
General Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: locoboymakesgood on February 28, 2011, 12:34:59 AM

Title: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: locoboymakesgood on February 28, 2011, 12:34:59 AM
I can only hope and pray this thing never gets off the ground, but I just found this interview from two days ago.

And of course, lastly, you have Three Stooges coming up which is really exciting project so just tell people about that because I’m sure a lot of people out there want to know.

We grew up watching a lot of Three Stooges, they inspired us and those guys did their thing in the 1930s, 40s, and even today as we watch we find them very very funny. So we were hoping one day we could re-do them, bring them back and reintroduce them to a generation of kids that aren’t really familiar with them. We’ve been working on it for about 10 years, we kind of see it like it’s Dumb and Dumber-ish, it’s Dumb and Dumber and Dumberer…three of em. It’s that style of humor which we really enjoy doing and a lot of slapstick and we just think their the funniest guys going and we want to bring them back.

Also, it’s not a biopic, it’s three episodes just like you watch on TV only a little longer like 27 minutes long. Each episode we pick up where the last one left off. It takes place present day, we’ve written all new material. It’s going to be a fun movie, we feel good about it. We’re going to get a lot of shit about it because all of a sudden, this is where the critics come out and say, “How dare you remake The Three Stooges!” like Fuck You! Motherfuckers! You know, The Three Stooges were always given 2nd-class treatment their entire careers. They never did movies until the very end when they were done. They were never Laurel and Hearty, or the Marx Brothers, or Abbott and Costello. They were beneath it, they were before movies. They were looked down upon and now cute little kids don’t know who they are. We love these guys and we want to bring them back. We want to give them the A-class treatment they deserve. So anybody who criticizes, I’m coming right at them and like I’m not taking any shit.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: ThumpTheShoes on February 28, 2011, 04:36:55 AM
Yeah. Laurel and Hearty. Love 'em!

I don't get the bit about "cute little kids".. This picture won't be geared towards kids, not with all the adult stuff and language.

Does anyone remember RonCo records from the 70's/80's? You know, those copycat records that were re-recorded versions of top 40 hits, popular acts like The Beatles and even whole soundtracks, like Saturday Night Fever?

Or, better still.. How about those flea-market style, direct to video movie projects that copy popular stuff like Disney's "Aladdin". Stuff made to trick people into thinking they're getting the real deal.

It'll be like that.

Please, fellas, hurry and get this picture made. I won't pay to see it, but once it's out there I can comb through it, frame by frame, and point out everything that is wrong. I'll be your critic. One of many.

.. As an afterthought, I guess we can be thankful that someone like Uwe Boll doesn't really like the Stooges like the Farrellys really like the Stooges. What a mess that would be..
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Dog Hambone on February 28, 2011, 08:33:45 AM
One of my brothers-in-law (a casual fan at best) recently asked me about this Stooge movie. He seems to be thinking like the Farrellys  - the Stooges are not appreciated as they should be & this movie will somehow bring them their much overdue respect. He was flabbergasted that I didn't agree with him.

The Stooge influence is alive and well in movies. I frequently see bits showing up in movies that the Stooges either originated or used. And the Stooges are on television regularly, unlike Abbott & Costello, the Marx Brothers, or Laurel & "Hearty" (in all fairness, I blame the transcriptionist for that one), who we would never see if TCM didn't show them. The Stooges may be in a niche market, but I believe it's a pretty big niche.

If/when the movie is actually made & released, I will probably watch it out of curiousity, but I'll wait until it shows up on cable.   

Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: JazzBill on February 28, 2011, 06:31:57 PM

If/when the movie is actually made & released, I will probably watch it out of curiousity, but I'll wait until it shows up on cable.   

If the movie gets released I'm sure it will eventually end up in my Stooge collection. I'll wait for it to show up in the bargain bin at Wal-Mart, that shouldn't take too long. [yuck]
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Giff me dat fill-em! on March 01, 2011, 09:27:42 AM
This topic made this morning's "Get to Work Morning Team" radio show here in Dallas (KLUV ... plays moldy oldies)

They also air them on one of Dallas' local TV stations from 7 to 9 am, and I let that run while I'm doing my morning s**t. The DJ regularly interviews a movie and entertainment guru (can't remember his name) ... and this dude mentioned the Stooge Movie was going to happen, with an aside that it has been "happening" for eight years or more, so his guess was as good as yours/mine as to an air date, but he seemed convinced as to it being made.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Liz on March 04, 2011, 08:01:10 PM
Laurel and Hearty?  Like, really? *facepalm*
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: ProfessorStooge on March 31, 2011, 11:24:06 PM
It has been confirmed that Will Sasso of MADTV fame will be playing Curly. Hank Azaria and James Marsden are being considered for Larry and Moe.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Curly4444 on March 31, 2011, 11:46:09 PM
It has been confirmed that Will Sasso of MADTV fame will be playing Curly. Hank Azaria and James Marsden are being considered for Larry and Moe.

More casting changes, no Del Toro or Sean Penn?
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Moron4392 on April 01, 2011, 09:06:40 AM
Hope that some way this movie does not materilise.  This would be a disgrace to The Stooges.  The Farlley Brothers are nothing but a gross bunch of @$$wipes and filthy minded so they would put that in their Stooges movie.

Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: xraffle on April 01, 2011, 09:23:32 AM
This is ridiculous. How long are they going to be discussing this movie? It's been going on for too long now that most of us stooge fans could care less about it. And to be honest, I do not see how this movie is going to be a success. Look at the remakes that were done for "Bewitched" and "The Honeymooners." They were a disgrace. These remakes are a terrible idea, in my opinion.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: stooge1029 on April 01, 2011, 09:43:16 AM
why is anyone still talking about this piece of shit?
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Boid Brain on April 01, 2011, 02:52:21 PM
why is anyone still talking about this piece of shit?
Well, it IS Stooge related. I hate when people rag on books and movies that they haven't seen. (The Last Temptation of Christ comes to mind)

But rag on a movie that doesn't exist??? :D

But the idea of Sasso being Curly is weird! The man is ginormous! Imagine him freaking out on Wild Hyacinth.  :o
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Dog Hambone on April 05, 2011, 06:12:02 AM

Well, let's beat a dead horse a little more. Sean Hayes is now going to be cast as Larry. Also, note the last sentence about a "mid-April start for the project...".
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Final Shemp on April 05, 2011, 01:16:29 PM
Quite a step down.  Never liked Will & Grace, and Sean Hayes was most of the problem.  He was so tiresome after the first episode I couldn't bear to watch anymore of it.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: shemps#1 on April 05, 2011, 03:16:57 PM
Well, it IS Stooge related. I hate when people rag on books and movies that they haven't seen. (The Last Temptation of Christ comes to mind)

But rag on a movie that doesn't exist??? :D

But the idea of Sasso being Curly is weird! The man is ginormous! Imagine him freaking out on Wild Hyacinth.  :o

He's not ragging on the movie itself but the idea of this abortion even being made. Of course you wouldn't understand that seeing as though you couldn't post a simple youtube video if someone came to your house and walked you through the "complicated" process.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Larry Larry on April 05, 2011, 04:17:48 PM
Remaking a character (Batman, James Bond, Tarzan, etc.) is possible, because multiple interpretations are possible.   While some may find a particular actor to be the definitive interpretation (ie: Sean Connery as James Bond), at least a new actor and new story can reboot, or produce a story in a new fashion.

However you don't remake "people". 

The 3 Stooges were comedians - not characters.  They performed live.  They made movies.  They gave interviews. They lived & breathed.   Their unique personalities & talent made the act memorable.  We wouldn't expect to see a remake of Jerry Seinfeld (of course, I shouldn't be giving those stupid Farrelly Brothers ideas).

As much as they will tell the world this "honors" the original artists, they could find actual ways of doing that if they were sincere.

I've mentioned before, that a serious bio-pic, along the lines of "Ray", "Man on the Moon", "Chaplin", etc. of the Stooges could be excellent.  In the right hands, it could be both funny & dramatic, and honor the artist, while creating new art.   

I wish Hollywood could fire the Farrelly's and then just give another director their name to use to make movies.  They essentially consent to such a thing.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Stooge-Adam on April 05, 2011, 04:44:26 PM
My problem with the flick is that the Farrelly brothers think that they're going to bring the Stooges back for a whole new generation. Even if this movie does well, these new guys will never be The Three Stooges. They'll be three guys doing Stooge impressions.

All 190 Stooge shorts are on DVD. Show those to the new generation of people who are unaware of the Stooges.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Myren on April 05, 2011, 06:10:04 PM
Improbably, Sean Hayes Is Your Latest Stooge: Just One More Stooge To Go!

It's Larry! (He'll need a wig, we think.)
by: Will Leitch

Mathew Imaging/ Someday, friends, we will live in a world in which a "Three Stooges" movie actually exists, so that there is no longer any need to type about casting decisions, potential casting decisions, fantasy casting decision, castings of molten steel. Two months ago, we noted that the once-dream cast of the Farrelly brothers film -- which have included Jim Carrey, Benicio Del Toro, Mel Gibson and even Sean Penn -- had devolved down to the level it probably should've been on all along. That cast was Johnny Knoxville, Andy Samberg from "Saturday Night Live" and an Australian actor named Shane Jacobson. Now the cast has devolved again from that. By the time the movie is made, it'll star the actual decomposed bodies of the original Stooges.

Anyway, Will Sasso has already been cast as Curly, and now the project has its Larry: It's Sean Hayes, most famous as Jack in "Will & Grace." For what it's worth, Sasso looks a lot more like Curly than Hayes looks like Larry. (Suffice it to say that Hayes is decidedly more handsome than Larry was -- frankly, it would be difficult to find an actor who wouldn't be -- but that's nothing a good wig can't fix.) Larry was always our favorite Stooge: He was the understated link of the Stooges, as much as anything involving the Stooges could possibly be called "understated."

This leaves the Moe left to be cast, and we feel fairly certain it will not be Sean Penn. It will be outstanding when Moe is cast, though, because it will be the last time anyone writes about the casting of the Three Stooges movie ever again. Honestly, this has been going on since "There's Something About Mary." It's not too late to cast noted Stooges fanatic Mel Gibson. Let's start another rumor! We can't let it die!
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: curlysdame on April 05, 2011, 10:58:28 PM
Remaking a character (Batman, James Bond, Tarzan, etc.) is possible, because multiple interpretations are possible.   While some may find a particular actor to be the definitive interpretation (ie: Sean Connery as James Bond), at least a new actor and new story can reboot, or produce a story in a new fashion.

