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Hoi Polloi (1935)

metaldams · 41 · 25874

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Offline metaldams

Finishing up my Bowery Boys volume 2 DVD, and I just watched HOLD THAT LINE, which is from 1952. A very funny film, and the premise is two Ivy League professors betting that they can take anybody off the street and make them succeed in an Ivy League environment while the other professor thinks you need the proper upbringing to succeed.  Of course, they use the Bowery Boys as guinea pigs.  The idea is not quite as developed as HOI POLLOI as other plot elements take place outside of the bet, but a fun film just the same. 
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Larrys#1

This episode is pretty good. I especially like the part where the stooges take dancing lessons. I remember the first time I watched that and I ended up laughing so hard, I couldn't breathe. Curly starts using his high pitched voice here. The whole bit where Curly hides the champagne bottle and the silverware is another hilarious part. The stooges' chemistry hasn't fully developed at this point and I think that's the only thing that weakened the episode, but overall, this is a great episode. It's definitely better than HALF WITS HOLIDAY. I just wish the episode ended in some sort of pie fight. I did remember reading somewhere about an actress that choked on a creampuff during filming of this episode. So I guess a creampuff fight was planned, but because of this incident, it was shelved. I could be wrong tho....


Offline BeAStooge

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I did remember reading somewhere about an actress that choked on a creampuff during filming of this episode. So I guess a creampuff fight was planned, but because of this incident, it was shelved. I could be wrong tho....

No, that's another victim of Moe's memory.  There was no pastry fight scripted or planned for HOI POLLOI.

The story Moe tells in his book is actually about THREE SAPPY PEOPLE (1939), he got the name of the actress wrong (confusing middle-aged Grace Goodall with 22-year-old Adrian "Lorna Gray" Booth), and he exaggerated her distress.

Offline Paul Pain

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Unfortunately, HOI POLLOI and IN THE SWEET PIE AND PIE are both excellent shorts.  However, in they could be incredible in the good scenes from one were combined with the good scenes from the other to make IN THE SWEET HOI AND POLLOI.
Something about income tacks season...

Offline metaldams

Unfortunately, HOI POLLOI and IN THE SWEET PIE AND PIE are both excellent shorts.  However, in they could be incredible in the good scenes from one were combined with the good scenes from the other to make IN THE SWEET HOI AND POLLOI.

You know, that's an interesting idea!  HOI POLLOI is already a favorite of mine, but it actually would improve towards the end with that pie fight.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline stoogerascalfan62

Offline BeAStooge

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Did Bud ever speak in this short?

His primary scene as 'James the butler,' attempting to give the Stooges a bath, was deleted.  Apparently filmed but not included in the final release print; yet, a production still from that scene exists. 

The scene was transcribed (from Jules White's script) in The Three Stooges Journal # 127 (Fall 2008).  The aforementioned still also appears in this issue.

Offline Svengarlic

I've been trying to figure out how they pulled off the spring trick for ever, and still have yet to spot the wires that MUST be the answer. Going to You Tube to give it another try I came across this Hoi Polloi review by two young Jersey (or Philly) guys that rate on a 4 scale. It was nice to see this generation carrying on, keeping the Stooge faith.


Offline Paul Pain

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A great line is Curly's trying to spell cat:  "Cat.  K-I-T-T-Y.  Pussy."

The look on Curly's face convinces me he is doing it wrong on purpose.
Something about income tacks season...

Offline Woe-ee-Woe-Woe80

This is my #1 all time favorite stooge short, this short has one great scene after another and many of them contain lots of big laughs, plus each stooge and the supporting cast gives a great performance, plus Moe delivers lots of punishment left and right, I also loved Harry Holman's performance as Mr. Richmond (I wish he'd gotten to appear in a lot of stooge shorts), if you're introducing someone to the Three Stooges I would recommend checking out this short.

I give this short a perfect 10/10 although I wish I can give it a 100/10.

Offline Dr. Mabuse

"Hoi Polloi" is one of the all-time greats — miles ahead of the well-intentioned but uneven 1947 remake. Plenty of classic moments and some rare underscoring for a Del Lord short.  Not in my Top 10, but definitely in my Top 15.


Offline Allen Champion

The first and best version of Let's Turn the Stooges into Gentlemen shorts (unless you count IN THE SWEET PIE AND PIE), featuring one of the funniest scenes the Stooges ever did--the dance lesson!  It's also the only version I'll look at.  I never want to see the Besser travesty again, and I DO NOT watch the post-stroke Curlies.  For me, the last Curly short is IDIOTS DELUXE. 
"What do you know of the blood, sweat and toil of a theatrical production? Of the dedication of the men and the women in the noblest profession of them all?"

Offline Samurai

Watching this, which I do fairly often, is always a joy.

So many memorable bits, but my current favorite begins with the menacing look Bud gives Curly, immediately followed by the breathy/confusing 'hi-ho'  from Kitty, and ends with one simple musical note as Curly is shaving. That has always been one of my favorite sound effects.

For non guitar players, next time you come in contact with an acoustic, pluck the thickest string (on top). You will laugh, and no one else will understand why low E is so hilarious.

Offline ChrisBungoStudios

Here's my new quick preview then and now video of some of the filming locations used in The Three Stooges movie "Hoi Polloi." 1935 vs today. Thank you @Jim Pauley and your wonderful book The Three Stooges Hollywood Filming Locations. My full then and now filming locations video documentary on this movie - and several other Three Stooges shorts - is now up on my website:

Offline QuinceHead

Here's my new quick preview then and now video of some of the filming locations used in The Three Stooges movie "Hoi Polloi." 1935 vs today. Thank you @Jim Pauley and your wonderful book The Three Stooges Hollywood Filming Locations. My full then and now filming locations video documentary on this movie - and several other Three Stooges shorts - is now up on my website:

Good thing they don’t have to dive into that fountain nowadays!

Offline ChrisBungoStudios

Good thing they don’t have to dive into that fountain nowadays!

Yeah! Though would be nice if it was still a fountain, but I guess it costs too much to keep it maintained.