He couldn't have been as big of an asshole as that Dennis Rodman? In the public eye he seemed to be a nice guy, i guess on the field and in real life he was a jerk.Actually, Rodman was allways a deathly shy guy. A kind soul. He was later corrupted by the Detroit's "bad boys". He was further corrupted by Madonna, who taught him how to reinvent himself.
How does one speak "white"? Do you mean speaking like someone who paid attention during high school English class? If so then I know plenty of Caucasians who do not speak "white".
How does one speak "white"? Do you mean speaking like someone who paid attention during high school English class? If so then I know plenty of Caucasians who do not speak "white".Example: Players that spoke "White" well: Reggie Miller, David Robinson and Clyde Drexler. All 3 raised in intergrated schools and went to college not only for the basketball.
Example: Players that spoke "White" well: Reggie Miller, David Robinson and Clyde Drexler. All 3 raised in intergrated schools and went to college not only for the basketball.
One of the few players that would step up to a mic and not try to whiten his speech was Barkley. More black athletes should just be natural like Charles. He knows that in spite of his Malaprop's everybody still understands him.
Wow, that is some of the repugnant bullshit I have ever read on these forums.I don't get you man....wtf is your problem? I give a reasonable answer and you go off. Repugnant bullshit? Why so abrasive Shemps? Never mind...just forget about it!
since this is a dead thread I'm going to use it to try to post a you tube video. I read the instructions, I think I got it.
BTW, I'm Mulatto
You are correct that I don't understand how to do it. It took a freind to teach me how to do photo's the other day. I'm gonna impose on her again for the vids. Sorry about practicing on the thread.
I reread my comments, surprized that they came off as racist. Not meant to be. I think it best to stay away from contraversional stuff from now on. I prefer the movie and TV stuff anyway.
BTW, I'm Mulatto
How does one speak "white"?
General douche-baggery - S#1
The greatest word of all time, simple yet pleasing in its onomatopoeic beauty. For one to commit douchebaggery, he/she is not limited to but may include some or perhaps all of the following behaviors:
- the wearing of flat-billed baseball caps backwards
- using an enormous amount of gel to spike the hair porcupine style
- wearing polo shirts or any other type of shirt with the collar popped, a disgusting gesture that should've died in the 1980s with parachute pants
- the sideways peace sign gesture
- overdone pursing of the lips
- too many visits to the tanning salon
- pointing at oneself, holding up beer cans, or making other obscenely immature gestures in solo or group photos
- following trends for the sake of fitting in (see "goatee (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=goatee)")
- adding "The" or the suffix "-ster" to one's name, as in "The Rickster"
See Guido (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Guido) or perhaps frat boy (http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=frat%20boy) for more. Essentially, "douchebaggery" is one of those things as easily understood by definition as it is by one's demonstrations of it.
At least guys with mullets can cut their hair, but there seems to be no cure for the douchebaggery exhibited by frat boys overcompensating for their small members.
Geez, I haven't heard that term in years. I assumed it had fallen into disuse as a colloquialism.You are correct....nobody uses that word any more. Or Mestizo, or Yaqui....I told a woman recently that she was one beautiful colored woman and she went off on me. "Colored" is apparently a no-no also.
Here's a quote from Wikipedia:
"Although still in use, in the last half century the term mulatto has fallen out of favor among some people and may be considered offensive by some in the United States. Today the preferred terms are generally biracial, multiracial, mixed-race, and multiethnic."
And the entire article:
It's getting to the point that I'm afraid to open my mouth on anything even remotely racial.
You are correct....nobody uses that word any more. Or Mestizo, or Yaqui....I told a woman recently that she was one beautiful colored woman and she went off on me. "Colored" is apparently a no-no also.
It's getting to the point that I'm afraid to open my mouth on anything even remotely racial.
Try using "African-American." If that's racists, then I don't know what isn't.
My curiosity compels me to ask: why was she a "beautiful colored woman" instead of a "beautiful woman"? Had she been white would you have called her a "hot honkey"?It certainly wasn't necessary to add that word. But still, it was meant as a complement.
Of course I jest because there is a major difference between "honkey" and "colored". My original question is legit though.
My curiosity compels me to ask: why was she a "beautiful colored woman" instead of a "beautiful woman"? Had she been white would you have called her a "hot honkey"?
I wasn't being combative, it was just a question. Perhaps I'm weird in that I don't use those descriptors unless providing further information. For instance, "beautiful colored woman" isn't the first thing out of my mouth when describing someone. Also, I can kind of see where someone can get offended there: the vast majority of people don't use those descriptors when talking about someone of their own race. Thirdly, verbiage like that may be all well and fine amongst your friends but would go up to the "pretty Asian girl" and say "hey, you're one hot Asian"?
As for the term "colored" itself, it has been antiquated for quite some time now. It really depends on the person you use it with and whether or not they'll get offended. For instance, an older black person might not blink when the word is used but one younger than 50 might not only take offense but also consider you to be an old fart.
I'm white, I have no issues being called white, and perhaps I just expect the same of others. If a black woman went up to me and said I'm a good looking white guy, I'd just chuckle and say thanks. Wouldn't think twice about it. Then again, I can only think from the point of view of a white, heterosexual, male, so I'm limited.
