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More compact box of complete Stooges shorts

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Online QuinceHead

Hey everyone,

Have you seen the smaller/more compact edition of the Compleye Three Stooges Shorts Collection that's been hitting stores lately?

For duty and humanity,
JohnH aka QuinceHead

Offline falsealarms

There isn't much to see here. It's another DVD set, at a time when a Blu-Ray release is overdue. Also, the solo shorts aren't included in this re-hashed set.

Offline Tony Bensley

Does anyone know whether the 3-D versions of SPOOKS! and PARDON MY BACKFIRE (Both 1953) were reinstated for the "new" compact Sony DVD set?

In my opinion, at this stage, a Blu-ray set would have made more sense, as all 190 Stooge Columbia shorts already have HD scans!  The included Stooges Features on the Bonus Rarities DVD set were also released to Blu-ray by Millcreek Entertainment last year.  I can't speak for the solo shorts and animated shorts, however!

CHEERS!  [3stooges]

Offline TwoOunceBrain

  • Grapehead
  • *
  • Stooges fan since 1993.
I don't think there's a possibility right now to release them on Blu.

Offline Tony Bensley

I don't think there's a possibility right now to release them on Blu.
While I agree that a Blu-ray release seems unlikely for the foreseeable future, I've been surprised too many times to completely discount the possibility.  For instance, Millcreek Entertainment released the entire MIAMI VICE TV series on Blu-ray only a few months after issuing a series DVD set!  In short, strange things can and do happen, on occasion!

That said, I'm not holding my breath, either!  If/when it happens, great!  In the meantime, I'm happy to have the full 20 Sony DVD set! :)

CHEERS!  [3stooges]

Offline dom dip

I got the bigger size Ultimate collection. Love the stoogey whacky episodes but would of been even more excellent if all the episodes were also available in color. They made advancements in colorised versions compared to decades ago, example, they made a colorised version of the Munsters pilot episode with a different Herman and the episode looks amazingly excellent, the stooges episodes would of  also looked great in color as an extra option.

Offline Tony Bensley

I got the bigger size Ultimate collection. Love the stoogey whacky episodes but would of been even more excellent if all the episodes were also available in color. They made advancements in colorised versions compared to decades ago, example, they made a colorised version of the Munsters pilot episode with a different Herman and the episode looks amazingly excellent, the stooges episodes would of  also looked great in color as an extra option.
A few years before Sony began releasing their Three Stooges Collection Volumes, they issued two DVDs with colorized shorts, in 2004.  I've managed to view a few of these.  Out of those, I thought that AN ACHE IN EVERY STAKE (1941) looked especially good in color!

The Three Stooges colorized Sony DVDs are still available on Amazon, via Marketplace vendors.  The original Black & White versions are also included, and both versions can be toggled back and forth directly via DVD remote, with a feature named ChromaChoice.

Stooged & Confoosed includes An Ache In Every Stake (1941) among its 4 shorts.  It currently can be had for $5.97, plus shipping -

This includes both Goofs On The Loose and Stooge & Confoosed colorized DVD sets.  The current price for this 2 DVD pack is $14.99 -

Sony issued an additional Three Stooges Color/Black & White DVD, titled Hapless Half-Wits in 2007.  $8.51 is its current asking price on Amazon -

CHEERS!  [3stooges]


  • Guest
I got the bigger size Ultimate collection. Love the stoogey whacky episodes but would of been even more excellent if all the episodes were also available in color. They made advancements in colorised versions compared to decades ago, example, they made a colorised version of the Munsters pilot episode with a different Herman and the episode looks amazingly excellent, the stooges episodes would of  also looked great in color as an extra option.

That Munsters pilot was filmed in color, and featured a different Lily and Eddie. The colorized Munsters episode is Family Portrait.

Offline Tony Bensley

That Munsters pilot was filmed in color, and featured a different Lily and Eddie. The colorized Munsters episode is Family Portrait.
The Munsters pilot episode also featured the same actor (Fred Gwynne) as Herman.  His makeup was vastly different, as this was in the test stages.

CHEERS!  [pie]

Offline archiezappa

I was actually considering getting the more compact size box. It would greatly save room on my shelf. However, I am concerned about the exclusion of the 3-D versions of "Spooks" and "Pardon My Backfire."

Offline Tony Bensley

I was actually considering getting the more compact size box. It would greatly save room on my shelf. However, I am concerned about the exclusion of the 3-D versions of "Spooks" and "Pardon My Backfire."
The 3-D DVD versions are probably harder to get now since Sony stopped pressing those over 4 years ago.  Amazon Marketplace and eBay might be the best bet for possibly locating an earlier pressing of the 1952-54 Volume 7 DVD set.

If you're equipped for 3-D Blu-ray presentation, the 2 Stooges 3-D shorts were issued as bonuses on a Twilight Time Blu-ray (The name of the 1953 3-D feature eludes me, at the moment!) awhile back.  However, I believe all 3,000 units are sold out, so getting it at a reasonable price might be a challenge.

CHEERS!  [3stooges]