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Self Made Maids (1950)

metaldams · 23 · 13465

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Offline metaldams

Watch SELF MADE MAIDS in the link above.

      Oh joy, it comes to this.  Until now, the lowest rated short from me is HALF SHOT SHOOTERS, which I just find too sadistic, even for a Stooge short.  That said, I can understand how somebody can disagree.  If you find humor in that type of sadism, it's not a bad short.  For me, personally, I just don't care for it.  That was a 3/10.  In 2009, I wrote a halfway decent review of this short and gave this a 4/10.  I was much too kind, this is a 2 and the weakest short to date.  As a tribute to the stock footage shorts coming up, I am going to use stock review paragraphs from 2009!  When the stock review is done, I will tell you when it's 2015 again.

      Interesting experiment in which Moe, Larry, and Shemp play all the roles, but I think the short fails because there's simply too many Three Stooges type characters. Great Three Stooges scenes usually involve the boys as themselves wrecking havoc on each other with Home Depot's inventory or playing off straight men or other unique characters. In SELF MADE MAIDS, the boys act like themselves, which is fine, but as women and babies, they also act mysetriously like The Three Stooges, and it gets to be overkill after a while. Moe as the father doesn't act like a Stooge, per se, but he's too small in stature to be taken seriosuly as a threat. Vernon Dent was more convincing as an angry father in SCRAMBLED BRAINS.

      Buster Keaton played all the roles in the first half of THE PLAYHOUSE much more convincingly. He played several character types and played each role convincingly and really showed off his versatility as an actor. The Three Stooges play all the roles in the same manner, and the entire short seems one dimensional as a result. This is a shame, because other experimental shorts of the early 50's like HE COOKED HIS GOOSE and CUCKOO ON A CHOO CHOO show the boys able to tackle non-Stooge like parts.

       The gags themselves are pretty lame as well. The bugs in the flowers and foot tickling scene take little imagination. The only thing I really like about this short is Larry's Jimmy Durante impersonation. Easily one of the top 10 worst Stooge shorts.

      OK, it's 2015 again, the Red Sox are a worse team now.  Anyway, back to the point about each part acting Stooge like, I stand by what I said.  I always maintain The Three Stooges are funniest in a straight, or at least somewhat straight world.  Whenever the entire world is Stooge like, I stand by my overkill statement.  See my review for CACTUS MAKES PERFECT for more on this subject, though CACTUS MAKES PERFECT is obviously a much better short, disappointing more so for being made in the early 40's great run than any merit on its own.

      One other personal taste thing I'd like to add.  I'm not a fan of films where the main premise is men in drag.  It's OK for small doses, but again, I'll use the world overkill when it comes to an entire premise of a movie being based on men in drag.  I don't even like SOME LIKE IT HOT and TOOTSIE, and the dopes at the National Film Registry say those are the funniest films ever.  One more thing I want to say, because I feel like a downer now, and it's that the chase scene is dreadful, stunt double lameness.

      Interestingly enough, this week's Laurel and Hardy film is BRATS.  Stan and Ollie play multiple roles in that one too, so talk about coincidence.  Later on, there's also TWICE TWO as well.  My opinion on those films?  You'll have to tune in.


PS: Yes, there are a few shorts ahead rated lower.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Shemp_Diesel

Well, I don't know what to say about this one--I remember in my comments for Mutts to You that I was hesitant to drop the hammer on Curly, and now it's time to unload on a Shemp short.

It seems the whole idea of the stooges playing all the parts--or most of the parts, anyway--was the only idea Felix Adler and Jules had and nothing else was thought of to support the short. Just put the boys in drag and slap together a 16 minute short. And the few gags that do have some imagination behind them just seem to go on forever, to the point of overkill--i.e. the painfully long chase scene, and, of course the ending with the stooge babies.

The first shot of the boys as their own children is good enough, but then the camera just hangs on the stooges drinking milk. And something I believe Metal brought up before--someone like a Vernon Dent would probably have been better in the role of the angry father; my mind flashes forward to Vernon's hilarious angry father in Scrambled Brains.