However you don't remake "people". 

The 3 Stooges were comedians - not characters.  They performed live.  They made movies.  They gave interviews. They lived & breathed.   Their unique personalities & talent made the act memorable.  We wouldn't expect to see a remake of Jerry Seinfeld (of course, I shouldn't be giving those stupid Farrelly Brothers ideas).

As much as they will tell the world this "honors" the original artists, they could find actual ways of doing that if they were sincere.

I couldn't agree with you more, Larry Larry.  I've gotten into a few heated debates over this topic and this was always the point I tried to make:  they tailor made their act; their dynamic and material was theirs alone.  Notice how no one has tried to remake The Marx Brothers (or am I mistaken?)  ...Ugh, I'm really not looking forward to hearing more about the casting. 
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Boid Brain on April 05, 2011, 11:40:51 PM
Some how I am pulling for the Bro's to come up with an angle to make this movie watchable. I have NO idea how, but I remember enjoying the 1st 1/2 hour of that shitty TV movie in 2000.

BTW, I don't see how that Will and Grace guy is a good choice.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: ProfessorStooge on April 27, 2011, 08:58:53 PM
The cast is set for the film. The Three Stooges are: Sean Hayes as Larry, Will Sasso as Curly, and Chris Diamantopoulos as Moe.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Boid Brain on April 27, 2011, 11:38:05 PM
Who is the guy playing Moe? What's he on?
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Curly4444 on April 28, 2011, 12:23:50 AM
Who the hell are any of them?? All unknowns to me.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Boid Brain on April 28, 2011, 12:58:44 AM
Who the hell are any of them?? All unknowns to me.
I only know Sasso from 'Mad TV'....a big guy built just like Curly except he's about 6' 2". He's a gifted impressionist. Here's the only clip I could find where he is not in character as someone else.

I can see him doing Curly, but he's way too hulking to do the stunts.

Edit: BTW this clip is boring as hell.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Curly4444 on April 28, 2011, 10:24:58 AM
I can see him doing Curly, but he's way too hulking to do the stunts.
Maybe he can kneel thru the whole movie?  ;D
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: ProfessorStooge on April 28, 2011, 02:20:12 PM
Chris Diamantopoulos appears on 24 as Rob Weiss. His other TV credits include Charmed, Boston Legal, and The Sopranos.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: ILMM on April 28, 2011, 05:01:05 PM has reported that Jane Lynch has been cast to play a mother superior.
Sorry, I can't seem to make my link work.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Dunrobin on April 28, 2011, 05:14:39 PM has reported that Jane Lynch has been cast to play a mother superior.
Sorry, I can't seem to make my link work.

You can just post the link without any tags and it will be made into a clickable link:
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Curly4444 on April 28, 2011, 05:40:04 PM
Chris Diamotopoulos appears on 24 as Rob Weiss. His other TV credits include Charmed, Boston Legal, and The Sopranos.

I loved charmed, didnt remember him in it.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: shemps#1 on April 28, 2011, 08:35:33 PM
I loved charmed, didnt remember him in it.

Charmed is the equivalent of spraying a bottle of douche all over your television. 
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Moron4392 on April 28, 2011, 09:08:07 PM
Hello Stooge-Adam:

Thank-you ever so much for saying my sentaments exactlly on this dumb and stupid 'So Called Stooges Movie.'  You are correct this will never introduce the Stooges to a new generation.  Like said stated show the 190's and trash this movie. I am totally against it, the flick.

Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: metaldams on April 28, 2011, 09:44:45 PM
Charmed is the equivalent of spraying a bottle of douche all over your television. 

That's a good way to guarantee that even re-runs will stay fresh.

....I'll just walk away now........   [walk]
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Curly4444 on April 28, 2011, 09:47:17 PM
Charmed is the equivalent of spraying a bottle of douche all over your television.  

Whatever. Your a hard person to like sometimes.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: ILMM on April 29, 2011, 12:26:18 AM
You can just post the link without any tags and it will be made into a clickable link:

Thanks! That was the article I wanted. The funny thing is I made a link the day before and it worked fine.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Dunrobin on April 29, 2011, 07:27:47 AM
Thanks! That was the article I wanted. The funny thing is I made a link the day before and it worked fine.

I saw your original attempts to include the link in my emails, so I knew what article you were trying to link to.  Your original attempts failed because you were trying to put in the link tags, but they weren't entered correctly.  (I remember that one started with an <a> tag and ended with the forum's closing [/url] tag.)  Fortunately, the forum software will recognize a URL if it starts with the http:\\ and automatically convert it to a clickable link, so you don't even really need to use the "Insert Hyperlink" button when posting unless you want to make some text into a link.  For example:

Code: [Select]
[url=]This is just a demo of the forum's hyperlink tags[/url]
with give you this:

This is just a demo of the forum's hyperlink tags (

but you can just copy and pase the URL to get this:
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: ILMM on April 29, 2011, 12:28:07 PM
Thanks, I'll remember that!
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: ILMM on May 05, 2011, 12:45:31 AM
Screenrant is reporting that Larry David will play a cross-dressing nun:   ???
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: xraffle on May 05, 2011, 08:34:49 AM
Screenrant is reporting that Larry David will play a cross-dressing nun:   ???

Um, what? What the hell is going on here? This movie is going to be a pile of poo, no doubt about it. This news has just officially confirmed that.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Larry Larry on May 25, 2011, 03:22:33 PM
As much as I can't stand the idea of this movie, it is what it is, and the news / photos will get around eventually.   Here is the 1st cast picture circulating around courtesy of a Yahoo story.

Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Myren on May 25, 2011, 03:26:35 PM
Larry Larry, you just beat me to posting that story.

Don't know what to say about it yet.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: ProfessorStooge on May 25, 2011, 06:02:03 PM
Caught the photos earlier today. Chris Diamantopoulos looks convincingly like Moe, but I wish we could get a glimpse of Will Sasso from the front.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: BenStooge9 on June 13, 2011, 10:33:44 PM
Some new photos/footage of the movie -
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: ThunderStooge on June 14, 2011, 12:44:53 AM
Diamantopoulos and Hayes don't look too bad as Moe and Larry, but only from a certain angle does Sasso even look remotely like Curly.  It doesn't look like they even bothered to try and get the hairline right.  At times he looks more like Curly Joe.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Myren on June 14, 2011, 01:23:06 PM
More photos from the upcoming film:
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: luke795 on June 15, 2011, 12:15:26 AM
Did the Farrellys ever mention that they would make shorts with Shemp, Larry, and Moe?
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Curly4444 on June 15, 2011, 12:27:51 AM
Lets hope not!!  [yuck]
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: ThunderStooge on June 15, 2011, 12:42:30 AM
Did the Farrellys ever mention that they would make shorts with Shemp, Larry, and Moe?
I can't see that ending well.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: xraffle on June 15, 2011, 09:47:04 AM
So, this movie will have Curly and not Shemp??

Great, that gives me another reason not to go and see this.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Faeriegirl on June 15, 2011, 08:00:26 PM
I'm a die hard Stooges fan, I love the shorts, all of them, have most of their movies (can't find Rocket Will travel though, still looking for that one) Personally I loove Shemp the most. And when I saw the pictures of the film in progress, they made me sad. The people they have for the parts of Larry, Moe and Curly, look NOTHING like their original namesakes, at all. Unless heavliy covered in makeup.

It is very sad to me to see those pictures. the movie would be best left unmade.

However, having said above. I actually want to see the trailers for this film, if there are any, I mean, as far as I know, this film MIGHT be an OK movie and not something to bash right off the pitchers mound.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: metaldams on June 15, 2011, 10:16:06 PM
One good thing about this movie coming out is there will be some very interesting Stooge related threads on this board coming out of it.  Should be fun.  As for the movie itself, I'm not that excited, but I'll try my best to accept the film for what it is than what it isn't.  That's easier said than done.

Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Curly4444 on June 15, 2011, 11:12:02 PM
I have a better chance of pulling Excalibur out of the stone than this movie has at being a hit. I bet it dont even make the top 5 films when it debuts.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: xraffle on June 16, 2011, 08:37:26 AM
I have a better chance of pulling Excalibur out of the stone than this movie has at being a hit. I bet it dont even make the top 5 films when it debuts.

Maybe it'll make the bottom 5.

I just hope this movie won't be as bad as "The Honeymooners" movie. That movie was a disgrace to Jackie Gleason and Art Carney. What a shame! Now, I'm afraid this stooge movie will disgrace our boys.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: FineBari3 on June 16, 2011, 09:20:44 AM
I wonder who among us will actually go an see this film, and tell us about it!  (Not me!)
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: metaldams on June 16, 2011, 10:29:20 AM
I wonder who among us will actually go an see this film, and tell us about it!  (Not me!)

I can bitch and complain all I want, but I know at the end of the day, they'll get my money because I'm too morbidly curious not to go see it.  I can't imagine I'll buy it on DVD unless if goes well beyond my expectations, but yeah, I'll see it in the theater, and I'll post my opinion I'm sure.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: ProfessorStooge on June 16, 2011, 02:19:18 PM
Despite the negative criticism the film has been receiving, I do plan to see it when it hits theaters.  No matter what the critics say about, I will always be a Stooges fan.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: xraffle on June 16, 2011, 03:09:18 PM
Despite the negative criticism the film has been receiving, I do plan to see it when it hits theaters.  No matter what the critics say about, I will always be a Stooges fan.

But that's the thing. This movie is an insult to the stooges and their fans.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Faeriegirl on June 16, 2011, 03:29:21 PM
I also plan on seeing this movie when it hits theatres, If not I will at least rent it on VCD or DVD when it comes to store shelves. Until then at least One can merely watch news of it.

Poor Larry's hair was not THAT bad... was it ?

