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Classic Sitcoms and Gays

Boid Brain · 120 · 24940

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You made it sound like Montgomery's beauty would be enough to turn a gay man straight or that Sargent somehow did something wrong by being gay. I'm not even gay and I found it offensive.

It was neither. I just meant he was lucky. He played her wife in the show and got to hug and kiss her on screen. Yeah, it was an immature thing of me to say and it did come out offensive when I didn't intend it to.

I have nothing against gay people as long as the men don't hit on me. If they're happy with whomever they're with, then good for them.

Offline shemps#1

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Out of curiosity, why did you have to add "as long as the men don't hit on me"? Do you think that all gay guys are sexual predators looking to bang any man they see? Do you have such a high opinion of your physical appearance that you feel gay guys will find you irresistable?

Also (and remember I'm not chastising you or anything, just curious), if a gay dude were to hit on you what would you do? Try to beat him up? Would you be verbally abusive, calling him a fag? I've been hit on by gay dudes before and I treated it as if I were hit on by a straight woman I wasn't interested in: I was flattered and smiled (laughed was more like it because I find it funny when anyone hits me: not a common occurrence) and did not pursue it.

Gay people are just you and I, the only superficial difference is that they are sexually attracted to the same sex: and just like straight people they are not attracted to every member of their preferred sex.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown


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It seems like everything I'm saying is turning out offensive, so I'm going to bow out and not explain myself anymore. Nothing personal, but I think it's safer that I don't comment on the subject anymore. I hope you can understand.

Offline Curly4444

Out of curiosity, why did you have to add "as long as the men don't hit on me"? Do you think that all gay guys are sexual predators looking to bang any man they see? Do you have such a high opinion of your physical appearance that you feel gay guys will find you irresistable?
I don't think he meant it that way. I kinda feel the same way. May be kinda homophobic, but it would be a little upsetting to be hit on by a man. I wouldn't hit him or anything, just would let him know i dont swing that way. It happen to me in college, and it wasn't a pleasant experience.  I just think they should find out first if you like the same sex before they hit on you.

Offline shemps#1

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Yeah it is kinda homophobic; after all if an unattractive woman hit on you would you feel the same way? It's not like you're going to go out for a round of gay bashing tonight or anything but it is a bit prejudiced. Should everybody have to announce their sexual preferences wherever they go?
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Curly4444

Should everybody have to announce their sexual preferences wherever they go?

Its an ideal world, no.

Yeah it is kinda homophobic; after all if an unattractive woman hit on you would you feel the same way? It's not like you're going to go out for a round of gay bashing tonight or anything but it is a bit prejudiced.

When its with an ugly woman, its still a woman. When its a guy its just makes you a million time more uncomfortable.

Offline shemps#1

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Its an ideal world, no.

When its with an ugly woman, its still a woman. When its a guy its just makes you a million time more uncomfortable.

It doesn't make me any more uncomfortable than if a woman I'm not interested in hits on me. Either way it's not a fun experience to reject someone's earnest advances.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline shemps#1

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It seems like everything I'm saying is turning out offensive, so I'm going to bow out and not explain myself anymore. Nothing personal, but I think it's safer that I don't comment on the subject anymore. I hope you can understand.

It can't be offensive if I ask you for your honest opinion.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown


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Ok then, I'm probably putting a noose around my neck for continuing with this discussion, but since Curly4444 was brave enough to join along, I figured I'll post my opinion after all.

Curly4444 pretty much hit the nail on the head. It is sort of a homophobia that I have. I have nothing against them, but I just find it uncomfortable. And no, I've never been hit on by a guy before so I don't have this attitude where I think I'm so good looking, no man can resist me. I don't think any man has ever hit on me, but then again, I'm not the kind of person that judge's one's sexual orientation unless they openly say, "I'm gay! How about a date?" But that has never happened to me. If it did, I'd be a little uncomfortable, but of course, I will not get violent on them. I'd kindly say, I'm sorry, but I'm not gay. You're probably going to ask why I'll be uncomfortable. Well, because I'm not used to being hit on by men. Maybe if it were something that happened to me frequently, I'd be used to it. Like I said, it's never happened to me or maybe I just don't know the signs, I don't know.

Offline shemps#1

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See? That wasn't bad. I was just curious and I am always interested in the mindsets of those who think differently than I do. I don't think you're capable of violence towards gay people and I don't think you're evil.

If anything I would find it more comfortable to turn down a gay man because "sorry I'm straight" sounds a bit better than something like "sorry I think you're unattractive" (or worse) that you would say to a straight woman.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline metaldams

I was hit on by a guy once at a bar the night before my brother got married.  He was trying to get me to go over to his house for a "barbecue."  I was polite, but did my best to make sure he knew I wasn't interested.  Of course my brother and friends were laughing the whole time, but looking back at it, it's not like he touched me, I kept my distance, nobody got hurt, so it's not really a big deal.