3 out of 10... (and again, I think I'm being generous with the 3. Easily the worst Shemp that doesn't have stock footage or the back of Joe Palma's head)...

Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline Squirrelbait

Well, as promised, I've come back to review this one, so here goes.....I loved it!

Maybe I'm just too easy to please, but I've always gotten a kick out of the Stooges playing multiple roles (3 Dumb Clucks, and yes, even A Merry Mix Up.) It just feels so different and so unique.

I know many will disagree with me, but I actually consider this to be one of (if not even my #1) favorite Shemp short. Moe running around in circles dressed as the soon-to-be Father-In-Law cracks me up every time, as do Moe, Larry and Shemp dressed as Scotsmen with their 'bagpipes'.

One question I have that comes to mind, though, if 'All parts in this picture are played by The Three Stooges,' what's up with the dude sitting there reading the paper when the Stooges are coming up to their girlfriend's apartment?

And, once again, I hope I don't get pounded tooooo badly....

If there's no other place around the place, I reckon this must be the place, I reckon.

Offline Paul Pain

  • Moronika's resident meteorologist
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It is a well-established fact that metal and I do NOT believe in politically correct behavior; in fact, we detest it with all our beings.  Do not read if easily offended.  If you read this and are offended, well, dang it, why'd you read it?  I don't care about your lousy applesauce behavior.

The review: *censored by Hillary Clinton*  *censor removed by Donald Trump*

There are various orders of comedy.  There is fantastic comedy that makes you laugh your butt off, and you plan your day around watching them (e.g. BACK FROM THE FRONT); there are those that make you laugh and are always worth the time to watch (e.g. PUNCH DRUNKS); there are those that make you crack a smile and at least leave you satisfied (e.g. the Shemp remakes); there is stupid and a waste of your time (e.g. Fake Shemp); and then there is "What the heck did I just watch?!"

This is a pile of manure.  The short is built on a basic premise that no good comedian could drag out more than 3-4 minutes.  Here, we get 16 minutes of Exacto knifing our arms.  I'd rather crunch a system of equations than watch this.  There are no good jokes; there are no funny scenes (except the aforementioned Jimmy Durante bit "Am Iiiii mortified!  It's sabatoogie, I tell you!").  There is only one funny character, and that is but for a brief moment: Moe as the father coming in complaining about getting attacked, but even Vernon Dent did that much better.

I agree with metal: the concept of men in drag just NEVER works.  This concept however stretches to 1500s and even the ancient Greeks, where men played all the roles in plays, even the roles of women!  This creates an awkward scenario because ALL the characters are idiots, much like in ALL THE WORLD'S A STOOGE.

The scenes fail to crack a smile except when the boys are initially in the art studio.  Watching the statue's head get smashed off and Larry's attempt to blame it on the object he was controlling is worth a chuckle.  While painting the "girls," Larry tries painting with a cigar only to notice the ashes on the canvas.  Again, I get a brief laugh out of the feathers shooting out of the piano.

The rest is just plumb retarded.  It is so stupid it's brain damaging (and we haven't gotten to HORSIN' AROUND yet, folks!).  The obvious Moe double is pathetic; one of them even has a rear that is 10 miles wider than Moe's.  We get the long chase scene, where Moe's so-fat-he-needs-Jenny-O double is hiding his face and looking away from the camera to hide that he ain't Moe.  He ain't Moe no mo'!  When the boy's are just randomly assaulting the would-be-father-in-law, Moe suddenly is very shy and taking orders from the others, which makes no sense except he ain't Moe no mo'!

The chase scene was dragged out to mind-numbing lengths.  At this point in the short, I am ready to move to my arms because slashing my wrists isn't sufficient.  There is only oh-so much that can be down with running around in circles.  For examples of a good chase scene, check out DUNKED IN THE DEEP.  Why does this apartment have 3 living rooms?  So that the mental midgets that live here can get away from each other?

