Stooges Among Us
Moe, Larry, and Shemp run a drug store and their store is in danger of closing down, so the boys make a fountain of youth so they could maybe keep their store. It works on women, but after they try it on Flint, the owner of the building, he turns into a gorilla, and now the stooges have a bigger problem!
A reworking of ALL GUMMED UP (1947), with stock footage.
Shemp Howard
Moe Howard
Larry Fine
Emil Sitka
Amos Flint / Gorilla
Christine McIntyre
Cerina Flint
Victor Travers
Bubblegum customer
Beverly Thomas
Cerina Flint stand-in
Jules White
Jules White
Felix Adler
Jack White
Felix Adler
Screenplay, stock footage
Ray Cory
Director of Photography
Allen G. Siegler
Photography, stock footage
Edwin Bryant
Film Editor
Cary Odell
Art Director
Charles Clague
Art Director, stock footage
James Nicholson
Assistant Director
Working Title(s): | DRUGSTORE DUBS |
Prod. No.: | 4202 |
Shooting Days: | 1 days From: 1952-10-13 To: 1952-10-13 |
No audio files are available for this episode.
This short starts off where we see a business window that reads as follows:
We now see Moe raising the window blind to begin a new day of trade.
We now see Shemp skipping merrily into the main sales area from a back room with a mischievous grin on his face as he has now noticed the proprietor of their business establishment, Mr. Amos Flint.
SHEMP to MR. FLINT: (As Shemp is talking to him in a mischievous tone of voice): "Well, well, if it ain\'t our Landlord, Mr. Flint."
We now see Mr. Flint standing there waving his cane madly as Shemp is looking at him mischievously and Larry and Moe are now approaching Mr. Flint with worried looks on their faces.
MR. FLINT to SHEMP, LARRY, and MOE: (As we see Moe, Larry, and Shemp looking at him in worry as Mr. Flint is shouting at them madly): "Cut the soft soap, I just came to inform you that you\'ll have to vacate at the end on the month, when your lease expires!"
Moe, Larry, and Shemp are now looking at Mr. Flint in horrified states of sadness.
MOE to MR. FLINT: (As Moe is using hand gestures to support his madness and Larry and Shemp are standing there with hurt looks on their faces as Moe asks): "Why?"
MR. FLINT to MOE: (As Larry and Shemp are also standing there listening in panic): "Because, I made a deal with the \'Pinch Penny Market,\' at three times the rent that you are paying me!"
LARRY to MR. FLINT: (As Moe Shemp, and Larry are now looking at Mr. Flint in a really sad and hurtful manner as Larry says): "But, we\'ve been here ten years!"
SHEMP to MOE and LARRY: (As Shemp has a mischievous look on his face and a mischievous tone of voice says as Shemp is now giving Mr. Flint a good, hard whack on his back): "Oh, he\'s only jokin\', ain\'t ya?"
We now see Mr. Flint bending over in horrible pain from being whacked by Shemp. Larry, Shemp, and Moe are now helping Mr. Flint up in a state or worry and apology.
MR. FLINT to MOE, SHEMP, and LARRY: (As he is doubled over in horrified pain shouts in a painful tone of voice): "Ooow, ooow, ooow, ooow, oooh, oooh, oooh, oooh, my Lumbago, help me!"
Larry, Moe, and Shemp are now helping Mr. Flint to stand up as they are pulling him upright quickly as we hear poor old Mr. Flint\'s joints cracking from pain and old age. Larry, Moe, Shemp and Mr. Flint are standing there with looks of hurt on their faces.
MR. FLINT to LARRY, MOE, and SHEMP: (As he is shouting at them in horrible pain and madness): "Get me a plaster for my back!:
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe knocks Larry on his arm and says in a worried state): "Get him a plaster!"
As Larry is now getting the new plaster pade we see Shemp and Moe standing there by Mr. Flint\'s side with deep looks of hurt on their faces as Mr. Flint is standing there yelling in horrible pain, \'ooow, ooow, ooow, ooow, ehy, ehy, ehy, ehy\'.
MOE to MR. FLINT: (As Moe is giving Mr. Flint a look of carryingness and Shemp is also standing there with a look of deep remorse on his face as Mr. Flint is looking at Moe in a horrified state of hurt as Moe says): "Bend over!"
MR. FLINT to SHEMP and MOE: (As Mr. Flint is now looking at them in a painful state of panic shouts painfully): "I can\'t!"
We now see Moe and Shemp taking hold of poor old Mr. Flint and is forcing him to bend over as we once again hear his joints groaning in pain and old age. Shemp and Moe are now busy at work taking off the old plaster pad as Moe is holding Mr. Flint and Shemp is taking a pair of pliers and is ripping the old plaster pad off as we here the stooped over in horrible pain Mr. Flint yelling, \'Yooow, yooow, yooow, yooow, yooow, yooow, yooow, yooow, yooow, yooow, yooow, yooow.\'
MR. FLINT to SHEMP and MOE: (As he is still bent overy in horrible pain shouting \'yooouh, yooouh, yooouh, yooouh, hunh, hunh, hunh, hun,\' and is using his cane for support as he shouts): "Hurry up, don\'t take all day!"
LARRY to MOE and SHEMP: (As Larry is now approaching Moe and Shemp in a really happy and carrying state says): "Here we are fellas!"
SHEMP to MOE: (In a low and carrying tone of voice says as he hands Moe the pliers): "Here take that!"
Shemp, Larry, and Moe are now happily applying the new plaster pad to Mr. Flint\'s back. Moe is holding Mr. Flint as Larry has now applied the new pad and Shemp is now smoothing it on using a hand-sized whisk broom and Moe is now putting on the finishing touches using a miniature-sized wall covering roller.
MOE to MR. FLINT: (As Shemp and Larry are also standing there with looks of care on their faces as Mr. Flint is still bent over): "There you are pal!"
MR. FLINT to SHEMP, MOE, and LARRY: (As he standing there hobbling around on his cane in a horrified state of pain and is yelling at them painfully): "Ooow, ooow, ooow, ooow, ooow, ooow, ooow, ooow, ooow, ooow, ooow, take it off, it\'s burning, it\'s burning!"
SHEMP to MR. FLINT: (As we also see Larry and Moe standing there with looks of pain on their faces as Mr. Flint is jumping in horrible pain using his cane and Larry and Moe are struggling with Mr. Flint to keep him calm. Shemp is now taking his pliers and is removing the plaster pad says): "I\'ll take it off, hold still there!"
LARRY to MR. FLINT: (As Mr. Flint is still bouncing around in horrible pain and Moe, Shemp, and Larry are holding him down as Larry says): "Hold still there!"
Shemp, Larry, and Moe have looks of painful mischief on their faces as Shemp is now quickly ripping the plaster pad from Mr. Flint\'s back. Shemp has now successfully removed the pad from Mr. Flint\'s back as Shemp is giving Moe a look of dumbfoundedness as Larry is also looking at Shemp and Moe with a dazed look and poor Mr. Flint is jumping around on his cane in horrible pain.