Personally here is how I now see this movie

It isn't the Stooges, it is just a fans take on the Boys, Sure it may be a freaky one that makes zero sense whatsoever,

I recall the following quote from a family member of mine saying
"I'm a stooges fan, I got my sister into them too, she loves Shemp. So we got into a debate, and this is what came out. Lets take A Plumbing We Will Go. Its seventeen minutes long, and throughly enjoyable, every minute is a laugh. But then take that same short, and add another 60 or 70 minutes to it, its just not the same. Until Have Rocket Will Travel came out, the boys honed their craft at the shorts. Trying to make a movie out of one of the shorts would result as a disaster. However giving the Boys a script written for a movie and not a short turned into a movie, is a whole new ballgame, which they pulled off very well in their films, Rocket, Orbit and Snow White. Around the World in a Daze however I am questionable on. But they did well considering the movies were written with them in mind, not a short stretched into an hour long battle with boredom"

NOTE: I asked my family member in question if I could post the quote, as he doesn't have a computer nor get online often. He said I could as llong as he is unnamed.

So that said, and quoted above, if the Farrelly's don't use a short per sei and make a movie with the stooges as centeral characters with no relations ot a short at all, I think they could do it, only, it wont exactly be the Boys, it'll be lookalikes.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Liz on June 16, 2011, 04:24:15 PM
I'll go see it.  It's the Stooges (somewhat), after all.  And besides, like Doug said, I'm morbidly (masochistically?) curious. 
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: shemps#1 on June 16, 2011, 04:30:47 PM
I will not support this project by spending money to go see it. That doesn't make me any less of a Stooges fan than someone who does and to say that is the case is asinine.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: metaldams on June 16, 2011, 04:43:08 PM
I will not support this project by spending money to go see it. That doesn't make me any less of a Stooges fan than someone who does and to say that is the case is asinine.

Yes it does make you less of a fan you, you, non fan you!  [pie]

I can completely understand why somebody would not spend money on this.  I know I will because for one, my brother will see it and I will probably go with him.  I also rarely go to the movies these days, so it will be an excuse for me to do that, and yes, like I said, morbid curiosity will get the best of me.

Still, if anybody won't see this, I totally understand.  I think somebody on this board needs to see this movie anyway.  We need the point of view of somebody who will watch it and at the same time, not be automatic fan boy towards it because the name "Three Stooges" is stamped on it.  I will try my best to keep an open mind, but I admit my expectations aren't all that high.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Curly4444 on June 16, 2011, 05:06:11 PM
Yes it does make you less of a fan you, you, non fan you! 

Is that a joe besser parody?
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: shemps#1 on June 16, 2011, 06:14:46 PM
I'm sure curiosity will get the best of me too and I'll end up seeing it, but I won't spend money to do so *wink wink, nudge nudge*. If I were to go to the theather and plunk down the $10 or whatever for a ticket (yikes) it would be supporting a project I absolutely do not support.

Will Sasso is a terrible comic/actor. He was a shitty Artie Lange replacement on MAD TV and showed up on wrestling a couple of times impersonating Steve Austin. He's also much too big for the role, towering over Fake Moe and Fake Larry. He resembles an overgrown DeRita, both in appearance and talent.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Curly4444 on June 16, 2011, 08:16:58 PM
I'm sure curiosity will get the best of me too and I'll end up seeing it, but I won't spend money to do so *wink wink, nudge nudge*.

Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: ThunderStooge on June 17, 2011, 08:53:53 PM
I kind of want to see it out of morbid curiosity, but at the same time, I don't think I want curiosity killing this cat.  I'll wait for reviews and critical feedback from fellow fans.  I really don't want to spend what little money I do have on a movie that I don't think should be done.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Featherbrain on July 22, 2011, 07:07:51 PM
I'll probably see it (or as much of it as I can stand) when it's on free TV. Or, if by some miracle it receives good reviews, I might spend $2.99 for a download.

But I have the feeling it might turn out like this travesty:

John L
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Stooges#1 on July 23, 2011, 10:24:54 PM
To be honest, if not for Sony releasing all 190 shorts onto DVD I would have been disappointed with this film. But now, Hollywood can make all the Stooge films they want and I'll just sit back and watch the only Three Stooges that truly count. Although, I do understand the disappointment with this film. 

I must say this part of the article is mind-bogglingly stupid, given the last few years.

We love these guys and we want to bring them back. We want to give them the A-class treatment they deserve.

What exactly were Sony doing all this time?
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: 7stooges on July 24, 2011, 11:52:19 AM
Anybody seen this yet?

Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: ProfessorStooge on July 25, 2011, 02:25:44 PM
The film has now entered post-production. I'm surprised that the cast of Jersey Shore is making a cameo appearance.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: metaldams on August 09, 2011, 04:55:59 PM
The film has now entered post-production. I'm surprised that the cast of Jersey Shore is making a cameo appearance.

Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Bum on August 09, 2011, 05:28:53 PM
Well, that cinches it for me: Now I *KNOW* I won't go to see it!
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Myren on September 06, 2011, 02:29:48 PM
Anybody seen this yet?

Or this one for the same filmer:
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Myren on September 06, 2011, 02:34:31 PM


Well this is really bad news.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: ILMM on September 09, 2011, 04:01:47 PM
Release date and more plot details here; .
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: archiezappa on September 10, 2011, 02:17:14 PM
I watched that, but can't tell much about them, except that they really do look like the Stooges.  The makeup artists did a fantastic job on that one. 

One thing I do want to say about the movie.  They really need to show this movie in black and white.  I mean, it would really stand out in today's theatres.  And it would be the ultimate tribute to old Hollywood if they would put the film out in b&w.  And it would be truer to the original format.  A totally radical move in this day and age, but I think the fans would be more receptive.  The older fans, I mean.

Whatever the case, I hope this movie is as great as the Farrelly's say it will be.  However, like all of you, I'm still very skeptical at this point.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Curly4444 on September 10, 2011, 05:43:59 PM
They really need to show this movie in black and white.
I think we'll see the cubs in a world series before we see that.  [pie]
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: ILMM on October 27, 2011, 04:12:36 PM
First official photo:
The other two don't look too bad, But Sean Hayes looks really weird as Larry.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: metaldams on October 27, 2011, 04:28:16 PM
Sweet, new annoying avatar time!
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: shemps#1 on October 27, 2011, 07:34:58 PM
Sasso looks like Sasso, the guy who plays Moe looks like Rich Little dressed up as Moe and the guy who plays Larry looks somewhat like post-stroke Larry with makeup on.`

Jane Lynch in the supporting cast? Yet another reason not to contribute one penny to this catastrophy. Fuck you, Farrelly Bros.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Giff me dat fill-em! on November 06, 2011, 01:49:51 PM
This is ridiculous. How long are they going to be discussing this movie? It's been going on for too long now that most of us stooge fans could care less about it. And to be honest, I do not see how this movie is going to be a success. Look at the remakes that were done for "Bewitched" and "The Honeymooners." They were a disgrace. These remakes are a terrible idea, in my opinion.

I GOT IT!! ...

Think of the last several years talking and griping and hand wringing and Farrelly's yapping and finally the casting mournings as the Gemini and Mercury precursors to the Apollo Missions ...
(wait ..) the Apollo Missions had a goal, landing a man on the Moon before the end of the 60's decade.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Hammond Eggar on December 05, 2011, 04:01:12 AM
Is it just me, or does Sasso look more like Curly-Joe DeRita than Curly Howard in that photo? 

Actually, the casting could be worse.  Check this out.

Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: ILMM on December 07, 2011, 04:04:39 PM
The trailer has been released: .
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: vomit on December 07, 2011, 04:11:34 PM
The trailer has been released: .

Hmmm...not as bad as I presumed.  Still wondering whether I will go or not.....what do you all think?
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: metaldams on December 07, 2011, 04:27:55 PM
Still wondering whether I will go or not.....what do you all think?

I say you'll go.

Man, gotta watch that trailer tonight.  The words "morbid" and "curious" sound as good together right now as peanut butter and jelly.

So, to those of you who have seen the trailer, how does it compare to say.........FOR THE LOVE OF MUMMY?
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: shemps#1 on December 07, 2011, 04:43:17 PM
That looks fucking terrible. The Farrelly's are Yankee fans and NOT from the New England region. Consider them disowned.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: metaldams on December 07, 2011, 05:12:45 PM
That looks fucking terrible. The Farrelly's are Yankee fans and NOT from the New England region. Consider them disowned.

I can see you temper has reached a fever pitch.   [pie] 

Don't worry folks, I'll be here all day.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: ProfessorStooge on December 07, 2011, 08:01:09 PM
Got to see the trailer earlier today. Honestly, it doesn't look too bad. It's got all the great sound effects, and some of the classic gags. Chris Diamantopoulos's Moe voice sounds close to accurate. Will Sasso nailed Curly's mannerisms. Sean Hayes as Larry looks average.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Larrington on December 07, 2011, 08:03:45 PM
I just watched the trailer.   
And I thought it was pretty sue me!   [pie]
Seems like most folks here decided long ago that they hate this film...and decided that they decided long before a single frame of film was shot  (kinda reminds me of the ridiculous brouhaha over THE PASSION OF CHRIST)

Well I've been a Stooges fan for 50 years and it looks to me that the Farrelly Bros. may have actually pulled off the impossible.  Whether the longtime fans like it or not is irrelevant.  This will introduce the characters to a new audience (which is what the creative team probably had in mind anyway). And if it revives interest in the originals, that's not a bad thing at all.

I guess it remains to be seen if the finished can sustain what the trailer managed to capture.  I, for one, hope it does.  And even though it does seem like a longshot, I hope it's a hit.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: shemps#1 on December 07, 2011, 08:28:20 PM
I just watched the trailer.   
And I thought it was pretty sue me!   [pie]
Seems like most folks here decided long ago that they hate this film...and decided that they decided long before a single frame of film was shot  (kinda reminds me of the ridiculous brouhaha over THE PASSION OF CHRIST)

Well I've been a Stooges fan for 50 years and it looks to me that the Farrelly Bros. may have actually pulled off the impossible.  Whether the longtime fans like it or not is irrelevant.  This will introduce the characters to a new audience (which is what the creative team probably had in mind anyway). And if it revives interest in the originals, that's not a bad thing at all.

I guess it remains to be seen if the finished can sustain what the trailer managed to capture.  I, for one, hope it does.  And even though it does seem like a longshot, I hope it's a hit.

