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Loco Boy Makes Good (1942)

metaldams · 31 · 14119

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Offline metaldams

First off, I'm hoping all this board confusion over the past week does not drive a few regulars away.  I thought for a few days this weekly review thing suddenly ended, but it's the weekend and we're thankfully still going.  I plan to make it through all 190 and beyond, so let's continue, and I hope everybody else joins in as usual.

OK, it's 1942 now, and I think we're still in the tail end of the classic run.  LOCO BOY MAKES GOOD is a short that has a clear cut beginning (the boys setting up the plot trying to slip on the bar of soap to sue the hotel, only to change their heart and help the old lady who runs the hotel), a middle (the boys as carpenters causing mayhem), and an end (the night club scene).

The only thing I have to say about the beginning is that as a child of the 80's, the whole premise of the boys trying to earn money to save the old lady's hotel was used as the basis for the Nintendo video game.  All the video game people (which I haven't been in the past twenty years), seem to tear this game to shreds, but it holds fond memories for me.  Beyond that, the beginning is the least interesting part of the short.

The middle, now we're talking.  I don't know why, but I've always been entertained by Curly's creek with the boys song, or whatever the heck he's singing.  It's just sounds funny.  The part where Curly has the nail pointing in the wrong direction and Moe explaining to Curly that means it's for the other wall (!) has always been a favorite part of mine.  Really, the entire middle part is fantastic, a great example of the boys failing at blue collar labor in their prime.  It's things like this that make the sun rise every morning.

As for the end, this is the infamous magician's coat gag that Clyde Bruckman previously also wrote for Harold Lloyd's MOVIE CRAZY.  Lloyd actually sued because of this.  It's been a while since I've seen MOVIE CRAZY, and even longer since old poster Bruckman and I wrote that article comparing the two versions of the gag for The Three Stooges Journal, which I think was about ten years ago.  The article itself is at my parent's house, I'm not, and I can't even remember what I wrote.  Swell.  Anyway, I'll dig up the article on Sunday and watch the Lloyd version tomorrow, but the Stooge version is good fun.  I'll do the comparison then, but has anybody else here seen the Lloyd movie?

Another very good short overall.  Now to all of you, mingle, or I'll mangle.

« Last Edit: November 29, 2014, 10:12:57 PM by metaldams »
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Shemp_Diesel

I love the opening section with the boys (or rather dummies) being thrown out of their apartment & Curly's line "get my other pair of socks, they're standing behind the stove." Btw, is this Bud Jamison's smallest part in a stooge short?

The misadventures trying to get Curly to slip on the soap are great, as is Larry getting rolled up in the carpet & hurled into the paint. At the nightclub, I enjoyed Curly getting pelted with the tomato & the fit he pitches, which of course, sets up the whole coat switching trick.

Overall, a very entertaining short.

8.5 out of 10...

Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline Lefty

Way back when our local UHF station was showing the Stooges with the third show of each day "joined in progress," this one "began with the Stooges pushing Scroggins out the window.  So naturally, I pay close attention on those opening few minutes.  The entire short is quite enjoyable, especially with Scroggins getting what he deserves and Curly doing his thing with the magic coat.

Offline Paul Pain

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Alas!  We have reached the end of the classic run here in LOCO BOY MAKES GOOD.  We see our heroes again as do-gooders as they attempt to save an old lady's hotel.

We have the soap scene.  Needless to say, only Curly could do this good of a job of failing, but I find it disturbing that he thinks the soap tastes good... it doesn't!  Soap is bitter and tongue tingling!

The boys naturally fail as carpenters, but fortunately they destroy themselves more than the hotel.  However, an interesting debate would be one to determine whether Moe or Curly is more incompetent with nails.  And don't forget the glorious carpet monster...

Overall, the actors/resses are all at their very best in this one.  The short is fast-paced and enthralling.  If you want to introduce someone to the Stooges, this one would definitely draw them in.
#1 fire kibitzer

Offline Shemp_Diesel

It's interesting to debate just where the "Golden Age" of the stooge shorts end. Personally, I think the run ends with Sock-A-Bye Baby, but I'm sure there are plenty who would disagree with that particular short.

And the year 1943 should spark some good debate, I think. There are a few from that year I'm not crazy about.

The next short should be interesting to discuss, but I'll wait til next week...

Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline metaldams

I'll just say my version of the golden era definitely ends no later than the last two shorts of 1942, but I can never pinpoint the exact spot.  I definitely have a few things to say about the shorts in between, no doubt.

...and I honestly have no problem with the boys as do gooders, as long as they remain incompetent I'm happy no matter their motives.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Kopfy2013

I am going to give this short a 9. I love how everybody is so happy during the dancing. Curly does an excellent dance. Curly is in top form: Slipping on the soap; messing with linoleum. I love him messing with the linoleum. I like the story, it moves along, and as I said people are happy in the final scene. A good short. It's also good to see the character actors many familiar faces
Niagara Falls

Offline Kopfy2013

I have just watched the magician scene in Movie Crazy. Really similar. Wonder if Bruckman would win today.
Niagara Falls

Offline BeatleMoe

I loved this short a lot.  I always like the little things that I feel go unnoticed, but for me the funniest bit is when the Stooges wheel out the piano, and Larry rips his coat clear up to his neck to make it look like he's wearing tails, it's just hysterical for me.  I don't know why, then the "maestro" part where Larry didn't realize Moe was talking to him, then he fluffs his hair and carries on playing the piano until Moe slams the door shut on his fingers.