The tickling scene is even more retarded; it's idiocy.  The folks in charge were NOT clever imbeciles.  They weren't even imbeciles.  This is what I would expect to be written if the folks in charge were drinking and popping pills during the creative process.  This is "Uncle Albert" or "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds" weird.  Everyone needs to be institutionalized because this is certifiable material.

Go see a psychiatrist to get an IQ test to make sure you haven't fallen a few rungs down from "smart" to "idiot" or "imbecile" on the intelligence chart.  You'll need medication after watching this drivel.  It's 6:30 AM where I am, but I need some hardcore booze.  I'll take a "Western Surprise."

This short can... BURN IN HELL!

[poke] [poke] [poke]
#1 fire kibitzer

Offline Dr. Hugo Gansamacher

      Interesting experiment in which Moe, Larry, and Shemp play all the roles, but I think the short fails because there's simply too many Three Stooges type characters. Great Three Stooges scenes usually involve the boys as themselves wrecking havoc on each other with Home Depot's inventory or playing off straight men or other unique characters. In SELF MADE MAIDS, the boys act like themselves, which is fine, but as women and babies, they also act mysetriously like The Three Stooges, and it gets to be overkill after a while. Moe as the father doesn't act like a Stooge, per se, but he's too small in stature to be taken seriosuly as a threat. Vernon Dent was more convincing as an angry father in SCRAMBLED BRAINS.

That pretty much says it all for me. Watching this short reminds me that there are human beings in existence who think that the Three Stooges are not funny. Monstrous as their error is, this short makes their belief appear reasonable.

Certainly the encounter with "Papá" and the chase that follows are the best part of the short.

How pathetic to hear Moe, Larry, and Shemp singing "De lollipop" in the spiritless way they do here, with the pitch lowered along with the energy level, as if to underscore how much has been lost since the days of Wee Wee Monsieur.

Offline metaldams

Well, as promised, I've come back to review this one, so here goes.....I loved it!

Maybe I'm just too easy to please, but I've always gotten a kick out of the Stooges playing multiple roles (3 Dumb Clucks, and yes, even A Merry Mix Up.) It just feels so different and so unique.

I know many will disagree with me, but I actually consider this to be one of (if not even my #1) favorite Shemp short. Moe running around in circles dressed as the soon-to-be Father-In-Law cracks me up every time, as do Moe, Larry and Shemp dressed as Scotsmen with their 'bagpipes'.

One question I have that comes to mind, though, if 'All parts in this picture are played by The Three Stooges,' what's up with the dude sitting there reading the paper when the Stooges are coming up to their girlfriend's apartment?

And, once again, I hope I don't get pounded tooooo badly....


Hey Paul, I stick his head in the toilet, you flush.  Great review, by the way!

Squirrel, honestly, whatever makes you laugh, it's all opinion. One man's torture is another man's hilarity.  Watching one Stooge propose to another Stooge in drag?  I just find no wit, humor, or entertainment value myself.

If we ever watch a Stooge marathon together, just plan it so we eat the Mexican food a few shorts before.  I'll be ready for el toilet by the time we get to this one.

As for A MERRY MIX UP, that's a masterpiece next to SELF MADE MAIDS.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Shemp_Diesel

Well, I don't know what else to add about this stinker--except to say that in the course of 190 films, there is bound to be a lemon or three & this definitely sets the bar low. Not counting the decline in 1953, I think the only other stinker we have coming up is Merry Mavericks...

Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline metaldams

How pathetic to hear Moe, Larry, and Shemp singing "De lollipop" in the spiritless way they do here, with the pitch lowered along with the energy level, as if to underscore how much has been lost since the days of Wee Wee Monsieur.

This is a good point.

I want to add the few minutes after "De Lollipop" song, the boys, as Stooges, just performing slapstick is the only small part I find remotely enjoyable here.  Not top notch Stooges, and nothing compared to, say, A SNITCH IN TIME that's coming soon, but decent nonetheless.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Paul Pain

  • Moronika's resident meteorologist
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Hey Paul, I stick his head in the toilet, you flush.  Great review, by the way!

Thank you, thank you!  I was in rare form.  As for Squirrelbait... well... I can understand why he likes it even if I don't.