We now notice the reason the poor Mr. Flint was jumping around in such horrible state of pain. Larry, Moe, ane Shemp accidentally applied a \'H-O-R-S-E-R-A-D-I-S-H\' plaster pad to Mr. Flint\'s back as we now see the word \'H-O-R-S-E-R-A-D-I-S-H\' printed on his backe. Mr. Flint is yelling in a horrible state of pain, \'yooow, yooow, yooow, yooow, yooow, yooow, hunh, hunh, hunh, hunh, hunh, hunh.\'
We now see Shemp, Moe, and Larry running for their lives as Mr. Flint is now quickly standing up in a state of full blown demented madness and pain and he is hitting at them with his cane as he has a mean and hurtful look on his face.
MR. FLINT to SHEMP, MOE, and LARRY: (As he is dementedly chasing them with his cane and has now cornered them behind a service counter as Shemp, Moe, and Larry are looking at Mr. Flint in horrible states of pain as he is shouting at them evilly): "Trying to burn me alive, eh? You did this on purpose. I\'ll have the law on ya. I\'ll have you run out of town. I\'ll have you......"
As Mr. Flint is now furiously mad at Shemp, Moe, and Larry who are cowerding still behind the service counter in horrifed pain and with painful looks on their faces as w still see Mr. Flint dementedly waving his cane madly at them as Mrs. Flint is now walking in.
MRS. FLINT to AMOS: (As she is walking in using a cane and shaking from old age and has a worried look on her face says): "Amos, Amos, I\'ve been looking all over for you."
We now see Mr. Flint looking at his wife with a mean and nasty look on his face as Moe, Larry, and Shemp are standing there looking at Mrs. Flint with looks of worry on their faces.
MR. FLINT to HIS WIFE: (As he is still giving her a very mean and ugly look as he is shouting at her in a very mean and hurtful tone of voice): "Ah, why did you follow me for, you old hag? I told you to pack up and get out of here. Furthermore, I\'m giving you the air. I\'m tired of looking at an old hag like you. At twenty-five years is enough!"
MR. FLINT to LARRY, MOE, and SHEMP: (As Mr. Flint is still in his state of dementedness has now turned around and is shouting meanly at them as they are standing there with really hurtful looks on their faces as he states): "I\'ll fix you too, you haven\'t heard the last of me yet!"
Mr. Flint is standing there with a really mean and nasty look on his face as he has now slammed his fist on a board that was sitting on the service counter and has now hit himself in the face with a creamed pie.
MR. FLINT to SHEMP, MOE, and LARRY: (As he is wiping the pie from his face and is meanly waving his cane at them and is shouting meanly): "You\'ll regret this!"
Mr. Flint is now exiting in a state of madness as he still has pie on his face and Larry is standing behind him with a really mad look on his face as Mrs. Flint is standing there crying in hurt.
Mr. Flint has now finally left and we see Shemp, Larry, and Moe coming up behind Mrs. Flint laughing in a state of mischief.
LARRY to SHEMP, MOE, and MRS. FLINT: (As Shemp and Moe are standing there laughing, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, with looks fo mischief on their faces as Mrs. Flint is still standing there in a state of deep hurt as Larry says): "I bet that miser eats rusty nails for breakfast!"
MRS. FLINT to MOE, SHEMP, and LARRY: (As they still have looks of mischief on their faces as poor Mrs. FLint is standing there in a state of sadness says to them): "Ever since I\'ve become old, and lost my beauty, he\'s threatened to run out on me, and now he\'s done it. OH, what\'ll I do?"
We now see Shemp and Larry looking at Mrs. Flint with painful looks on their faces as she is standing there crying along with Moe.
LARRY to MRS. FLINT: (As Moe is standing there crying and Shemp and Larry have their hands on her in carryingness as Larry says): "We have a spare room in the back!"
SHEMP to MRS. FLINT: (In a very carrying manner as he is saying to her in a gentle tone of voice): "And, you\'re welcome to it!"
MRS. FLINT to SHEMP: (As she is crying and says to him kindly): "Thank-you!"
We now see Larry and Shemp helping the sad, crying and hurt Mrs. Flint to their spare room in the back of the store.
MRS. FLINT to SHEMP, MOE, and LARRY: (As Shemp and Larry are now opening the door to the spare back room and Moe is standing there crying): "Bless you, boys!"
MOE to LARRY, and SHEMP: (As we see them standing there with really hurtful looks on their faces as Moe is saying in a crying voice): "Poor old lady, it\'s tough to get old!"
SHEMP to MOE: (As Shemp is standing there with a look of hurt on his face and says in a low carrying voice): "Yep!"
SHEMP to MOE and LARRY: (As Shemp now has a look of I have an idea on his face says): "Eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, hold it, eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, hold it, I got it!"
MOE and LARRY to SHEMP: (As Shemp is standing there happily and Larry says to him in a questionable tone of voice): "What is it?"
SHEMP to LARRY and MOE: (In a full blown state of happiness as Shemp is raising a fist in a state of pride): "A terrific idea, if we can discover a vitamin to make old people young, we\'ll become rich and famous!"
MOE to SHEMP): (As Moe is also raising a fist in proudful agreement to Shemp and has a look of happiness on his face says): "It\' tremendous!"
LARRY to MOE and SHEMP: (As Larry is now smiling happily and is also raising a fist in agreement says): "It\'s colossal!"
SHEMP to MOE and LARRY: (As he is once again raising a fist in pride and has a mischievous look on his face say): I\'ts putrid!"
MOE to SHEMP and LARRY: (As Moe is standing there in a serious manner says): "Right, the what are we stalling for? Get busy!"
Moe is now grabbing both Shemp and Larry by their noses as he is dragging them to the back room.
SHEMP and LARRY to MOE: (As Moe has them by their noses as they are saying pain): "Yooow, yooow, yooow, yooow, yooow, yooow, yooow, yooow, yooow, yooow, yooow, yooow.\'
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry is now opening the door to their laboratory says): "After you, doctor!"
Moe has now bowed to both Shemp and Larry in a very professional manner. Moe is now entering into their laboratory as Shemp and Larry have now given Moe a nice, swift kick on his backside. Moe has now fallen into their laboratory as we hear the sound of a gong going off."
LARRY to SHEMP: (As Larry has a mischievous look on his face and is pointing to their laboratory says): "After you, doctor!"
SHEMP to LARRY: (As Shemp is now bowing at Larry and is extending a hand in agreement and is going into the laboratory backwards to prevent being kicked says): "Why, certainly professor!"
Shemp is now in the laboratory room while Larry is standing there with his hands balled in fists and has a mad look on his face and is saying, humnh, humnh, humnh, humnh, as he was not able to also kick Shemp in the backside.
We now see Shemp, Larry, and Moe at their working table that has a mortar and pestle on it, and a mixing beaker. Shemp has now put a few ingredients on their table with a happy look on his face.
We now see Moe standing there in front of the beaker and is happily and miwchievously mixing the ingredients for their \'Fountain Of Youth.\' Larry and Shemp are also standing there with happy but yet mischievous looks on their faces. Larry is now happily handing Moe a bottle of chemicals with a look of mischief on his face.
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is happily mixing at the beaker on their concoction shouts): "M-I-S-H-E-G-A-S!"
Larry is standing there with a really mischievous look on his face as \'Professors\' Moe and Shemp are busy working on their \'Youth Serum."
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is handing the bottle to Shemp and is busy mixing says): \'M-I-S-H-E-G-A-S!"
