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From Soup To Nuts (1928) - Laurel and Hardy

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Offline metaldams

Watch FROM SOUP TO NUTS in the link above

      I've seen every Laurel and Hardy film over the years, but don't have all of them almost memorized like The Three Stooges.  It is a pleasant surprise, watching these in order every week, how consistently classic these shorts are.  FROM SOUP TO NUTS is no exception.  The plot to this one is again simple.  Anita Garvin and Tiny Sanford are a married couple who run into money.  The former wants to flaunt their new wealth while the latter wants to remain humble.  Think Bess Flowers and Bud Jamison in TASSELS IN THE AIR, it's the same set up.  Anyway, the couple is having a high society party, Stan and Ollie are the hired waiters, and slapstick ensues.  Simple enough.

      There are a couple reoccurring gags in this film I would like to touch upon.  One of them is Oliver Hardy falling face first into a cake.  This happens three times!  The first time is great because as Oliver lies on the ground humiliated with cake frosting all over him, the camera just stays on him for what seems like the longest time.  This works well because the physical sight of Ollie covered in cake is really quite humorous.  The second time, Ollie slips on a banana peel.  Stan sees the banana peel on the ground but is too dumb to warn Ollie, so he merely covers his eyes as Ollie gets a cake bath a second time.  A very funny set up there.  The third time is the finale where Ms. Garvin slaps Ollie and Ollie falls into a cake.

      The other reoccurring gag is Anita Garvin's head gear thing a ma bob falling over her eyes and her trying to get that grape.  She tries so hard to maintain dignity yet always fails to do so.  Anita Garvin is one of my all-time favorites.  She was unusual in that she had this amazingly beautiful face, yet her face somehow looked perfect for slapstick comedy.  It's hard to describe, and it's a very unusual combination, but Ms. Garvin had it.  Such an expressive face on her, when Gloria Swanson talks about how actors had their faces to work with back in her day in SUNSET BLVD., Anita Garvin is the perfect example.  Anita Garvin also had a really nice butt.  In my old age, I'm trying to be less crass, but I bring this up because there's an actual gag in the film that involves, you know, Ms. Garvin having a really nice butt.  Stan and Ollie know this, stare at it,  and they even mention the fact to her husband.  Of course, they don't realize this is her husband they're mentioning it too!  I think we can file this gag under "pre-code."

      Other highlights of this short are Ollie telling Stan it's impolite to wear a hat indoors.  Stan takes this to heart, as while he's the kitchen, he tries to make the chef take his chef's hat off.  This leads to a glorious battle of grown men breaking plates over their heads.  There is a point in the film where Stan aggressively tells all the guests to sit down.  Not the kind of thing Stan would do later on, but worth mentioning.  I also must mention how great it is when Ms. Garvin tells Stan to serve the salad undressed, he does just what she says.  The way the camera pans in on Stan in his underwear is hysterical, it almost feels like the way they focus on the monster in the introduction to FRANKENSTEIN.  Really dramatic.

      Again, another great short, a pure pleasure to watch.


PS:  Directed by.......Edgar Kennedy!

- Doug Sarnecky

Offline metaldams

For a cool pic of Anita Garvin in her only Stooge appearance, COOKOO CAVALIERS...according to imdb, her last film appearance.  She raised a family after this.  Good for her, nice to hear of an actress with a happy ending for once.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline luke795

I think that this was remade and used in A Chump at Oxford.

Offline metaldams

I think that this was remade and used in A Chump at Oxford.

Thanks Luke, you're right about that.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Paul Pain

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Another dead link with a replacement part here.

I could tell the "I faw down" title card was coming before it came up :P

This was a fun little short that always kept advancing the plot.  Highlights are Stan's dish fight with the chef, Stan serving the salad undressed, Stan screaming at everyone to sit down, Ollie with the cake, Ollie with the husband, and the lady of the house with the grape.

Perfect destruction of all standards of society.

In short, I did NOT read metaldams' review and noticed all the same things he did, including Edgar Kennedy's directing!


And now I'm caught up just in time!
Something about income tacks season...

Offline metaldams

Another dead link with a replacement part[/youtube]"]here.

I could tell the "I faw down" title card was coming before it came up :P

This was a fun little short that always kept advancing the plot.  Highlights are Stan's dish fight with the chef, Stan serving the salad undressed, Stan screaming at everyone to sit down, Ollie with the cake, Ollie with the husband, and the lady of the house with the grape.

Perfect destruction of all standards of society.

In short, I did NOT read metaldams' review and noticed all the same things he did, including Edgar Kennedy's directing!


And now I'm caught up just in time!

