OK, can we please stop with the pie throwing emote?
I can ask you the same question: why is it such a big deal to you?
Sorry...I liked the pie-con. I just thought it would help keep things in the proper spirit (that basically, none of this really maters at all in the big cosmic picture). So here's a towel, with my apologies...

can be opinionated, as much as anyone, but it certainly was never my intention to be dismissive.
Actually, it's really
not that big a deal to me. I only started out by offering an opinion, like everyone here (and maybe playing 'devil's advocate' on some level).
But you know what? None of the opinions--pro
or con-- are wrong because it all boils down to personal taste, artistic perception, and clearly a dedication to the memory of the Stooges themselves (dedication from both those
for the movie and
against it).
Frankly, I'm as shocked as you that this film
ever got made. But I'm not really outraged about it because whether it winds up being good or bad, it
will certainly disappear rather quickly and public attention for the Stooges (waning though it is) will return to the classic shorts.
I think what we all have in common here (at least I hope) is an affection for the Stooges. I know I do. (I've been in show-bizzzz all of my adult life and the Stooges are at least a part of what influenced me to pursue
that muddy and slippery path).
Can't we just agree to disagree on the rest?
Life's too short, bro...