SHEMP to MOE and LARRY: (As Shemp is now pouring in a very liberal amount says): "M-I-S-H-E-G-A-S!"
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is still happily mixing in a state of wonderment says): "P-Y-A-R-E-E-C-O-N!"
Larry is now smiling from ear to ear as he is now handing Moe a humongous-sized syringe like device and says: \'P-Y-A-R-E-E-C-O-N!"
Moe is now handing Shemp the humongous syringe like device with a really mischievous look on his face says): \'P-Y-A-R-E-E-C-O-N!"
SHEMP to MOE and LARRY: (As Shemp is now shooting in a very nice liberal portion and Moe has a really wicked look on his face as Shemp says): "P-Y-A-R-E-E-C-O-N!"
As Shemp was shooting in the \'P-Y-A-R-E-E-C-O-N\', their formula is now smoking, popping and crackling wildly.
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is taking the pestle out of the mortar and is hitting Shemp hard on the head with it shouts): "You, put in too much."
SHEMP to MOE: (As Shemp is yelling in pain and is rubbing his sore head shouts back to Moe in madness): "What\'s the idea of hitting me with that pestle?"
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is standing there with a really mad look on his face shouts back): "You\'re lucky I didn\'t hit you with the mortar!"
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry is now laughing mischievously says): "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, \'The Mortar The Merrier\'!"
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe has now hit Larry hard on the head with the pestle and Larry is standing there with a really hurt look on his face says): "Quiet!"
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry is rubbing his head in horrible pain and is looking at Moe painfully says): "Ooow, put that pestle down, man!"
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is standing there and mischievously pounding cotton into the formula shouts to Larry): "M-I-X-E-R!"
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry is happily responding to to Moe): "M-I-X-E-R!"
We now see Shemp putting some caps back on the bottles of ingredients they were used as Moe is looking at Larry and still mixing the formula.
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry is now holding a knee length rubber boot says to Moe in a state of mischief as Larry is now bringing Shemp and Moe the boot): "Here\'s the \'M-I-X-E-R\'.
MOE to LARRY: (As Shemp and Moe are carrying the formula over to Larry says): "Comin\' up!"
MOE to SHEMP and LARRY: (As Shemp and Larry are holding the \'M-I-X-E-R\' and Moe is happily pouring in the formula says): "Okay!"
As Moe is shaking the boot he has now hit Shemp and Larry hard in their faces.
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is giving Shemp an apologetic look and says to him in a apologetic tone of voice): "Pardon me!"
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is still shaking the \'M-I-X-E-R\' says to him apologetically): "Excuse me!"
As Shemp and Larry are rubbing their faces in pain and Moe is miwchievousp shaking the formula, they all now have looks of dazement on their faces and the mixture is now popping, crackling, smoking and sparking loudly, wildly and total out of control.
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe has now set down the boot and gives Larry a look of wonder says): "It\'s generating!"
Shemp, Larry, and Moe are now looking at the boot, (\'M-I-X-E-R\') in a state of scaredness as it is popping and exploding wildly. They have now jumped back twice and are now doing a Congo style of a dance to the rhythm of the popping, crackling, smoking mixture.
MOE to SHEMP and LARRY: (After they have completed several dance steps Moe is now hitting both Shemp and Larry with his elbows is shouting madly madly): "Hey, hey, break it up!"
MOE to SHEMP and LARRY: (As Shemp and Larry are standing there scared and Moe is approaching the wild boot): "I better give it some air!"
Moe, Larry, and Shemp are now approaching the wild mixture with pre-caution and have scared looks on their faces. Moe has now opened \'The Mixer\' and their cormula is now out of control as it is sparking, flaming, crackling, popping, sparking and burning wildly. Larry, Shemp, and Moe have now jumped back in a full state of fright and panic.
We now see Shemp running over to a shelf and is picking up a glass of water and is taking a drink as Larry and Moe are standing there in horrified panic.
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe has a look of panic on his face shouts to Shemp in a panic voice about the water): "On the fire!"
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is taking the glass from Shemp and is yelling at him madly, and has hit Shemp hard in the stomach. Moe is now taking a drink himself says): "Give me that!"
SHEMP to MOE: (As Shemp is standing there with a look of horrified pain on his face says): "Hey!"
Larry is standing there with a really scared look on his face as Moe has now spit water on Shemp as Shemp has now socked Moe in his stomach.
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is beyond mad at him is shouting to Shemp as Moe is spitting water on him): "What\'s the matter with you?"
SHEMP to MOE: (As Shemp is giving Moe a really mad look and is wiping water off of his face as he is now in the process of taking another drink): "Cut it out will ya?"
LARRY to SHEMP: (As Larry has a really outrageous look of panic on his face and is shouting to Shemp in panicking tone of voice): "Come on, hurry up!"
We now see Larry and Moe standing there in panic as Shemp is now taking mouthfuls of water and is spitting them onto the wildly burning boot
LARRY to SHEMP: (Really panicking out of control as Shemp has now poured the remaining portion of water in the glass on the burning mixture): "More!"
SHEMP to MOE and LARRY: (As they all are standing there horrified beyond no end as Shemp is now getting a large bottle of water and some cotton says): "I\'ll get it!"
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is shouting to him in a total state of panic): "More H2O."
Shemp has now thrown the entire large container of water and the cotton onto the burning mixture as they are standing there looking at it still scared.
SHEMP to MOE: (Also in a full blown state of panic says): "I got it!"
SHEMP to LARRY and MOE: (As Shemp has a look of worry on his face and is spreading his arms to keep Moe and Larry back says): "I think it is out fellas, hold everything, I\'ll take a look!"
Shemp is now approaching the boot and is opening it up as Moe and Larry are standing behind Shemp in a state of worry as Shemp is now getting hit it kisser with a piece of wet, gooey white cotton.
SHEMP to the BOOT: (As Shemp is pulling the sticky and gooey piece of cotton from his face says): "Double-Crosser!"
Moe and Larry are now looking at Shemp with looks of hurt on their faces as Shemp is now getting hit in the face with a black, goopy, tar like consistency blob of paste. Shemp is now walking away slightly staggering from being blinded by the black blob.
We now see "THE THREE HAPPY SCIENTISTS" back at the drawing board re-working their \'Youth Serum\'. Larry is standing there getting some more chemicals from the shelf, Shemp is happily and busy mixing at the mortar while Moe is happily pouring some tablets into his hand.
MOE to SHEMP and LARRY: (As Moe has now happily tossed the tablets into their formula says): "E-E-N-G-I-N-Z-O-E-M-E-N!"
LARRY to SHEMP and MOE: (As Larry now has a mischievous and happy look on his face as he has now poured in a liberal portion of a liquid and says): "A-N-A-C-A-N-A-P-A-N-A-S-A-N."
We now see Shemp, Larry, and Moe looking happily at the \'Youth Serum.\'
LARRY to MOE and SHEMP: (As all three of them are standing there smiling gleefully): "Oh, boy, this time I\'m sure we got it!"
SHEMP to LARRY and MOE: (As Shemp is standing at the mortar with his hands on the pestle as the three of them are smiling gleefully as Shemp says): "Righto!"