Glad you're digging these.  I view the Stooge reviews as my main band project that has an audience while these Laurel and Hardy reviews are my "solo albums" (my FISH OUT OF WATER, R.I.P. Chris Squire), that I do for enjoyment and my sanity (not to mention keeping the Stooge thing fresh for me).  Nice to see I have an audience member.  A shame these links aren't staying up, though.  I saw a BACON GRABBERS link earlier this morning, and I'm just about to watch and review that one.  So folks, I urge you to watch it while you can, who knows how long it will be up.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Paul Pain

  • Moronika's resident Ph.D. meteorologist/oceanographer
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Glad you're digging these.  I view the Stooge reviews as my main band project that has an audience while these Laurel and Hardy reviews are my "solo albums" (my FISH OUT OF WATER, R.I.P. Chris Squire), that I do for enjoyment and my sanity (not to mention keeping the Stooge thing fresh for me).  Nice to see I have an audience member.  A shame these links aren't staying up, though.  I saw a BACON GRABBERS link earlier this morning, and I'm just about to watch and review that one.  So folks, I urge you to watch it while you can, who knows how long it will be up.

You should be happy to have made a new fan!  I was watching BACON GRABBERS before you were, but I was interrupted and didn't finish it until AFTER you did  [3stooges]
Something about income tacks season...

Offline metaldams

You should be happy to have made a new fan!  I was watching BACON GRABBERS before you were, but I was interrupted and didn't finish it until AFTER you did  [3stooges]

Oh, I am happy, trust me, and thank you.  Now maybe I can be greedier and see if one or two of the others can try to get on board.  About 15 years ago, I discovered other comedians through other posters on Three Stooges boards, so it's time I pass the torch.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Paul Pain

  • Moronika's resident Ph.D. meteorologist/oceanographer
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Oh, I am happy, trust me, and thank you.  Now maybe I can be greedier and see if one or two of the others can try to get on board.  About 15 years ago, I discovered other comedians through other posters on Three Stooges boards, so it's time I pass the torch.

Well I am guilty.  I have known L&H and the Marx brothers were out there for many years, but until you I was never curious enough to check them out.
Something about income tacks season...

Offline Seamus

I view the Stooge reviews as my main band project that has an audience while these Laurel and Hardy reviews are my "solo albums" (my FISH OUT OF WATER, R.I.P. Chris Squire)

I join you in this hat-tip to Squire and his excellent solo album.  FISH OUT OF WATER is as good as any Yes album, IMO.

Offline metaldams

I join you in this hat-tip to Squire and his excellent solo album.  FISH OUT OF WATER is as good as any Yes album, IMO.

I had to throw in a little tribute after his death.  As a bass player myself, I recognize him as one of the greats.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Paul Pain

  • Moronika's resident Ph.D. meteorologist/oceanographer
  • Bunionhead
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  • The heartthrob of millions!
I love to play at the bass... of the stairs  [pie]
Something about income tacks season...

Offline metaldams

I love to play at the bass... of the stairs  [pie]

Again, where is an eye poke smiley when one needs it?!
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Paul Pain

  • Moronika's resident Ph.D. meteorologist/oceanographer
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I love to play at the bass... of the stairs  [pie]
Again, where is an eye poke smiley when one needs it?!

Right next to the face slap smiley.
Something about income tacks season...

Offline metaldams

Again, where is an eye poke smiley when one needs it?!

Right next to the face slap smiley.

My eyes must be bad, but this is the best I can find.  Now pick out two.

- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Paul Pain

  • Moronika's resident Ph.D. meteorologist/oceanographer
  • Bunionhead
  • ******
  • The heartthrob of millions!
My eyes must be bad, but this is the best I can find.  Now pick out two.



Something about income tacks season...

Offline Paul Pain

  • Moronika's resident Ph.D. meteorologist/oceanographer
  • Bunionhead
  • ******
  • The heartthrob of millions!
I feel Anita Garvin's pain... blast those grapes!
Something about income tacks season...

Offline Umbrella Sam

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I'll start by saying that I think the chasing the grape gag is done much better here than the similar one in THE SECOND HUNDRED YEARS. In addition to the added humor of Anita Garvin constantly being blinded at the exact moment she gets it, it also benefits from being spread out throughout the short, rather than devoting one entire sequence to it that makes it feel overused. I think this shows that less than a year after their earliest pairings, they already had a much better sense of pacing.

A lot of other really good recurring gags are in this, such as the confusion over the hat rule that Ollie himself breaks a few times, along with Ollie falling into the cakes. Once again, we have another gag that benefits from build-up with Stan serving the salad undressed, as the guests all turn away at the exact moment he serves the salad until the husband and wife notice him.

Not much else to add to this one. It's a very funny short.

10 out of 10
“I’ll take a milkshake...with sour milk!” -Shemp (Punchy Cowpunchers, 1950)

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Offline HomokHarcos

Several classic comedy acts at least once did a movie where they were in high society. Unlike Abbott and Costello or The Three Stooges, who are mistaken for being upper-class, Laurel and Hardy are waiters. The most memorable part of From Soup to Nuts for me is Anita Garvin, with her the thing she is wearing on her getting into her eyes. I also liked it when Ollie kept falling down, so Stan actually accused Ollie of falling down on purpose! I had forgotten about the part where Stan argues with the chef, it was funny seeing Stan take off his hat and arguing with him about it being rude.