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Sony's DVD Release Schedule (link inside)

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Actually, the original plan was to have all 190 shorts out on DVD within a 2-3 year time period. I think they'll probably have Volume 7 out by the winter and the last two by next year. Last year, Sony only released 3 volumes (which was volumes 2-4) and this year, they'll probably have another three (volumes 5-7). That's just my speculation.

Offline Paul Allen

Hello Everybody! I'm Paul Allen and I am a 51 year-old lifelong Stooge fan! I would like to share with you why I think there will be a Volume 8 and a Volume 9 of THE THREE STOOGES COLLECTION to complete and finish the set properly.

First of all, it would only make sense for Sony to stay as consistent as they can for as long as they can until they get to the last year that THE THREE STOOGES shorts were released in theaters, 1959. In that same year, their full-length feature film "Have Rocket, Will Travel" was released and has never been issued on DVD!
So far, all the volumes have covered 3 years each, so there is no reason for Sony to stray from that format with the release of Volume 8 in 2010. That is simple logic. Sony could easily do it one of two ways:

VOLUME 8: 1955-1957  24 total shorts
Disc One - 12 Shemp shorts
Disc Two -  4 fake Shemp shorts, 8 Besser shorts
VOLUME 9: 1958-1959 This is where it has to end, but could still be a 2-disc set.
Disc One - 8 Besser shorts
Disc Two - "HAVE ROCKET, WILL TRAVEL" - Full-length movie with Curly Joe DeRita never before available on DVD!

VOLUME 8: 1955-1957  20 total shorts (ending with 1st half of 1957 with "Space Ship Sappy")
Disc One - 10 Shemp shorts
Disc Two -  2 Shemp shorts, 4 fake Shemp shorts, 4 Besser shorts
VOLUME 9: 1957-1959 (starting with 2nd half of 1957 with "Guns A Poppin!")
Disc One - 12 Besser shorts
Disc Two - "HAVE ROCKET, WILL TRAVEL" - Full-length movie with Curly Joe DeRita never before available on DVD!

Note: So far these sets have been released for the purpose of THE THREE STOOGES COLLECTION as an acting comedy team. The solo shorts that Shemp Howard, Joe Besser, and Curly Joe DeRita did in their careers have absolutely nothing to do officially with THE THREE STOOGES shorts or full-length movies. I am all-for the solo shorts to be released in the future, but they have nothing to do with these sets that have been (and are still being) released as THE THREE STOOGES COLLECTION.

Thanks - Paul Allen