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Three Stooges Coll. Vol. 6 1949-1951, June 16

BeAStooge · 168 · 67329

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  • Stooges DVD Vol. 6 1949-1951: June 16, 2009 - June 22, 2009

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Offline dimelives

It also tends to follow "conservative" governments, too.  It's what happens when people are foolish enough to let a government get away with creating a central bank (the Fed is privately owned, btw) that can create "money" out of thin air without anything to back it.  The dollar today is worth less than 5% of what it was worth in 1913, when the "Federal Reserve" was created. 

Considering the trillions of "dollars" that the Fed has created out of thin air over the past few months, don't be surprised when we start seeing hyper-inflation in the near future.  Think Zimbabwe:

I was mostly just teasin' :) But in my mind, liberal govt = "government get away with", regardless of political spectrums. I don't care for party bull.

Offline Dunrobin

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I was mostly just teasin' :) But in my mind, liberal govt = "government get away with", regardless of political spectrums. I don't care for party bull.

I've been known to state that all politicians deserve to be shot on sight, but I suppose that's a tad extreme.  Most probably don't really deserve anything worse than tarring-and-feathering and being ridden out of town on a rail.   ;)

I used to buy into the whole "Republicans" versus "Democrats" malarky, but I know better these days.  As Jesse Ventura pointed out, politicans are like professional wrestlers: they will put on a public show of being mortal enemies, but as soon as the cameras are off and they are out of the public view they are all good friends. 

The only difference between politicians and the Mafia is that the Mafia are far more honest.


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I used to buy into the whole "Republicans" versus "Democrats" malarky, but I know better these days. 

I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. I'm a pedestrian! ;D

Offline FineBari3

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I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. I'm a pedestrian! ;D

"Last one in's a Republican!" -Lorna Gray, Three Sappy People
Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson

Offline casey0272 answered my previous questions I posted about where I should start to collect all of the episodes.  I'm a new collector but a very old fan!

Offline BeatleShemp

The only thing wrong with the box art is they've got "Punchy Cowpunchers" under 1949.

Offline Stooges#1

The only thing wrong with the box art is they've got "Punchy Cowpunchers" under 1949.

That was released January 6, 1950 so it would've been filmed in 1949, but even then it should be under 1950.

Offline archiezappa

That was released January 6, 1950 so it would've been filmed in 1949, but even then it should be under 1950.

I wonder if this is one of those cases like the whole deal with "Flat Foot Stooges" being out of order.  As it turned out, the books were wrong.  I wonder if it's possible that the short was released sometime in December 1949?

Offline luke795

Dopey Dicks is a 3 Stooges short that seems like it should have been released earlier because it has the first intro with Shemp when he returned.

Offline moglia

Hello, was the release date moved forward? I just got a shipping notification.

Offline dimelives

Must've just gotten their stock in already. I just checked online, and my local Best Buy's already have their stock. Gonna go ahead and pre-order for store pickup... who knows, maybe they'll let me have it now! :o

Offline falsealarms

Hello, was the release date moved forward? I just got a shipping notification.

Where did you order it from? I haven't gotten anything from Amazon.

Offline falsealarms

Must've just gotten their stock in already. I just checked online, and my local Best Buy's already have their stock. Gonna go ahead and pre-order for store pickup... who knows, maybe they'll let me have it now! :o

Let us know how that works out.


  • Guest
Hello, was the release date moved forward? I just got a shipping notification.

Must've just gotten their stock in already. I just checked online, and my local Best Buy's already have their stock.

All stores get their stock before the release date, but they're not supposed to sell it yet. However, some stores break street dates when they shouldn't.

Offline dimelives

Yeah, I ordered it for pickup and thought maybe they'd not really know any better and lemme have it early, but nope, looks like they're holdin it til release date (which is only right, of course).

Offline Stooges#1

I remember when I ordered volume 5 from (Canada) and they shipped mine out to me (in Australia) 5 days before the release date and I got it before the release date. Hopefully something like that happens again.  ;D

Offline moglia

Where did you order it from? I haven't gotten anything from Amazon.

For the last 2 volumes I used amazon via the link on this site. This time I tried dvdpacific as I was ordering another item from them. 

edit - Received on June 6th, but it'll be while before I get to view it.

Offline Double Crosser

I usually get them at Wal-Mart.  Always available on the day of release for $19.99.  After all the money I spent on old DVDs, paying $20 for 3 years of shorts at a time is nothing.  Really looking forward to this set, all those new to DVD shorts!


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I just placed my pre-order today. I did originally order it much earlier, but I had to cancel it for reasons mentioned on my earlier post. The shipping estimate for my order is June 22nd. I'll see you guys then. ;D

Offline Black Louie

I just ordered volume 6 at and if you enter the code SONYPIC3 in the promotional code box during checkout, it knocks three dollars off each Stooges title you order. It also works for volumes 1-5 which are currently listed at 14.49. So if you buy all six volumes, you're getting them at 11.99 per volume. Not too shabby.

Offline Stooges#1

I just checked my order on and its "Shipping Soon"  :o Shocked because its like that 6 days before the release date.

Hopefully its dejavu (having volume 5 before the release day on the other side of the world) and it ships tomorrow.  ;D Best day for it too with the conversion rate being at 89 Australian cents to the Canadian dollor. This will be the cheapest set yet for me. And yet, with the quickest shipping to get it in Australia within 2-3 days, i still managed to pay $66 for one item.


  • Guest
I just ordered volume 6 at and if you enter the code SONYPIC3 in the promotional code box during checkout, it knocks three dollars off each Stooges title you order. It also works for volumes 1-5 which are currently listed at 14.49. So if you buy all six volumes, you're getting them at 11.99 per volume. Not too shabby.

Wow, thanks. I'll cancel and replace my order now.

Offline IFleecem

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Bought mine today at Costco for 14.99 (they had like 10 copies of each volume in the series) Cancelled my order at amazon due to the fact they still had a June 18th delivery date.

(boy that sounds so true now!)

Offline dimelives