MOE to SHEMP and LARRY: (As Moe has a happy look on his face and is waving a finger and is saying in a philosophical sounding voice): "And remove the pestle, and releas the \'Fountain Of Youth!\'
SHEMP to LARRY and MOE: (As Shemp is now struggling to remove the pestle as Moe and Larry are watching in excitment as Shemp says): "Right!"
As Shemp is now struggling with the pestle as Moe and Larry are now watching, Moe and Larry are now getting hit hard in their kissers with Shemp\'s elbows twice.
SHEMP to LARRY and MOE: (As Shemp is now given up at trying to remove the pestle says): "It\'s stuck!"
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is grabbing Shemp and putting him on his other side says to Shemp in a state of madness): "Ah, step aside nitwit, hold the mortar."
Larry and Shemp are both holding the mortar as Moe has successfully removed the pestle and has hit Shemp hard in his kisser with it. Shemp is now yelling loudly in pain as he is rubbing his sore head.
MOE to SHEMP and LARRY: (As we see them standing there with mischievous looks on their faces as Moe is holding the pestle with the black, gooey, goopy, tar like substance dripping off of it says): "We\'re ready to try it!"
We now see Moe and Larry looking at Shemp with devilment on their faces as Shemp is now holding a roll of bandage tape and has his hand over his mouth.
SHEMP to LARRY and MOE: (In a state of scaredness says): "Oooh, I refuse to be the Guinea Pig again!"
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is looking at Shemp with a very carrying look on his face says): "Okay kid, okay, all you have to do is smell it!"
We now see Moe winking at Larry in a state of mischief as Larry has a mischievously taking a spoonful of the formula while Shemp is taking pre-cautions and is covering his mouth with a piece of the bandage tape.
Larry now has the spoonful of the mixture as Moe and Larry flinch back a bit as they have noticed Shemp with the bandaged up mouth.
We nos see Moe looking at Shemp as Moe is laughing, \'ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,\' and is now pulling the tape off of Shemp;s mouth. Shemp is now standing there with a really hurtful look on his face and is yelling out in pain, \'ooow, ooow, ooow, ooow, ooow, ooow,\' and is rubbing his face in hurt.
Moe now has the spoonful of serum in his hand as Larry is standing behind Moe in a state of wonder as they are watching Shemp duck for cover under their working bench. We now see Shemp coming up in a state of happiness as he now has a beekeepers helmet on.
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is laughing mischievously to Shemp as Larry is also standing there in a state of mischief): "Ha, ha, ha, ha, all right, we\'ll call Mrs. Flint."
Larry and Moe are now walking away in a state of madness as Shemp is now removing the beekeepers helmet in happiness.
We now see Moe, Larry, and Shemp going to the door where Mrs. Flint is staying.
MOE, LARRY, and SHEMP to MRS. FLINT: (As Moe is holding the spoonful of \'Youth Serum\' and they are saying in a sing-song style of voice): SHEMP: "Oh, Mrs. Flint." MOE: "Flint." LARRY: "Flint."
We now see old Mrs. Flint slowly hobbling in slightly shaking from old age on her cane as she is now approaching Shemp, Larry, and Moe.
MOE to MRS. FLINT: (As Moe still has the spoon of \'Youth Serum\' says to her in a mischievous tone of voice): "Open your mouth!"
LARRY to MRS. FLINT: (As he is also standing there in a mischievous manner says): "And close your eyes!"
SHEMP to MRS. FLINT: (Also in a mischievous manner says): "We\'re gonna give you a big surprise!"
MRS. FLINT to LARRY, SHEMP, and MOE: (As she is a little bit reluctant at first but does what they ask says): "Ah, ah, well, all right!"
We now see Mrs. Flint taking the spoonful of \'Serum\' from Moe.
Mrs. Flint is now feeling the affects of the serum as she had a look of hurt on her face and is saying, \'Breep, breep, bip, bip, hee, hee, beeb, beeb, beeb, beeb, beeb, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, arff, arff, arff, arff, arff, arff.\'
As Mrs. Flint was going through the effects of what the serum was doing to her we see Moe, Shemp, and Larry standing there looking at her and each other with dazed and worried looks on their faces.
MRS. FLINT to SHEMP, LARRY, and MOE: (As she is feeling the effects of the formula and has a dazed look on her face says in a tone of voice that starts off as a shakey old lady and then turns into a young ladies tone of voice): "I haven\'t felt like this since, hee, hee, hee, goodness knows when, hee, hee, hee, hee, hee, hee, hee,"
All the while that Mrs. Flint was going through the the effects of the \'Youth Serum\' we see Larry, Shemp, and Moe standing there looking at her in states of worry.
The "Youth Serum" has turned out to be a complete success. We saw Mrs. Flint transform from a bent over, old, shakey lady using a cane to a beautiful, georgeous, looking young lady.
MRS. FLINT to MOE, LARRY, and SHEMP: (As she is standing there as a beautiful, georgeous young lady and is smiling joyfully says): "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, I feel giddy, I actually feel young!"
MOE to MRS. FLINT: (As he is standing there in total awe and looking at her happily): "You are, you are!"
Larry has now whistled fliratiously at her in a happy manner while Shemp is now barking and howling like a coyote at her, and smiling in glee at what he is seeing. Moe and Larry are now grabbing Shemp to calm him down, as Moe has now hit Shemp in the stomach. Larry is standing there with his hands on Shemp\'s shoulder as he is looking at Shemp is a state of hurt and carryingness.
MOE to SHEMP and LARRY: (As Moe is giving Shemp and Larry looks of happiness and pride as we see Larry standing there holding Shemp\'s arm as Shemp is rubbing his sore stomach as Moe says): "Boys, we did it, we did it, our \'Fountain Of Youth Invention\' will make us rich, we can buy our own building."
MOE to MRS. FLINT: (As Moe is taking her by the arm in happiness as Moe how has a smile of glee on his face as well as Larry and Shemp): "Come right over her and look!"
We now see Mrs. Flint looking at herself in a mirror as she is now thoroughly happy at what she sees and has a look of happy amazement on her face, as she is rubbing her face and totally happy and thankful for what Shemp, Larry, and Moe has done for her.
MOE to SHEMP and LARRY: (As they are standing there really happy and amazed at the success of their \'Youth Serum\' Moe says): "If I hadn\'t seen it with my own eyes, I\'d never believe it!"
We now see Shemp and Larry rubbing their eyes and blinking fastly and looking again at Mrs. Flint to see if what they saw was right, a beautiful and young Mrs. Flint, and they saw correctly.
MRS. FLINT to SHEMP, MOE, and LARRY: (As she has a gleeful look on her face and is shouting joyfully): "I\'m young again, ya-hoo, hey!"
We now see Mrs. Flint in a thorough state of happiness as she is smiling from ear to ear as she has now thrown her cane away. Removing her old lady style jacket, and lace tie with an ugly old lady cameo pin on it plus she is now tearing her old lady floor length gown into a younger lady style of a knee length dress.
All the while that Mrs. Flint was transforming herself from a rickety old lady to a beautiful and georgeous young lady we see Shemp, Moe, and Larry standing there all excited and happy.
