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Magnificently Bogus Obsession

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Offline middlenamewayne

Has there ever been anyone in the history of the world (aside from Norman Maurer) who liked Benedict Bogus? It's clear that Norm was packing a major like-on for this particular Three Stooges villain, since he kept bringing him back in the Stooges comic books every time he had the chance. For that matter, he insisted on co-billing him almost equally with the Stooges themselves in some cases -- though oddly enough, BB never made the cover of any comic!

That and the fact that Bogus never even got to make a cameo in any of the Normandy-produced Stooges feature films suggests that Moe and Larry found the character to be... well, bogus!

Below: Recurrent Bogus outbreaks...

...from 1954... 1974!

   -- mnw

TANGENT:  The Howards' family dog fared better -- Moose made it into both the "movies" (Kook's Tour) and the "funnies" ("Moe's Mutt Moose" in Little Stooges #7).