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Rip, Sew and Stitch (1953)

metaldams · 22 · 13422

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Offline metaldams

Watch RIP, SEW AND STITCH in the link above

      I understand why RIP, SEW AND STITCH was made in 1953.  Budgets were lower and it was financially best to use stock footage.  The general public had not seen SING A SONG OF PANTS in years, as this was long before home video entertainment, the boys being on television, and the home video market.  I'm sure film goers of 1953 enjoyed this like any other Stooge film, none the wiser.  Fine.  However, we live in 2016, and RIP, SEW AND STITCH is a pointless stock footage job, even more so than most others.

      The other stock footage jobs, even next week's, at least have a new scene that stands out, for better or worse.  Here?  There is some new footage, but it is minimal, and most of it is pointless.  Example is when they razor cut the guy's suit like in SING A SONG OF SIX PANTS.  A brief new scene of Larry and Shemp is added where they both razor cut a pair of pants, then it's back to old footage.  New footage like that adds nothing to the humor of the original.  It feels pointless.  Sure fire way to tell new footage from old is the bags under Moe's eyes.  The highlight of the new footage would be Moe giving Shemp's hair a razor cut.  Funny, but hardly a classic bit.

      The stock footage jobs, while not great, do get better than this.  In 2016, a worthless film.  Man, this is going to be tough sledding for the most part going forward.

- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Shemp_Diesel

I remember when I had my little rant about these stock footage "dogs," this is one of them that I had in my mind. Not totally worthless, but there's so much recycled footage from the original, it makes me wonder why Jules White even bothered.

Of course, I know the reason Mr. White bothered was because this was put together in 1953 when the budgets were smaller and the shooting days down to 1 or 2--plus, as I've said before, people back in these days probably didn't know they were getting ripped off with these Shemp retreads.

One highlight from the little bit of new footage--the business with Moe and Shemp and the razorblade...

4 out of 10....
Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline Paul Pain

  • Moronika's resident Ph.D. meteorologist/oceanographer
  • Bunionhead
  • ******
  • The heartthrob of millions!
To quote our stoic Dr. Hugo: this is just awful.  There is nothing new about this.  If not for the visible differences in the Stooges, one wouldn't even know what scenes are new or not.  I try to judge these off the new parts, and the new parts are so special they aren't worth really mentioning.  We have a crappier version of a skit from THREE HAMS ON RYE and a razor blade in Shemp's hair.

Felix Adler must have crying the most bitter tears ever cried while writing these "new scenes," of course written to satisfy the 1950s Jules White, who is a worthless moron compared to 1930s-1940s Jules White.

What a sucky short to get on Shemp Howard's 121st birthday, but, hey, it's better than some later shorts, particularly other Shemp remakes.

This short can... BURN IN HELL!

2/10 [poke] [poke]
Something about income tacks season...

Offline Dr. Hugo Gansamacher

  • Birdbrain
  • ****
  • "Pleese! You zit!"
To quote our stoic Dr. Hugo: this is just awful.

Did I say that? Well, nothing new for me to say now, then.

Offline Lefty

If not for the visible differences in the Stooges, one wouldn't even know what scenes are new or not. 

Exactly.  And if one did not watch the original, one would ask why the Stooges were crying at the end, not knowing that they didn't get the reward for capturing Teddy Hoosevelt, or Thomas Hedison, or whoever it was playing Terry Hargen in new footage.  It would have been better as one complete short with some of the new stuff.

Offline Paul Pain

  • Moronika's resident Ph.D. meteorologist/oceanographer
  • Bunionhead
  • ******
  • The heartthrob of millions!
Did I say that? Well, nothing new for me to say now, then.

You have said it on other shorts.   [pie]

Exactly.  And if one did not watch the original, one would ask why the Stooges were crying at the end, not knowing that they didn't get the reward for capturing Teddy Hoosevelt, or Thomas Hedison, or whoever it was playing Terry Hargen in new footage.  It would have been better as one complete short with some of the new stuff.

This hits the nail on the head perfectly.
Something about income tacks season...

Offline Big Chief Apumtagribonitz

The only remotely interesting thing about this one is the release date:  I have now been born.

Offline Shemp_Diesel

Well--as I said before--Metal has my sympathies in the coming weeks regarding the stock footage dogs that are still to come. Next week may be the worst one yet--that or Hot Ice from 1955...

Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline metaldams

Well--as I said before--Metal has my sympathies in the coming weeks regarding the stock footage dogs that are still to come. Next week may be the worst one yet--that or Hot Ice from 1955...


Hey, you guys are all going on this ride with me.   [pie]
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Paul Pain

  • Moronika's resident Ph.D. meteorologist/oceanographer
  • Bunionhead
  • ******
  • The heartthrob of millions!
Well--as I said before--Metal has my sympathies in the coming weeks regarding the stock footage dogs that are still to come. Next week may be the worst one yet--that or Hot Ice from 1955...

And yet you didn't mention PALS & GALS??  That might be worse than those; and don't forget the Fake Shemps!