Moe was standing there rubbing his hands in joy and had goo-goo style eyes and was saying, \'woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo-woo.\' Shemp was standing there puffing his lips and shaking his fists in total glee as he is smiling sweetly at her. Larry is shuffling to and fro as he is shaking his fists also in glee and has a really happy and gleeful look on his face and is also giving her goo-goo eyes as he is saying, \'Oh, boy!\'
We now see the young and beautiful Mrs. Flint dancing and singing in delight at her transformation, while Shemp, Moe, and Larry are now smiling happily as the are also dancing around in delight.
LARRY to MOE, SHEMP, and MRS. FLINT: (As Larry is now in a full state of glee says): "She\'s georgeous, may I have this dance?" (Larry is now skipping up to Mrs. Flint in delight).
MRS. FLINT to LARRY: (As she is still smiling and dancing around in total delight): "Yes!"
We now see Larry happily waltzing with Mrs. Flint as Shemp and Moe are fluttering and waltzing around in total delight and joy. As Shemp, Moe, Larry, and Mrs. Flint are waltzing in delight we now see Larry giving Shemp a hard kick in his backside. Shemp is now walking up to Larry in a state of madness as Moe has now stopped Shemp.
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe has a look of madness on his face as he is holding Shemp back): "Wait a minute!"
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is now approaching the happily dancing and singing Larry and Mrs. Flint. Moe has now tapped Larry on his shoulder and says to Larry in a serious tone of voice, as Larry has now given Moe a mad look and shakes his fist at Moe in madness): "Do you mind if I cut in?"
Moe is now happily waltzing with the "NEW" Mrs. Flint as Shemp is standing there dancing and is conducting the humming. Moe has now left Mrs. Flint and is now looking at Shemp in dazement as Mrs. Flint is now standing by Larry smiling from ear to ear in happiness.
SHEMP to MOE: (As Shemp is now looking at Moe in total mischief as he has his arms spread and Shemp says to Moe): "Do you mind if I cut in?"
MOE to SHEMP: (In a very serious and happy tone of voice says): "No!"
We now see Mrs. Flint standing there smiling as Larry is looking at them in dazement as Shemp is now happily and mischievously waltzing with Moe.
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is waltzing with Shemp in a happy manner says): "Say, you\'re not a bad dancer!"
SHEMP to MOE: (As they are still happily waltzing with one another): "I\'m from Missouri, \'The Waltz State\'!"
We are now back on the main sales area where we see Moe busy at hand straightening up some shelf top stock as a man is now approaching the sales counter. Moe is looking at the customer in fear as the customer is happily chewing and blowing bubbles on his bubble gum.
MOE to the (Male) BUBBLE GUM CUSTOMER: (In a very professional manner as the customer is still merrily blowing his bubles): "Yes sir, what can I do for you?"
(Male) BUBBLE GUM CUSTOMER to MOE: (As he responds to Moe in a happy but yet serious tone of voice says): "I want some bubble gum."
MOE to the (Male) BUBBLE GUM CUSTOMER: (As Moe has now nodded at him says to him very professional like): "Yes sir!"
The Bubble Gum Customer has now blown a gigantic-sized bubble and has popped it as Moe is looking at him in a state of fear as Moe is reaching for the box of bubble gum balls.
The Bubble Gum Customer is very happily blowing his bubbles as Moe is a state of fear. Mow has now opened the box of bubble gum balls and is extending it to the customer.
MOE to the (Male) BUBBLE GUM CUSTOMER: (As Moe is now represting the open box of bubble gum to the customer says in fear): "There we are!"
We now see the customer meticulously taking out one at a time and is setting them on the counter a total of two gum balls.
MOE to the (Male) BUBBLE GUM CUSTOMER: (In a professional but yer state of fear says): "That\'ll be five cents."
The Bubble Gum Customer has now nodded at Moe in agreement as he is now handing Moe a nickle that he has taken from his suit jacket poket.
MOE to the (Male) BUBBLE GUM CUSTOMER: (As Moe has now taken the nickle and has dropped it into the bubble gum boy says professionally): "Thank-you."
As the customer was exiting he blew one last gigantic bubble as Moe was watching him in fear. As Moe was watching the customer he did not realize that he has set the open box of gum balls on top of two closed boxes of marshamllows.
We now hear the very happy, young Mrs. Flint humming gleefully as Larry is standing there smiling and waving to and fro as he is wiping down a counter.
We now see the very happy Mrs. Flint come singing and walking into the main sales area proudly carrying a white cake with one huge white candle inserted into the middle of it. She is now proudly setting the cake down on the counter top.
LARRY to SHEMP and MOE: (As he is looking at the cake in a full state of happiness and is shouting to Shemp and Moe in total happiness): "Hey fellas!"
Moe and Shemp have now run up to the serving counte as they all are looking at the cake in total glee and delight.
SHEMP to MOE, LARRY, and MRS. FLINT: (As Shemp is looking happily at the cake as well as Larry and Moe in total happiness): "Oh, boy, a sky rocket!"
MRS. FLINT to SHEMP, LARRY, and MOE: (As she is proudly standing behind her cake with a huge smile on her face says): "No, no, no, it\'s a cake I baked to celebrate my re-birth, how do you like it?"
MOE to MRS. FLINT: (As Moe is smiling happily and has pounded his hands together in excitment says): "Oh, that\'s terrific!"
LARRY to MRS. FLINT: (As he is totally excited about the cake as he now has a knife in his hand says): "Let\'s have a slice!"
MRS. FLINT to LARRY: (As she is stopping Larry from slicing the cake says): "Oh no, it has to be decorated with marshmallows!"
SHEMP to MOE, LARRY, and MRS. FLINT: (As he is pointing at himself and says to them in glee): "I\'ll get the marshmallows!"
Shemp is now skipping merrily to the other side of the store rubbing his hands together as he is mumbling to himself, \'Marshmallows, marshmallows, oh, marshmallows, here\'s one that is open.\'
Shemp is now happily walking back to the still humming Mrs. Flint with his \'M-A-R-S-H-M-A-L-L-O-W-S?" (which in reality is the open box of gum balls that Moe put up there by accident). Larry and Moe are looking at the cake in glee.
As Mrs. Flint was happily straightening the candle on her cake she has now sniffed the air.
MRS. FLINT to MOE and LARRY: (As she is now slightly panicking says as she is now running back into the back room and into the kitchen): "Oh, heavens, my roast!"
MOE to MRS. FLINT: (As she is now smiling at Moe as she is running back to check her roast): "Don\'t worry, we\'ll drape the cake."
As Moe was talking to Mrs. Flint Larry was busy snitching a taste of the icing.
LARRY to MOE: (In a state of mischief as Larry has been caught by Moe says): "Taste?"
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe has a mad look on his face and says back to Larry as he is now taking Larry\'s hand and is smashing Larry in the face with the icing): "No thanks, you take it, get out of here!"
As Moe has now madly shoved Larry away we now see Shemp happily approaching the counter with his box of \'M-A-R-S-H-M-A-L-L-O-W-S\'!
SHEMP to MOE: (As Shemp has a serious look on his face as he is setting the (Gum), \'M-A-R-S-H-M-A-L-L-O-W-S\' down on the counter says): "Here\'s the \'M-A-R-S-H-M-A-L-L-O-W-S.\'
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is now in a slightly mad mood from Larry says): "All right!"
