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The Three Stooges Shorts - director, producer, writer, etc.

Paul Pain · 14 · 12981

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Offline Paul Pain

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Yes, it took a little bit of work, but in the following posts I will putting down lists of the Three Stooges shorts that will be sorted by the following methods:


These are mostly informative to see if maybe we see any patterns to which shorts we tend to like.  I suspect there won't be much of any pattern, but it will be a fun discussion.  Shorts in the bold red font are remakes of previous shorts, which means actual directing, producing, and writing/screenplay credit may be split among multiple people or may be due to stock footage.

For those who don't know, screenplay and writing are different.  Writing refers to the actual plot and events that take place, but the screenplay is adapting that into a form that can be used for a shooting script.
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Offline Paul Pain

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The Three Stooges shorts sorted by director:

1934Woman HatersArchie GottlerJules WhiteJerome S. GottlerJerome S. Gottler
1935Restless KnightsCharles LamontJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1937Playing the PoniesCharles LamontJules WhiteIrving Frish & Will HarrElwood Ullman, Al Giebler, & Charlie Melson
1938Tassels in the AirCharley ChaseCharley Chase & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Al GieblerElwood Ullman, Al Giebler, & Charley Chase
1938Violent Is the Word for CurlyCharley ChaseCharley Chase & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Al GieblerElwood Ullman & Al Giebler
1938Mutts to YouCharley ChaseCharley Chase & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Al GieblerElwood Ullman & Al Giebler
1938Flat Foot StoogesCharley ChaseCharley Chase & Hugh McCollumCharley ChaseCharley Chase
1939Saved by the BelleCharley ChaseCharley Chase & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Searle KramerElwood Ullman & Searle Kramer
1934Horses' CollarsClyde BruckmanJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1935Pop Goes the EaselDel LordJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1935Uncivil WarriorsDel LordJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1935Pardon My ScotchDel LordJules WhiteAndrew BennisonAndrew Bennison
1935Hoi PolloiDel LordJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1935Three Little BeersDel LordJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1936Movie ManiacsDel LordJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1936False AlarmsDel LordJules WhiteJohn GreyJohn Grey
1936Whoops, I'm an Indian!Del LordJules WhiteHerman BoxerSearle Kramer
1937Dizzy DoctorsDel LordJules WhiteCharlie MelsonAl Ray
1937Three Dumb ClucksDel LordJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1937Goofs and SaddlesDel LordJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1937Cash and CarryDel LordJules WhiteClyde BruckmanElwood Ullman & Clyde Bruckman
1937The Sitter DownersDel LordJules WhiteEwart AdamsonEwart Adamson
1938Termites of 1938Del LordCharley Chase & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Al GieblerElwood Ullman & Al Giebler
1938Wee Wee MonsieurDel LordJules WhiteSearle KramerSearle Kramer
1938Healthy, Wealthy, and DumbDel LordJules WhiteSearle KramerSearle Kramer
1939Three Little Sew and SewsDel LordJules WhiteEwart AdamsonEwart Adamson
1939We Want Our MummyDel LordJules WhiteElwood Ullman & Searle KramerElwood Ullman & Searle Kramer
1939A Ducking They Did GoDel LordJules WhiteAndrew BennisonAndrew Bennison
1939Yes, We Have No BonanzaDel LordJules WhiteElwood Ullman & Searle KramerElwood Ullman & Searle Kramer
1940A Plumbing We Will GoDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1940How High Is Up?Del LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1940No Census, No FeelingDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Harry EdwardsElwood Ullman & Harry Edwards
1941Dutiful But DumbDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1941All the World's a StoogeDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumJohn GreyJohn Grey
1941An Ache in Every StakeDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumLloyd FrenchLloyd French
1941Some More of SamoaDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Harry EdwardsElwood Ullman & Harry Edwards
1942Cactus Makes PerfectDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Monte CollinsElwood Ullman & Monte Collins
1942Even as IOUDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1943They Stooge to CongaDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Monte CollinsElwood Ullman & Monte Collins
1943Spook LouderDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1943Higher than a KiteDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Monte CollinsElwood Ullman & Monte Collins
1943Phony ExpressDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Monte CollinsElwood Ullman & Monte Collins
1943A Gem of a JamDel LordHugh McCollumDel LordDel Lord
1944Busy BuddiesDel LordHugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Del LordElwood Ullman & Del Lord
1944Idle RoomersDel LordHugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Del LordElwood Ullman & Del Lord
1945Three Pests in a MessDel LordHugh McCollumDel LordDel Lord
1945Booby DupesDel LordHugh McCollumDel LordDel Lord
1948Shivering SherlocksDel LordHugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Del LordElwood Ullman & Del Lord
1945Micro-PhoniesEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1946A Bird in the HeadEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1946The Three TroubledoersEdward BerndsHugh McCollumJack WhiteJack White
1946Monkey BusinessmenEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1946Three Little PiratesEdward BerndsHugh McCollumClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1947Fright NightEdward BerndsHugh McCollumClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1947Out WestEdward BerndsHugh McCollumClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1947Brideless GroomEdward BerndsHugh McCollumClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1948Pardon My ClutchEdward BerndsHugh McCollumClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1948Squareheads of the Round TableEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1948The Hot ScotsEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1948Mummy's DummiesEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1948Crime on Their HandsEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1949Who Done It?Edward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1949Fuelin' AroundEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1949Vagabond LoafersEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1950Punchy CowpunchersEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1950Dopey DicksEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1950Studio StoopsEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1950A Snitch in TimeEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1951Three Arabian NutsEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1951Merry MavericksEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1951The Tooth Will OutEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1952Listen, JudgeEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1952Gents in a JamEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1943Three Little TwirpsHarry EdwardsDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Monte CollinsElwood Ullman & Monte Collins
1942Matri-phonyHarry Edwards & Del LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Monte CollinsElwood Ullman & Monte Collins
1951Hula-La-LaHugh McCollumHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1936Ants in the PantryJack WhiteJules WhiteAl GieblerAl Giebler
1936Half Shot ShootersJack WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1936Disorder in the CourtJack WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1936A Pain in the PullmanJack WhiteJules WhiteJack WhiteJack White
1936Slippery SilksJack WhiteJules WhiteEwart AdamsonEwart Adamson
1937Grips, Grunts, and GroansJack WhiteJules WhiteHerman BoxerSearle Kramer