So this Three Stooges film is comparable to Passion of the Christ? Well I do remember remember when Moe said in an interview that the Stooges were more popular than Jesus.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: locoboymakesgood on December 07, 2011, 08:42:26 PM
God forgive me for saying this but I actually laughed at the trailer. That's not to say this will be any good but those guys can do some pretty good impersonations. I'm more impressed by that.

Can someone explain how Fox/MGM is putting this movie out though? How is it not Sony?
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: metaldams on December 07, 2011, 11:44:10 PM
OK, better than I was expecting, but something tells me this will be the kind of thing I watch once and never want to watch again, or maybe just watch once every ten years, you know, to "remind myself."

I'll give props to Snooky getting eye gouged, just because it's well, Snooky getting eye gouged.  It was really hard to get a feel for the timing because this is a fast paced trailer, but the eye poke/slap scene they showed seemed to be done well.  The Larry singing in falsetto when a lobster was gnawing his nuts was a bit overblown and the whole "i-phone/eye phone" thing was bad.  Yes, Stooge films have plenty of groaners like that, but they're usually delivered with charm, this just felt forced. 
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: metaldams on December 07, 2011, 11:51:04 PM
...gotta say, after three viewings, it's not holding up well.  the first viewing had some novelty and fascination, but now, not so much.  I'll see the movie, the question is in what manner?
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: falsealarms on December 08, 2011, 12:24:21 AM
I might go see this if for nothing besides morbid curiosity. But I'm expecting trash.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Myren on December 08, 2011, 07:01:07 AM
Well the trail is out...

Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: BeAStooge on December 08, 2011, 02:41:00 PM
Based on the trailer, I can see fun in the movie...
 -  I hope to have fun seeing it bomb next April
 -  I hope to have fun watching the DVDs collecting dust in Wal-Mart bargain bins later in 2012

The Three Stooges ARE Moe, Larry, Shemp, Curly, and yes, even Joe B. and Joe D.  All I see in this trailer are the Farrellys capitalizing on the physical punishment angles, particularly an abundance of eyepoking, and [naturally] none of originals' interactive chemistry which is what really defined the comedy team.  The Farrelly/Cerone script does not have the class of an Elwood Ullman, Felix Adler, Ed Bernds, Charley Chase, Clyde Bruckman, et al, attached to it.  The Farrellys are borrowing an already proven commodity, and a lifetime of others' hard work, in their attempt for something they haven't had in years... a hit... and, this will not be it.  This is nothing more than a Farrelly vanity project.  In my opinion, C3 senior management has betrayed the obligation it has to its corporate asset.

Regenerate interest?  The originals have generated perpetual, growing interest over the past 50+ years, and this movie is unnecessary to that.  The 8 volumes of DVDs released by Sony from 2007 – 2010 far exceeded sales estimates... originally planned as a series from Sony's classic film home video division, the volume of pre-orders on the first volume had the DVDs reassigned to Sony's mass-market division whose retail distribution channels were better equipped to handle the volume.  Since the late 1990s, the boys' films have been a continued presence on national cable TV, and for all of 2011 have been shown on THREE national TV outlets, AntennaTV, AMC and IFC.  This movie is not responsible for any of that.

Over the past 40 years, a lot of progress was made in elevating the Stooges' reputation in film history, thanks to historians and fans like Leonard Maltin, Ted Okuda, Ed Watz, the Lenburgs, Gary Lassin, etc., and particularly family like Joan Howard Maurer.  The Stooges may not be everybody's cup of tea, but time has earned them a deserved critical reputation that stands alongside their popular reputation.  The trailer demonstrates what was long suspected... overdone, gratuitous physical gags for cheap laughs, poorly done by impersonators with no chemistry.  Some of the general populace will now perceive the Three Stooges as this movie.  Any new fans reached will be more than offset by negatives.  So much for progress.

I will not support this 2012 abomination, and I will continue to strongly advise family, friends and whoever not to waste their time and money.

What I will continue to do is support Sony's marketing of the Columbia films, and look forward to new releases, whether retail, MOD channels, new tech formats, what-have-you.  I will continue to support Warner Archive's recent releases, and their future plans for Shemp's Vitaphone shorts and additional features with Healy appearances.  I hope that Universal's rumored MOD program expansion is true and products with the Stooges (MYRT & MARGE) and more features with Shemp in supporting roles are in the future.

On a related note, maybe Justin Bieber and the Jonas Brothers can form a quartet and tour as The Beatles.  Hey, if it generates interest in the originals, it must be good, right?
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: shemps#1 on December 08, 2011, 03:17:26 PM
Yeah, what he said!

I can't really add to that because it is was so eloquently and passionately stated (as is the norm with Brent) except to say I fully expect a C3/Farrelly plant to post about how Moe died for the sins of the Farrellys so that they may make this film and they along with Curly-Joe's step children can turn a profit. I'm not going to spend my good money to watch the unfunny Will Sasso do a Curly impression or the other unfunny actors do their unfunny impressions.

This film does have something in common with Passion: they are both terrible (don't even have to see it, it sucks already). Let's hope that unlike Passion this one doesn't make an assload of cash.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Larrington on December 08, 2011, 03:46:52 PM
Based on the trailer, I can see fun in the movie...
 -  I hope to have fun seeing it bomb next April
 -  I hope to have fun watching the DVDs collecting dust in Wal-Mart bargain bins later in 2012etc., etc., etc....
...I will not support this 2012 abomination, and I will continue to strongly advise family, friends and whoever not to waste their time and money...etc., etc., etc

But how do your really feel about it? >:D
Besides...the original shorts with the original cast(s) are all still out there to enjoy, so what's the big deal?  
Comedy is serious business.    But some of y'all seem to be taking it a bit too seriously  ???
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Myren on December 08, 2011, 04:47:37 PM
Aside from what has been said, what gets me is that "Curly" is so much taller then "Moe" & "Larry". It just seems so off. And the movements seem so planned and unnatural. Where the Real stooges poke to the eyes just seemed to happen and was not forced. Maybe I am off with that...
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Larrington on December 08, 2011, 05:29:11 PM
Aside from what has been said, what gets me is that "Curly" is so much taller then "Moe" & "Larry". It just seems so off. And the movements seem so planned and unnatural. Where the Real stooges poke to the eyes just seemed to happen and was not forced. Maybe I am off with that...

LOL.  I did notice that. 
"Curly" is so much bigger than "Moe" in the film, that all he'd really have to do would be to sit on him.

It brings to mind the SNL sketch from 10 or so years ago with The Four Stooges and "Ribeye", the fourth stooge, beating the shit out of Moe instead of taking his abuse.  LOL.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: shemps#1 on December 08, 2011, 07:44:24 PM
Aside from what has been said, what gets me is that "Curly" is so much taller then "Moe" & "Larry". It just seems so off. And the movements seem so planned and unnatural. Where the Real stooges poke to the eyes just seemed to happen and was not forced. Maybe I am off with that...

That just shows how talented the Stooges were and the chemistry that they had as a performance group. Naturally the Stooges are not just going about life poking each other in the eyes; but they had the ability to make you believe that they did. These guys are just lowly impersonators.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: metaldams on December 08, 2011, 09:47:14 PM

Over the past 40 years, a lot of progress was made in elevating the Stooges' reputation in film history, thanks to historians and fans like Leonard Maltin, Ted Okuda, Ed Watz, the Lenburgs, Gary Lassin, etc., and particularly family like Joan Howard Maurer.  The Stooges may not be everybody's cup of tea, but time has earned them a deserved critical reputation that stands alongside their popular reputation.  The trailer demonstrates what was long suspected... overdone, gratuitous physical gags for cheap laughs, poorly done by impersonators with no chemistry.  Some of the general populace will now perceive the Three Stooges as this movie.  Any new fans reached will be more than offset by negatives.  So much for progress.

Brent, this film will be a footnote when the smoke clears.  Anybody at this point in time who is open-minded enough to critically examine a comedy team who died before they were born is probably smart enough to realize the difference between Will Sasso and Curly Howard.  The general populace could care less about critically examining old comedy teams.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Larrington on December 08, 2011, 11:13:08 PM
Brent, this film will be a footnote when the smoke clears.  Anybody at this point in time who is open-minded enough to critically examine a comedy team who died before they were born is probably smart enough to realize the difference between Will Sasso and Curly Howard.  The general populace could care less about critically examining old comedy teams.

Exactly.  I couldn't have said it better even if I were smart.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: ThunderStooge on December 09, 2011, 12:08:44 AM
Just watched the trailer.  I hate to say it, but I actually chuckled a couple times.  I thought "Moe's" voice was fairly accurate. And Sasso, apart from being so much taller than Chris and Sean, didn't seem too bad as Curly.  It's a bit better than what I expected, but I'm still skeptical on the movie.  The slapstick feels forced sometimes.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Larry Larry on December 09, 2011, 11:32:26 AM
The trailer is here: 

As of right now, the thumbs downs votes are equal to the thumbs ups.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Bum on December 11, 2011, 08:10:30 PM
This movie is going to force me to stop using an analogy I've been employing for years: As I've mentioned here before, I'm also a fan of the vintage Warner Brothers cartoons, a film series which, in an amazing coincidence, started in 1930 and ended in 1969! For thirty years now, I've watched Warner struggle to recapture the magic of those films in their numerous attempts to revive the classic characters in TV shows, commercials, theatrical movies, and even theatrical shorts [their original format]. It NEVER ONCE has come close to working, and when people would ask me why I thought these new cartoons weren't as good as the old ones, this is what I would answer:

"Because those films were made decades ago by a particular group of people, most of whom are dead now. Because they're dead, the magic can NEVER EVER be recreated. You can gather together the finest animators, directors, and writers in the world today, and find someone who can precisely duplicate Mel Blanc's voices and Carl Stalling's musical scores, and you will STILL never produce a cartoon that captures the spirit of the originals. It's physically impossible. To attempt to do so would be as pointless as SOMEONE GATHERING TOGETHER THREE GUYS WHO LOOK AND SOUND LIKE MOE LARRY AND CURLY AND ATTEMPTING TO MAKE A NEW THREE STOOGES MOVIE".

And now I can no longer make that statement because someone was stupid enough to go and do it......
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Stooges#1 on December 12, 2011, 12:20:45 AM
Some people deserve to have their Internet privileges revoked. I'm all for the whole free speech thing, but this is just ridiculous. It's from an discussion topic.

