WPIX does not mangle them like that.
I should have guessed that they are airing that bastardized "package." I apologize to WPIX for the slur. My bad. 
And I went completely off on a tangent there myself; I don't blame WPIX for buying what's available for commercial broadcast, the problem is with what's available. We never fail to be reminded— once in a while— what a lousy job C3 has done with administering the Stooges' legacy. I'm sure they're still looking in here (as always), so they won't be surprised at my comments, or at any other hardcore Stooge fan's comments, either.
old news to C3, and obviously they're not about to change anything, since they're still marketing their six-year-old, cruddy packaging of the Stooges shorts. It was on TV here in S.F. for a while in the late 90's, so I saw it, and yes, it does stink.
But it
is good to hear that WPIX is showing not only the Stooges, but "The Honeymooners," and some of the other classic TV that we Boomer and Late-Boomer brats all grew up with... Still, you can't beat "The Honeymooners" DVD box set— being able to watch the episodes with
no commercials at all does wonders for the script continuity.
"The Great One" and his immortal cast are even better than I remembered!