1937Back to the WoodsJack WhiteJules WhiteSearle KramerAndrew Bennison
1938Three Missing LinksJules WhiteJules WhiteSearle KramerSearle Kramer
1939Calling All CursJules WhiteJules WhiteThea GoodanElwood Ullman & Searle Kramer
1939Oily to Bed, Oily to RiseJules WhiteJules WhiteAndrew Bennison & Mauri GrashinAndrew Bennison & Mauri Grashin
1939Three Sappy PeopleJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1940You Nazty Spy!Jules WhiteJules WhiteClyde Bruckman & Felix AdlerClyde Bruckman & Felix Adler
1940Rockin' Thru the RockiesJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1940Nutty But NiceJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde Bruckman & Felix AdlerClyde Bruckman & Felix Adler
1940From Nurse to WorseJules WhiteJules WhiteCharles L. KimballClyde Bruckman
1940Cookoo CavaliersJules WhiteJules WhiteEwart AdamsonEwart Adamson
1940Boobs in ArmsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1941So Long, Mr. ChumpsJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde Bruckman & Felix AdlerClyde Bruckman & Felix Adler
1941I'll Never Heil AgainJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde Bruckman & Felix AdlerClyde Bruckman & Felix Adler
1941In the Sweet Pie and PieJules WhiteJules WhiteEwart AdamsonClyde Bruckman
1942Loco Boy Makes GoodJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde Bruckman & Felix AdlerClyde Bruckman & Felix Adler
1942What's the Matador?Jules WhiteJules WhiteJack WhiteJack White & Saul Ward
1942Three Smart SapsJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1942Sock-a-Bye BabyJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1943Dizzy DetectivesJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1943Back from the FrontJules WhiteJules WhiteEwart Adamson & Jack WhiteEwart Adamson & Jack White
1943I Can Hardly WaitJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1943Dizzy PilotsJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1944Crash Goes the HashJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1944The Yoke's on MeJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1944Gents without CentsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1944No Dough BoysJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1945Idiots DeluxeJules WhiteJules WhiteElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1945If a Body Meets a BodyJules WhiteJules WhiteGilbert PrattJack White
1946Beer Barrel PolecatsJules WhiteJules WhiteGilbert PrattGilbert Pratt
1946Uncivil War BirdsJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanJules White
1946Three Loan WolvesJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1946G.I. Wanna HomeJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1946Rhythm and WeepJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1947Half-Wits HolidayJules WhiteJules WhiteZion MyersZion Myers
1947Hold That Lion!Jules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1947Sing a Song of Six PantsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1947All Gummed UpJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1948Fiddlers ThreeJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1948Heavenly DazeJules WhiteJules WhiteZion MyersZion Myers
1948I'm a Monkey's UncleJules WhiteJules WhiteZion MyersZion Myers
1949The Ghost TalksJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1949Hokus PokusJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1949Malice in the PalaceJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1949Dunked in the DeepJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1950Hugs and MugsJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1950Love at First BiteJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1950Self Made MaidsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1950Three Hams on RyeJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1950Slaphappy SleuthsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1951Baby Sitters JittersJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1951Don't Throw That KnifeJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1951Scrambled BrainsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1951Pest Man WinsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1952A Missed FortuneJules WhiteJules WhiteSearle KramerJack White
1952Corny CasanovasJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1952He Cooked His GooseJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1952Three Dark HorsesJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1952Cuckoo on a Choo ChooJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1953Up in Daisy's PenthouseJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanJack White
1953Booty and the BeastJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1953Loose LootJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1953Tricky DicksJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1953Spooks!Jules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1953Pardon My BackfireJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1953Rip, Sew, and StitchJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1953Bubble TroubleJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1953Goof on the RoofJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1954Income Tax SappyJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1954Musty MusketeersJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1954Pals and GalsJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanJack White
1954Knutzy KnightsJules WhiteJules WhiteEdward BerndsFelix Adler
1954Shot in the FrontierJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1954Scotched in ScotlandJules WhiteJules WhiteElwood UllmanJack White
1955Fling in the RingJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanJack White
1955Of Cash and HashJules WhiteJules WhiteElwood Ullman & Del LordJack White
1955Gypped in the PenthouseJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1955Bedlam in ParadiseJules WhiteJules WhiteZion MyersFelix Adler
1955Stone Age RomeosJules WhiteJules WhiteZion MyersFelix Adler
1955Wham-Bam-Slam!Jules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanFelix Adler
1955Hot IceJules WhiteJules WhiteElwood UllmanJack White
1955Blunder BoysJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1956Husbands BewareJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanFelix Adler
1956CreepsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1956Flagpole JittersJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1956For Crimin' Out LoudJules WhiteJules WhiteEdward BerndsFelix Adler
1956Rumpus in the HaremJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1956Hot StuffJules WhiteJules WhiteElwood UllmanFelix Adler
1956Scheming SchemersJules WhiteJules WhiteElwood UllmanJack White
1956Commotion on the OceanJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1957Hoofs and GoofsJules WhiteJules WhiteJack WhiteJack White
1957Muscle Up a Little CloserJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1957A Merry Mix-UpJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1957Space Ship SappyJules WhiteJules WhiteJack WhiteJack White
1957Guns a Poppin!Jules WhiteJules WhiteElwood Ullman & Jack WhiteJack White
1957Horsing AroundJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1957Rusty RomeosJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1957Outer Space JittersJules WhiteJules WhiteJack WhiteJack White
1958Quiz WhizzJules WhiteJules WhiteSearle KramerSearle Kramer
1958Fifi Blows Her TopJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1958Pies and GuysJules WhiteJules WhiteZion MyersJack White
1958Sweet and HotJules WhiteJules WhiteJerome S. GottlerJack White & Jerome S. Gottler
1958Flying Saucer DaffyJules WhiteJules WhiteWarren WilsonJack White
1958Oil's Well That Ends WellJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1959Triple CrossedJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerWarren Wilson
1959Sappy Bull FightersJules WhiteJules WhiteJack White & Saul WardJack White
1934Punch DrunksLou BreslowJules WhiteMoe HowardJack Cluett
1934Men in BlackRaymond McCareyJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1934Three Little PigskinsRaymond McCareyJules WhiteGriffin Jay & Felix AdlerGriffin Jay & Felix Adler
Something about income tacks season...

