THE TOOTH WILL OUT in the link above

Another week, another Stooge short, time marches on. This week, it's a pretty good one! One thing that has always stood out about THE TOOTH WILL OUT is the beginning harkened back to the early forties. The boys get thrown out of a restaurant for breaking dishes and land on an outdoor street. Emil Sitka at one point even chases them on a sidewalk with people looking on. These outdoor scenes, common in the early forties heyday, are rare in the early fifties, more known for their indoor, boxed in comedy. Take MERRY MAVERICKS last week, there you had a bar scene with no extras, it looked barren. So yeah, just that brief little setting gives THE TOOTH WILL OUT a flavor we haven't seen in a while, the boys performing comedy in public.
The rest of the short, not much to say which can't be said for several other Stooge shorts, but it's nice and entertaining. I do love the way Larry makes one little crack about not being able to see his tooth, leading to Moe and Shemp performing major surgical slapstick on the guy. Margie Liszt had to save the day for Larry, but it's great commentary on the team's dynamic. An innocent little crack like that is an excuse for slapstick....meaning you don't need much of an excuse.
It's true, Vernon is getting older, but I still like him here, giving the old tried and true warhorse, "Go west, young man" speech to the boys and also lending his voice to those bizarre pair of dentures. The boys themselves are in good spirits, singing in harmony, dancing, and just being their normal fun selves overall. Slim Gaut absolutely kicks ass as the dental patient, legs flailing everywhere and displaying some virtuosic, as well as funny, slapstick comedy. Dick Curtis is fine here as well, though he's looking sicker in his last appearance, continuing a sad tradition of making his last appearance eleven months before his death. My only real complaint about this one, like so many others, is the ending just comes out of nowhere, but I just spent a chilly Sunday morning watching this, and it was a nice time. Good stuff.