I just installed a new mod to make it easy to embed YouTube videos again. Let's see if it works:
![Cool [cool]](https://threestooges.net/forums/Smileys/default/cool.gif)
You'll see three new buttons on the right side of the toolbar when making a post. (See attached image.)
These BBCode takes these forms:
[youtube]{youtube link}[/youtube]
[youtube width=x height=y]{youtube link}[/youtube]
[yt]{youtube ID}[/yt]
[yt {parameters}]{youtube ID}[/yt]
[yt_user {parameters}]{username}[/yt_user]
[yt_search]{search query}[/yt_search]
[yt_search {parameters}]{search query}[/yt_search]
where width and height is specified by x and y. If width and height aren't specified, width is 100% of the post display area and height in a 16:9 ratio to the width.
yt_user bbcode will show videos by the specified YouTube username.
yt_search bbcode will show videos matching the provided search phrase.
This mod should be able to display a valid YouTube video when passing URLs. For example, all of the following will display the YouTube video at
For YouTube Videos:
For YouTube PlayLists:
http://youtu.be, and
http://www.youtu.be also works. https:// works instead of http://. Please note any other parameters specified in the URL are ignored.
Optional parameters and values for all YouTube bbcodes are:
o width = Specifies the width of the iframe area.
o height = Specifies the height of the iframe area.
o start = Specifies how far into the video to start at. Valid formats: "Seconds" or "Minutes:Seconds"
o end = Specifies how far into the video to stop at. Valid formats: "Seconds" or "Minutes:Seconds"
o autoplay = 1, yes, on or true
o color = red or white
o theme = dark or light
o loop = 1, yes, on or true
o controls = 0, no, off, hide or false
o showinfo = 0, no, off, hide or false
o privacy = 1, yes, on or true
Profile SettingsThere is a new option under
Profile =>
Look and Layout called
Show YouTube videos as a link. Checking this box makes the mod create links instead of embedded videos in your post.