Offline Paul Pain

  • Moronika's resident Ph.D. meteorologist/oceanographer
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  • ******
  • The heartthrob of millions!
The Three Stooges shorts sorted by producer:

1938Termites of 1938Del LordCharley Chase & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Al GieblerElwood Ullman & Al Giebler
1938Tassels in the AirCharley ChaseCharley Chase & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Al GieblerElwood Ullman, Al Giebler, & Charley Chase
1938Violent Is the Word for CurlyCharley ChaseCharley Chase & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Al GieblerElwood Ullman & Al Giebler
1938Mutts to YouCharley ChaseCharley Chase & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Al GieblerElwood Ullman & Al Giebler
1938Flat Foot StoogesCharley ChaseCharley Chase & Hugh McCollumCharley ChaseCharley Chase
1939Saved by the BelleCharley ChaseCharley Chase & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Searle KramerElwood Ullman & Searle Kramer
1940A Plumbing We Will GoDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1940How High Is Up?Del LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1940No Census, No FeelingDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Harry EdwardsElwood Ullman & Harry Edwards
1941Dutiful But DumbDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1941All the World's a StoogeDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumJohn GreyJohn Grey
1941An Ache in Every StakeDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumLloyd FrenchLloyd French
1941Some More of SamoaDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Harry EdwardsElwood Ullman & Harry Edwards
1942Cactus Makes PerfectDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Monte CollinsElwood Ullman & Monte Collins
1942Matri-phonyHarry Edwards & Del LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Monte CollinsElwood Ullman & Monte Collins
1942Even as IOUDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1943They Stooge to CongaDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Monte CollinsElwood Ullman & Monte Collins
1943Spook LouderDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1943Three Little TwirpsHarry EdwardsDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Monte CollinsElwood Ullman & Monte Collins
1943Higher than a KiteDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Monte CollinsElwood Ullman & Monte Collins
1943Phony ExpressDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Monte CollinsElwood Ullman & Monte Collins
1943A Gem of a JamDel LordHugh McCollumDel LordDel Lord
1944Busy BuddiesDel LordHugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Del LordElwood Ullman & Del Lord
1944Idle RoomersDel LordHugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Del LordElwood Ullman & Del Lord
1945Three Pests in a MessDel LordHugh McCollumDel LordDel Lord
1945Booby DupesDel LordHugh McCollumDel LordDel Lord
1945Micro-PhoniesEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1946A Bird in the HeadEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1946The Three TroubledoersEdward BerndsHugh McCollumJack WhiteJack White
1946Monkey BusinessmenEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1946Three Little PiratesEdward BerndsHugh McCollumClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1947Fright NightEdward BerndsHugh McCollumClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1947Out WestEdward BerndsHugh McCollumClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1947Brideless GroomEdward BerndsHugh McCollumClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1948Shivering SherlocksDel LordHugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Del LordElwood Ullman & Del Lord
1948Pardon My ClutchEdward BerndsHugh McCollumClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1948Squareheads of the Round TableEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1948The Hot ScotsEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1948Mummy's DummiesEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1948Crime on Their HandsEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1949Who Done It?Edward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1949Fuelin' AroundEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1949Vagabond LoafersEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1950Punchy CowpunchersEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1950Dopey DicksEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1950Studio StoopsEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1950A Snitch in TimeEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1951Three Arabian NutsEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1951Merry MavericksEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1951The Tooth Will OutEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1951Hula-La-LaHugh McCollumHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1952Listen, JudgeEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1952Gents in a JamEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1934Woman HatersArchie GottlerJules WhiteJerome S. GottlerJerome S. Gottler
1934Punch DrunksLou BreslowJules WhiteMoe HowardJack Cluett
1934Men in BlackRaymond McCareyJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1934Three Little PigskinsRaymond McCareyJules WhiteGriffin Jay & Felix AdlerGriffin Jay & Felix Adler
1934Horses' CollarsClyde BruckmanJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1935Restless KnightsCharles LamontJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1935Pop Goes the EaselDel LordJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1935Uncivil WarriorsDel LordJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1935Pardon My ScotchDel LordJules WhiteAndrew BennisonAndrew Bennison
1935Hoi PolloiDel LordJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1935Three Little BeersDel LordJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1936Ants in the PantryJack WhiteJules WhiteAl GieblerAl Giebler
1936Movie ManiacsDel LordJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1936Half Shot ShootersJack WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1936Disorder in the CourtJack WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1936A Pain in the PullmanJack WhiteJules WhiteJack WhiteJack White
1936False AlarmsDel LordJules WhiteJohn GreyJohn Grey
1936Whoops, I'm an Indian!Del LordJules WhiteHerman BoxerSearle Kramer
1936Slippery SilksJack WhiteJules WhiteEwart AdamsonEwart Adamson
1937Grips, Grunts, and GroansJack WhiteJules WhiteHerman BoxerSearle Kramer
1937Dizzy DoctorsDel LordJules WhiteCharlie MelsonAl Ray
1937Three Dumb ClucksDel LordJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1937Back to the WoodsJack WhiteJules WhiteSearle KramerAndrew Bennison
1937Goofs and SaddlesDel LordJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1937Cash and CarryDel LordJules WhiteClyde BruckmanElwood Ullman & Clyde Bruckman
1937Playing the PoniesCharles LamontJules WhiteIrving Frish & Will HarrElwood Ullman, Al Giebler, & Charlie Melson
1937The Sitter DownersDel LordJules WhiteEwart AdamsonEwart Adamson
1938Wee Wee MonsieurDel LordJules WhiteSearle KramerSearle Kramer
1938Healthy, Wealthy, and DumbDel LordJules WhiteSearle KramerSearle Kramer
1938Three Missing LinksJules WhiteJules WhiteSearle KramerSearle Kramer
1939Three Little Sew and SewsDel LordJules WhiteEwart AdamsonEwart Adamson
1939We Want Our MummyDel LordJules WhiteElwood Ullman & Searle KramerElwood Ullman & Searle Kramer
1939A Ducking They Did GoDel LordJules WhiteAndrew BennisonAndrew Bennison
1939Yes, We Have No BonanzaDel LordJules WhiteElwood Ullman & Searle KramerElwood Ullman & Searle Kramer
1939Calling All CursJules WhiteJules WhiteThea GoodanElwood Ullman & Searle Kramer
1939Oily to Bed, Oily to RiseJules WhiteJules WhiteAndrew Bennison & Mauri GrashinAndrew Bennison & Mauri Grashin
1939Three Sappy PeopleJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1940You Nazty Spy!Jules WhiteJules WhiteClyde Bruckman & Felix AdlerClyde Bruckman & Felix Adler
1940Rockin' Thru the RockiesJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1940Nutty But NiceJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde Bruckman & Felix AdlerClyde Bruckman & Felix Adler
1940From Nurse to WorseJules WhiteJules WhiteCharles L. KimballClyde Bruckman
1940Cookoo CavaliersJules WhiteJules WhiteEwart AdamsonEwart Adamson
1940Boobs in ArmsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1941So Long, Mr. ChumpsJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde Bruckman & Felix AdlerClyde Bruckman & Felix Adler
1941I'll Never Heil AgainJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde Bruckman & Felix AdlerClyde Bruckman & Felix Adler
1941In the Sweet Pie and PieJules WhiteJules WhiteEwart AdamsonClyde Bruckman
1942Loco Boy Makes GoodJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde Bruckman & Felix AdlerClyde Bruckman & Felix Adler
1942What's the Matador?Jules WhiteJules WhiteJack WhiteJack White & Saul Ward
1942Three Smart SapsJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1942Sock-a-Bye BabyJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1943Dizzy DetectivesJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1943Back from the FrontJules WhiteJules WhiteEwart Adamson & Jack WhiteEwart Adamson & Jack White
1943I Can Hardly WaitJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1943Dizzy PilotsJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1944Crash Goes the HashJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1944The Yoke's on MeJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1944Gents without CentsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1944No Dough BoysJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1945Idiots DeluxeJules WhiteJules WhiteElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1945If a Body Meets a BodyJules WhiteJules WhiteGilbert PrattJack White
1946Beer Barrel PolecatsJules WhiteJules WhiteGilbert PrattGilbert Pratt
1946Uncivil War BirdsJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanJules White
1946Three Loan WolvesJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1946G.I. Wanna HomeJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1946Rhythm and WeepJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1947Half-Wits HolidayJules WhiteJules WhiteZion MyersZion Myers
1947Hold That Lion!Jules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1947Sing a Song of Six PantsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1947All Gummed UpJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1948Fiddlers ThreeJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1948Heavenly DazeJules WhiteJules WhiteZion MyersZion Myers
1948I'm a Monkey's UncleJules WhiteJules WhiteZion MyersZion Myers
1949The Ghost TalksJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1949Hokus PokusJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1949Malice in the PalaceJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1949Dunked in the DeepJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1950Hugs and MugsJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1950Love at First BiteJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1950Self Made MaidsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1950Three Hams on RyeJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1950Slaphappy SleuthsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1951Baby Sitters JittersJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1951Don't Throw That KnifeJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1951Scrambled BrainsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1951Pest Man WinsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1952A Missed FortuneJules WhiteJules WhiteSearle KramerJack White
1952Corny CasanovasJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1952He Cooked His GooseJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1952Three Dark HorsesJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1952Cuckoo on a Choo ChooJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1953Up in Daisy's PenthouseJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanJack White
1953Booty and the BeastJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1953Loose LootJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1953Tricky DicksJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1953Spooks!Jules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1953Pardon My BackfireJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1953Rip, Sew, and StitchJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1953Bubble TroubleJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1953Goof on the RoofJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1954Income Tax SappyJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1954Musty MusketeersJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1954Pals and GalsJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanJack White
1954Knutzy KnightsJules WhiteJules WhiteEdward BerndsFelix Adler
1954Shot in the FrontierJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1954Scotched in ScotlandJules WhiteJules WhiteElwood UllmanJack White
1955Fling in the RingJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanJack White
1955Of Cash and HashJules WhiteJules WhiteElwood Ullman & Del LordJack White
1955Gypped in the PenthouseJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1955Bedlam in ParadiseJules WhiteJules WhiteZion MyersFelix Adler
1955Stone Age RomeosJules WhiteJules WhiteZion MyersFelix Adler
1955Wham-Bam-Slam!Jules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanFelix Adler
1955Hot IceJules WhiteJules WhiteElwood UllmanJack White
1955Blunder BoysJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1956Husbands BewareJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanFelix Adler
1956CreepsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1956Flagpole JittersJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1956For Crimin' Out LoudJules WhiteJules WhiteEdward BerndsFelix Adler
1956Rumpus in the HaremJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1956Hot StuffJules WhiteJules WhiteElwood UllmanFelix Adler
1956Scheming SchemersJules WhiteJules WhiteElwood UllmanJack White
1956Commotion on the OceanJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1957Hoofs and GoofsJules WhiteJules WhiteJack WhiteJack White
1957Muscle Up a Little CloserJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1957A Merry Mix-UpJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1957Space Ship SappyJules WhiteJules WhiteJack WhiteJack White
1957Guns a Poppin!Jules WhiteJules WhiteElwood Ullman & Jack WhiteJack White
1957Horsing AroundJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1957Rusty RomeosJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1957Outer Space JittersJules WhiteJules WhiteJack WhiteJack White
1958Quiz WhizzJules WhiteJules WhiteSearle KramerSearle Kramer
1958Fifi Blows Her TopJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1958Pies and GuysJules WhiteJules WhiteZion MyersJack White
1958Sweet and HotJules WhiteJules WhiteJerome S. GottlerJack White & Jerome S. Gottler
1958Flying Saucer DaffyJules WhiteJules WhiteWarren WilsonJack White
1958Oil's Well That Ends WellJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1959Triple CrossedJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerWarren Wilson
1959Sappy Bull FightersJules WhiteJules WhiteJack White & Saul WardJack White
Something about income tacks season...