SHEMP to MOE: (As Shemp is looking at Moe mischievously asks Moe): "Does marshmallows got pits?"
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is giving Shemp a mad look and is responding back to Shemp madly): "No, they\'re empty, like your skull. Drape that cake, I\'ll bring the dishes."
SHEMP to MOE: (In a happy mood): "All right!"
We now see Moe exiting to get the dishes as Shemp is happily applying the \'M-A-R-S-H-M-A-L-L-O-W-S?\' to the cake.
Mrs. Flint, Larry, Moe, and Shemp are now happily sitting down with the cake as they are making a toast with their forks as they are raising them into the air and is touching them together.
We now see Mrs. Flint taking a bite of the cake in lady like manner as Shemp, Moe, and Larry are happily attacking it meanly.
LARRY: (As he has a look of mischief on his face as he is now starting to eat his cake says): "Oh, yeah!"
SHEMP and MOE: (As they are eating their cake very happily says): "All right."
Mrs. Flint has now taken another lady like bite as Shemp, Larry, and Moe are still shoveling theirs in.
We now see Shemp with a look of wonderment on his face as he is trying to be polite about the cake but really isn\'t enjoying it like he thought he would.
We now see Moe with a look of dismay on his face as he is eating his cake slice and not really enjoying it but is being polite about it and is acting like he\'s liking it in front of Mrs. Flint.
We are now on Moe and Shemp together as they are eating their cake slices with looks of dismay on their faces as they are being polite but are truly disliking the cake.
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is now leaning over to Shemp and is whispering to him): \'M-A-R-S-H-M-A-L-L-O-W-S\' are a little stale!"
SHEMP to MOE: (As Shemp is now mischievously leaning over to Moe and is whispering back at him): "We got \'em in fresh yesterday!"
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is eating his cake and responds to Shemp nonchalantly): "Could be!"
We now see Larry, Moe, and Shemp eating their cake with looks of dismay on their faces as they are not enjoying it like they thought, due to the fact that the "M-A-R-S-H-M-A-L-L-O-W-S\', ain\'t \'M-A-R-S-H-M-A-L-L-O-W-S,\' (but gum balls).
We now see Larry with a horrifed look on his face as he is chewing on his cake in dislike. He is now removing a lit candle from his mouth. Larry has now blown the candle out and was starting to set it down on the counter but instead he gave the candle a look of puzzlement as he is now eating it.
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is now leaning over to Shemp and is whispering to Shemp mischievously): "This reminds me of \'Filley\' of sole!"
SHEMP to MOE: (As Shemp is eating his cake in dislike whispers back to Moe mischievously): "And heel!"
Shemp, Larry, and Moe are now being polite as they can in front of Mrs. Flint about her cake as they are eating it in total dislike. Mrs. Flint has now looked at Larry to see what he thinks of it.
LARRY to MRS. FLINT: (In a total polite state asks her): "What do you call this cake?"
MRS. FLINT to LARRY: (In a very polite voice says to him with a look of happiness on his face): "Marshmallow Jumbo!"
Larry is now giving Mrs. Flint a polite look as he is now leaning over to Moe where we see Shemp and Moe with looks on madness on their faces about how horrible the cake is.
LARRY to MOE: (As Larry is leaning over to Moe and is whispering to Moe in a state of dislike mischief says): "It Tastes More Like Marshmallow Gumbo!"
We now see Shemp taking a hold of his nose and his chin as he is moving them up and down to help himself eat the cake better. Moe is now pounding himself on the head as he is also holding his nose and ching as he is moving them up and down to help him be able to eat the cake better.
Larry is now moving his lips back and forth to make his teeth work better to help himself also better eat the cake.
We are now on Contestant Number One: Shemp who has a look of wonder on his face as he is coughing due to the dryness of the cake and is now blowing bubbles. Contestant Number Two: Moe is still eating his cake in dislike and has a mad look on his face as he is now joining in on the bubble blowing contest. We are now on Contestant Number Three: , Larry as he has a look of dismay on his face as he is eating his cake and has coughed and is also in on the bubble blowing contest.
Shemp, Larry, and Moe now have looks of pain on their faces as they are now randomly blowing bubbles out of control.
We are now on the fourth and final contestant of the bubble blowing contest, Mrs. Serena Flint, she has a horrified look on her face as she is joining in on the bubble blowing contest.
Shemp, Moe, Larry, and Serena all with looks of wonder on their faces are now randomly out of cotrol having a bubble blowing fest.
We now see Shemp who is now blowing a huge bubble and is now popping it with his fork. Contestant number four, Serena, has now got a worried look on her face as she is now blowing several huge bubbles out of her control.
We now conclude this bubble gum blowing contest where we see Shemp with a mischieous look on his face as he is now putting his hand up to his mouth and is coughing slightly to try and not blow any more bubbles which causes him to blow two bubbles through his ears.
We are now back in the main sales area of the store where we see the old crotchety Mr. Flint walking into the store at a mad and fast pace. He is now pounding on the main service counter dementedly with his cane.
MR. FLINT: (Shouting loudly into the main sales area of the store in total madness): "Where are those skallywags at?"
We now see Mrs. Flint entering into the main sales area of the store in total madness.
SERENA to AMOS: (As she is now approaching him as the "NEW AND BEAUTIFUL" Mrs. Amos Flint and is shouting at him madly): "What\'s all the racket, Amos?"
Shemp, Larry, and Moe are now entering to the main sales area of the store with looks of madness on their faces at Mr. Flint. Mr. Flint is now waving his cane in madness as he is holding onto his hat and jumps back and flicheds as he now sees his old hag of a wife transformed into a beautiful, geogeous young lady.
AMOS to SERENA: (As he is looking at her in a state of dazement and has a perplexed sounding voice says to her): "Serena, what, Serena, you\'re young and beautiful, well how did you do it?"
We now see Serena standing there with one hand on her waist and the other hand on her head as she is slowly pivoting around showing Amos in pride the very "New And Well Improved Self." Shemp, Moe, and Larry are also standing there with looks of pride on their faces.
MOE to AMOS FLINT: (As Moe is pointing at himself in pride and says to Mr. Flint in full state of pride): "We, discovered the \'Fountain Of Youth,\' we can make old people young!"
Moe, Shemp, and Larry are now looking at Serena in a state of pride as she is happily and proudfully standing there looking at her husband.
MR. FLINT to MOE: (As he is grabbing Moe in a state of panic and is pleading with Moe to make him young still pleading): "Oh, make me young, make me young, I\'ll, I\'ll, give you the store for nothing, I\'ve got a deed right here in my pocket, I\'ll sign it right over to ya!"
We now see Shemp, Moe, and Larry looking at Mr. Flint in total states of glee as Mr. Flint is now taking out the deed and is happily and in a full pleading state is signing it as a trade for Moe, Shemp, and Larry to make him young.
MOE to MR. FLINT: (Moe is now totally happy with the agreement as he is saying happily to Mr. Flint): "That\'s fare enough, get busy boys!"
MR. FLINT to MOE: (As Mr Flint has a look of happiness on his face and is finishing signing the deed as he hands it to Moe): "Here!"
MOE to MR. FLINT: (As Moe is looking at Mr. Flint with a worried look on his face and has a worried tone of voice says): "Now, wait a minute Flint, we don\'t know how this stuff is gonna work on a man!"
