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Released November 18, 1943
Featuring Moe, Larry and Curly
17.2 min. (Short Subject)

When Red Morgan and his gang invade Peaceful Gulch, the local editor prints a picture of the Stooges (who are wanted for vagrancy) as three famous marshals coming to clean up the town. When the Stooges show up in town, Red and his gang are worried until they find out the Stooges are just tramps, but when the gang tries to get them the Stooges manage to kncok them out instead. The boys get hired to guard the bank, but when Morgan and his gang rob it anyway, it's up to the Stooges to get the gold back!

Reworked with stock footage as MERRY MAVERICKS (1951) with Shemp.

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Avg. Rating: [8.17/10]

Victor Travers
Newspaper editor

Joel Friedkin
Dr. Abdul

George Gray

Snub Pollard
Sheriff Hogwaller

George Gray

Bud Jamison
Red Morgan

John Merton

Ray Jones

Herman Hack

Joe Garcio

Sally Cleaves
Dancing partner

Gwen Seager
Dancing partner

Del Lord

Del Lord

Monte Collins
Story and Screenplay

Elwood Ullman
Story and Screenplay

John Stumar
Director of Photography

Paul Borofsky
Film Editor

Victor Greene
Art Director

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