Offline Paul Pain

  • Moronika's resident Ph.D. meteorologist/oceanographer
  • Moderator
  • Bunionhead
  • ******
  • The heartthrob of millions!
The Three Stooges shorts sorted by writer:

1936Ants in the PantryJack WhiteJules WhiteAl GieblerAl Giebler
1935Pardon My ScotchDel LordJules WhiteAndrew BennisonAndrew Bennison
1939A Ducking They Did GoDel LordJules WhiteAndrew BennisonAndrew Bennison
1939Oily to Bed, Oily to RiseJules WhiteJules WhiteAndrew Bennison & Mauri GrashinAndrew Bennison & Mauri Grashin
1940From Nurse to WorseJules WhiteJules WhiteCharles L. KimballClyde Bruckman
1938Flat Foot StoogesCharley ChaseCharley Chase & Hugh McCollumCharley ChaseCharley Chase
1937Dizzy DoctorsDel LordJules WhiteCharlie MelsonAl Ray
1935Three Little BeersDel LordJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1936Half Shot ShootersJack WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1937Three Dumb ClucksDel LordJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1937Cash and CarryDel LordJules WhiteClyde BruckmanElwood Ullman & Clyde Bruckman
1939Three Sappy PeopleJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1940Rockin' Thru the RockiesJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1942Three Smart SapsJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1942Sock-a-Bye BabyJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1943Spook LouderDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1943I Can Hardly WaitJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1943Dizzy PilotsJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1944The Yoke's on MeJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1946Uncivil War BirdsJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanJules White
1946Three Little PiratesEdward BerndsHugh McCollumClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1947Fright NightEdward BerndsHugh McCollumClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1947Out WestEdward BerndsHugh McCollumClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1947Brideless GroomEdward BerndsHugh McCollumClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1948Pardon My ClutchEdward BerndsHugh McCollumClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1950Hugs and MugsJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1950Three Hams on RyeJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1953Up in Daisy's PenthouseJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanJack White
1953Goof on the RoofJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1954Pals and GalsJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanJack White
1955Fling in the RingJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanJack White
1955Wham-Bam-Slam!Jules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanFelix Adler
1956Husbands BewareJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanFelix Adler
1940You Nazty Spy!Jules WhiteJules WhiteClyde Bruckman & Felix AdlerClyde Bruckman & Felix Adler
1940Nutty But NiceJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde Bruckman & Felix AdlerClyde Bruckman & Felix Adler
1941So Long, Mr. ChumpsJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde Bruckman & Felix AdlerClyde Bruckman & Felix Adler
1941I'll Never Heil AgainJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde Bruckman & Felix AdlerClyde Bruckman & Felix Adler
1942Loco Boy Makes GoodJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde Bruckman & Felix AdlerClyde Bruckman & Felix Adler
1943A Gem of a JamDel LordHugh McCollumDel LordDel Lord
1945Three Pests in a MessDel LordHugh McCollumDel LordDel Lord
1945Booby DupesDel LordHugh McCollumDel LordDel Lord
1945Micro-PhoniesEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1946A Bird in the HeadEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1946Monkey BusinessmenEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1948Squareheads of the Round TableEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1949Who Done It?Edward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1950Punchy CowpunchersEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1950Dopey DicksEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1951Merry MavericksEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1951The Tooth Will OutEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1951Hula-La-LaHugh McCollumHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1952Gents in a JamEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1954Knutzy KnightsJules WhiteJules WhiteEdward BerndsFelix Adler
1956For Crimin' Out LoudJules WhiteJules WhiteEdward BerndsFelix Adler
1940A Plumbing We Will GoDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1940How High Is Up?Del LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1941Dutiful But DumbDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1945Idiots DeluxeJules WhiteJules WhiteElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1948The Hot ScotsEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1948Mummy's DummiesEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1948Crime on Their HandsEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1949Fuelin' AroundEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1949Vagabond LoafersEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1950Studio StoopsEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1950A Snitch in TimeEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1951Three Arabian NutsEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1952Listen, JudgeEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1954Scotched in ScotlandJules WhiteJules WhiteElwood UllmanJack White
1955Hot IceJules WhiteJules WhiteElwood UllmanJack White
1956Hot StuffJules WhiteJules WhiteElwood UllmanFelix Adler
1956Scheming SchemersJules WhiteJules WhiteElwood UllmanJack White
1938Termites of 1938Del LordCharley Chase & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Al GieblerElwood Ullman & Al Giebler
1938Tassels in the AirCharley ChaseCharley Chase & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Al GieblerElwood Ullman, Al Giebler, & Charley Chase
1938Violent Is the Word for CurlyCharley ChaseCharley Chase & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Al GieblerElwood Ullman & Al Giebler
1938Mutts to YouCharley ChaseCharley Chase & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Al GieblerElwood Ullman & Al Giebler
1944Busy BuddiesDel LordHugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Del LordElwood Ullman & Del Lord
1944Idle RoomersDel LordHugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Del LordElwood Ullman & Del Lord
1948Shivering SherlocksDel LordHugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Del LordElwood Ullman & Del Lord
1955Of Cash and HashJules WhiteJules WhiteElwood Ullman & Del LordJack White
1940No Census, No FeelingDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Harry EdwardsElwood Ullman & Harry Edwards
1941Some More of SamoaDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Harry EdwardsElwood Ullman & Harry Edwards
1957Guns a Poppin!Jules WhiteJules WhiteElwood Ullman & Jack WhiteJack White
1942Cactus Makes PerfectDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Monte CollinsElwood Ullman & Monte Collins
1942Matri-phonyHarry Edwards & Del LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Monte CollinsElwood Ullman & Monte Collins
1943They Stooge to CongaDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Monte CollinsElwood Ullman & Monte Collins
1943Three Little TwirpsHarry EdwardsDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Monte CollinsElwood Ullman & Monte Collins
1943Higher than a KiteDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Monte CollinsElwood Ullman & Monte Collins
