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Beer Barrel Polecats (1946)

metaldams · 36 · 21586

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The short is a favorite of mine, despite its problems. It contains one of my favorite contrivances, the extended bit of business where each Stooge is called to the phone as a flimsy plot device to make sure too much yeast gets put in the beer. And it is done so casually and as nonchalantly, and it reminds me of that bit in the WB cartoon, Hare Tonic, where Elmer Fudd answers the phone for a long time (Hewwo? Hewwo!!) so Bugs can cook up his deviltry.

There's another short that features a similar, extended contrivance-- think Bortch and his filibuster, "Shuddup! Shuddup! How many times I gotta tell you to shuddup? Don't you speak Ingles?" All so that the Stooges could get their share of salami. Yeah, jumping a little ahead, there.

It is predictable, and akin to throwing a joke in your face, like a character that has to drink water after getting stabbed just to become a comedy fountain. Is it any less funny, simply because it is asinine or bizarre, than, say, a parrot that chooses to hide in a skull or a turkey as a prank?

Nonetheless, I like those bits and the occasional filler dialogue that goes with them. Think ahead again to Rip, Sew and Stitch, when they take the pants of the "dummy" and the filler dialogue from Moe, "You don't have to buy anything you don't want. Just buy what we tell ya!" Sometimes just killing time is fun!
I'm just weird, I guess, or it is just difficult for me to explain. Top marks for this one, though, for the new footage, the laid back pacing of the new footage, and to Curly, who does well in spite of his health problems.

Offline Dr. Hugo Gansamacher

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think Bortch and his filibuster, "Shuddup! Shuddup! How many times I gotta tell you to shuddup? Don't you speak Ingles?" All so that the Stooges could get their share of salami.

That bit has always struck me as amusingly lame.

Offline metaldams

The short is a favorite of mine, despite its problems. It contains one of my favorite contrivances, the extended bit of business where each Stooge is called to the phone as a flimsy plot device to make sure too much yeast gets put in the beer. And it is done so casually and as nonchalantly, and it reminds me of that bit in the WB cartoon, Hare Tonic, where Elmer Fudd answers the phone for a long time (Hewwo? Hewwo!!) so Bugs can cook up his deviltry.

There's another short that features a similar, extended contrivance-- think Bortch and his filibuster, "Shuddup! Shuddup! How many times I gotta tell you to shuddup? Don't you speak Ingles?" All so that the Stooges could get their share of salami. Yeah, jumping a little ahead, there.

It is predictable, and akin to throwing a joke in your face, like a character that has to drink water after getting stabbed just to become a comedy fountain. Is it any less funny, simply because it is asinine or bizarre, than, say, a parrot that chooses to hide in a skull or a turkey as a prank?

Nonetheless, I like those bits and the occasional filler dialogue that goes with them. Think ahead again to Rip, Sew and Stitch, when they take the pants of the "dummy" and the filler dialogue from Moe, "You don't have to buy anything you don't want. Just buy what we tell ya!" Sometimes just killing time is fun!
I'm just weird, I guess, or it is just difficult for me to explain. Top marks for this one, though, for the new footage, the laid back pacing of the new footage, and to Curly, who does well in spite of his health problems.

      I too like the phone bit as a way to set up the plot device of them all putting the yeast in the beer.  The phone conversation in the background, or the physical act of them having the conversation, and then each Stooge calling the other on the phone as if they have a common acquaintance, it all seems so....normal.  I'm not use to the boys having a moment of normality, and I guess when I finally see it, it seems so funny.

....and the Bortsch gag of killing time, which you phonetically stated, is beyond funny, but yes, that's for a much later time.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline GreenCanaries

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P.S. Last short for Eddie Laughton - yes in stock footage.  He was born same year as Curly and died same year as Curly.  Thank you Jon Solomon for this info.

Spoiling the party, but Eddie Laughton also appeared via stock footage in PEST MAN WINS and SAPPY BULL FIGHTERS

I guess you cannot believe everything you read.  How could Jon mislead me like this?   [pie]

A few months late to the party, but Jon Solomon is somewhat correct.

Eddie Laughton actually DOES appear in new footage -- the shot of he and the Stooges running into the caged vehicle (I only know this because I just watched So Long Mr. Chumps recently and noticed the new shot of the running into the cage).
"With oranges, it's much harder..."

Offline metaldams

A few months late to the party, but Jon Solomon is somewhat correct.

Eddie Laughton actually DOES appear in new footage -- the shot of he and the Stooges running into the caged vehicle (I only know this because I just watched So Long Mr. Chumps recently and noticed the new shot of the running into the cage).

Do you have 20/10 vision or something?  I never saw a guy with such talent for spotting these things.  Incredible.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline GreenCanaries

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Do you have 20/10 vision or something?  I never saw a guy with such talent for spotting these things.  Incredible.
My eye doctor did say I have some of the best eyes he's ever seen (for seeing things, not... you know...).

That said, I probably wouldn't have been able to tell you that had I not watched Chumps a couple days ago. But I do know that shot of the four of them running into the cell was not in Chumps, but a new shot for Polecats.

Speaking of Chumps, I have an observation to post in that thread, too...
"With oranges, it's much harder..."

Offline metaldams

Watching THE CUCKOOS (1930) with Wheeler and Woolsey.  Wheeler hides a beer barrel in his overcoat, the excuse Woolsey makes for Wheeler - goiter.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Dr. Mabuse

My childhood introduction to "stock footage." No classic, but I would rather revisit "Beer Barrel Polecats" than sit through "Uncivil War Birds" and "Three Loan Wolves." Knowing the circumstances behind the archive scenes, it's a shame Jules White inserted them without coherent thought or re-editing. Fortunately, this mishmash was not repeated in the remaining Curly shorts.


Offline stoogesfan06

This was one of the earliest memories I have, of watching the columbia stooges. I had this one on DVD, one of those colorized ones, so this one has nostalgia for me, even though it's not considered one of Curly's best.

Offline Dr. Mabuse

Here is a script page from the deleted classroom scene that writer Gilbert Pratt lifted from Laurel and Hardy's "Pardon Us."

Offline Daddy Dewdrop

Ever the contrarian, I really like this one, despite the old footage.  It ranks at #59 overall.