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The Rapture?

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Wasn't there an october date in His first prediction?

Yeah. Those that go to heaven will rise up there on May 21st. Those that will go to hell will stay on earth and will go to hell on October.

This guy needs a good psychiatrist. If anyone can recommend a good one, please do so.

Offline ILMM

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Yeah. Those that go to heaven will rise up there on May 21st. Those that will go to hell will stay on earth and will go to hell on October.

This guy needs a good psychiatrist. If anyone can recommend a good one, please do so.

Yeah, that's what I thought He said. So I guess that means that the world will end on June 21 2012 now.
"That must be Nick Barker.... he's disguised as a black banana."-Shemp


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Yeah, that's what I thought He said. So I guess that means that the world will end on June 21 2012 now.

Yeah, that's what he'll say when his prediction ends up being wrong again.

How many times is the world going to end? I'm tired of this already.

Offline Lefty

Octember 21st now?  Well, he's gonna have to change that.  That's the night I will surpass Doug Jarvis' NHL record by bowling my 965th consecutive league game.  (Yes, I know hockey is not bowling, and versa vice, but it's not easy either way to play that many consecutive games in any endeavor.)

Poissonally, I think Clowning should have set the time for Novander 6th at 1:30 a.m.  That way, yon farce would occur twice -- once during Daylight Saving Time, and once during Standard Time.

Offline BeAStooge

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I'm disappointed that I didn't get to see flying Christians today.

But thanks to the Farrellys [and C3], we do get hell on earth.

Offline shemps#1

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Brent keeping his verbal pimp hand strong at the expense of the brothers Farrelly and Benjamin. Kudos.

I was going to bite my heathen tongue but I feel compelled to address this as every time I see something like this assclown Camping it disturbs me. Christian wackadoos like Camping, Ray and Kirk and Pat Robertson are so warped by their religiosity and interpretations of ancient Hebraic texts that are irrelevant to purveyors of reason in this the 21st century is what I like to call "dangerous Christianity". These people are not running around like Chicken Little crying "the sky is falling": they want this bullshit to happen. They are not afraid of this rapture nonsense actually taking place and the planet being destroyed comic book style, they get their jollies off of the idea and think they have right, they are "good Christians" and why concern yourself with this trivial world when you are going to spend eternity with Yahweh and Jesus?

This is the exact same thinking sex-deprived Muslim suicide bombers have: why concern yourself with your life on Earth when you are going to get lots of virgin tail when you die? The fact that people actually think like this can be more frightening than funny when you look at it that way.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Boid Brain

I don't know about that Shemps....Intelligent Judea/Christians don't buy into that shit, but Muslims are so ignorant and barbaric (even many of the brighter ones) believe just about anything if virgins are involved!

But actually, I'm not really sure there IS such a thing as an intelligent Arab. There have been great minds from all countries that contributed theory's, inventions and major accomplishments in ALL fields of endeavor, save the Arabs.

Has there ever been an Arab chess Grand Master? A great Arab athlete? Hell, name any category of excellence and show me an Arab.

Arabs of note: Danny Thomas, Paul Anka, Ralph Nader, Omar Shariff and Paula Abdul. A sad fucking list.

Offline curlysdame

Arabs of note: Danny Thomas, Paul Anka, Ralph Nader, Omar Shariff and Paula Abdul. A sad fucking list.

...Don't forget Casey Kasem!   ;D 
"Imagine five things like us in one room??  I can't stand it!" - Curly (Time Out For Rhythm 1941)

Offline Desmond Of The Outer Sanctorum

I was going to bite my heathen tongue but I feel compelled to address this as every time I see something like this assclown Camping it disturbs me.
From a "non-heathen" viewpoint, the real problem with Camping is that he tries to make something out of one thing the "ancient text" says, in somewhat mysterious terms, while pointedly ignoring something the same text says clearly.
"Give me a smart idiot over a stupid genius any day." -- Samuel Goldwyn

Offline Liz

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...Don't forget Casey Kasem!   ;D 
And Saladin.  He was a great Arab leader.

Offline shemps#1

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I don't know about that Shemps....Intelligent Judea/Christians don't buy into that shit, but Muslims are so ignorant and barbaric (even many of the brighter ones) believe just about anything if virgins are involved!

But actually, I'm not really sure there IS such a thing as an intelligent Arab. There have been great minds from all countries that contributed theory's, inventions and major accomplishments in ALL fields of endeavor, save the Arabs.

Has there ever been an Arab chess Grand Master? A great Arab athlete? Hell, name any category of excellence and show me an Arab.

Arabs of note: Danny Thomas, Paul Anka, Ralph Nader, Omar Shariff and Paula Abdul. A sad fucking list.

