I'm hoping this thing will be at least as good as the Rhino discs. They looked good, mostly. Sound? Not so great-- too much muffled dialogue. But those transfers had a pleasing color saturation, and the live-action stuff looked better than I'd seen up to that point. I've had these things on vhs, dvd, film.. some good, some downright purple they were so faded. I want this set to be really good but I have a nagging feeling that something will be wrong.
Flash back to 2005 with this frame grab:
Genius Entertainment's Bazooka Classic Bubble Toons dvd
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What if it is like what you see above? Or, like the faded, edited prints used in the Giant Cartoon pd collections. What about dropped frames, horizontally distorted picture, lousy encoding and sound sync issues like the last Madacy sets? Recent collections that have copied the toons from previous discs have also done this faux aspect-ratio thing as, presumably, an attempt to mask copying artifacts at the top, bottom and sides of the screen. Even through the window-boxing, some artifacts remain, like blue/green video noise on either side of the picture, video dropouts and other defects.
For the few of us that give a flying, post-Mexican Buffet-style shit, I hope this release is exemplary in its presentation. I know it will, at least, make for another interesting image comparison project and, maybe, a little look back at the good and not-so-good pd releases.