It's because long ago, there were laws that discriminated "colored" people. For example, they had separate bathrooms, drinking fountains, sections in restaurants, etc.... Not to mention slavery, which many of us learned in history class. Due to all of this stuff that happened throughout history, some "colored" people can very sensitive when you show the slightest bit of racism towards them.
Yes, I know my U.S. history, and everybody should be sensitive towards racism.History was my favorite subject before English, so of course I know my US History, and I agree.
The thing is, words like "black" or "colored" can be offensive to them since many people have used those words back in the days when people discriminated them. Pretty blonde and pretty brunette are not exactly considered offensive. Pretty colored chick, on the other hand, can come off as offensive and racist. And you don't need to be racist to come off as offensive. For example, you're not going to walk up to some fat lady outside and say, "Hey, you're a cute fat chick!" The reason is, people use "fat" as a way of insulting others sometimes. So, same with "black" or "colored." Those words are considered to be racist and offensive words, so even if one does use it to compliment, they can take it the wrong way.
It depends on the individual and how sensitive they are.
He takes a bite and goes, "Man, you sure make good cake for a bunch of honkies." The reaction from my family? Uncontrollable laughter, and we still joke about it today. I'm laughing as I'm typing this. But not everybody else would react the same.
I'm surprised they weren't a little mad. Cause honkie is the while equivalent of the N-Word. I mean if the situation was reversed there would be yelling and a bunch of angry people knocking on the kids parents door. So why is it when a white person gets a racial slur thrown at them its ok/funny, but when its done to a black person its wrong. Shouldn't it be equally wrong in both situation?
I'll share a story that's legendary in my family 25 years after the fact. When I grew up, there was this nice elderly black couple who lived across the street from me, and occasionally their grandson from Ohio, who is my age, would visit and I would play with him. I was about 5 or so, and my entire family, meaning grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc. were over when this kid was visiting one day. We were all having cake and we gave him a piece. He takes a bite and goes, "Man, you sure make good cake for a bunch of honkies." The reaction from my family? Uncontrollable laughter, and we still joke about it today. I'm laughing as I'm typing this. But not everybody else would react the same.
If I am using a racial descriptor for someone of African descent I will use the term "black". The term "African-American" really doesn't make any sense. After all I have been in big cities most of my life where there are plenty of tourists and immigrants and not every black person I have met is an American. So do I change it to "African-Jamaican", "African-Canadian", "African-Frenchmen" etc.? That's just fuckin' silly. When describing someone's appearance it's best to use descriptors for how they look because you really don't know what country they are from just by looking at them.
Then again I am a guy who still uses the term "retarded" as a descriptor of someone who is "mentally challenged" because I find the word to be perfectly fine so what do I know?I take offense to that in the utmost form, because I am a person with autism (Asperger's syndrome to be more specific). What most people who use the r-word don't realize is that a lot of people who "fall under that category" are very smart people. Some are even savants. So, to call a person with mental disabilities the r-word is rude and ignorant. I don't even say it to "normal" people that I think deserve it. So no, the word is not "perfectly fine" in my book.
I always wondered why "spook" was racist black term. After all, ghosts are portrayed as white.Evil spirits were black, perhaps? :D
I take offense to that in the utmost form, because I am a person with autism (Asperger's syndrome to be more specific). What most people who use the r-word don't realize is that a lot of people who "fall under that category" are very smart people. Some are even savants. So, to call a person with mental disabilities the r-word is rude and ignorant. I don't even say it to "normal" people that I think deserve it. So no, the word is not "perfectly fine" in my book.
I always wondered why "spook" was racist black term. After all, ghosts are portrayed as white.
This is an old slang term. It originated from the fact that since a black person is dark color; they are hard to see at night and some people have been spooked (scared) by them since they could barely see them at night.
In other word sometimes people (whites) would be out at night and couldn't see the "black person until the last second and got scared or spooked.
People who are by definition smart cannot be retarded. Also, I don't consider people with Asperger's to be retarded: only an ignorant person would think so. The direct definition of "mentally retarded" is someone with an IQ under 70. It is a perfectly acceptable term and I'm not going to say something like "intellectually disabled" because a few people (who are generally not retarded) don't like it.
I always wondered why "spook" was racist black term. After all, ghosts are portrayed as white.
The stupidest PI term is "midget". You can't call a midget a midget any more!Hey, Its little People man.
I've read that the only white equivalent to the "N-word" is to be called Racist, and I agree.
Bull-crap. Since were white, all racial slurs yelled at us are not racist, and don't compare to the "N-word"? You call me cracker, white trailer trash, redneck, or honkie to my face, ill get just as pissed as if i were black and nigger was yelled at me.
Sorry about my spelling, It was late at night and I was in a hurry.
I think I messed up my quote too, It didn't show up in a box.
Don't worry about it, you asked for proper spelling but I wasn't sure which one you wanted it for, lol.I have mixed feelings about the Chappelle show...too many commercials and too many shitty skits. But I DO have a fave skit.....Paul Mooney's "Negrogamus" made a joke about Wayne Brady: "Wayne Brady makes Brian Gumble look like Malcolm X"
I love Chappelle's Show.
Chappelle's Show, while I don't watch it religiously, justified it's existence with that skit of the blind black man who was a member of the KKK. That was brilliant.