"I was not hankering for a Three Stooges movie. But I think if you had to do it, the Farrelly Brothers are the guys you'd want to do it. The preview indicates that at the very least, they found three actors who flawlessly embody Moe, Larry and Curly. And you know, maybe it'll be good silly fun. Or at least silly. I'm trying to keep an open mind."

Oh wow, that couldn't be further from the truth. The Farrelly brothers are way below average and those three actors don't resemble or sound like the Originals in the slightest.

Then again the next comment following that was:

"the ad and movie is what the old 3 stooges always were about---dumb comedy for kids."
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Liz on December 12, 2011, 07:04:51 PM
I watched it and I thought it was pretty funny.  I laughed out loud a few times.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: metaldams on December 12, 2011, 08:17:23 PM
My brother saw the trailer, and I predicted what his first response would be, and I was right.  He said, "That nun was ridiculously hot."  Brothers know each other.

He liked the trailer, but then again, he's a more casual fan. 

If anybody wants to see Will Sasso at his absolute career peak........

Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Faeriegirl on December 15, 2011, 09:46:38 PM
Oh my gosh, based on the reactions from my nephews when we saw the trailer before The Muppets, They all want to see it, it cracked us up. Personally I think the part, at leastpersonality wise, is spot on for Moe and Curly, Larry needs work, but otherwise I cannpt see the differeance. I think I will wait until it is on DVD to rent it, possibly buy it.

The "AyePhone" scene My gosh, That had us ALL laughing like crazy

"What's this ?"
"Its an iPhone"
"*Curly looks into it* Hello.... HELLO!!... *gives it back* Nobody there"

Just Curly acting right there, It is something I'd easily see him doing
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Signor Spumoni on December 15, 2011, 10:01:41 PM
Perhaps one standard for this movie's quality might be:  is it worse than the two full-length real Three Stooges' movies?
I saw the trailer last night.  It had some chuckles, especially (for me) at the end when Moe gave that eye-poke "gift" to what's-her-name.   
I see many true fans are saying the same thing I thought, that they might watch this movie so long as they don't have to pay for it.   Wouldn't the producers, et al, just faint if they knew how widespread that idea is?
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Larrington on December 15, 2011, 10:23:52 PM
...I see many true fans are saying the same thing I thought, that they might watch this movie so long as they don't have to pay for it.   Wouldn't the producers, et al, just faint if they knew how widespread that idea is?

I think it's a pretty safe bet that the producers, the directors, and the folks at Fox are all well aware of the chatter on the interwebs with regard to the film.  You can be certain that they're reading every word of it.

Looks to me like the comments and reactions overall are split about 50/50 pro vs. con.

I'll restate that in my opinion (as a 50+ year Stooges fan) that the trailer looks pretty good to me and that the creative team has probably come as close as anyone ever will to evoking the original characters.  That won't be good enough for hard core fans who can't be objective and will reject the effort out of hand no matter what.  But it really remains to be seen whether this kind of humor will fly with the rest of the moviegoing public.

This was a risky project from the start (and that's likely one of the reasons it took so long to get funded and remained in 'development hell'). 
It remains to be seen how it does when April 2012 finally rolls around.  It's probably safe to say we're not talking blockbuster here, but it will still be interesting to see how it all plays out.   I'm not ready to dismiss it as a failure just yet.

I understand the feelings of other hardcore fans (other than myself)  and the cries of "sacrilege!"...but to be honest, part of me secretly hopes that the naysayers are proved wrong.
The Farelly's are hardcore fans themselves, and it's not as if no effort went into trying to 'get it right'.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: shemps#1 on December 16, 2011, 05:53:04 PM
I think it's a pretty safe bet that the producers, the directors, and the folks at Fox are all well aware of the chatter on the interwebs with regard to the film.  You can be certain that they're reading every word of it.

Looks to me like the comments and reactions overall are split about 50/50 pro vs. con.

I'll restate that in my opinion (as a 50+ year Stooges fan) that the trailer looks pretty good to me and that the creative team has probably come as close as anyone ever will to evoking the original characters.  That won't be good enough for hard core fans who can't be objective and will reject the effort out of hand no matter what.  But it really remains to be seen whether this kind of humor will fly with the rest of the moviegoing public.

This was a risky project from the start (and that's likely one of the reasons it took so long to get funded and remained in 'development hell'). 
It remains to be seen how it does when April 2012 finally rolls around.  It's probably safe to say we're not talking blockbuster here, but it will still be interesting to see how it all plays out.   I'm not ready to dismiss it as a failure just yet.

I understand the feelings of other hardcore fans (other than myself)  and the cries of "sacrilege!"...but to be honest, part of me secretly hopes that the naysayers are proved wrong.
The Farelly's are hardcore fans themselves, and it's not as if no effort went into trying to 'get it right'.

Blah blah, you can talk about folks like me "rejecting it out hand" all you want; from the looks of things you already "like it out of hand".

The Farrelly's are fucking joke. They are supposedly big Red Sox fans too and look what they did with Fever Pitch.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Larrington on December 16, 2011, 06:52:21 PM
Blah blah, you can talk about folks like me "rejecting it out hand" all you want; from the looks of things you already "like it out of hand".

 Fine. ;D   So,  blah blah right back at ya. [pie]
I said I liked the trailer. 
I'm hoping I like the movie. 
But I won't know about that until April.
(Like, after I've actually  seen it. )

So...whatever.  I get what this is don't like the Farellys. 
You made your point.  I've made mine.
Everyone's entitled to an opinion.'s only a movie...    ::)
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: locoboymakesgood on December 16, 2011, 07:45:43 PM
Blah blah, you can talk about folks like me "rejecting it out hand" all you want; from the looks of things you already "like it out of hand".

The Farrelly's are fucking joke. They are supposedly big Red Sox fans too and look what they did with Fever Pitch.
Was that a Farrelly movie? Fever Pitch was terrible but then again so is Jimmy Fallon.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: metaldams on December 16, 2011, 11:11:58 PM

For the record, I believe the Hitler genre has one masterpiece, and this ain't it, but in case anyone's interested, here's Hitler's Stooge trailer reaction.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Larrington on December 16, 2011, 11:44:48 PM

For the record, I believe the Hitler genre has one masterpiece, and this ain't it, but in case anyone's interested, here's Hitler's Stooge trailer reaction.

Now that's pretty funny.
 I can certainly relate to the Snooki hate. 
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: stooge1029 on December 17, 2011, 11:14:04 AM
I used to love the Farrelly movies...back in the 90s they made some of the best comedies of the decade...but then i saw Stuck on You and Say it isnt so and Heartbreak kid and the endless line of crap they have produced in the last decade or so and now someone is saying on here that they were connected to that god-awful Fever Pitch? Oh god!! I couldnt think of a worse team to direct the new Stooges. Red Sox suck...Patriots suck....Go Jays Go Bills! Fuck the Farrelllys and their New England based comedies. It will be a miracle if this movie gets anything above one * in my book.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: shemps#1 on December 17, 2011, 12:05:44 PM
Fine. ;D   So,  blah blah right back at ya. [pie]
I said I liked the trailer. 
I'm hoping I like the movie. 
But I won't know about that until April.
(Like, after I've actually  seen it. )

So...whatever.  I get what this is don't like the Farellys. 
You made your point.  I've made mine.
Everyone's entitled to an opinion.'s only a movie...    ::)

You gotta love the Internets. It's the only place where a grown man who is at least in his 50's can "roll his eyes condescendingly" without being pimp slapped.

So you don't like that I disregarded your opinion in the same way you disregard my opinion and that of other "hardcore" fans by stating that we will "reject it out of hand". It's not the movie itself that I reject, the movie hasn't been released. What has been released is the movie's concept and I think that concept blows. The trailer did nothing to change my mind; if I want to watch a bunch of impersonators I can go to the Convention. Perhaps I will be surprised and amazed by this movie. I highly doubt it, but it could very well happen. If that were to happen I would come right on here and say "you know what? I was wrong, the Farrelly Stooges movie is actually very funny and great tribute to the originals", contrary to your beliefs that I am "rejecting it out of hand". The question is, would you do the same? Would you be able to say "I was wrong, the movie is terrible" if that ends up being the case?

Now my statement that you "like the movie out of hand" is not just to counter your opposing statement. That is what I took from your posts; especially the part about how you hope it succeeds and is good just to "prove the naysayers wrong". The "hardcore fans" seem to annoy you and you would feel that the movie being good or successful would be a victory against the "hardcores". I truly believe, based on your 8 posts (which have all been in relation to the movie) that you will like this movie no matter what.

As for the Farrellys and how you "get it" that I don't like them...I don't care if you "get it" or not. If I want to I will end each and every one of my posts with "the Farrelly Brothers suck".
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: shemps#1 on December 17, 2011, 12:10:27 PM
I used to love the Farrelly movies...back in the 90s they made some of the best comedies of the decade...but then i saw Stuck on You and Say it isnt so and Heartbreak kid and the endless line of crap they have produced in the last decade or so and now someone is saying on here that they were connected to that god-awful Fever Pitch? Oh god!! I couldnt think of a worse team to direct the new Stooges. Red Sox suck...Patriots suck....Go Jays Go Bills! Fuck the Farrelllys and their New England based comedies. It will be a miracle if this movie gets anything above one * in my book.

Yes, the Farrelly's directed Fever Pitch. It is funny though how you speak of the Red Sox and Patriots sucking when the Blue Jays haven't been any good since Joe Carter and the Bills haven't been any good since Doug Flutie.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Larrington on December 17, 2011, 12:40:29 PM
...The question is, would you do the same? Would you be able to say "I was wrong, the movie is terrible" if that ends up being the case?

Of course I would.
That was my whole point.
And I'll make that judgement, thumbs up or thumbs down,  when I see the movie.

Why is it such a big deal anyway??
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: shemps#1 on December 17, 2011, 12:49:34 PM
Of course I would.
That was my whole point.
And I'll make that judgement, thumbs up or thumbs down,  when I see the movie.

Why is it such a big deal anyway??

OK, can we please stop with the pie throwing emote?

