Nah, you'll be alright. I fixed the post for you, just make your post below the final quote writing and you'll be fine.
Now I gotta get in on this. I like 40's Universal Horror, but overall, I'm a bigger fan of 20's and 30's horror in general. Just overall better atmosphere and writing. Even my two favorite 40's horrors are not Universals, being THE LODGER and THE BODY SNATCHER.
SON OF DRACULA is interesting in that it's the only monster film I can think of where I find the love interest to be more intriguing than the monster!
You fixed it!?? I see you have power. (tipping hat)
I'm familiar with both of those films of course. Well made....atmospheric....but I saw them AFTER the great
monster flicks. I was spoiled. However: as a suspense movie with a Jack the Ripper theme The Lodger was very effective. Now if you are referring to the silent Hitchcock version: I haven't seen it. I'm thinking of a '40s film, and I'm not even sure if it was titled "The Lodger", but it was a British film and plenty creepy.
I'm not sure where to start with Son 'O Drac. Sure, I liked it as a little kid but it has not withstood the years. miscast. And there's a scene where he and his host are both reflected in a full size mirror. Hard for a purist to brook.
But it was Drac's other kid that I really liked. She was creepy/alluring and a much better made film. I don't think I have ever seen her (or her butler) in any other movie.
In recent years I have read of lesbian overtones in the film, but I don't see it. It's a reach. Now if you want to talk about Dr. Pretorious, that's a different matter.