Now this should be an interesting one to discuss, as BEER BARREL POLECATS foreshadows what we'll be talking about on almost a weekly basis a year or a year and a half from now - Stooge shorts heavily using stock footage. Back in the theater days, the old footage would be re released into new shorts years after the fact, so most of the general public did not know. These days, we have regular television airings of these films, DVD releases, information on the Internet, and most damning of all, goobers like me who actually pay attention to this stuff and write about it. I promise you folks, Jules White did not worry about what a guy who calls himself Metaldams would write about these shorts 50 or 60 years after the fact. There were budgets that were getting harder to follow year after year, and by God, product had to be out there, or Harry Cohn would make Jules find work elsewhere. Hey, looking at things from that perspective, plus all the hours of entertainment the man is responsible for in my life, I forgive Jules for all the stock footage.
The good news is about half of this short is new footage. Some of these later Shemp shorts have about four or five minutes of new footage itself, so for a stock footage job, we're getting a generous dose of new Stooge antics. The bad news is the intertwining of old footage, (from IN THE SWEET PIE AND PIE and SO LONG MR. CHUMPS), is horribly done and would be done much more smoothly in the latter years. One minute, the boys are to hang for merely selling a beer and sneaking a barrel into jail. The next minute, the hanging thing doesn't get mentioned, but they all of the sudden need to find convict 41144. Plot wise, unless if you good folks can kindly point me to something I'm missing, none of this makes sense.
Ah, but then there's the new footage, which is actually pretty good. I've always been a big fan of the gag where they all put the yeast in to make the beer. It feels like one of those iconic moments, one of those moments even some casual fans who don't know this short has stock footage should be aware of. It's a fun premise where the boys get to try something (make homemade beer) and make a complete mess in a household setting. That's what I enjoy in my Stooges, slowly built up mayhem, and the sight of beer suds in multiple containers throughout a kitchen is a fun sight to see. By the way, is Moe saying, "Eggs Benedict," when he's putting the beer in the containers? That's what it sounds like to me, and what is the significance?
I enjoy the new footage, but like so many other future shorts, a lot of this isn't really necessary because, you know, we've seen it all before. Interestingly enough, if you look at this short's rating on, it is the lowest rated Curly short. I wouldn't personally go that far, but I can understand someone feeling that way, for obvious reasons.