There are quite a lack of Shemp shots which need to be downloaded into real player. Out of the entire archive, i beleive that there are only 2 or 3 Shemp shorts.
Some of my favorite Shemper's that are not downloaded into real player are: Hocus Pokus, Hot Stuff, Hugs & Mugs, Wham Bam Slam, Income Tax Sappy, Love at First bite, Malice in the Palace, Pardon my Clutch, Pest Man Wins ( I know I am ramblng but bear with me) Hot Scots, Shivering Sherlocks, Studio Stups, Three Dark Horses, Scrabled Brains, Three Hams on Rye Bubble Trouble, The Goast Talks, Don't Throw that Knife , He Cooked His Goose ,and Fright Night just to name a few.
If some of these rare-er shorts could be downloaded into the online filmography I would think that I would have died and went to stooge heaven.