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Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..

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Offline metaldams

For anyone interested in getting a look at the Faux Farrelly Stooges in action they will be "guests" on Monday Night Raw tonight 9-11 pm EST on the USA Network.

Wrestling and movie tie ins are almost always disastorous.  I don't have you tube access right now, but Rick Steiner jawing with Chucky is a camp classic, if memory serves correct.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Larrington

You sound like a Farrelly shill.

No, not a shill for the Farellys.  Not even a fan, particularly (though I've seen a couple of their films).
I'm just a big fan of the Stooges, and trying to be objective about the whole thing. 
And I'm sorry my opinions offend you but they are just that...only opinions.  Besides, I think I've made it pretty clear that I was skeptical about the project since word of it started showing up in the press in the 1990's.

I base my observations strictly on what the trailers show and to me, it looks like they did as well as they could.  Others will disagree. 
It doesn't really matter anyway...and for all I know the film will tank like Larry Harmon's Laurel & Hardy disaster. 
 I guess I just don't view the attempt as a sacrilege,  as some seem to. 
But I won't know if it is that, until I actually see the film.

Offline shemps#1

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Wrestling and movie tie ins are almost always disastorous.  I don't have you tube access right now, but Rick Steiner jawing with Chucky is a camp classic, if memory serves correct.

While watching Rick Steiner get his ass verbally handed to him by a murderous movie puppet was indeed epic I have to go with the with Robocop rescuing Sting during WCW's Capital Combat 1990.

"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline shemps#1

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No, not a shill for the Farellys.  Not even a fan, particularly (though I've seen a couple of their films).
I'm just a big fan of the Stooges, and trying to be objective about the whole thing. 
And I'm sorry my opinions offend you but they are just that...only opinions.  Besides, I think I've made it pretty clear that I was skeptical about the project since word of it started showing up in the press in the 1990's.

I base my observations strictly on what the trailers show and to me, it looks like they did as well as they could.  Others will disagree. 
It doesn't really matter anyway...and for all I know the film will tank like Larry Harmon's Laurel & Hardy disaster. 
 I guess I just don't view the attempt as a sacrilege,  as some seem to. 
But I won't know if it is that, until I actually see the film.

Why would your opinion on a stupid movie "offend" me? It's just that you seem to be trying too hard to validate your wanting to see the film and are coming off like shill for the Farrelly's and those involved in the process.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline metaldams

While watching Rick Steiner get his ass verbally handed to him by a murderous movie puppet was indeed epic I have to go with the with Robocop rescuing Sting during WCW's Capital Combat 1990.

Back in 1990, I took every angle very seriously, even though I knew it was scripted.  Robocop was legitimate to me at the time, and I was too young to see cheese involved.  These days, I can't watch that footage without laughing.  I love The Four Horsemen, but that's gotta be one of their low points.

Steiner Vs. Chucky debate?  That was 1998, and I was 19.  While you can say I still took wrestling too seriously, not to the point where I didn't realize that was some unbelievably funny shit.  I was thinking, "Dude, you're arguing with a puppet!"

Tonight when I get home, and I'll post it in the wrestling thread, I'll show you the angle that had me laughing like hell when I saw it on live TV.  The first incredibly obvious thing where even I couldn't take it seriously.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Larrington

Why would your opinion on a stupid movie "offend" me? It's just that you seem to be trying too hard to validate your wanting to see the film and are coming off like shill for the Farrelly's and those involved in the process.

Sorry if it comes off that way, man.  You just sound so irked when I offer my personal views (and that's all they are, honest). 
As for validating my wanting to see the fim, maybe I'm feeling guilty for actually liking the trailers... that, and the sad fact that I currently probably have too much time on my hands.  ;D

But the end result of what may or may not be an historical fiasco is really of little importance, of course.
The movie was a bad idea from day one.  On that we certainly don't disagree. 

As for the rest,  I was just trying to make conversation and again, I have no ties to the F brothers and certainly no particular love for Fox (their bogus cable "news" channel sure doesn't help their credibility).

Offline shemps#1

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No, I was not irked or upset or anything of the like. I made an observation, that's all.

So I watched RAW (as I do every week) and saw the Faux Stooges. They appeared for two main segments (and a short one before a commercial break). First a wrestler finds a big crate marked FRAGILE (backwards E) and naturally the Faux Stooges are inside. They interact with the wrestler, performing some Stooge bits without the chemistry or the funny and I roll my eyes and groan. The second segment I was more interested in because they actually appeared in the ring in front of the crowd and I was curious what kind of reaction they would get. The reaction? Mostly apathy mixed with faint boos.

So the guys who are playing Moe and Larry come out without Will Sasso, who comes out to Real American dressed like Hulk Hogan. Sasso does a terrible Hogan impression which gets more apathy and Kane comes out and chokeslams him. That was pretty much met with more apathy. For those not hip to wrestling who might be thinking "at least they didn't get booed out of the building", well wrestling crowds are different. Since the promoters want fans to boo or cheer having the crowd sit on its hands is the worst reaction you can get. Does that mean that the movie will bomb? No, it means they didn't get over with the wrestling crowd...people who like to watch men pretend to beat each other up. It may not be definitive but it can very well be a harbinger of things to come.

I tried to be as impartial as possible, but it was pretty bad. I'm sure it will show up on YouTube and I (or someone else will post it when it does.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Larrington

Good summary, thanks for that.  I've found the show online and am downloading it now, and I'll check it out.
It does sound pretty discouraging though.