MR. FLINT to MOE: (As Mr. Flint is now putting his ink pen back into his suit jacket pocket and is looking at Moe with a mean and demented look on his face says in a mad tone of voice): "You can\'t back down on your bargin, it\'ll work, it worked on Serena!"
We now see Larry and Shemp approaching Mr. Flint in a happy mood as they are handing Mr. Flint the mortar full of their \'Youth Serum!\'
We now see Shemp, Moe, and Larry sticking their tongues out and are looking at Mr. Flint with horrified looks of panic on their faces as Mr. Flint has a wicked look on his face as he is eating the \'Youth Serum\' right out of the mortar off of the pestle like he was eating raw cake dough.
Mr. Flint has now backed away from Moe, Larry, and Shemp and has now chowed down several gigantic bites of the of the formula and he is now coughing as he has a look of wonderment on his face. He is now standing up saying, \'beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep,\' as he is now starting to fell the effects of the \'Youth Serum.\'
We now see Moe, Shemp, Larry, and Serena standing there watching Amos feeling the effects of their formula with horrified looks of panic on their faces.
MR. FLINT to SHEMP, LARRY, MOE, and SERENA: (As his voice is now becoming a higher range says in a state of panic as he is still chewing on the formula): "I feel funny, awful funny, I\' starting to feel younger every second, my blood is boiling like a gyser. (Mr. Flint\'s voice pitch has now become very deep as he is saying while he is shoveling the formula in at a frantic pace), even my muscles seem to be growing!"
While Mr. Flint was busily chowing down the formula and talking to Shemp, Moe, Larry, and Serena we see the boys getting into a huddle talking trying to figure out what to do to help Mr. Flint. While the boys were talking we saw Serena standing behind them with her hand cupped to her ear trying to listen to what they were disgusting.
We are now back on Mr. Flint as he has now set the mortar down and has a really demented look on his face as his eyes are now bugging out and he has his arms bent and his hand formed into flists.
MR. FLINT to SHEMP, MOE, LARRY, and SERENA: (In a really low voice as he is standing there with a look of wonder on his face as he is bending his arms to make muscles and is clenching his fists like he is raising weights says): "I feel as strong as an elephant."
We now see Mr. Flint as the serum has now toally taken its effects on him as he is still bending his arms and has his hands clenched as he has now turned into a gorilla.
MR. FLINT: (As he is laughing mischievously and happily as he doesn\'t know yet that he has turned into a gorilla): "Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, I feel like a changed man."
We now see Moe, Shemp, and Larry getting up from their huddly as they along with Serena have horrified painc looks on their faces as they have now see what their concoction has doen to a man as they are looking at Gorilla Flint.
MR. (Gorilla) FLINT to SHEMP, MOE, LARRY, and SERENA: (Still not knowing that he is a gorilla, feels like a weight lifter says as he is wildly smashing a table with coffee cups on it and a sale sight that reads "SPECIAL" 49¢): I feel like I could tear the building apart."
As Gorilla Flint is smashing the table Shemp, Larry, Moe, and Serena are looking at him with horrified looks of panic and helplessness on their faces.
Gorilla Flint is now pounding his chest like a gorilla as he is now looking into a mirror and has now realized what the serum has done to him, at first he is just looking nonchalantly into the mirror and is laughing, \'ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.\' He has now returned to the mirror as he now realized that he has turned into a gorilla.
We now see Shemp, Moe, and Larry standing there with horrified looks of panic on their faces as Gorilla Flint is yelling at them.
GORILLA FLINT to MOE, SHEMP, and LARRY: (As he has now noticed he is a gorilla is looking at them with a mad look on his face and is shaking a fist at them in a state of demented madness is shouting at them): "Ah, you dirty double-crossin\' rats, so you made a monkey out of me, eh? I\'ll tear you apart!"
We now see Gorilla Flint pounding wildly and wickedly on his chest as Moe, Shemp, and Larry are running for cover in state of panic into another room. They have now slammed the door shut and are locking it behind them.
GORILLA FLINT to SHEMP, LARRY, and MOE: (As he is pounding on the door with his fists in a horrible state of madness is shouting): "Open up there, let me in!"
We now see Gorilla Flint in a horrible state of dementd madness as he is wildly turning the door knob as he has now broken it off. He has now thrown the knob on the floor as he is growling in madness.
We now see Shemp, Moe, and Larry standing by the door in the other room with horrified looks of pain on their faces as Gorilla Flint has smashed his fist through the door and is hitting Moe hard in his face, which has now caused Moe, Shemp, and Larry to konk coconuts as Larry is now loosing his balance and is falling to the floor in front of a chemicals shelf totally passed out, with a look of dazement on his face.
We now see Moe and Shemp turning around and have noticed Larry laying on the floor totally knocked out as Moe is saying in a hurtful tone of voice: "LARRY."
SHEMP to LARRY: (As Moe is now fanning Larry with a card and Shemp is saying to him in a low and carrying tone of voice): "What happened Larry!"
MOE to LARRY: (As Moe is patting Larry on the head with an empty box in a state of worry): "Come on, say something kid!"
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is looking at Shemp in a state of panic says): "Hey, get a bottle of smelling salts!"
SHEMP to MOE: (As Shemp is now replying to Moe in a concerned voice says): "All right!"
As Shemp and Moe were helping Larry, Gorilla Flint had put his hand through the hole in the door and opened it from the inside and has walked in and was watching them with his arms crossed in a total state of madness.
We now see Shemp as he is on his way to get the smelling salst while Moe is still kneeling by Larry bump into Gorilla Flint and has now jumped back in a horrible state of fright and panic as he is saying, \'eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, eeeb, eeeb.\'
Gorilla Flint is now standing behind Moe and has given Moe a swift hard kick in his backside.
MOE to SHEMP: (As Shemp is standing there quaking in his boots from total fear as Gorilla Flint is standing behind them not noticed by Moe as Moe is shouting to Shemp): "What\'s the idea of kicking me, you back bitter!"
SHEMP to MOE: (A Shemp is standing there in horrified pain and says to Moe in a stuttering voice from fear): "Honest, M-M-M-M-M Moe, I d-d-d-d-d didn\'t, d-d-d-d-d do it!"
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is looking at Gorilla Flint in a mischievous state as Moe is saying to Shemp): "You didn\'t kick me when you sere standing...... I suppose he did it, I outta punch you right......"
We now see Gorilla Flint standing behin Moe who has his hand in a fist that was going to be for Shemp as Moe has a look of mad panic on his face as he has now realized that it was Gorilla Flint who kicked him in his backside.
We now hear Gorilla Flint growling at Moe as Moe is now shouting in a really horrified state of panic, \'woow, woow, woow, woow, woow, woow, woow, woow, woow, woow, woow, woow."
GORILLA FLINT to MOE: (As he is grabbing Moe in a state of horrified madness as he has shoved Shemp sending Shemp into a wall): "I gotcha!"
As Shemp went crashing into a wall he has now knocked a flower pot off a high shelf causing it to hit him in the head knocking him out cold. Shemp is now leaning against a box with the flower pot on his head with a spaced out look on his face.
