So I watched RAW (as I do every week) and saw the Faux Stooges. They appeared for two main segments (and a short one before a commercial break). ...<snip>...
I tried to be as impartial as possible, but it was pretty bad...<snip> I watched it...and you're absolutely right.
I thought the first segment was better and tighter than the stuff in the ring later in the show, but overall I pretty much agree with your assessment.
Not too great.
Actually everyone in that ring segment looked very ill at ease.
I'll still go see the movie out of curiosity and will still hope it isn't a
total trainwreck (for the sake of the Stooges' legacy), but I have to admit that I don't think Fox helped their case for the film at all by arranging for the WWE appearance by the cast. (Although I have to also add that the rest of the show, with the usual cornball faux wrestling, wasn't any better. LOL. Maybe these fake wrestling shows should dub in some Stooge-like sound effects

While my reaction after watching it was basically a sigh and thinking "well, it just is what it is", I also got to thinking about the intro at the beginning of the show where they touted an appearance by "those comedy geniuses, The Three Stooges".
Well... Howard, Fine, and Howard
were certainly comedy geniuses in their own unique way of course...but obviously they were
not the ones making an appearance here. The intro in and of itself was a turn-off.