Okay, I'm admittedly a little biased, but I love the "On This Date" feature, especially on the Home Page. I find it fascinating to see who was born or died on this day, not to mention seeing what was going on with the Stooges. And thanks to the hard work of our Master Stooges, I especially find it fascinating to see all kinds of actors and crew members that I never realized were associated with the Stooges in any way (although sometimes it might be a bit of a reach. lol)
For example, I noticed that today is the anniversary of Nick Stewart's death at 90. Nick appeared in a brief scene early in
It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World, where a couple moving to California in a truck full of their belongings gets run off the road, and of course the Stooges have a brief cameo as airport firemen in the same film. I knew who he was as soon as I saw his picture, but being curious if he had any other Stooges connections I clicked to see his page on the Filmography, and discovered that he was famous as "Lightnin" on the Amos and Andy TV show in the 50s! Then I clicked the IMDb link to find out more, and realized that he appears in a number of films that I've seen. My favorite discovery was that he played Cookie's father in Robert Townsend's
Hollywood Shuffle! (I love that movie and have watched it at least a half dozen times, but I never made the connection. Now I've got to watch it again!)

So now I'm curious, what is YOUR favorite feature on ThreeStooges.net? And what is your biggest pet peeves about the site? Inquiring minds want to know!