1943Phony ExpressDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Monte CollinsElwood Ullman & Monte Collins
1939We Want Our MummyDel LordJules WhiteElwood Ullman & Searle KramerElwood Ullman & Searle Kramer
1939Yes, We Have No BonanzaDel LordJules WhiteElwood Ullman & Searle KramerElwood Ullman & Searle Kramer
1939Saved by the BelleCharley ChaseCharley Chase & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Searle KramerElwood Ullman & Searle Kramer
1936Slippery SilksJack WhiteJules WhiteEwart AdamsonEwart Adamson
1937The Sitter DownersDel LordJules WhiteEwart AdamsonEwart Adamson
1939Three Little Sew and SewsDel LordJules WhiteEwart AdamsonEwart Adamson
1940Cookoo CavaliersJules WhiteJules WhiteEwart AdamsonEwart Adamson
1941In the Sweet Pie and PieJules WhiteJules WhiteEwart AdamsonClyde Bruckman
1943Back from the FrontJules WhiteJules WhiteEwart Adamson & Jack WhiteEwart Adamson & Jack White
1934Men in BlackRaymond McCareyJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1934Horses' CollarsClyde BruckmanJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1935Restless KnightsCharles LamontJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1935Pop Goes the EaselDel LordJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1935Uncivil WarriorsDel LordJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1935Hoi PolloiDel LordJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1936Movie ManiacsDel LordJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1936Disorder in the CourtJack WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1937Goofs and SaddlesDel LordJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1940Boobs in ArmsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1942Even as IOUDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1943Dizzy DetectivesJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1944Crash Goes the HashJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1944Gents without CentsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1944No Dough BoysJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1946Three Loan WolvesJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1946G.I. Wanna HomeJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1946Rhythm and WeepJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1947Hold That Lion!Jules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1947Sing a Song of Six PantsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1947All Gummed UpJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1948Fiddlers ThreeJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1949The Ghost TalksJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1949Hokus PokusJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1949Malice in the PalaceJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1949Dunked in the DeepJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1950Love at First BiteJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1950Self Made MaidsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1950Slaphappy SleuthsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1951Baby Sitters JittersJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1951Don't Throw That KnifeJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1951Scrambled BrainsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1951Pest Man WinsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1952Corny CasanovasJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1952He Cooked His GooseJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1952Three Dark HorsesJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1952Cuckoo on a Choo ChooJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1953Booty and the BeastJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1953Loose LootJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1953Tricky DicksJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1953Spooks!Jules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1953Pardon My BackfireJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1953Rip, Sew, and StitchJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1953Bubble TroubleJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1954Income Tax SappyJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1954Musty MusketeersJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1954Shot in the FrontierJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1955Gypped in the PenthouseJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1955Blunder BoysJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1956CreepsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1956Flagpole JittersJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1956Rumpus in the HaremJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1956Commotion on the OceanJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1957Muscle Up a Little CloserJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1957A Merry Mix-UpJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1957Horsing AroundJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1957Rusty RomeosJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1958Fifi Blows Her TopJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1958Oil's Well That Ends WellJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1959Triple CrossedJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerWarren Wilson
1945If a Body Meets a BodyJules WhiteJules WhiteGilbert PrattJack White
1946Beer Barrel PolecatsJules WhiteJules WhiteGilbert PrattGilbert Pratt
1934Three Little PigskinsRaymond McCareyJules WhiteGriffin Jay & Felix AdlerGriffin Jay & Felix Adler
1936Whoops, I'm an Indian!Del LordJules WhiteHerman BoxerSearle Kramer
1937Grips, Grunts, and GroansJack WhiteJules WhiteHerman BoxerSearle Kramer
1937Playing the PoniesCharles LamontJules WhiteIrving Frish & Will HarrElwood Ullman, Al Giebler, & Charlie Melson
1936A Pain in the PullmanJack WhiteJules WhiteJack WhiteJack White
1942What's the Matador?Jules WhiteJules WhiteJack WhiteJack White & Saul Ward
1946The Three TroubledoersEdward BerndsHugh McCollumJack WhiteJack White
1957Hoofs and GoofsJules WhiteJules WhiteJack WhiteJack White
1957Space Ship SappyJules WhiteJules WhiteJack WhiteJack White
1957Outer Space JittersJules WhiteJules WhiteJack WhiteJack White
1959Sappy Bull FightersJules WhiteJules WhiteJack White & Saul WardJack White
1934Woman HatersArchie GottlerJules WhiteJerome S. GottlerJerome S. Gottler
1958Sweet and HotJules WhiteJules WhiteJerome S. GottlerJack White & Jerome S. Gottler
1936False AlarmsDel LordJules WhiteJohn GreyJohn Grey
1941All the World's a StoogeDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumJohn GreyJohn Grey
1941An Ache in Every StakeDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumLloyd FrenchLloyd French
1934Punch DrunksLou BreslowJules WhiteMoe HowardJack Cluett
1937Back to the WoodsJack WhiteJules WhiteSearle KramerAndrew Bennison
1938Wee Wee MonsieurDel LordJules WhiteSearle KramerSearle Kramer
1938Healthy, Wealthy, and DumbDel LordJules WhiteSearle KramerSearle Kramer
1938Three Missing LinksJules WhiteJules WhiteSearle KramerSearle Kramer
1952A Missed FortuneJules WhiteJules WhiteSearle KramerJack White
1958Quiz WhizzJules WhiteJules WhiteSearle KramerSearle Kramer
1939Calling All CursJules WhiteJules WhiteThea GoodanElwood Ullman & Searle Kramer
1958Flying Saucer DaffyJules WhiteJules WhiteWarren WilsonJack White
1947Half-Wits HolidayJules WhiteJules WhiteZion MyersZion Myers
1948Heavenly DazeJules WhiteJules WhiteZion MyersZion Myers
1948I'm a Monkey's UncleJules WhiteJules WhiteZion MyersZion Myers
1955Bedlam in ParadiseJules WhiteJules WhiteZion MyersFelix Adler
1955Stone Age RomeosJules WhiteJules WhiteZion MyersFelix Adler
1958Pies and GuysJules WhiteJules WhiteZion MyersJack White
Something about income tacks season...