Wow! That prejudice diatribe blows my anti-religious diatribe out of the water. Back in the Dark Ages when Christians were burning "witches" and condemning Gallileo for having the gall to say that the Bible might be wrong about the shape of the planet Muslims were actually progressive and making many advances in science, math, medicine and art. They also kept a lot of ancient history alive that the "intelligent" Judeo Christians wanted to destroy for posterity like the Ancient Greek texts because they were "Pagan" in origin. Nowadays you see oppressive governments stifling such advancements in the name of Islam but it wasn't always this way.

My comparison with the Campings of the world to the Muslim suicide bombers still stands. Neither care about the here and now due to their interpretation of some irrelevant texts written by moronic desert dwellers thousands of years ago. Not all Arabs or Muslims are this way, just as all Christians are not. I was hoping I would not have to resort to stating that, but then again I forgot you're on the site.

I'll give you a great Arab athlete: The Iron Sheik. If you don't agree don't come bitching to me when he finds you, suplexes you, breaks your back and fucks your ass to humble you.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Boid Brain

I hate to be technical, but the Sheik is Persian (Iranian) You call an Iranian an Arab and you got a fight on you hands! I KNOW you did not know that. I didn't know it until I got a job working with them. Different as nite and day.

I know very little of Arab history, but I suspect you are merging Arabs with Persians. That's like merging Chinese with Japs.

Oh Liz....I was referencing contemporary Arabs.

Offline Lefty

I know very little of Arab history, but I suspect you are merging Arabs with Persians. That's like merging Chinese with Japs.

That reminds me of Archie Bunker's quote about whites being #1 and blacks being #2:  "Your Japs and your Chinks can be 3.  3A, 3B."

Offline shemps#1

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Ok, how about Doug Flutie? He's Arab. Then we have Yasser Seirawan, a four time US Champion...Chess grandmaster! Holy shit, one of those stinky Arabs actually managed to figure out how to not only move a Chess piece properly but became a grandmaster! Not only that but there's also Jennifer Shahade (Chess grandmaster) Jeff George (NFL Quarterback), Frank Zappa, Shakira, Salma Hayek, F. Murray Abraham, Steve Jobs, Dr. Michael DeBakey (inventor of the heart pump) among others.

And it was the Arabs who brought us Algebra, not the Persians. It's not Arab people I have a problem with (unlike you); it's the religion of Islam, which I hold with the low level or regard and high level of contempt as Christianity.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Boid Brain

Ok, how about Doug Flutie? He's Arab. Then we have Yasser Seirawan, a four time US Champion...Chess grandmaster! Holy shit, one of those stinky Arabs actually managed to figure out how to not only move a Chess piece properly but became a grandmaster! Not only that but there's also Jennifer Shahade (Chess grandmaster) Jeff George (NFL Quarterback), Frank Zappa, Shakira, Salma Hayek, F. Murray Abraham, Steve Jobs, Dr. Michael DeBakey (inventor of the heart pump) among others.

And it was the Arabs who brought us Algebra, not the Persians. It's not Arab people I have a problem with (unlike you); it's the religion of Islam, which I hold with the low level or regard and high level of contempt as Christianity.
They started out as basically the same fucking religion but have greatly diverged over the centuries.

Naming all those 1/2 breed and 1/4 breed Arabs (Zappa sticks out as I know he is Italian, Greek, Arab) lends little to the argument as those people are Americans, raised here. Sans Salma from Mexico.

It's Arab immigrants that I rail against. Those motherfuckers are messed up.

Those names you mentioned for their prestigious accomplishments I have never heard of. My ignorance, to be sure. Were those names censured over the years? Is it a conspiracy?

Offline shemps#1

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So it's OK for you to name "1/2 breed and 1/4 breed" Arabs, but not for me. Typical of a racist shit such as yourself.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Dunrobin

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Boid, every time you try to think you weaken the nation (and it's fucked up enough as it is.)   You've already managed to completely piss me off enough for today - quit while you're ahead.

Offline shemps#1

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Aww c'mon Rob, I quite enjoy the ignorant, solipsismal and as Lefty so accurately pointed out "Bunkeresque" rants. Boid is an antique, a relic of old timey idiocy.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Boid Brain

So it's OK for you to name "1/2 breed and 1/4 breed" Arabs, but not for me. Typical of a racist shit such as yourself.
I choose not to respond to your personal attacks. Any valid points that you may have had have been negated.

Offline shemps#1

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Personal attacks? I only stated truths. You are a racist and you are also not very bright; you've proven both not only in this thread but throughout your time on this message board.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline JazzBill

I'm disappointed that I didn't get to see flying Christians today.

Here you go Jim. I hope this will hold you over till October.