Offline Larrington

So I watched RAW (as I do every week) and saw the Faux Stooges. They appeared for two main segments (and a short one before a commercial break). ...<snip>...
I tried to be as impartial as possible, but it was pretty bad...<snip> I watched it...and you're absolutely right. 
I thought the first segment was better and tighter than the stuff in the ring later in the show,  but overall I pretty much agree with your assessment.
Not too great. 
Actually everyone in that ring segment looked very ill at ease. 

I'll still go see the movie out of curiosity and will still hope it isn't a total trainwreck (for the sake of the Stooges' legacy), but I have to admit that I don't think Fox helped their case for the film at all by arranging for the WWE appearance by the cast.  (Although I have to also add that the rest of the show, with the usual cornball faux wrestling, wasn't any better.  LOL.  Maybe these fake wrestling shows should dub in some Stooge-like sound effects  :P)

While my reaction after watching it was basically a sigh and thinking "well, it just is what it is", I also got to thinking about the intro at the beginning  of the show where they touted an appearance by "those comedy geniuses, The Three Stooges".
Well... Howard, Fine, and Howard were certainly comedy geniuses in their own unique way of course...but obviously they were not the ones making an appearance here.    The intro in and of itself was a turn-off.

Offline shemps#1

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  • Hatchet Man I watched it...and you're absolutely right. 
I thought the first segment was better and tighter than the stuff in the ring later in the show,  but overall I pretty much agree with your assessment.
Not too great. 
Actually everyone in that ring segment looked very ill at ease. 

I'll still go see the movie out of curiosity and will still hope it isn't a total trainwreck (for the sake of the Stooges' legacy), but I have to admit that I don't think Fox helped their case for the film at all by arranging for the WWE appearance by the cast.  (Although I have to also add that the rest of the show, with the usual cornball faux wrestling, wasn't any better.  LOL.  Maybe these fake wrestling shows should dub in some Stooge-like sound effects  :P)

While my reaction after watching it was basically a sigh and thinking "well, it just is what it is", I also got to thinking about the intro at the beginning  of the show where they touted an appearance by "those comedy geniuses, The Three Stooges".
Well... Howard, Fine, and Howard were certainly comedy geniuses in their own unique way of course...but obviously they were not the ones making an appearance here.    The intro in and of itself was a turn-off.

I know what you mean: I too was put off by the attempt to pass those guys off as the legitimate Three Stooges and I think the crowd was too. Since it sounds like you watched the whole show (if you're not a wrestling fan I dunno why you did) I wonder if you noticed that during the other backstage scenes they had the crowd noise turned up but during the Faux Stooges segment the crowd noise was muted which only made me curious as to the reaction they would get. I heard somewhere that the crowd was louder in its dislike for the Faux Stooges than it seemed like they were on TV.

"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline locoboymakesgood

That was so hilariously painful. Look at the crowd's disappointment when it turns out to be Will Sasso instead of Hulk. ;D

Show's how long it's been since I've watched the WWE. Last thing I remember is Kane finally removed his mask and shaved his head. What happened?
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)

Offline metaldams

Kane would've been destroyed if they slipped Sasso some Wild Hyacinth.

That was pretty bad.  Not even funny bad, just bad.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline metaldams

Show's how long it's been since I've watched the WWE. Last thing I remember is Kane finally removed his mask and shaved his head. What happened?

- Doug Sarnecky

Offline locoboymakesgood

I used to like Kane when I was in middle school until he adopted his "unmasked look".  I rented that movie Eye See You (I think that was the title) just because he was the bad guy in it but wow, was it bad.
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)

Offline shemps#1

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I used to like Kane when I was in middle school until he adopted his "unmasked look".  I rented that movie Eye See You (I think that was the title) just because he was the bad guy in it but wow, was it bad.

The movie is named See No Evil and as bad it is it is one of the better WWE Films, which just goes to show the overall quality of the division. Which reminds me, we are two days away and there are no reviews for this thing. Usually the reviews are at least starting to come out by now, unless the studio doesn't want the film reviewed beforehand thinking it will get panned and hurt first weekend ticket sales.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline locoboymakesgood

The movie is named See No Evil and as bad it is it is one of the better WWE Films, which just goes to show the overall quality of the division. Which reminds me, we are two days away and there are no reviews for this thing. Usually the reviews are at least starting to come out by now, unless the studio doesn't want the film reviewed beforehand thinking it will get panned and hurt first weekend ticket sales.
It's not being screened for critics so the first reviews can't come out until Friday.

Also, thanks for the correct title. That was the one. I didn't know they had a film division but now that you mention it I seem to remember that movie The Marine with John Cena being WWE Films.
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)

Offline shemps#1

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It's not being screened for critics so the first reviews can't come out until Friday.

Also, thanks for the correct title. That was the one. I didn't know they had a film division but now that you mention it I seem to remember that movie The Marine with John Cena being WWE Films.

Well it's moot now since the reviews are starting to trickle out, but if you have a good movie and want to create buzz for it reviews are the best way to do it. If you have a movie that isn't so good then you want to avoid reviews like the plague and wait as long as long as possible. That's when you do goofy shit like appearing at RAW and NASCAR races in character.

It's funny you mention The Marine: they are planning a second sequel (yeah they've made two so far) starring Randy Orton but someone realized Randy was actually enlisted in the Marines and went AWOL and recieved a Bad Conduct Discharge so of course he has been dropped from the project.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown