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Who's the Mystery Actor?

Svengarlic · 361 · 97895

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Offline Svengarlic

Gosh, thank you, Giff Me Dat Fill-em!  I like the name, Italian Ice Cream Man.   :)  But be warned that I may come crying for help from everyone.   :) 

Let me assure you that I don't cross-reference.  Not only would it take away the fun, but I'm not Internet-savvy enough for that!  I use the low-tech method of enlarging the photos and staring at them.   :o  I ignore hair color (and, as you learned, apparently I also ignore skin color &/or race) and style, plus other extraneous features.  With Donna Reed, I used the two clues you gave from her show.  I haven't seen "From Here To Eternity" nor "It's a Wonderful Life," in fact, but I knew she was in them.

The photo on top left is Donna Douglas.  I was thinking the top right could be Yvonne DeCarlo, but she is not living, so I'll need to think some more.  The bottom photos show Valerie Harper.  Now tell me how wrong I am.   :)
Not bad. Donna is right, as is Rhoda. De Carlo is about 15 years older than the heavily made up fair skinned actress, not dark like Yvonne. Also, she is very tall.

Offline Signor Spumoni

Not bad. Donna is right, as is Rhoda. De Carlo is about 15 years older than the heavily made up fair skinned actress, not dark like Yvonne. Also, she is very tall.

When you say very tall, the first woman who comes to my mind is Julie Newmar. it?

Offline Svengarlic

When you say very tall, the first woman who comes to my mind is Julie Newmar. it?
Not Julie. But you're in the right height group. I only know four chicks from that era that were over 6 feet in heels: Newmar, the Prentiss sisters and Tina Louise.

Offline Signor Spumoni

Clearly I've no clue; the heavy makeup and closed eyes make this tough for me.  So, I'll try Tina Louise.  But I'm only making rank guesses by now.  You've done very well on this one, Svengarlic.  What a challenge!

Offline Svengarlic

I agree that the masque of make up makes Tina very hard to recognize at ANY age. BRB with the final piece to the puzzle.  ;)

Offline Svengarlic

This is Stella Stevens from The Nutty Professor. She's the first in this group of actresses connected by a thread in a production that went from Broadway to the big screen. Tina Louise played the stage role, and Stella did the film.

The other comedic actresses (plus Julie Newmar!) appeared in the film. What was this film?

Offline Signor Spumoni

Wow!  I have no idea, off the top of my head, but will put my brain to work on it.  This is great, Svengarlic! 

Offline Svengarlic

Wow!  I have no idea, off the top of my head, but will put my brain to work on it.  This is great, Svengarlic!
To further perplex you, this guy was also in the film version.  ;)

For the members that are perhaps bigger movie geeks than I, this clue surely has the light bulb burning bright in their coconut. (Huh, Giff me dat fill-em?)

Offline Signor Spumoni

It's time for a shot in the dark because I don't recognize the actor shown here.  It sounds like a movie (and a play) with a large cast, and with roles for a lot of beautiful women.  Well, dopey, dopey, doh, I guess I'm making an obvious statement.  Anyway, I suspect it was a musical, because those have big casts, typically.  It also sounds like something I've not seen.  And I admit I'm not familiar with the work of the folks involved, so I'll try the one show I can think of.

I know Tina Louise was in the theatrical version of "Li'l Abner," but I've no idea who was in the movie.  But it does have a big cast, and there are roles for many beautiful women.  I can picture Stella Stevens as Daisy Mae.  I would guess that the actor shown played Li'l Abner because he looks the part.

At first I thought it was "Serpent of the Nile," which featured Julie Newmar dancing in gold body paint and a two-piece swimsuit.  But I think that did not have a theatrical version, so I'll try "Li'l Abner."

Offline Svengarlic

Well done sick pup! "Abner" is correct, a musical for sure. The handsome young man is Jerry Lewis, but he was not Abner. "Apassionatta Von Climax" (what a name) Was originated on Broadway by Tina. Stella Stevens did the film. I'll let the pictures tell the rest.

The tiny one in the middle is Edie Adams!

Can you make out who's Mammy Yokum there? It's none other than the comic actress first seen by me as Sylvia Schnauwzer on Car 54 Where are You, Charlotte Rae. The movie Mammy was played by Billie Hayes, only 20 at the time.

Aussie knockout Leslie Parrish played Daisy Mae in the film. You may remember her for her role on the Star Trek episode Who Mourns for Adonis?

Donna and Valerie were both chorus singer/dancers. Re-watching the film on TV in the eighties I spotted Rhoda, who's face was briefly, but prominately shown several times. Armed with my new VCR, running it back I also saw Elly Mae!

It will be easy to spot Valerie, but Donna is there too.


Offline Signor Spumoni

I apologize for being so long in replying to this.  Thunderstorms moved in here Friday afternoon, so the computer was unplugged and stayed that way.

This is outstanding!  I mean, I'm pleased to have guessed correctly, but your presentation is what is outstanding.  I stared at ol' Jerry for the longest time, but all I could think was that I knew him.  I hadn't a clue who it was.  Do you know when the photo was taken?  I'm sure I'm wrong, but what he's wearing reminds me of a zoot suit.

The extra photos are wonderful, and so is your knowledge. 

Just imagine all the volunteers who must have wanted to help judge the women's casting calls and auditions for this movie! 

Thank you for helping me when I was so sick, and thank you for thinking up such a fun game.  I'm on the mend now.  In fact, as Curly said in "All the World's a Stooge," I feel better, but I still don't smell so good."

Offline Svengarlic

No thanks necessary piasan. On Jerry: I'm guessing here, but that crazy tie Jerry sport's was briefly in vogue because of Sinatra. Being from Jersey too, Lewis (real name Levitch) was probably a fan. You will note that he posed closed mouth. That makes the photo pre-Martin. Jerry had less than perfect teeth in his single act days.

Here's one that Metal will probably get in 2 seconds.

This is a lesser known brother of the character actor pictured below. More famous in their day for his work on the stage, he was unfortunately stricken with the Spanish flu (a rampant epidemic in the 30's) after completing only 2 films.

Born in the American South, THIS brother had a long film career supporting actors from Bogart to Brando, working for directors from Todd Browning to Hitchcock. His British accent got him a lot of work, and he's mistaken for a Brit even today.  ;)

Offline Signor Spumoni

No thanks necessary piasan. On Jerry: I'm guessing here, but that crazy tie Jerry sport's was briefly in vogue because of Sinatra. Being from Jersey too, Lewis (real name Horovitz!) was probably a fan. You will note that he posed closed mouth. That makes the photo pre-Martin. Jerry had less than perfect teeth in his single act days.

I didn't know that about Jerry's teeth.  I read about his sock quirk, though.  I saw him perform around 1970.  What a showman!

I look forward to learning who are the two brothers shown.  I'm pretty sure the first one is my Uncle Paul, I just can't figure out how you got his picture (kidding, though the actor resembles him).

Offline Svengarlic

Sock quirk??? I noticed long ago that Jerry's bare feet were never seen in his movies. Is that the sock quirk?  ???

Offline Signor Spumoni

According to an interview I read, Jerry changes his socks every couple of hours or so.  He always puts on a brand-new pair.  The article said the "old" socks are laundered and donated to charity, but which I presume is meant Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc.  Although he was not quoted on this topic in the article, the reason for his quirk was his severely impoverished childhood, but no specifics were given.  I think the article said he wears white athletic socks.

Offline Svengarlic

According to an interview I read, Jerry changes his socks every couple of hours or so.  He always puts on a brand-new pair.  The article said the "old" socks are laundered and donated to charity, but which I presume is meant Goodwill, Salvation Army, etc.  Although he was not quoted on this topic in the article, the reason for his quirk was his severely impoverished childhood, but no specifics were given.  I think the article said he wears white athletic socks.
He certainly did in the movies. Perhaps the scene in Who's Minding the Store was a send-up of his quirk. In the scene, Jill St. John peels off layer after layer of those white socks, never getting down to skin.

Offline Signor Spumoni

I've not seen his movies since they came out, and I didn't remember that.  Pretty funny, and it does sound like an inside joke.

He was entertaining on "What's My Line."  He guessed one guest's occupation rather memorably.

Offline Svengarlic

I've not seen his movies since they came out, and I didn't remember that.  Pretty funny, and it does sound like an inside joke.

He was entertaining on "What's My Line."  He guessed one guest's occupation rather memorably.
I remember it well. It was a fat lady hawking diet pills. "Don't you take them ever?!!", my memory isn't THAT good. When the Game Show Channel first came out I watched every night for 2 years without fail. "Late Night Black and White" they called it. I've Got a Secret and What's MY Line back to back. I never get tired of that stuff, Signor.

Offline Signor Spumoni

I remember it well. It was a fat lady hawking diet pills. "Don't you take them ever?!!", my memory isn't THAT good. When the Game Show Channel first came out I watched every night for 2 years without fail. "Late Night Black and White" they called it. I've Got a Secret and What's MY Line back to back. I never get tired of that stuff, Signor.

