MERRY MAVERICKS in the link above

I really have no clue how I'm supposed to have much intelligent to say about this one. Really, talk about a film that's middle of the road. There's nothing bad about it, per se, so it's a passable time waster, but very little that's great. It is going to get even tougher to form strong opinions when we get to the Shemp remakes. The Bessers will be welcome, because then I can at least review with passion, even if that passion is negative. This week, it's blandsville.
OK, what to say about this one? Well, it's a combination remake of PHONY EXPRESS and PUNCHY COWPUNCHERS. The dancing scene from the former is used, and a poor man's version of Jock Mahoney and Christine McIntyre are cast. Seriously guys, don't you miss Christine? Forget the beauty contest stuff, Marion Martin is fine looking on her own merit, but beauty is more than looks, and one of the reasons I'm attracted to Christine is because she brings personality and talent to her roles. Ms. Martin has the charisma of, I don't know, a piece of belly button lint. Have you ever seen a charismatic piece of belly button lint? Neither have I. The Jock Mahoney guy just lacks the stunt double awesomeness and aw shucks stupidity Jock brings to these roles. Also, Marion Martin as the ghost is completely laughable, you can see her through the thin bed sheet!
The boys are OK in this one, the best part of the short belongs to them. About 9:30 into the short or so, the scene where Moe asks Larry about the fist and initially uses Shemp to demonstrate what he can do with the fist is funny stuff. I like good scripts and great sight gags as much as the next guy, but really, funny, quick little exchanges are the true reason why The Three Stooges were put on this Earth. Don't have much else to say except does anyone else notice how barren the bar setting is? Really, nothing but principal players, no extras. Really a sign of the low budgets at this point. I have nothing else to say, simply a passable short, but not a good example of prime Stooges.