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The Awful Goof (1939) - Charley Chase

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Offline Paul Pain

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This is better known around here for its Shemp solo remake, BRIDE AND GLOOM.  Check that out here:,5758.0.html

Typically the original version of a short is better, and this is no exception.  The major difference is that we don't have Emil Sitka cackling as he spluts mud in Shemp's face.

THE AWFUL GOOF has funny moments indeed, but is not epic.  This is what we come to expect of standard fare.  The main criticism of this is from the typical stuck-up crowd that feels the need to attack every Columbia Shorts production, especially those from later career comedians like Chase, Keaton, and Langdon.

The best moments are the car scene and the final scene.  The plot has tons of holes, but this short is good if you see past this.  What more can one ask for than Dick Curtis using an axe to destroy a car?  Curtis is so hammy in this that, well, he's the funniest character in the shoet,

Charley handles fear and panic very well, and this is no different.  The entire short revolves around this repeated conflict between Curtis and Chase.  Each encounter builds up with more fear and anxiety until, in a shock for Columbia, the plot is resolved.

8/10 [poke] [poke] [poke] [poke] [poke] [poke] [poke] [poke]
Something about income tacks season...

Offline stooge_o_phile

What more can one for than Dick Curtis using an axe to destroy a car?

Ouch! Judging from the hood ornament it looks like a Plymouth.

Offline Umbrella Sam

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I kind of recall the Shemp version being a bit better, although Dick Curtis is certainly funnier here than he was in the Shemp version. The way he reacts to destroying his car and the ending are both pretty funny. As for Chase himself, I do like his horrified reactions when he’s hiding in the bed and listening to Curtis. I also like how he screams when the woman tries to take the wheel from him near the beginning. Besides that, though, it really isn’t the greatest vehicle for Chase himself; it does feel like anyone could have filled this role. It’s just kind of the standard “jealous husband”, domestic Columbia format. It’s not done bad, but it’s not really all that special, either. Chase himself just isn’t that funny here, but it does still have those great moments with Curtis as well as a couple funny moments from Chase, so I guess it’s alright.

6 out of 10
“I’ll take a milkshake...with sour milk!” -Shemp (Punchy Cowpunchers, 1950)

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Offline metaldams

I just watched this and then afterwards read my review for BRIDE AND GLOOM and it eerily mirrors how I feel about THE AWFUL GOOF.  Minus Dick Curtis, the cast is different and again upgrades the material like the cast does in the Shemp short, which after the car with no brakes gag is pretty lackluster.

Linda “Dorothy Comingore” Winters is Charley’s wife.  Looks beautiful and is once again married to a Charles on screen.  Speaking of beautiful, we get Lorna Gray as a bridesmaid and it’s good to see Lucille Lund.  But yeah, other than that, not much else to add that’s not said in the BRIDE AND GLOOM review.

Really want to see LIMOUSINE LOVE from Charley Chase again.  The limo with no brakes gag, undressed girl in the back as he’s missing his wedding was fantastic there.  Caught it on TV a long time  ago and remember being very impressed by it.  I wish they expanded that gag in this short more and did less of the screwball stuff.
- Doug Sarnecky