Offline Paul Pain

  • Moronika's resident Ph.D. meteorologist/oceanographer
  • Moderator
  • Bunionhead
  • ******
  • The heartthrob of millions!
The Three Stooges shorts sorted by screenplay:

1936Ants in the PantryJack WhiteJules WhiteAl GieblerAl Giebler
1937Dizzy DoctorsDel LordJules WhiteCharlie MelsonAl Ray
1935Pardon My ScotchDel LordJules WhiteAndrew BennisonAndrew Bennison
1937Back to the WoodsJack WhiteJules WhiteSearle KramerAndrew Bennison
1939A Ducking They Did GoDel LordJules WhiteAndrew BennisonAndrew Bennison
1939Oily to Bed, Oily to RiseJules WhiteJules WhiteAndrew Bennison & Mauri GrashinAndrew Bennison & Mauri Grashin
1938Flat Foot StoogesCharley ChaseCharley Chase & Hugh McCollumCharley ChaseCharley Chase
1935Three Little BeersDel LordJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1936Half Shot ShootersJack WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1937Three Dumb ClucksDel LordJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1939Three Sappy PeopleJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1940Rockin' Thru the RockiesJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1940From Nurse to WorseJules WhiteJules WhiteCharles L. KimballClyde Bruckman
1941In the Sweet Pie and PieJules WhiteJules WhiteEwart AdamsonClyde Bruckman
1942Three Smart SapsJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1942Sock-a-Bye BabyJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1943Spook LouderDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1943I Can Hardly WaitJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1943Dizzy PilotsJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1944The Yoke's on MeJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1946Three Little PiratesEdward BerndsHugh McCollumClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1947Fright NightEdward BerndsHugh McCollumClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1947Out WestEdward BerndsHugh McCollumClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1947Brideless GroomEdward BerndsHugh McCollumClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1948Pardon My ClutchEdward BerndsHugh McCollumClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1950Hugs and MugsJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1950Three Hams on RyeJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1953Goof on the RoofJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanClyde Bruckman
1940You Nazty Spy!Jules WhiteJules WhiteClyde Bruckman & Felix AdlerClyde Bruckman & Felix Adler
1940Nutty But NiceJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde Bruckman & Felix AdlerClyde Bruckman & Felix Adler
1941So Long, Mr. ChumpsJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde Bruckman & Felix AdlerClyde Bruckman & Felix Adler
1941I'll Never Heil AgainJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde Bruckman & Felix AdlerClyde Bruckman & Felix Adler
1942Loco Boy Makes GoodJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde Bruckman & Felix AdlerClyde Bruckman & Felix Adler
1943A Gem of a JamDel LordHugh McCollumDel LordDel Lord
1945Three Pests in a MessDel LordHugh McCollumDel LordDel Lord
1945Booby DupesDel LordHugh McCollumDel LordDel Lord
1945Micro-PhoniesEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1946A Bird in the HeadEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1946Monkey BusinessmenEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1948Squareheads of the Round TableEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1949Who Done It?Edward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1950Punchy CowpunchersEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1950Dopey DicksEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1951Merry MavericksEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1951The Tooth Will OutEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1951Hula-La-LaHugh McCollumHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1952Gents in a JamEdward BerndsHugh McCollumEdward BerndsEdward Bernds
1940A Plumbing We Will GoDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1940How High Is Up?Del LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1941Dutiful But DumbDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1945Idiots DeluxeJules WhiteJules WhiteElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1948The Hot ScotsEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1948Mummy's DummiesEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1948Crime on Their HandsEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1949Fuelin' AroundEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1949Vagabond LoafersEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1950Studio StoopsEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1950A Snitch in TimeEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1951Three Arabian NutsEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1952Listen, JudgeEdward BerndsHugh McCollumElwood UllmanElwood Ullman
1938Termites of 1938Del LordCharley Chase & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Al GieblerElwood Ullman & Al Giebler
1938Violent Is the Word for CurlyCharley ChaseCharley Chase & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Al GieblerElwood Ullman & Al Giebler
1938Mutts to YouCharley ChaseCharley Chase & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Al GieblerElwood Ullman & Al Giebler
1937Cash and CarryDel LordJules WhiteClyde BruckmanElwood Ullman & Clyde Bruckman
1944Busy BuddiesDel LordHugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Del LordElwood Ullman & Del Lord
1944Idle RoomersDel LordHugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Del LordElwood Ullman & Del Lord
1948Shivering SherlocksDel LordHugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Del LordElwood Ullman & Del Lord
1940No Census, No FeelingDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Harry EdwardsElwood Ullman & Harry Edwards
1941Some More of SamoaDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Harry EdwardsElwood Ullman & Harry Edwards
1942Cactus Makes PerfectDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Monte CollinsElwood Ullman & Monte Collins
1942Matri-phonyHarry Edwards & Del LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Monte CollinsElwood Ullman & Monte Collins
1943They Stooge to CongaDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Monte CollinsElwood Ullman & Monte Collins
1943Three Little TwirpsHarry EdwardsDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Monte CollinsElwood Ullman & Monte Collins
1943Higher than a KiteDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Monte CollinsElwood Ullman & Monte Collins
1943Phony ExpressDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Monte CollinsElwood Ullman & Monte Collins
1939We Want Our MummyDel LordJules WhiteElwood Ullman & Searle KramerElwood Ullman & Searle Kramer
1939Yes, We Have No BonanzaDel LordJules WhiteElwood Ullman & Searle KramerElwood Ullman & Searle Kramer
1939Saved by the BelleCharley ChaseCharley Chase & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Searle KramerElwood Ullman & Searle Kramer
1939Calling All CursJules WhiteJules WhiteThea GoodanElwood Ullman & Searle Kramer
1938Tassels in the AirCharley ChaseCharley Chase & Hugh McCollumElwood Ullman & Al GieblerElwood Ullman, Al Giebler, & Charley Chase
1937Playing the PoniesCharles LamontJules WhiteIrving Frish & Will HarrElwood Ullman, Al Giebler, & Charlie Melson
1936Slippery SilksJack WhiteJules WhiteEwart AdamsonEwart Adamson
1937The Sitter DownersDel LordJules WhiteEwart AdamsonEwart Adamson
1939Three Little Sew and SewsDel LordJules WhiteEwart AdamsonEwart Adamson
1940Cookoo CavaliersJules WhiteJules WhiteEwart AdamsonEwart Adamson
