Because of a glitch in combining the original with the forum that was causing overloads on the server a number of years ago, I was forced to split them and host the forum on a separate domain. That caused a problem with handling members on, and hackers caused additional problems that ended up with me closing registration over there (and even disabling logging in for existing users for a while.) I still hope to re-blend the forum and the main site later this summer, but in the meantime I have finally managed to create a workaround.
There is now a link in your Forum Profile that says "Register with" in the middle of the summary page. If you are not already registered on the main site, you will be able to create an account over there by just clicking on the button in the popup window. The script will check to see if either your username or email address is already registered there, and if not it will create a new account for you (or it will tell you what the problem is if it can't.)
There is a catch, though.Because your passwords are encrypted both here and on, the script can't actually send your password along. Once your account is created on, you will need to use the "Forgot Password" function to reset it before you can actually log in. The popup window will have a link that will take you directly to that page - just enter your email address or username and an email will be sent to complete the process.
Not the most elegant solution, but it should do the trick for now.
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