Hey, you guys are all going on this ride with me.   [pie]

Yay!  We're riding on train together!  The bridge is out, but who cares?!  By the time we're through the Besser era, we'll be mental corpses anyhow!
Something about income tacks season...

Offline Shemp_Diesel

And yet you didn't mention PALS & GALS??  That might be worse than those; and don't forget the Fake Shemps!

The "Fake Shemps" belong in a class by themselves, like the 10th circle of hell. Maybe that's why I forgot to mention them--or maybe my subconscious blocked them from my brain....

Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline Dr. Hugo Gansamacher

  • Birdbrain
  • ****
  • "Pleese! You zit!"
The "Fake Shemps" belong in a class by themselves, like the 10th circle of hell.

Only a fake Harold Brauer (Terry Hargen) in this one.

Offline Paul Pain

  • Moronika's resident Ph.D. meteorologist/oceanographer
  • Bunionhead
  • ******
  • The heartthrob of millions!

The "Fake Shemps" belong in a class by themselves, like the 10th circle of hell. Maybe that's why I forgot to mention them--or maybe my subconscious blocked them from my brain....


Sounds like the 3rd season of Star Trek: TOS.  Oh, what a nightmare that would be.  But then again... I like bashing things.

Edited my review... I forgot the  BURN IN HELL!
Something about income tacks season...

Offline BeatleShemp

Not only is this short loaded with stock footage, the Three Blind Mice theme is the EXACT same version as SING A SONG OF SIX PANTS as well. I definitely avoid this one, though the new bit of the Stooges looking for Hargen in the back room and nailing Larry's feet to the ground did amuse me somewhat.

Offline luke795

I am not sure which one I like better, probably Sing A Song of Six Pants.

Offline Big Chief Apumtagribonitz

     Luke, maybe sometime soon when you have some time you can explain in some more detail why you sometimes prefer the remakes to the originals, a position that  many of the rest of us find incomprehensible.  That sounds snide, but I really don't mean it that way, it's just that I'm making my language as precise as possible, so as not to be offensive, since so many of us find that this era of shorts is awful, lazy, and nightmarish.  If what you prefer in the remakes ( or what I refer to as the clip-fests ) is the re-editing, for example moving the bubble-gum bit to the middle in Bubble Trouble,  I would argue that those are such puny improvements in comparison to the butchery done  at the end, that there is no defense there at all.  What caused you to need to weigh this decision so carefully?  Most of us just instantly said God This Sux and never watched it again.  It's obvious that we disagree, but I want to emphasize my lack of aggression, I truly would like to get an intelligent group discussion going on this, especially since we are all now stuck dead in the middle of Shemp-remake hell.

Offline metaldams

     I truly would like to get an intelligent group discussion going on this, especially since we are all now stuck dead in the middle of Shemp-remake hell.

     If anybody can find the ingredient to induce intelligent discussion on these things, thank you.  To me, it's simply footage we've seen before mixed in with a few new bits. One or two exceptions of something halfway interesting, but overall, it's the same thing every week.  I have to admit, as many trillion times I have seen all the pre remake shorts, most of these stock footage jobs I have only watched a few times.  Say what you will about Besser, but that era will be more interesting to discuss, I think.  Still, let's see if anyone can find a creative way to get something intelligent out of this era.  I'll try my best, but it's a monumental task.

      At least next week, there's an oasis in the desert.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Kopfy2013

 Hard to rate the remakes. Do I rate just the new stuff,  or do I pretend this is the first time I saw this?

I have to do a little of both. I give it a 5.

Offline Tony Bensley

It seems to me the virtual reconstruction of RIP, SEW AND STITCH and the followup BUBBLE TROUBLE, may have been due to the added expense of 3-D shooting for the prior two shorts SPOOKS! and PARDON MY BACKFIRE.

Insofar as both of the original shorts being very good, in my opinion, it stands to reason neither reconstructed remake is likely to be much worse.  For me, the main issue is that these blatant reconstructions occurred at all.

In this version, while the crying at the end is bizarrely out of place, it could also be interpreted as....Nah, it is just plain strange!

Aside from that, while on it's own merit, I'd give this short a 7, due to its shamelessly reconstructed status, I give RIP, SEW AND STITCH 2 demerit points, leaving a 5/10 score.

CHEERS!  [3stooges]

Offline Daddy Dewdrop

We're in the "solid Shemp recycle" portion of my "worst-to-first" countdown for sure.

#114. Rip, Sew And Stitch

Offline Woe-ee-Woe-Woe80

4/10, the new footage was fair but felt it had very little new footage compared to most of the other Shemp rehashes, I'd much rather watch the great "Sing A Song Of Six Pants" instead of this short.

Offline Larrys#1

Agree with the OP on this. Sing a A Song of Six Pants was a great episode. But if I wanted to watch Sing a A Song of Six Pants, I'd watch Sing a A Song of Six Pants, not this one. It's pretty much 90% stock footage with nothing to add to the table other than a couple of meaningless new footage, which were rather brief.
