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2011 NFL season thread

ILMM · 140 · 37155

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Offline metaldams

Whatever you may think of the results, that game was a classic.  Kind of strange watching game with my brother and having different rooting interests, since usually we're watching Red Sox games and are on the same side. 
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline JazzBill

Ummm no. You cannot jump on the Giants bandwagon because you won some scratch. The Giant are not your team.

In my younger years I would be upset, but there is more to life than sports championships: weed and pussy. If they would have won great but oh well. Only thing is douche bag New Yorkers are happy and drunk in the streets.
I'm not on the Giants bandwagon and I don't give a shit about New York. I still think Brady is a better QB than Eli but I thought that New York was peaking at the right time and the Patriot defense was to weak. This is my last post on this subject because I really don't want to get into a pissing match with someone I consider to be a friend.
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline vomit

Ummm no. You cannot jump on the Giants bandwagon because you won some scratch. The Giant are not your team.

In my younger years I would be upset, but there is more to life than sports championships: weed and pussy. If they would have won great but oh well. Only thing is douche bag New Yorkers are happy and drunk in the streets.

Preach on brother!  I was rooting for the Pats, but am not surprised by the outcome.  Brady is the better QB, but the Giants are the better team.  And that sux, coming from a Cowboys fan.....on to next year!
Specto Caelum!

Offline shemps#1

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Oh for fucks sake!

What is wrong with people taking shit too seriously around here? You said "my team was winning the Super Bowl" so I called you a bandwagoner, big deal. Fuck this.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline vomit

Oh for fucks sake!

What is wrong with people taking shit too seriously around here? You said "my team was winning the Super Bowl" so I called you a bandwagoner, big deal. Fuck this.

Can't we all just get along?

At least the Packers did not appear in the big game.  Something we can all be thankful for!
Specto Caelum!

Offline Liz

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I hate that the Giants won, but I'm over it.  There's always next year. 

Offline Stooges#1

Just a question guys, we have NFL and MLB topics yearly, but no NBA. Isn't there any interest in Basketball?

Offline vomit

I hate that the Giants won, but I'm over it.  There's always next year.

Exactly.....let's go Dallas!!

Kent: Senator Dole, why should people vote for you instead of President Clinton?
Kang: (as Dole) It makes no difference which one of us you vote for. Either way, your planet is doomed. DOOMED!
 Kent: Well, a refreshingly frank response there from senator Bob Dole.
Specto Caelum!

Offline ILMM

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A slightly late congratulations to the Giants, and to JazzBill for his winnings.
"That must be Nick Barker.... he's disguised as a black banana."-Shemp

Offline ILMM

  • I'm Losing My Mind!
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Exactly.....let's go Dallas!!

Kent: Senator Dole, why should people vote for you instead of President Clinton?
Kang: (as Dole) It makes no difference which one of us you vote for. Either way, your planet is doomed. DOOMED!
 Kent: Well, a refreshingly frank response there from senator Bob Dole.

Let's go Bears!!  :laugh:
"That must be Nick Barker.... he's disguised as a black banana."-Shemp

Offline Shemp Shady

Offline shemps#1

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Or... let's go, Kang! Let's go, DOOM!!

I pull up all of that Slipp stuff and Shemp Shady makes an appearance at the same time? Coincidence or conspiracy? I must contact Alex Jones and find out!

How are you? It's been ages.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Shemp Shady

I pull up all of that Slipp stuff and Shemp Shady makes an appearance at the same time? Coincidence or conspiracy? I must contact Alex Jones and find out!

How are you? It's been ages.

Fine, shemps! I just happened by the board to see whether any of the old regulars were still posting. A new local station has been showing a lot of old (and rarely broadcast) Stooge shorts (even SWEET AND HOT and, yes, SELF MADE MAIDS), so I’ve been thinking a bit more of the Stooges lately. There also hasn’t been any real activity at stoogeworld in eons (other than Brent’s monthly reminders of the upcoming Stooge-related broadcasts)—but it’s good to see that you and metaldams are still as active as ever!

BTW, where IS all the ‘old SLIPP stuff’?
Eet ees a klasseek!!

Offline shemps#1

  • Pothead, Libertarian, Administrator, Resident Crank and Baron of Greymatter
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Fine, shemps! I just happened by the board to see whether any of the old regulars were still posting. A new local station has been showing a lot of old (and rarely broadcast) Stooge shorts (even SWEET AND HOT and, yes, SELF MADE MAIDS), so I’ve been thinking a bit more of the Stooges lately. There also hasn’t been any real activity at stoogeworld in eons (other than Brent’s monthly reminders of the upcoming Stooge-related broadcasts)—but it’s good to see that you and metaldams are still as active as ever!

BTW, where IS all the ‘old SLIPP stuff’?

Doug and I are pretty much all that's left from the old C3 board days. You can find all of the old SLIPP stuff in the ISLIPP CLASSICS section.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline metaldams

Doug and I are pretty much all that's left from the old C3 board days. You can find all of the old SLIPP stuff in the ISLIPP CLASSICS section.

I think that "Michael" guy is still around too.  I occasionally speak to Bruckman and SDJ, and more often Sten through email....and for you old timers of this site, I still speak to Uncle Mortimer. 
- Doug Sarnecky