I can ask you the same question: why is it such a big deal to you?
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Larrington on December 17, 2011, 01:56:19 PM
OK, can we please stop with the pie throwing emote?
I can ask you the same question: why is it such a big deal to you?

Sorry...I liked the pie-con. I just thought it would help keep things in the proper spirit (that basically, none of this really maters at all in the big cosmic picture).  So here's a towel, with my apologies... ;D   I can be opinionated, as much as anyone, but it certainly was never my intention to be dismissive. 

Actually, it's really not that big a deal to me.  I only started out by offering an opinion, like everyone here (and maybe playing 'devil's advocate' on some level).   
But you know what?  None of the opinions--pro or con-- are wrong  because it all boils down to personal taste, artistic perception, and clearly a dedication to the memory of the Stooges themselves (dedication from both those for the movie and against it).
Frankly, I'm as shocked as you that this film ever got made.  But I'm not really outraged about it because whether it winds up being good or bad, it will certainly disappear rather quickly and public attention for the Stooges (waning though it is) will return to the classic shorts.

I think what we all have in common here (at least I hope) is an affection for the Stooges. I know I do.   (I've been in show-bizzzz all of my adult life and the Stooges are at least a part of what influenced me to pursue that muddy and slippery path).

Can't we just agree to disagree on the rest?
Life's too short, bro...
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: shemps#1 on December 17, 2011, 03:19:51 PM
Sorry...I liked the pie-con. I just thought it would help keep things in the proper spirit (that basically, none of this really maters at all in the big cosmic picture).  So here's a towel, with my apologies... ;D   I can be opinionated, as much as anyone, but it certainly was never my intention to be dismissive. 

Actually, it's really not that big a deal to me.  I only started out by offering an opinion, like everyone here (and maybe playing 'devil's advocate' on some level).   
But you know what?  None of the opinions--pro or con-- are wrong  because it all boils down to personal taste, artistic perception, and clearly a dedication to the memory of the Stooges themselves (dedication from both those for the movie and against it).
Frankly, I'm as shocked as you that this film ever got made.  But I'm not really outraged about it because whether it winds up being good or bad, it will certainly disappear rather quickly and public attention for the Stooges (waning though it is) will return to the classic shorts.

I think what we all have in common here (at least I hope) is an affection for the Stooges. I know I do.   (I've been in show-bizzzz all of my adult life and the Stooges are at least a part of what influenced me to pursue that muddy and slippery path).

Can't we just agree to disagree on the rest?
Life's too short, bro...

Well Devil's Advocate I can certainly understand. More likely than not you are right; good or bad this movie will most likely become quickly forgotten in the annals of Stoogedom. Let me present a hypothetical situation though:

This movie comes out and it does well: a couple hundred million box office. This turns on a whole new generation to the Three Stooges and they actively seek out the originals. Something goes awry and they become disappointed. When they watch the shorts they find them to be too "old". Maybe it's the black and white, maybe it's the dated references...perhaps a combination of the two and other factors. When these kids grow up and wax nostalgic about the film they say something like "Will Sasso will always be Curly to me".

It may seem far fetched, but it is entirely plausible in this day and age. Shit, I know folks who are not children who won't give the Stooges a chance because they are in Black and White. This is one reason why I am so adamantly against the making of this movie (along with the Farrelly's poor track record, people like the Jersey Shore cast and Jane Lynch getting more work, etc).
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Curly4444 on December 17, 2011, 04:29:30 PM
What has been released is the movie's concept and I think that concept blows.

What concept wouldn't blow? Is there a way to make a good three stooges movie? Could there be any actors capable of playing the roles right?

Just dont say none, no, no. Explain.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: shemps#1 on December 17, 2011, 05:07:16 PM
What concept wouldn't blow? Is there a way to make a good three stooges movie? Could there be any actors capable of playing the roles right?

Just dont say none, no, no. Explain.

In the same vein as this movie? None, no and no. :p

To elaborate further, I believe the Three Stooges were a product of the time. That time was a long time, spanning two decades: but even as they were still alive and in their old age still running about they got stale. The Stooges' time has long since passed, the men who made those roles iconic have passed and their is no way anyone else can just assume those roles without looking like pale imitations at best. If I were an actor of any name value or stroke I would not take the job, which is why you see lesser talents like Will Sasso taking the role. I'm pretty sure there was a lot more to Jim Carrey rejecting the Curly role than "health concerns" over gaining weight.

What could work in my opinion is a legit biopic. I'm not talking about that Mel Gibson produced shitstain that made Derita look like a messiah, Shemp look like he was afraid of oxygen and Joe Besser look like he had left the Royal Shakespeare Company to join the Stooges. Maybe you focus on one of the Stooges, like Moe was there until the bitter end, and give them the biographical treatment they so richly deserve. One thing you don't do is try to recreate the shorts with new actors like they did in the Gibson film. I think an honest, beyond the camera portrayal of the men who were the Three Stooges would be much better than a bunch of hacks doing impersonations and poking Snooki in the eyes.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Curly4444 on December 17, 2011, 05:31:26 PM
What could work in my opinion is a legit biopic. I'm not talking about that Mel Gibson produced shitstain that made Derita look like a messiah, Shemp look like he was afraid of oxygen and Joe Besser look like he had left the Royal Shakespeare Company to join the Stooges. Maybe you focus on one of the Stooges, like Moe was there until the bitter end, and give them the biographical treatment they so richly deserve. One thing you don't do is try to recreate the shorts with new actors like they did in the Gibson film. I think an honest, beyond the camera portrayal of the men who were the Three Stooges would be much better than a bunch of hacks doing impersonations and poking Snooki in the eyes.

Do you mean a movie where it opened with the stooges births, and then followed them around. Showing the stuff that happened in their lives?
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: shemps#1 on December 17, 2011, 05:51:52 PM
Do you mean a movie where it opened with the stooges births, and then followed them around. Showing the stuff that happened in their lives?

That's the definition of a biopic, yes. Something that was honest, but allowing for "Hollywood leeway". Not like the Gibson film at all, and naturally the Benjamin Bros. would have to be left out of all creative processes.

I always thought F. Murray Abraham would have made a good Shemp.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: metaldams on December 17, 2011, 06:32:57 PM
This movie comes out and it does well: a couple hundred million box office. This turns on a whole new generation to the Three Stooges and they actively seek out the originals. Something goes awry and they become disappointed. When they watch the shorts they find them to be too "old". Maybe it's the black and white, maybe it's the dated references...perhaps a combination of the two and other factors. When these kids grow up and wax nostalgic about the film they say something like "Will Sasso will always be Curly to me".

"Will Sasso will always be Curly to me."  Now there's a signature waiting to happen.

This scenario won't happen on a mass basis Jim, but if it does, it's a good barometer on where our culture stands.  I'm a cynic, and even I have more faith in humanity than that.  I'm so confident this film won't usurp the long term reputation of the originals, both culturally and critically, that if it does, why, I'll reinstate ISLIPP, that's what I'll do I reckon.

..and by the way, I agree with you on the biopic idea.  Something like CHAPLIN with Robert Downey, Jr.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: horwitz-halfwits on January 24, 2012, 08:00:21 PM
I just got my Three Stooges fan club membership on the official site through the mail today! I was so excited when I opened it and looked at all the neato stuff inside! I printed out my free movie ticket as well, but I'm only going for the experience, to see if this new movie lives up to the stooges' reputation. My lil bro wants to go w/ me to see it. He just informed me. Haha what should I do?  ;) I feel so awesome right'm above the rest of them in the clouds. [cool]
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: ILMM on March 21, 2012, 04:15:55 PM
New trailer here: .
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: middlenamewayne on March 23, 2012, 03:21:42 AM
Lest anyone think the Three Stooges are the only gents to be blasphemed for (dollars and) cents, here's the trailer for "The All-New Laurel & Hardy" in their feature film For Love Or Mummy (1999):

And for The Little Rascals (1994):

And Popeye (1980):

And here's a clip or 3 from the 1992 Marx-ist comedy Lame Ducks (aka Brain Donors):

Finally, as a bonus, watch as The Terminator ("I'll be back!") meets Emil Sitka ("Hold hands, you Love Birds"!) in this scene from 1992's The Nutty Nut:

  - mnw

"That'll teach the Walking Dead to fool with Oliver Thaddeus Hardy!"

Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Bum on March 23, 2012, 05:59:58 PM
Critical and box-office response to all of the above proves one thing: Hollywood never learns.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: locoboymakesgood on March 24, 2012, 12:00:07 AM
Brain Donors is an homage to the comedy teams of yester-year, and a very underrated comedy at that. I don't think you can throw that in to the mix with those other ones.

The others are just remaking old properties. I was 8 or so when The Little Rascals came out and I remember a lot of kids in school had seen it. That was weird to me because until that point, I was the only one who knew anything about the Our Gang shorts.

Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Bum on March 24, 2012, 01:45:49 PM
Brain Donors is an homage to the comedy teams of yester-year, and a very underrated comedy at that. I don't think you can throw that in to the mix with those other ones.

The others are just remaking old properties. I was 8 or so when The Little Rascals came out and I remember a lot of kids in school had seen it. That was weird to me because until that point, I was the only one who knew anything about the Our Gang shorts.

Shortly after "The Little Rascals" movie came out, I took some of the original Our Gang VHS tapes to watch at my friend's house. It was strange because to my friend's kids, the "Little Rascals" was the REAL group of kids, and the black and white Our Gang kids were the inferior impostors!
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: middlenamewayne on March 24, 2012, 03:46:48 PM
Brain Donors is an homage to the comedy teams of yester-year, and a very underrated comedy at that. I don't think you can throw that in to the mix with those other ones. The others are just remaking old properties.

According to the film's credits, Brain Donors' script was "suggested by" A Night At The Opera. You'd have to call it a semi-remake, at least... It is underrated, though.

  - mnw
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: luke795 on March 24, 2012, 03:50:12 PM
You forgot about the Honeymooners remake.  With Black people instead of the White people.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Larry Larry on April 04, 2012, 12:01:41 PM
Brain Donors is an homage to the comedy teams of yester-year, and a very underrated comedy at that. I don't think you can throw that in to the mix with those other ones.

Agreed.  An homage to not just the Marx Brothers, but Stooges too, and the entire comedy style in these old films. 