1943Back from the FrontJules WhiteJules WhiteEwart Adamson & Jack WhiteEwart Adamson & Jack White
1934Men in BlackRaymond McCareyJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1934Horses' CollarsClyde BruckmanJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1935Restless KnightsCharles LamontJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1935Pop Goes the EaselDel LordJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1935Uncivil WarriorsDel LordJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1935Hoi PolloiDel LordJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1936Movie ManiacsDel LordJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1936Disorder in the CourtJack WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1937Goofs and SaddlesDel LordJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1940Boobs in ArmsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1942Even as IOUDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1943Dizzy DetectivesJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1944Crash Goes the HashJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1944Gents without CentsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1944No Dough BoysJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1946Three Loan WolvesJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1946G.I. Wanna HomeJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1946Rhythm and WeepJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1947Hold That Lion!Jules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1947Sing a Song of Six PantsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1947All Gummed UpJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1948Fiddlers ThreeJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1949The Ghost TalksJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1949Hokus PokusJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1949Malice in the PalaceJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1949Dunked in the DeepJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1950Love at First BiteJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1950Self Made MaidsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1950Slaphappy SleuthsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1951Baby Sitters JittersJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1951Don't Throw That KnifeJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1951Scrambled BrainsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1951Pest Man WinsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1952Corny CasanovasJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1952He Cooked His GooseJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1952Three Dark HorsesJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1952Cuckoo on a Choo ChooJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1953Tricky DicksJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1953Spooks!Jules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1953Pardon My BackfireJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1954Income Tax SappyJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1954Knutzy KnightsJules WhiteJules WhiteEdward BerndsFelix Adler
1954Shot in the FrontierJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1955Gypped in the PenthouseJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1955Bedlam in ParadiseJules WhiteJules WhiteZion MyersFelix Adler
1955Stone Age RomeosJules WhiteJules WhiteZion MyersFelix Adler
1955Wham-Bam-Slam!Jules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanFelix Adler
1955Blunder BoysJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1956Husbands BewareJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanFelix Adler
1956For Crimin' Out LoudJules WhiteJules WhiteEdward BerndsFelix Adler
1956Hot StuffJules WhiteJules WhiteElwood UllmanFelix Adler
1956Commotion on the OceanJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1957Muscle Up a Little CloserJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1957A Merry Mix-UpJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1957Horsing AroundJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1958Fifi Blows Her TopJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1958Oil's Well That Ends WellJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerFelix Adler
1946Beer Barrel PolecatsJules WhiteJules WhiteGilbert PrattGilbert Pratt
1934Three Little PigskinsRaymond McCareyJules WhiteGriffin Jay & Felix AdlerGriffin Jay & Felix Adler
1934Punch DrunksLou BreslowJules WhiteMoe HowardJack Cluett
1936A Pain in the PullmanJack WhiteJules WhiteJack WhiteJack White
1945If a Body Meets a BodyJules WhiteJules WhiteGilbert PrattJack White
1946The Three TroubledoersEdward BerndsHugh McCollumJack WhiteJack White
1952A Missed FortuneJules WhiteJules WhiteSearle KramerJack White
1953Up in Daisy's PenthouseJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanJack White
1953Booty and the BeastJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1953Loose LootJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1953Rip, Sew, and StitchJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1953Bubble TroubleJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1954Musty MusketeersJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1954Pals and GalsJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanJack White
1954Scotched in ScotlandJules WhiteJules WhiteElwood UllmanJack White
1955Fling in the RingJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanJack White
1955Of Cash and HashJules WhiteJules WhiteElwood Ullman & Del LordJack White
1955Hot IceJules WhiteJules WhiteElwood UllmanJack White
1956CreepsJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1956Flagpole JittersJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1956Rumpus in the HaremJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1956Scheming SchemersJules WhiteJules WhiteElwood UllmanJack White
1957Hoofs and GoofsJules WhiteJules WhiteJack WhiteJack White
1957Space Ship SappyJules WhiteJules WhiteJack WhiteJack White
1957Guns a Poppin!Jules WhiteJules WhiteElwood Ullman & Jack WhiteJack White
1957Rusty RomeosJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerJack White
1957Outer Space JittersJules WhiteJules WhiteJack WhiteJack White
1958Pies and GuysJules WhiteJules WhiteZion MyersJack White
1958Flying Saucer DaffyJules WhiteJules WhiteWarren WilsonJack White
1959Sappy Bull FightersJules WhiteJules WhiteJack White & Saul WardJack White
1958Sweet and HotJules WhiteJules WhiteJerome S. GottlerJack White & Jerome S. Gottler
1942What's the Matador?Jules WhiteJules WhiteJack WhiteJack White & Saul Ward
1934Woman HatersArchie GottlerJules WhiteJerome S. GottlerJerome S. Gottler
1936False AlarmsDel LordJules WhiteJohn GreyJohn Grey
1941All the World's a StoogeDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumJohn GreyJohn Grey
1946Uncivil War BirdsJules WhiteJules WhiteClyde BruckmanJules White
1941An Ache in Every StakeDel LordDel Lord & Hugh McCollumLloyd FrenchLloyd French
1936Whoops, I'm an Indian!Del LordJules WhiteHerman BoxerSearle Kramer
1937Grips, Grunts, and GroansJack WhiteJules WhiteHerman BoxerSearle Kramer
1938Wee Wee MonsieurDel LordJules WhiteSearle KramerSearle Kramer
1938Healthy, Wealthy, and DumbDel LordJules WhiteSearle KramerSearle Kramer
1938Three Missing LinksJules WhiteJules WhiteSearle KramerSearle Kramer
1958Quiz WhizzJules WhiteJules WhiteSearle KramerSearle Kramer
1959Triple CrossedJules WhiteJules WhiteFelix AdlerWarren Wilson
1947Half-Wits HolidayJules WhiteJules WhiteZion MyersZion Myers
1948Heavenly DazeJules WhiteJules WhiteZion MyersZion Myers
1948I'm a Monkey's UncleJules WhiteJules WhiteZion MyersZion Myers
Something about income tacks season...

