsford Rumsford

Bud Jamison

Ann Doran

Robin Raymond
Switchboard operator

Richard Fiske
Party guest

Kathryn Bates
Party guest

Beatrice Curtis
Party guest

Victor Travers
Party guest

Eddie Laughton
Party guest

Beatrice Blinn
Party guest

Jules White

Jules White

Clyde Bruckman
Story and Screenplay

George Meehan

Charles Nelson
Film Editor

Ray Hunt
Props / Pastry thrower

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