Yep, that was it!  I was surprised, but well, it *was* Jerry Lewis.

When I work around the house, I pull up WML on youtube.  It makes tedious work go by pleasantly.  The person who posts the full episodes got them from the Game Show Network.  I'm quite the fan of WML.

 Do you remember a show called, "Masquerade Party?"

Offline Svengarlic

He certainly did in the movies. Perhaps the scene in Who's Minding the Store was a send-up of his quirk. In the scene, Jill St. John peels off layer after layer of those white socks, never getting down to skin.
I do remember the original show, but my memory of it is vague. My folks didn't watch it often. I know there was a revival of the show in the 70's, but like the new WML, I didn't care for the show. I was spoiled by the better, earlier version.

As for the GSN, when WML and IGAS left the station, so did I. Tell me Sig....have you seen the movie Game Show, about the fixing scandal in the 60's? It's right up your alley.  ;)

Offline Signor Spumoni

I do remember the original show, but my memory of it is vague. My folks didn't watch it often. I know there was a revival of the show in the 70's, but like the new WML, I didn't care for the show. I was spoiled by the better, earlier version.

As for the GSN, when WML and IGAS left the station, so did I. Tell me Sig....have you seen the movie Game Show, about the fixing scandal in the 60's? It's right up your alley.  ;)

Your memory tallies exactly with mine regarding "Masquerade Party."  I know there's at least one episode on youtube, but I've not watched more than a minute or two so far.  And I agree with you on the 1070s revivals.  For that matter, who could possibly equal the WML panel today?  Although my imagination may be lacking, I find it hard to come up with elegant, intellectual or refined panelist candidates from today.

Have you read "Kilgallen?"  It's an old one, but good.

I've not see "Game Show," but it's on my list. 

Funny, but the broadcast rerun channels (Me-Tv, for one) don't broadcast any game shows.  Perhaps the Game Show Network owns all those rights.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I am completely stumped by the mystery actors shown.  I've been hoping for one of our members to jump in and solve this one.

Offline Svengarlic

   For that matter, who could possibly equal the WML panel today?  Although my imagination may be lacking, I find it hard to come up with elegant, intellectual or refined panelist candidates from today.

Have you read "Kilgallen?"  It's an old one, but good.

I've not see "Game Show," but it's on my list. 

Funny, but the broadcast rerun channels (Me-Tv, for one) don't broadcast any game shows.  Perhaps the Game Show Network owns all those rights.

Meanwhile, back at the ranch, I am completely stumped by the mystery actors shown.  I've been hoping for one of our members to jump in and solve this one.
I haven't read Kilgallen, but I want to. I'm aware of the feud with Sinatra, her drunken appearances on the show and the controversy surrounding her death, but I would like to learn a lot more.

As to the mystery actor, not being a horror guy you're at a disadvantage on this one. He's not all that well known to casual moviegoers. I'll include one last photo, but he looks more like Norm Mc Donald here than himself. Answer tonight.

Offline Signor Spumoni

Did you know about Dorothy Kilgallen's promised revelation of information about JFK's assassination which was supposed to be a blockbuster?  She died before she was to have revealed it.  Personally, I'm not so sure there's anything to that, but we'll never know.

I used to watch the classic horror movies, but that was some time ago.  This may be a case where the actors are new to me.  I'm no expert, but I enjoy this thread and classic or "vintage" movies - - and cartoons - - very much.  I am eager to find out who these two actors are.

Offline Svengarlic

Yes, Sig, I know about DK being the only columnist granted an interview with Jack Ruby, and the mystery surrounding her death. I'm sure you've seen the old E! Channel show Mysteries and Scandals. I learded this from that show. A lot of those shows are on You Tube, and I urge you to check it out.

On the unnamed character actor, take a look at this scene. He's the one not Yul Brenner or Charleton Heston.  ;)

Offline Signor Spumoni

Yes, Sig, I know about DK being the only columnist granted an interview with Jack Ruby, and the mystery surrounding her death. I'm sure you've seen the old E! Channel show Mysteries and Scandals. I learded this from that show. A lot of those shows are on You Tube, and I urge you to check it out.

On the unnamed character actor, take a look at this scene. He's the one not Yul Brenner or Charleton Heston.  ;)

I haven't seen anything on E!, but it sounds intriguing.  I'll check it on youtube, as you suggest.

I'm sorry, but I don't see the scene you mention, the one with Brynner, Heston and the unnamed actor.  Was there meant to be a link?