I am proud of how I did that "BURN IN HELL."
#1 fire kibitzer

Offline JazzBill

I do find this to be a subpar short but I do give them credit for trying something different. The camera work was pretty good for that time period and the film editing must have been pretty complicated. I believe that this is the short that Moe twists his ankle and knocks himself out. I also noticed that Moe looks a lot like his real life father when he is playing the girls father. I don't mind seeing the boys in drag to do a bit but all three in drag for an entire short is a little bit over the top for me. There was a guy in this short besides the Stooges. He was sitting in the lobby reading a newspaper. I wonder why they put him in there instead of one of the boys? I rate this short a 5 out of 10.
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline metaldams

I do find this to be a subpar short but I do give them credit for trying something different. The camera work was pretty good for that time period and the film editing must have been pretty complicated. I believe that this is the short that Moe twists his ankle and knocks himself out. I also noticed that Moe looks a lot like his real life father when he is playing the girls father. I don't mind seeing the boys in drag to do a bit but all three in drag for an entire short is a little bit over the top for me. There was a guy in this short besides the Stooges. He was sitting in the lobby reading a newspaper. I wonder why they put him in there instead of one of the boys? I rate this short a 5 out of 10.

Bill, agree with everything you say, and you're right about Moe twisting his ankle, which happens early in the short.  It looks pretty brutal, actually.

More importantly though, great to see you back!
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Dr. Hugo Gansamacher

One question I have that comes to mind, though, if 'All parts in this picture are played by The Three Stooges,' what's up with the dude sitting there reading the paper when the Stooges are coming up to their girlfriend's apartment?

There was a guy in this short besides the Stooges. He was sitting in the lobby reading a newspaper. I wonder why they put him in there instead of one of the boys? I rate this short a 5 out of 10.

For that matter, you've got three stand-ins who are not counted either. It would have been more accurate to say: "All speaking roles are played by the Three Stooges or by their stand-ins."

By the way, there is one moment that always strikes me as interesting from a technical point of view. After the boys clobber "Papa," played by Moe (with a stand-in taking the place of "Moe"), Moe—or perhaps one should say "Moe," as it looks as though it's still his stand-in—opens the door, hitting one of the others (I don't recall whether it's Larry or Shemp--Larry seems the more likely) in the face and leads them onward, keeping his face away from the camera so that it looks as though one is watching his stand-in. Then, unexpectedly, "Moe" turns back to say, "What's the matter with ya?", so that one sees that he is, in fact, Moe. I wonder if this shot just happened to work out that way or if it was directed with the intention of fooling the audience.

Offline GreenCanaries

  • President of the Johnny Kascier Fan Club
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  • ****
For that matter, you've got three stand-ins who are not counted either. It would have been more accurate to say: "All speaking roles are played by the Three Stooges or by their stand-ins."
Filmography page says Hurley Breen (Shemp), Charlie Cross (Larry/newspaper reader) and Johnny "so-fat-he-needs-Jenny-O" Kascier (Moe).

BTW, PP, loved your review.
"With oranges, it's much harder..."

Offline JazzBill

More importantly though, great to see you back!
Thanks Doug
"When in Chicago call Stockyards 1234, Ask for Ruby".

Offline Lefty

Obviously this is not a Top-150 Stooges work.  Had Vernon Dent or a reasonable facsimile thereof played the father, and Hilda/Tilda/Wilda or Jessie/Tessie/Bessie or Slipp/Tripp/Skipp or Giles/Amaro/Montgomery (okay, not those two threesomes) played the female parts, this short could have been a lot better.  Granted, with actual women, the ants-in-the-flowers would not have been part of it.

Seeing the stand-in for Moe here (or Curly or Shemp in having dual roles), how so obvious they do not look alike, is always a downer, just like the stuntmen for the Joker and Egghead in "Batman" fights.

The best part of this short is the father (Moe) chasing the Stooges around the house and getting the worst of it.

Offline Signor Spumoni

Perhaps the novelty of having the Stooges appear in almost every role, and as women, was hoped to be enough to carry this short.  That didn't work, in my opinion.

