The thing is, with Hillary, people who hate her REALLY hate her, and for very specific reasons. What she did as first lady, what she did or failed to do in Congress, her personality, or her husband usually. And they will not change their minds at this point. Their hate is too ingrained.
I think it's harder to be that specific hating Barack. Most of the people who say they hate his inexperience are kind of hypocritical, considering how many experienced politicians those same people also hate, like Cheney and Rumsfield, and Ted Kennedy, just for a few examples. Racists can hate him, but he's not a reparation demanding descendant of slaves, who talks like a gangsta rapper. And, like I said before, it's really easy for the milder racists (if there is such a thing!) to find pictures of him and his mother, and credit his rise to the fact that he is directly half-white. (I've talked to blacks at work who say he is not black enough, because he does not understand the slave experience,and speaks out against rap music. I get exasperated, and usually suggest gently that this is the best they are going to do at this time.) Nothing, at any rate, that people hate him for has had time to become that ingrained.
He's the Tiger Woods of politics, as I see it He's a little bit of everything, and not enough of anything for most people to latch onto when it comes to honest dislike. He's well spoken, well-educated, with a beautiful wife, and clean, well-dressed small kids that wear cute dresses and ankle socks. And young people graviate to him, in a way I have not seen since Bobby Kennedy.