ALL GUMMED UP in the link above Emil Sitka's diary entry thoughts from ALL GUMMED UP

A good short usually has a good start, and ALL GUMMED UP indeed has a good start. I really like the way each Stooge gets their little introductory bit doing their own bit as a salesman. Larry gets to sell the fountain pen without ink to the customer...except it has ink. Moe gets to work with that funny light bulb gag, and Shemp really shines selling the fishing rod. Frankly, he shines the best, sounding like an overexcited carny. Love the gag where he reels in Symona's skirt and the young man's line, "That's no lady, that's my mother in law!"
The story is then set up that The Stooges are going to loose their lease on their store and that the jerk owner is also leaving his wife for having the nerve to grow old looking. Emil Sitka and Christine McIntyre, both in their 30's, do a wonderful job here, among their best performances ever in a Stooge short. The boys were really lucky to have these two, as they really added a lot to the Shemp years.
The Stooges then come up with the ingenious idea of inventing a formula to make old people young. I love the way they just casually toss this idea off, as if it's such a simple task. The whole extended bit where they are inventing the formula is a Stooge classic. For all of you who are fans of making up bizarre names for chemical formulas and medicines, ALL GUMMED UP is your Valhalla. Sam Davis indeed! Shemp after eating the strange jumping bean formula is a hoot to watch jumping around and I've always loved the look on Larry's face when Moe is trying to get Shemp to try the formula. Moe's neck chopping Kung fu action to get the stuff down Shemp's throat is great as well, I literally chuckled just typing about it.
Christine getting young again is great and it's not just her looks, but her vibrancy that's also great. She seemed like fun. The singing and the way the boys were dancing with her is great stuff. Sitka getting the chaser is a great scene, cackle fruit anyone? Then there's the finale with him turning into the bearded man child baby thing! Story wise, the short really ends here. The rest of the short is the gum scene which is totally entertaining, but tacked on nonetheless. Some people feel BUBBLE TROUBLE is superior to this short because of the better placement of this scene in it, but I'll post my opinion on that later on. I think it's worth mentioning here, though.
Overall, a great short, and I now turn the mic over to Paul Payne...and the rest of you.