While I myself ranted (on this forum) about the Farrellys movie, now that it is nearly here, what does everyone plan to do?  See it?  Skip it?

Whatever the merit of the film, I'm sure it is an opportunity to capture new Stooge fans.     

The film has the potential to bring new fans to this site.  Is this site planning on capitalizing on potential new foot traffic?
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: metaldams on April 04, 2012, 01:28:32 PM
While I myself ranted (on this forum) about the Farrellys movie, now that it is nearly here, what does everyone plan to do?  See it?  Skip it?

The more I see the trailers the less I enjoy what I see, but i also know for a fact curiosity will get the better of me and I will see this.  In what manner hasn't been determined, but what I think will happen is my brother, who will probably want to see this, will ask me to go, and I can't see myself saying no to him.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Larry Larry on April 04, 2012, 01:52:38 PM
The more I see the trailers the less I enjoy what I see, but i also know for a fact curiosity will get the better of me and I will see this.  In what manner hasn't been determined, but what I think will happen is my brother, who will probably want to see this, will ask me to go, and I can't see myself saying no to him.

That's exactly what is happening w/ me.  My brother & his 2 kids, already want to see it and want me to go.  How can I say no to family, especially those 2 great kids.  My hope at this point is that it isn't a fart, poop and bathroom humor movie.  Knowing the Farrelys though, that's all they can seem to make.

Looking forward to what the critics say.  Reviews will start showing up soon.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Larrington on April 04, 2012, 03:05:04 PM
The more I see the trailers the less I enjoy what I see, but i also know for a fact curiosity will get the better of me and I will see this ...

That's interesting.  I had the opposite reaction when I saw the second trailer and the interview piece (with the actors in character) that popped up on YouTube recently.  The additional footage made me think more that they've nailed the characterizations pretty well, and that the movie may wind up being a bit of a pleasant surprise. 

I mean JEEEEZ...they're not looking to replace the real Stooges with this thing (that, I agree, can never happen.  It simply isn't possible). 

But have so many people really lost sight of the fact that it's just an homage by two guys who love the original shorts as much as we all do?  I admit that I had my doubts about this enterprise ever since I first read about the idea almost 20 years ago, long before the Farelly brothers were involved   (before he died, even Norman Maurer talked about doing a project very much like this).

I don't foresee this film doing any kind of blockbuster business, but I still hope that it's good and most importantly, that it does the legacy of the boys some justice.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Liz on April 05, 2012, 12:03:33 AM
I'm giving it a shot next Saturday.  I'm all for giving things a chance, even though they may be a disappointment (and in this case, an embarrassment).
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Larrington on April 05, 2012, 09:57:53 AM
I'm giving it a shot next Saturday.  I'm all for giving things a chance, even though they may be a disappointment (and in this case, an embarrassment).

That's sensible.
As a very wise man once said, "You'll never know until you check it out."
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: shemps#1 on April 06, 2012, 11:42:19 AM
I've softened my stance on this movie a tad. Don't get me wrong, I still think this movie shouldn't have been made and cannot see this being any good (especially with the over-hyped Farrelly Bros. involved and Will "Artie Lange's MAD TV leftovers" Sasso as Curly) but it could range anywhere to "meh" to "terrible" to "so bad it's good" in a B movie way.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Dunrobin on April 06, 2012, 12:00:33 PM
I've softened my stance on this movie a tad. Don't get me wrong, I still think this movie shouldn't have been made and cannot see this being any good (especially with the over-hyped Farrelly Bros. involved and Will "Artie Lange's MAD TV leftovers" Sasso as Curly) but it could range anywhere to "meh" to "terrible" to "so bad it's good" in a B movie way.

After seeing several different commercials for the movie, I too have "softened my stance" somewhat.  I still doubt that it will be all that good (fart jokes, lobster-in-the-crotch, sexy nuns and Jersey Shore cameos aren't my idea of Three Stooges comedy, but just lame old Farrelly "humor"), and I suspect that they will only break even at best, but I have see a few brief clips where it looked as though they did a fair bit of Stooging.  I'm not going to waste hard-earned money on it at the theater, but depending on the reviews of those of you who do go see it I may take a look when it turns up on Netflix.   ;)
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: archiezappa on April 06, 2012, 12:59:01 PM
Well, we're gonna go see it.  My kids are Stooges fans, as am I.  Whether I regret this or not, remains to be seen.

I've watched the trailers.  The movie is rated PG.  I'm thinking it will be all right. 
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: metaldams on April 06, 2012, 01:49:33 PM
My brother is hellbent on seeing this movie, and surprisingly, my Dad wants to see it too. I would be a total jerk, being the Stooge fan I am, to say no to family time just to make a "stance" on something that in the long run, is really one of the least important things in the world to make a stance on right now.

I'm still not a fan of the idea of the film being made in principle, but it is made, I have family who wants to see it, and I of course am curious.  I'm keeping an open mind, but being a bit nerdier on things Stooge than the rest of my family, I of course will be more critical than they will.  If that's a good or bad thing is open to interpretation, but when I see the movie, I will try my best to post an honest review.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: shemps#1 on April 06, 2012, 01:59:09 PM
I hope that everyone who does see it will take in a weekday matinee if at all possible. Around these parts Mon-Thu before 4 pm or so is $5, then before 7 or so $7.50 before maxing out at $10.50 during the peak hours. That is fuckin' crazy! If you want 3D that's $4 more, and I think IMAX 3D is another $5 added to the original price of the ticket.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: locoboymakesgood on April 08, 2012, 10:48:34 PM
I seem to be more like others here in terms of "softening my stance" on the film itself. My main gripe before anything that the movie would almost be disrespectful to the legacy of the Stooges, with more gross-out humor and other things the Farrally's are known for rather than the Stooge material that the trailers show.

The movie looks far from a masterpiece but I guess it could have been a lot worse than it looks to have turned out. I was just watching the red carpet premiere of the movie on Yahoo from the other day and the three principal guys arrived in character. It was cute. The movie almost definitely is gearing towards a children's audience, and I can respect that. If this movie opens up a new generation to appreciate the shorts the same way I do, then I'm for it.

The red carpet walk seemed kind of disorganized. Jane Lynch uttered "this is a mess" since people were all over the place and there was no orderly fashion. Almost in Stooge form itself.

If I'm bored on a Tuesday I'll catch this. That's when movies are $5 around here. I wouldn't pay more than that, though.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Larrington on April 09, 2012, 09:51:29 AM
I seem to be more like others here in terms of "softening my stance" on the film itself. My main gripe before anything that the movie would almost be disrespectful to the legacy of the Stooges, with more gross-out humor and other things the Farrally's are known for rather than the Stooge material that the trailers show...

You make good points and there are certainly folks that agree with you.
One thing people seem to be losing sight of is that the original shorts were "of another time" and the comic sensibilities of the shorts (such as they are) are of that time.    Times change, the industry has changed, and for better or for worse the public's taste in comedy has changed.

I don't know the Farelly brothers and have no connection with them or with the studio that finally greenlit the project,  but I tend to believe what they have said in interviews...that they wanted to stay true to the spirit of the characters but bring them into the 21st century.   It's a formidable challenge;  other than the comedy, part of the current day appeal of the original shorts is the "quaintness" of the 30's/40's/50's period setting.
But really, if the original Stooges were in their prime and making films today, I'd be willing to bet that their humor would be every bit as "out there" as that of the Farellys.  While the Farellys have had a few misses in recent years,  I think that ultimately they were a good fit for this project and seem to be 'coming from the right place' in their approach. 

Again...whether they've actually pulled it off remains to be seen.   This was a risky venture from the git-go (for all of the reasons voiced throughout this thread) and they knew the risks.   After all...the bottom line is that they were making a Three Stooges movie, without the Three Stooges. 
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: shemps#1 on April 09, 2012, 11:20:49 AM
You make good points and there are certainly folks that agree with you.
One thing people seem to be losing sight of is that the original shorts were "of another time" and the comic sensibilities of the shorts (such as they are) are of that time.    Times change, the industry has changed, and for better or for worse the public's taste in comedy has changed.

I don't know the Farelly brothers and have no connection with them or with the studio that finally greenlit the project,  but I tend to believe what they have said in interviews...that they wanted to stay true to the spirit of the characters but bring them into the 21st century.   It's a formidable challenge;  other than the comedy, part of the current day appeal of the original shorts is the "quaintness" of the 30's/40's/50's period setting.
But really, if the original Stooges were in their prime and making films today, I'd be willing to bet that their humor would be every bit as "out there" as that of the Farellys.  While the Farellys have had a few misses in recent years,  I think that ultimately they were a good fit for this project and seem to be 'coming from the right place' in their approach. 

Again...whether they've actually pulled it off remains to be seen.   This was a risky venture from the git-go (for all of the reasons voiced throughout this thread) and they knew the risks.   After all...the bottom line is that they were making a Three Stooges movie, without the Three Stooges. 

You sound like a Farrelly shill.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: shemps#1 on April 09, 2012, 11:23:19 AM
For anyone interested in getting a look at the Faux Farrelly Stooges in action they will be "guests" on Monday Night Raw tonight 9-11 pm EST on the USA Network.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: metaldams on April 09, 2012, 12:11:45 PM
For anyone interested in getting a look at the Faux Farrelly Stooges in action they will be "guests" on Monday Night Raw tonight 9-11 pm EST on the USA Network.

Wrestling and movie tie ins are almost always disastorous.  I don't have you tube access right now, but Rick Steiner jawing with Chucky is a camp classic, if memory serves correct.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Larrington on April 09, 2012, 12:26:15 PM
You sound like a Farrelly shill.

No, not a shill for the Farellys.  Not even a fan, particularly (though I've seen a couple of their films).
I'm just a big fan of the Stooges, and trying to be objective about the whole thing. 
And I'm sorry my opinions offend you but they are just that...only opinions.  Besides, I think I've made it pretty clear that I was skeptical about the project since word of it started showing up in the press in the 1990's.

I base my observations strictly on what the trailers show and to me, it looks like they did as well as they could.  Others will disagree. 
It doesn't really matter anyway...and for all I know the film will tank like Larry Harmon's Laurel & Hardy disaster. 
 I guess I just don't view the attempt as a sacrilege,  as some seem to. 
But I won't know if it is that, until I actually see the film.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: shemps#1 on April 09, 2012, 12:40:13 PM
Wrestling and movie tie ins are almost always disastorous.  I don't have you tube access right now, but Rick Steiner jawing with Chucky is a camp classic, if memory serves correct.