Offline Shemp_Diesel

Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline JWF

I have just watched the magician scene in Movie Crazy. Really similar. Wonder if Bruckman would win today.

This past week, Turner Classic Movies showed the H. Lloyd compilation "Harold Lloyd's World of Comedy"...included was the magician's coat scene from "Movie Crazy"....

Comparing the two, I have to say, the Stooges version was head and shoulders above Lloyd's. Maybe I'm more used to the Stooges brand of comedy anarchy versus Lloyd's more low key approach, but to me, Lloyd's stuff doesn't really age that well, where as the Stooges still get huge laughs 70 years later.

Offline metaldams

This past week, Turner Classic Movies showed the H. Lloyd compilation "Harold Lloyd's World of Comedy"...included was the magician's coat scene from "Movie Crazy"....

Comparing the two, I have to say, the Stooges version was head and shoulders above Lloyd's. Maybe I'm more used to the Stooges brand of comedy anarchy versus Lloyd's more low key approach, but to me, Lloyd's stuff doesn't really age that well, where as the Stooges still get huge laughs 70 years later.

We'll just have to agree to disagree on this one, with the added I don't think one is head and shoulders above the other.  Two very different types of comedians, and both have their strengths.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Larrys#1

This episode has two parts...... the hotel scene and the night club scene. I like the first part the best. Curly trying to slip on the soap and then ends up eating it. Am I crazy if I say that it makes me hungry whenever I watch that part where Curly eats the soap? ;D  I also enjoy watching the scene where the stooges try to fix up the hotel. That bit where Moe tells Curly to nail on the opposite wall because that's where the nail is pointing.... it's one of those times where Moe shows his dumb side. Then we get the carpet laying scene and that was another great scene.

The night club scene was very funny. Not as good as the first part of the episode, but it still does provide a lot of laughs. We get a great Larry moment where Moe shuts the piano keys on Larry. But Curly steals the show from there when he accidentally wears the magician's jacket.


Offline Paul Pain

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There's nothing like seeing the 3 dummies get chucked out that door at the start.  I replayed it 15 times in a row because it was such a riot.

I know the woman with the silverware in her garter is currently unidentified, but I'd swear I've seen her in another Stooge short at some point.  GreenCanaries needs to get on this!
#1 fire kibitzer

Offline GreenCanaries

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I know the woman with the silverware in her garter is currently unidentified, but I'd swear I've seen her in another Stooge short at some point.  GreenCanaries needs to get on this!

I agree, but at this moment, I cannot definitely think of any other shorts that she was in. She could be one of the party guests in CRASH GOES THE HASH (possibly the one currently ID'd as Sally Cairns, but I disagree with that--she looks like a different young blonde to me, and I do not see Sally anywhere in HASH).
"With oranges, it's much harder..."

Offline Curly Van Dyke

The Music heard in the nightclub scene is by Skinnay Ennis' band.
This was taken from the Columbia feature "Blondie meets the Boss"(1939).
It also popped up in Columbia's "The Werewolf" (1956).
They sure knew how to recycle material at Columbia.

Offline metaldams

The Music heard in the nightclub scene is by Skinnay Ennis' band.
This was taken from the Columbia feature "Blondie meets the Boss"(1939).
It also popped up in Columbia's "The Werewolf" (1956).
They sure knew how to recycle material at Columbia.

I actually have The Werewolf.  I'll have to check that out.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline metaldams

I think Mr. Scroggins in this short is the same guy who played Mr. Winthrop in SOME MORE OF SOMOA, Billy Reed.  I remember when reviewing Somoa, Reed wasn't identified, but I see he is now.  Since the films were filmed so close together and they resemble each other, I'm saying they're the same guy.  Any opinions on this?  GreenCanaries, this is your specialty.  Links to the actor pages with pics below.

Some More of Samoa

Loco Boy Makes Good
- Doug Sarnecky

Possible, with and without teeth.  That changes a man.  In any case, Scroggins going out the window is a scream.

Offline metaldams

Possible, with and without teeth.  That changes a man.  In any case, Scroggins going out the window is a scream.

Thanks.  I say it is.  The teeth thing can easily be adjusted for character, but with the films being shot close together - about 2.5 months apart, and the physical resemblance, I still think it's the same guy.  Where's GreenCanaries? He's the guy who can pick out obscure actors from a line-up.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline GreenCanaries

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I certainly think it is possible. A quick review of both films in action, the time frame of both productions, and the overall "bulbousness" of both characters' heads and features certainly point me toward yes.
"With oranges, it's much harder..."

Offline metaldams

I certainly think it is possible. A quick review of both films in action, the time frame of both productions, and the overall "bulbousness" of both characters' heads and features certainly point me toward yes.

If you say it, it's official.   [cool]. Thanks man.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Paul Pain

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I'm glad to see this insight from GC.  Good Lord knows he has the eyes of an eagle.
#1 fire kibitzer

Offline Dr. Mabuse

My favorite 1942 short with the exception of "Three Smart Saps." The Stooges had the ability to make Harold Lloyd's material their own without any sense of duplication. Both versions of the "magician's coat" scene are hilarious yet markedly different.

The 1939-42 hot streak ends here, but it was a helluva run.

« Last Edit: June 03, 2021, 02:13:55 AM by Dr. Mabuse »