"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline Boid Brain

Personal attacks? I only stated truths. You are a racist and you are also not very bright; you've proven both not only in this thread but throughout your time on this message board.
Once again you display your ignorance of what is and what is NOT a racist. Last month I said that Jordan tried to speak "White". You apparently don't know that speaking "white" is the term used by BLACK folks to describe other blacks that try to talk 'proper', much as blacks with strait or wavy hair are referred to as having "good" hair. I don't fault you for not knowing that. It's obvious your exposure on a personal level with Blacks is limited. I was raised by my Black Grandparents on the North side of St. Louis (90% black) My 1st wife was black and all my grandkids are too.

My observations on the matter of race is backed up by a lifetime of living on BOTH sides. (2nd wife white) If you presume to have a better understanding of the issue it is YOU that is sorely missguided.

I am, however annoyed that you ignored my statement that it was Arab IMMIGRANTS that I don't like. A typical racist, for example hates ALL people of a certain race due to their skin color, regardless of their social station, or country of origin.

I told you that I worked with many Arab men and found them to be completely void of honesty. Blunt, arrogant hatefull men with a pathological hatred for all things Jewish. I actually made friends with one of them. I went to his house to drink and play chess over a period of a few months. In all that time I never met his wife as she would stay in the basement and would holler up at him for stuff. Do you see how twisted that was? I guess she did not like to wear a veil in her own house.

That kind of bullshit never happens in a 2nd generation Arab home.

Your belief that I'm dumb shows more of your ignorance. While not a Mensa like you MY I.Q. is was when tested in the 6th grade and is still 132 now.

I'll tell you something else you did not know about Arabs: Next to Jews and marital infidelity Arabs hate Homosexuals. I had a conversation with 2 Arab coworkers on the subject: The big brother said that if he found out his little brother was a fag he would kill him. I looked at the little brother for his reaction and he said "If I was a fag I would WANT him to kill me".

Do you see that the Arab male has a completely whacked out way of thinking? I hate them, and have had enuff personal contact with them to justify it.  I don't really expext you to understand or agree with my know it all. I could go into what I think your shortcomings are, but as I don't KNOW you personally it would be a tad speculative.

I'm a guest here, playing in your backyard where you seem to be the designated internet bully/hatchet man. I have to temper my words while you are free to unleash any venom you like. The bitch of it is, I like this forum and the minds that contribute, so I will continue to suffer your abuse. I recognize that you are a gifted writer, probably frustrated that you were never published (or have you been?)

Whatever the case, you need to get off of my ass, Big Dog. I know that you know the meaning of the word 'diplomacy', but choose to ignore it. Lose some of the venom Bro'....and I will post less when I'm juicing. Maybe we can meet on a common ground.  Or not.
 Take a nap. S#1

Offline shemps#1

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Where I do begin with this massive steaming pile of horseshit? First of all, your racial makeup does not give you a pass on racism. Generalizing and entire group of people, whether from personal experience with a few people or not is racism at its finest. You are generalizing Arabs (or Arab immigrants if you want to get picky) and acting as if they are all nameless, faceless drones who act exactly the same. You are a racist.

What's in an I.Q. number? For all I know you pulled the 132 out of your ass. My I.Q. is 150 and I have absolutely no way of proving that. I could say my I.Q. is 500 or something even more ridiculous and it would mean the same as saying my I.Q. is 101 or less. You have proven time and again that you are moronic; from your inability to understand why it is not cool to post a bunch naked pictures for no other reason than to post naked pictures (so much so that Rob had to amend the fuckin' rulebook) to your inability to understand such simple things as properly embedding a YouTube video or trying to stump people with "guess this person" pictures then leaving their names in the file names. You act like it's advanced rocket science but it isn't. You are an idiot.

I have been published, but nothing worth bragging about. You can call me a bully all you want (I rather like "hatchet man") but what your feeble mind fails to understand is that behind the scenes I have actually gone to bat for you when many other members wanted me to throw you out on your ass. Look around Boid, most of the other members do not like you whatsoever. I may be tough but I am most certainly fair and more diplomatic than you think.

For the time being I am giving you a little "time out", putting the Dunce Cap on your head and sitting you in the corner. I'm going to let you calm your ass down for a few days and restrict you from posting then you can come back. Consider yourself lucky, I've banned many people over the years and some of them for less than this. If Rob or Doug have decided they have had enough of your shit and decide to ban you then you're shit out of luck.

PS: The "venom" is what makes me "me". I couldn't lose it if I wanted to and I don't want to. Go fuck yourself.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline curlysdame

Where I do begin with this massive steaming pile of horseshit?  ...Go fuck yourself.

not trying to put myself in the middle of anything but...  [clap]  Where's the 'like' button?
"Imagine five things like us in one room??  I can't stand it!" - Curly (Time Out For Rhythm 1941)