Actually, I'll share something else, my ex-girlfriend is bi-sexual.  Before me, she was involved with another girl.  My parents are incredibly homophobic, and one time my Mom and I were watching some TV show where a guy was involved with a woman who was with another woman.  My Mom says to me, "I don't know how people can do that.  Wouldn't that make you feel uncomfortable?"  My mom obviously has no clue about my ex's past, but I think I just lightly laughed at the question.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline shemps#1

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Well I guess that makes us the crazy liberals of this thread, Doug.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline metaldams

Well I guess that makes us the crazy liberals of this thread, Doug.

One of us is crazy, and it's not you.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline shemps#1

  • Pothead, Libertarian, Administrator, Resident Crank and Baron of Greymatter
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One of us is crazy, and it's not you.

Many, many people (whether on this site or in real life) would disagree with you on that one.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown


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I must admit, the Catholic church is very prejudice against gays. If you even tell a priest that you’re gay, he’d want you to get help asap. They’re also against other stuff like using condoms, sex outside of marriage, and masturbation. They also believe that if you don’t confess your sins to a priest, you’ll go to hell. Sometimes I think they go a little too far sometimes. And because of that, my parents are totally against gay people since they’re very “religious.”

Offline Seamus

I must admit, the Catholic church is very prejudice against gays. If you even tell a priest that you’re gay, he’d want you to get help asap. They’re also against other stuff like using condoms, sex outside of marriage, and masturbation. They also believe that if you don’t confess your sins to a priest, you’ll go to hell. Sometimes I think they go a little too far sometimes. And because of that, my parents are totally against gay people since they’re very “religious.”

It's interesting that while the Catholic church officially denounces all those "evils," most practicing Catholics I know tend to be more liberal when it comes to homosexuality, sex, contraception, etc.  If you ask them about the church's bizarre positions on, say, contraception, they get a little embarrassed and respond with something along the lines of, "Well, yeah, know."  As always, the church is slow to keep up with the evolving moral attitudes of secular society, including those of its own members.

I'm an ex-Catholic myself.  I was even an alter boy for years (and never got inappropriately touched once!).

Offline Seamus

Actually, I'll share something else, my ex-girlfriend is bi-sexual.  Before me, she was involved with another girl. 

Wooo, hi five bro! [/raunchy frat boy]

Offline Curly4444

I must admit, the Catholic church is very prejudice against gays. If you even tell a priest that you’re gay, he’d want you to get help asap. They’re also against other stuff like using condoms, sex outside of marriage, and masturbation. They also believe that if you don’t confess your sins to a priest, you’ll go to hell. Sometimes I think they go a little too far sometimes. And because of that, my parents are totally against gay people since they’re very “religious.”

Maybe the priest should be allow to marry or do a little masturbation. Maybe then they'd leave the little boys alone.

Wooo, hi five bro! [/raunchy frat boy]

Maybe he shouldn't have dumped her. Can you say threesome??  >:D >:D


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Maybe he shouldn't have dumped her. Can you say threesome??  >:D >:D

Why would you think of such a thing? The thought never even entered my mind. :P

Offline Curly4444

Why would you think of such a thing? The thought never even entered my mind. :P
What you never heard of guy+girl+girl??  What, that aint every guys fantasy?  ;D :laugh: I think that was why seamus was hi-fiving metaldams?

Offline metaldams

Oh believe me, the thought entered my mind several times.  Never her's, though, so no high fives for me.   

The only reason why I feel comfortable saying this is because names are anonymous, since I wouldn't bring this stuff up if people knew who she was, but actually, the whole bi-sexuality thing wasn't a comfortable issue with her because, well, like others have mentioned in this thread, she's Catholic, and with that comes guilt.

Another thing that has been mentioned in this thread is that sexuality is a chemical thing, not a choice, and that makes the idea of being guilty over something one can't control ridiculous.

Seamus, I'm an ex-Catholic myself, and I'm glad I wasn't an altar boy.  One of the priests in my church growing up actually did molest children.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline metaldams

What you never heard of guy+girl+girl??  What, that aint every guys fantasy?  ;D :laugh: I think that was why seamus was hi-fiving Shemps#1?

1.)  I think x was only kidding, hence the smiley.

2.) I was the one being high fived.
- Doug Sarnecky


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Seamus, I'm an ex-Catholic myself, and I'm glad I wasn't an altar boy.  One of the priests in my church growing up actually did molest children.

I'm sorry to hear that.

This never happened at my church yet. But one thing does bother me though. My pastor (which is the priest in charge of a particular church) likes to wave at little kids while processing down the aisle at the beginning and at the end of the masses. It could be a harmless little wave, but the fact that he’s only acknowledging little kids as he processes does disturb me at times. Even if it means nothing, he should avoid doing that because of all the scandals going on. He could give the wrong impression.

Offline Curly4444

1.)  I think x was only kidding, hence the smiley.

2.) I was the one being high fived.

1.) I cant believe i missed that, just didnt get he was kidding from that smiley.

2.) Don't know why i put Shemps#1 in there. I meant to say you. I went back and fixed it.