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Bang The Moe Slowly!

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Offline middlenamewayne

I just picked up a mint copy of the 1st Duck's Breath Mystery Theatre LP, 1980s "Out of Season". I noticed that it contains a bit entitled "Bang The Moe Slowly". I have to get a new belt for my turntable, so as of now I've only heard the online excerpt here:

Didn't sound too exciting (especially the attempt at Larry Fine's voice) -- anybody know if it gets better?

  - mnw

Of course, it's near impossible to live up to classics like SCTV's "Give 'Em Hell, Larry":

or even this bizarre Billy West bit as "General Larry" facing up to Saddam Hussein:

Easier to beat are oddities like this GWBush-era political poke at the "Axis of Idiots":

...or the ever-lame Fridays pot jokes of the insipid "Three Stoners" -- with Larry David as Larry, no less!

Offline Curly4444

When i first saw this title, I thought not another stooges Porno.  ???  :P

Offline shemps#1

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When i first saw this title, I thought not another stooges Porno.  ???  :P

If that were the title of an actual Stooges porn (which I thought too when I saw the title) it would be very hard to pass up watching it.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Curly4444

If that were the title of an actual Stooges porn (which I thought too when I saw the title) it would be very hard to pass up watching it.
Who should star in it?  :D

Offline middlenamewayne

Who should star in it?  :D

Just like when I was a kid and the Stooges fought for airtime with Popeye, this would have to be a gay porn with the old "Hello, sailor!" himself

Popeye's big "climactic" line would of course be:

"I've had all I can stand, I can't stand no Moe!!!"

(Then he would gain super-length/strength/girth by munching down on Olive Oyl's "spinach" and give Moe the old what-for!)

  - mnw