Offline Paul Pain

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Since it's my thread, I will go first...

I notice a lot of remake shorts have screenplay by Jack White.  Apparently Jack was the guy who put injected little creativity went into the numerous remakes of the Shemp and Joe years!
Something about income tacks season...

Offline metaldams

Offline Umbrella Sam

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Not going to lie, I skimmed through before reading the first post and I thought the ones in red were the ones Paul had given his famous trademark.
“I’ll take a milkshake...with sour milk!” -Shemp (Punchy Cowpunchers, 1950)

My blog:

Offline Shemp_Diesel

Without doing too much studying (heh), I think I noticed years ago that Jack White penned some of the more atrocious of the Shemp retreads. Bubble Trouble speaks for itself...

I'm not sure who was responsible for Triple Crossed though. I know I could read through your list Paul, but that would be too much effort on my part for that celluloid turd...   ;)

Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline Paul Pain

  • Moronika's resident Ph.D. meteorologist/oceanographer
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  • Bunionhead
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  • The heartthrob of millions!
Without doing too much studying (heh), I think I noticed years ago that Jack White penned some of the more atrocious of the Shemp retreads. Bubble Trouble speaks for itself...

I'm not sure who was responsible for Triple Crossed though. I know I could read through your list Paul, but that would be too much effort on my part for that celluloid turd...   ;)

It appears TRIPLE CROSSED has a screenplay by Warren Wilson, whose only other credit is writing the story for FLYING SAUCER DAFFY.  Think about that.
Something about income tacks season...

Offline I. Cheatam

Warren Wilson is actually a real person. He eventually wrote many TV shows including Dennis the Menace and Hazel.

Offline QuinceHead

Warren Wilson is actually a real person. He eventually wrote many TV shows including Dennis the Menace and Hazel.

Like wine, he musta gotten better with age.

Also like wine, his Stooges shorts are down in the cellar!

Offline Big Chief Apumtagribonitz

I'm very late to the party, Paul Pain, but very nice work, and I'm saying that was a lotta work.

Offline tunersub

Fancy doing a list of editors? Could spark some interesting discussion. I never see their contributions brought up much, then again, I don't know how much influence directors had over the editing themselves. Either way, what separates a lot of the good Stooge shorts to me is tight editing, and it'd be nice to have a clean list of who's responsible.