This one is not a favorite, but there are others which are worse.  I was impressed by the attention to detail in the Stooges clothing, accessories and makeup when they appeared as women.  Having said that, seeing men as women leaves me cold.  Uncle Miltie got screams of laughter when he dressed as a woman, but I suspect some of those came from surprise. 

That endless chase through the house annoys me and the tickling scene is unpleasant.  I concur that Moe resembled Solomon Horwitz when dressed as the father, but, as others have said, Vernon would have been better. 

Paul Pain:  outstanding  job in your rant!  Wow!

Offline Kopfy2013

 How can you give this a three? What would you give the Besser shorts? It does not go into negative!  :laugh:

 I am torn between a six and a seven.   I like the originality and uniqueness of the short.   I like the way Shemp and Larry trip Moe during the  chase scene.  Jimmy Durante quote is also good.

 I do agree that Vernon Dent  would've been the better father .

I give this a 7
Niagara Falls

Offline metaldams

How can you give this a three? What would you give the Besser shorts? It does not go into negative!  :laugh:

 I am torn between a six and a seven.   I like the originality and uniqueness of the short.   I like the way Shemp and Larry trip Moe during the  chase scene.  Jimmy Durante quote is also good.

 I do agree that Vernon Dent  would've been the better father .

I give this a 7

There are Besser shorts that are on par or better than this, in my opinion.  The ones that are worse than this get a 1.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Paul Pain

  • Moronika's resident meteorologist
  • Bunionhead
  • ******
  • The heartthrob of millions!
Buster Keaton played all the roles in the first half of THE PLAYHOUSE much more convincingly. He played several character types and played each role convincingly and really showed off his versatility as an actor.

#1 fire kibitzer

Offline Larrys#1

I'm very surprised at the amount of negative reviews here. I agree it's not their best, but it's still a very funny episode.  I also agree that the stooges do play too many characters and can get a bit overwhelming at times, but I think they still pull it off quite well, managing to bring laughs into each of the characters they play. One exception is them playing the babies; that was too cheesy. Other than that, I liked it.


Offline metaldams

I'm very surprised at the amount of negative reviews here. I agree it's not their best, but it's still a very funny episode.  I also agree that the stooges do pay too many characters and can get a bit overwhelming at times, but I think they still pull it off quite well, managing to bring laughs into each of the characters they play. One exception is them playing the babies; that was too cheesy. Other than that, I liked it.


It's funny you review this short this week.  I have no idea your familiarity with Laurel and Hardy or whether you're a fan, but I'm reviewing their films since I finished The Stooges and the latest review I have is TWICE TWO, which is their equivalent of this.

While it doesn't feel as claustrophobic as SELF MADE MAIDS due to the more leisurely pacing, I say in that what I say here - I just find little humor with extended drag comedy.  I just don't find the concept humorous, it feels like a cheap laugh and takes away from the natural comic character.  So basically, check out the TWICE TWO review.  It's not as wordy, but my opinion hasn't changed.  To each their own.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Larrys#1

I'm actually starting to revisit some of my 3 stooges DVDs after having not watched them for many years. So as I watch some episodes, I'm getting inspiration to review some of the episodes I watch. So I'll be sticking around here for a little bit to resurrect some of these threads. ;D

Never was a Laurel and Hardy fan; I've seen some of their shorts, but just found them ok. They're good, no doubt about it; they're just too slow paced for my taste. I've been so used to the stooges' fast paced comedy. What Laurel and Hardy do in a 20 minute short, the stooges could do in 5 minutes. So growing up watching the stooges, it's very difficult for me to get used to. But that's all my opinion and no way, fact. Laurel & Hardy were one of the first comedy teams, who were very successful in both silent and sound pictures. So I wouldn't knock anyone for saying they are the superior comedy team...

Offline Daddy Dewdrop

I was never a fan of the Stooges in drag so I can't rank this Shemp effort any higher.  Also, most of the scenes go on way too long.  A few good one-liners and slapstick, but overall nothing memorable here.

#153. Self Made Maids