MOE to GORILLA FLINT: (As Moe is now in a really horrified state of panic and fear and is trembling wildly as he is begging to Gorilla Flint for his life): "Take it easy, let me go, let me go, take it easy!"
We now see the very mad and demented Gorilla Flint taking hold of Moe and is flipping Moe over his shoulder sending Moe crashing to the floor. As Moe is lying on the floor in a total state of helplessness. We now see the really mad Gorilla Flint taking hold of Moes foot and is winding it up and letting it goe like you would on a propeller of a toy airplane. Moe is lying there with a horrible look of pain on his face as he is patting his head in pain and is yelling in a really painful tone of voice. \'oooh-ah, oooh-ah, oooh-ah, oooh-ah, oooh-ah, oooh-ah, oooh-ah, oooh-ah, oooh-ah, oooh-ah, oooh-ah, oooh-ah, ouch, ouch, ouck, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch ouch.\'
We now see Gorilla Flint rotating his head in circles as he is watching Moes foot unwind. He has now spun Moe around and is holding Moe by his feet.
GORILLA FLINT to MOE: (As he is picking Moe up by his feet and is wickedly smashing Moes head on the floor says): "I\'ll flatten your head like a pancake!"
As Gorilla Flint is wildly crashing Moe\'s head on the floor we see Moe with the most horrible look of pain on his face as you can get.
Larry is now coming too as he is shaking his head in pain. Larry now has a terrifie look of pain on his face as he is noticing Moe getting his head smashed on the floor by the demented Gorilla FLing and at Shemp as Shemp is still out cold wearing his flower pot hat.
Larry is now taking from the chemicals shelf a bottle of \'CHLOROFORM\' and he is hitting Gorilla Flint hard in head, sending some to spill down his face causing Gorilla Flint to pass, after he has smashed Moes head on the floor ten more times. As Gorilla Flint was in the process of passing out he was stretching his arms and yawning.
Shemp has now finally came too as he is running over in a carrying state as he is helping Moe up. Moe is sitting there with a really hurt and dazed look on his face as he hair is now flatten out like a pancake.
Shem has now helped the really bruised, battered, spaced out Moe over to a wall to let Moe rest. Shemp has now noticed Moes "New Hairstyle", and has now flinched back and said to Moe in his face in worry, \'feit, feit, feit, feit, feit, feit.\'
SHEMP to MOE: (As Moe is still standing there in a horrible state of dazedness): "Get up Moe, you\'re head is a flat as a pancake, but you look better that way!"
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is still spaced out from pain says in a panicked tone of voice): "Do something, get me out of this!"
SHEMP to MOE: (As we see Shemp taking hold of Moes neck and is jerking it quickly bouncing Moe up and down to bring Moe back): "All right, hold still, there you are, now put your head down there and I\'ll iron it out!"
Shemp is now taking the still slightly spaced out Moe and is laying Moes head onto a table.
SHEMP to MOE: (As he has now placed Moes head on the table is now taking a metal mallett and is pounding on Moes head to iron it out as Shemp is pounding on Moes head says): "Put it right down there." (As Shemp is pounding on Moes head he is rotating it around as bells are sounding).
Shemp has now finished ironing Moes head as he is now standing Moe up and Moe is now fully recovered.
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is rubbing his head and is finished coming too says in a low tone of voice): "Oh, those bells!"
SHEMP to MOE: (As Shemp has now noticed that Moes head has bent the mallett): "It\'s a good thing that I brought......"
We now see Larry kneeling by the totally knocked out Gorilla Flint with a really happy look on his face and is grinning from ear to ear.
LARRY to SHEMP and MOE: (As Larry is in a totally happy mood): "Hey, fellas, the "CHLOROFORM\' knocked him cold!"
SHEMP to MOE and LARRY: (As they are looking at the knocked out Gorilla Flint happily): "I got an idea, this guy will make us rich, we\'ll put him in a cage and exhibit the only talking gorilla in captivity!"
Larry has now patted Shemp on his shoulder in agreement.
MOE to SHEMP and LARRY: (As Moe has a look of excitement on his face as Larry has a look of worry on his face and Shemp has a look of excitement on his face): "Hey, it would be better with two taking gorillas!"
SHEMP to MOE: (As Shemp is looking at Moe in total excitement says): "Yeah, but where are we gonna get......"
We now see Moe and Larry looking at Shemp with looks of demented mischief on their faces as Shemp has now realized that Moe meant him.
SHEMP to MOE: (As Shemp is looking at Moe in a horrified state of panic as he is pointing a finger at himself says madly): "No, Moe, that look in you eye, I ain\'t no gorilla!"
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe is looking at Shemp with a look of wickedness on his face says): "Not yet, wait until I get the \'Fountain Of Youth\'.
We now see Moe going to get the \'Fountain Of Youth\' with a really mean look on his face as Larry is standing there with a look of worry on his face as Shemp has a full blown look on panic pain on his face.
LARRY to SHEMP: (As Shemp is now in a full state of panic as Larry is grabbing him and trying to calm him down says): "Now, wait a minute, Shemp!"
SHEMP to LARRY: (As Shemp is beyond the state of panic and is running for his life says): "NO!"
LARRY to SHEMP: (As Larry is chasing after the poor really panicking Shemp): "Now, don\'t get excited, it\'s great being gorilla, you don\'t have to pay income tax!"
SHEMP to LARRY: (As Shemp is trying to make a mad dash into the other part of the store as he is fighting for his life and says in a really shaking and panicking tone of voice): "I don\'t care, let me go!"
As Shemp was trying to make a mad dash for his life he has now bumped into the wicked Moe with the mortar of serum as Larry is now penning Shemp down as Shemp is totally worried.
SHEMP to MOE and LARRY: (As Larry is holding onto the struggling and paincking Shemp and Moe is chasing after him with the \'Fountain Of Youth\'): "Let go of me, I don\'t want to be a gorilla!"
MOE to SHEMP: (As Moe now has a spoonful of the \'Fountain Of Youth\' and is using mouth gestures for \'ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, and Larry is holding Shemp down): "Wait a minute, now don\'t get excited, all you have to do is open your mouth and say, \'ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah!"
SHEMP to MOE: (As Shemp is struggling and crying in panic for is life has now slapped Moe on his face causing Moe to get the \'Fountain Of Youth\'): "NO!"
We now see Larry with a really hurtful look on his face as Shemp has now gotten loose and is flinching in panic and Moe is now turning into a gorilla as he is saying, \'beeep, beeep, beeep, beeep, beeep, beeep, beeep, beeep, beeep, beeep, beeep, beeep, as Larry and Shemp are now in states of panic.
Moe now has a look of a monkey on his face and is bent over and waving his arms like a monkey and is scratching himself first on his sides and then on his head and is making monkey sounds.
The short fades out with a camera close-up on Moes demented gorilla face.
No trivia have been logged for this episode.
Calling this just a "reworking" of All Gummed Up is a bit generous--to say the least. I honestly wonder why Jules even bothered--knocking this thing out in one day & passing it off to theaters as a "new" 3 stooges comedy. You get about 95 percent reused footage, then all new closing footage--with the rather lame new plot twist of Emil turning into an ape after eating the "fountain of youth." A terrible film that isn't a patch on the original--no matter how the gum-cake footage was rearranged.
2 pokes
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