While watching Rick Steiner get his ass verbally handed to him by a murderous movie puppet was indeed epic I have to go with the with Robocop rescuing Sting during WCW's Capital Combat 1990.

Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: shemps#1 on April 09, 2012, 12:44:02 PM
No, not a shill for the Farellys.  Not even a fan, particularly (though I've seen a couple of their films).
I'm just a big fan of the Stooges, and trying to be objective about the whole thing. 
And I'm sorry my opinions offend you but they are just that...only opinions.  Besides, I think I've made it pretty clear that I was skeptical about the project since word of it started showing up in the press in the 1990's.

I base my observations strictly on what the trailers show and to me, it looks like they did as well as they could.  Others will disagree. 
It doesn't really matter anyway...and for all I know the film will tank like Larry Harmon's Laurel & Hardy disaster. 
 I guess I just don't view the attempt as a sacrilege,  as some seem to. 
But I won't know if it is that, until I actually see the film.

Why would your opinion on a stupid movie "offend" me? It's just that you seem to be trying too hard to validate your wanting to see the film and are coming off like shill for the Farrelly's and those involved in the process.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: metaldams on April 09, 2012, 01:48:53 PM
While watching Rick Steiner get his ass verbally handed to him by a murderous movie puppet was indeed epic I have to go with the with Robocop rescuing Sting during WCW's Capital Combat 1990.

Back in 1990, I took every angle very seriously, even though I knew it was scripted.  Robocop was legitimate to me at the time, and I was too young to see cheese involved.  These days, I can't watch that footage without laughing.  I love The Four Horsemen, but that's gotta be one of their low points.

Steiner Vs. Chucky debate?  That was 1998, and I was 19.  While you can say I still took wrestling too seriously, not to the point where I didn't realize that was some unbelievably funny shit.  I was thinking, "Dude, you're arguing with a puppet!"

Tonight when I get home, and I'll post it in the wrestling thread, I'll show you the angle that had me laughing like hell when I saw it on live TV.  The first incredibly obvious thing where even I couldn't take it seriously.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Larrington on April 09, 2012, 02:24:28 PM
Why would your opinion on a stupid movie "offend" me? It's just that you seem to be trying too hard to validate your wanting to see the film and are coming off like shill for the Farrelly's and those involved in the process.

Sorry if it comes off that way, man.  You just sound so irked when I offer my personal views (and that's all they are, honest). 
As for validating my wanting to see the fim, maybe I'm feeling guilty for actually liking the trailers... that, and the sad fact that I currently probably have too much time on my hands.  ;D

But the end result of what may or may not be an historical fiasco is really of little importance, of course.
The movie was a bad idea from day one.  On that we certainly don't disagree. 

As for the rest,  I was just trying to make conversation and again, I have no ties to the F brothers and certainly no particular love for Fox (their bogus cable "news" channel sure doesn't help their credibility).
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: shemps#1 on April 09, 2012, 10:30:41 PM
No, I was not irked or upset or anything of the like. I made an observation, that's all.

So I watched RAW (as I do every week) and saw the Faux Stooges. They appeared for two main segments (and a short one before a commercial break). First a wrestler finds a big crate marked FRAGILE (backwards E) and naturally the Faux Stooges are inside. They interact with the wrestler, performing some Stooge bits without the chemistry or the funny and I roll my eyes and groan. The second segment I was more interested in because they actually appeared in the ring in front of the crowd and I was curious what kind of reaction they would get. The reaction? Mostly apathy mixed with faint boos.

So the guys who are playing Moe and Larry come out without Will Sasso, who comes out to Real American dressed like Hulk Hogan. Sasso does a terrible Hogan impression which gets more apathy and Kane comes out and chokeslams him. That was pretty much met with more apathy. For those not hip to wrestling who might be thinking "at least they didn't get booed out of the building", well wrestling crowds are different. Since the promoters want fans to boo or cheer having the crowd sit on its hands is the worst reaction you can get. Does that mean that the movie will bomb? No, it means they didn't get over with the wrestling crowd...people who like to watch men pretend to beat each other up. It may not be definitive but it can very well be a harbinger of things to come.

I tried to be as impartial as possible, but it was pretty bad. I'm sure it will show up on YouTube and I (or someone else will post it when it does.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Larrington on April 10, 2012, 08:35:52 AM
Good summary, thanks for that.  I've found the show online and am downloading it now, and I'll check it out.
It does sound pretty discouraging though.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: Larrington on April 10, 2012, 01:00:38 PM
So I watched RAW (as I do every week) and saw the Faux Stooges. They appeared for two main segments (and a short one before a commercial break). ...<snip>...
I tried to be as impartial as possible, but it was pretty bad...<snip> I watched it...and you're absolutely right. 
I thought the first segment was better and tighter than the stuff in the ring later in the show,  but overall I pretty much agree with your assessment.
Not too great. 
Actually everyone in that ring segment looked very ill at ease. 

I'll still go see the movie out of curiosity and will still hope it isn't a total trainwreck (for the sake of the Stooges' legacy), but I have to admit that I don't think Fox helped their case for the film at all by arranging for the WWE appearance by the cast.  (Although I have to also add that the rest of the show, with the usual cornball faux wrestling, wasn't any better.  LOL.  Maybe these fake wrestling shows should dub in some Stooge-like sound effects  :P)

While my reaction after watching it was basically a sigh and thinking "well, it just is what it is", I also got to thinking about the intro at the beginning  of the show where they touted an appearance by "those comedy geniuses, The Three Stooges".
Well... Howard, Fine, and Howard were certainly comedy geniuses in their own unique way of course...but obviously they were not the ones making an appearance here.    The intro in and of itself was a turn-off.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: shemps#1 on April 10, 2012, 09:59:22 PM I watched it...and you're absolutely right. 
I thought the first segment was better and tighter than the stuff in the ring later in the show,  but overall I pretty much agree with your assessment.
Not too great. 
Actually everyone in that ring segment looked very ill at ease. 

I'll still go see the movie out of curiosity and will still hope it isn't a total trainwreck (for the sake of the Stooges' legacy), but I have to admit that I don't think Fox helped their case for the film at all by arranging for the WWE appearance by the cast.  (Although I have to also add that the rest of the show, with the usual cornball faux wrestling, wasn't any better.  LOL.  Maybe these fake wrestling shows should dub in some Stooge-like sound effects  :P)

While my reaction after watching it was basically a sigh and thinking "well, it just is what it is", I also got to thinking about the intro at the beginning  of the show where they touted an appearance by "those comedy geniuses, The Three Stooges".
Well... Howard, Fine, and Howard were certainly comedy geniuses in their own unique way of course...but obviously they were not the ones making an appearance here.    The intro in and of itself was a turn-off.

I know what you mean: I too was put off by the attempt to pass those guys off as the legitimate Three Stooges and I think the crowd was too. Since it sounds like you watched the whole show (if you're not a wrestling fan I dunno why you did) I wonder if you noticed that during the other backstage scenes they had the crowd noise turned up but during the Faux Stooges segment the crowd noise was muted which only made me curious as to the reaction they would get. I heard somewhere that the crowd was louder in its dislike for the Faux Stooges than it seemed like they were on TV.

Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: locoboymakesgood on April 10, 2012, 10:10:26 PM
That was so hilariously painful. Look at the crowd's disappointment when it turns out to be Will Sasso instead of Hulk. ;D

Show's how long it's been since I've watched the WWE. Last thing I remember is Kane finally removed his mask and shaved his head. What happened?
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: metaldams on April 10, 2012, 10:59:30 PM
Kane would've been destroyed if they slipped Sasso some Wild Hyacinth.

That was pretty bad.  Not even funny bad, just bad.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: metaldams on April 10, 2012, 11:03:51 PM
Show's how long it's been since I've watched the WWE. Last thing I remember is Kane finally removed his mask and shaved his head. What happened?

Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: locoboymakesgood on April 10, 2012, 11:50:00 PM
I used to like Kane when I was in middle school until he adopted his "unmasked look".  I rented that movie Eye See You (I think that was the title) just because he was the bad guy in it but wow, was it bad.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: shemps#1 on April 11, 2012, 08:03:05 AM
I used to like Kane when I was in middle school until he adopted his "unmasked look".  I rented that movie Eye See You (I think that was the title) just because he was the bad guy in it but wow, was it bad.

The movie is named See No Evil and as bad it is it is one of the better WWE Films, which just goes to show the overall quality of the division. Which reminds me, we are two days away and there are no reviews for this thing. Usually the reviews are at least starting to come out by now, unless the studio doesn't want the film reviewed beforehand thinking it will get panned and hurt first weekend ticket sales.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: locoboymakesgood on April 11, 2012, 09:23:59 PM
The movie is named See No Evil and as bad it is it is one of the better WWE Films, which just goes to show the overall quality of the division. Which reminds me, we are two days away and there are no reviews for this thing. Usually the reviews are at least starting to come out by now, unless the studio doesn't want the film reviewed beforehand thinking it will get panned and hurt first weekend ticket sales.
It's not being screened for critics so the first reviews can't come out until Friday.

Also, thanks for the correct title. That was the one. I didn't know they had a film division but now that you mention it I seem to remember that movie The Marine with John Cena being WWE Films.
Title: Re: Farrellys Talk About Their Stooges Movie..
Post by: shemps#1 on April 12, 2012, 08:43:54 AM
It's not being screened for critics so the first reviews can't come out until Friday.

Also, thanks for the correct title. That was the one. I didn't know they had a film division but now that you mention it I seem to remember that movie The Marine with John Cena being WWE Films.

Well it's moot now since the reviews are starting to trickle out, but if you have a good movie and want to create buzz for it reviews are the best way to do it. If you have a movie that isn't so good then you want to avoid reviews like the plague and wait as long as long as possible. That's when you do goofy shit like appearing at RAW and NASCAR races in character.

It's funny you mention The Marine: they are planning a second sequel (yeah they've made two so far) starring Randy Orton but someone realized Randy was actually enlisted in the Marines and went AWOL and recieved a Bad Conduct Discharge so of course he has been dropped from the project.