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Tars and Stripes (1935) - Buster Keaton

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Offline metaldams

      Vernon Dent.  Johnny Kascier.  Dorothea Kent.  Al Thompson.  Dick Curtis.  Director Charles Lamont.  Stooge fans, plenty of links here.  Green Canaries should be in Heaven.  ;D

      Again, another one of these films where if you're new to Buster Keaton, I would not show you this one.  However, I see no reason not to get at least some level of joy watching Keaton and a bunch of familiar supporting players work their way through a few days worth of shooting a script if you're a long time fan.  This film is short, sweet, and there's nothing that drags on forever like the worst of the MGM films, so yeah, a nice way to spend 15 minutes or so on a Saturday morning.

      When I say there's nothing that drags on, I mean it, but there's nothing that stands out either.  Very episodic in nature, this short involves Keaton being an incompetent sailor who gets under the skin of his superior, played by Vernon Dent, and also eventually compete for the same girl, played by Dorothea Kent, who acts just slightly more mature than her age here than she has in past films we saw her in.  It's fun watching her, Buster and Vernon go from one scene to another, and I enjoy the way she tells Buster later on flat out she's flirting with him.

      Buster himself again has very few lines and is a silent comedian in a talking film.  We see a few dives into the water, Buster about face enough where he does so over 9000 times and digs a hole in the ground, climb the top of a mast the way he does in SPITE MARRIAGE, and get stranded in the back of a line similar to the way he does in THE GOAT.  The gags aren't as fleshed out as they are in the silent films, and you know damn well Buster, like in most of these Educational shorts, wishes he had more time and budget to do something elaborate.  Still, talent shows through even in less than ideal circumstances, and the joy of this one is just watching all the familiar faces.  Another of what I like to call a comfort food short.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Big Chief Apumtagribonitz

This was tough to watch, literally.  The print is pretty bad.  For this kind of slapstick, Columbia did it better, even allowing that this is 1935, five years before Columbia's heyday.  I long for big, wet, Columbia sound effects, even though I know many of them haven't even been invented yet.  And why is the navy band playing You're In The Army Now ?  All in all, the least impressive Educational yet.  I've liked most of them.  Dorothea Kent continues to be cute, no surprise, even though she's playing a complete pain in the ass.

Offline metaldams

This was tough to watch, literally.  The print is pretty bad.  For this kind of slapstick, Columbia did it better, even allowing that this is 1935, five years before Columbia's heyday.  I long for big, wet, Columbia sound effects, even though I know many of them haven't even been invented yet.  And why is the navy band playing You're In The Army Now ?  All in all, the least impressive Educational yet.  I've liked most of them.  Dorothea Kent continues to be cute, no surprise, even though she's playing a complete pain in the ass.

I admittedly don't scour the YouTube prints too well.  I own the LOST KEATON DVD set and while the prints and soundtracks aren't up to Stooge/Sony standard (to fellow Stooge fans - we're lucky), they're at least watchable.

As far as this film, I admit it's not Keaton's best, even for an Educational, but I have found myself becoming much more forgiving towards these two reelers as I'm getting older.  You would have gotten a more scathing review out of me ten years ago.  The worst Keaton two reeler is still miles ahead of the worst later day Stooge shorts, the worst stuff he did at MGM, and even TWICE TWO.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Umbrella Sam

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The first half of this is really dull. I don’t find the running gags of Keaton failing to beat the line or getting sent to the brig to be funny and none of the individual gags during the first half stand out. The second half isn’t a whole lot better, but there are a few small highlights. I like Dent briefly going out of character to be an umpire for Keaton towards the end as well as Keaton accidentally dropping him when trying to save him. There is one standout moment, and that’s when Keaton hits Dent with the pie. I love the timing of it as well as Dent’s expression, and I also give Keaton credit for finding a very unique way to do it. Beyond that, though, not much stands out about this. Dent is a fine antagonist for Keaton and Dorothy Kent also does well enough for the few scenes she has, but from a comedy perspective, this one is rather forgettable. There’s nothing offensive about it and none of the characters are annoying, but after how great ONE RUN ELMER was, it is a bit disappointing that the two most recent Educationals have been such a downgrade in quality.

5 out of 10
“I’ll take a milkshake...with sour milk!” -Shemp (Punchy Cowpunchers, 1950)

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Offline Paul Pain

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I agree almost 100% with Umbrella Sam.  Parts of this short were agonizingly unfunny, particularly the mess line routine.  After the 3rd time, I decided I was turning off the short if I saw it one more time.  Now, for the gags...

Interesting to see the food-in-the-gun gag from BACK FROM THE FRONT in this one.  I thought Buster did an all right job in this one even if it was a bit tedious.  The best gag though was when Vernon goes baseball umpire at the end.  That's not a good thing that that was the best joke.  It would have been funnier if Buster had been running into other buildings instead of just the brig.  Oh well...

Vernon Dent really stole the short this time.  He was just fantastic. Dorothea Kent did well as the fantastic pain-in-the-@$$ two-timing girlfriend.  Buster was fine, but the material given sucked horribly.

5/10 [poke] [poke] [poke] [poke] [poke]
Something about income tacks season...

Offline Dr. Mabuse

I need to see a better print to judge "Tars and Stripes" accordingly.  Even the Kino version is terribly choppy.