Nice! Like the look of the new layout and I dig the sidebar menu very much. Way easier to navigate on an iPad than the old website. If I run into any issues with further navigating I'll let you know, but so far, so good.
Cool! I'm glad it looks good on the iPad. I have a Kindle Fire and a Motorola smartphone, so I was able to test the site on those, but for everything else I had to rely on
Screenfly to see what it looked like.
Definitely let me know if you run into any broken or missing links, or if anything displays "odd." I didn't create the template and it didn't come with any instructions (just some examples), so I had to experiment with the CSS classes to see what would work. The image classes have been the most interesting; the first time I tried using them the pictures usually got stretched or enlarged, making them very pixelated.* (Freaked poor BeAStooge out when he first saw it. lol)
* Every time I use that word I think of those two old ladies from the original "
Mr. Deeds Goes to Town" with Gary Cooper. My mother's whole family tended to be