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Your favorite Stooge animals

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Offline Dr. Hugo Gansamacher

It has struck me how many animals there are in the shorts of the Three Stooges. There are horses, mules, cows, dogs, cats, goats, gorillas, lions, chickens, ducks, parrots, and many others. Often they play an important role in the plot. What are your favorite animals in the Stooge shorts, or your favorite bits in which an animal plays an essential role?

By the way, please don't count Curly barking or snarling like a dog or other beast as an animal. Actors dressed as animals (e.g., in gorilla suits) count as animals when they are actually supposed to be animals in the action of the short.

My own favorites are these:

(1) The "cow," actually a bull, that Moe and Larry send Curly to milk in Busy Buddies. The animal itself doesn't do much of interest on screen, but the sequence in which we repeatedly hear it lowing off screen, followed by a crunching sound, followed by Curly flying over the fence and landing on his head, makes me laugh every time.

(2) The gunpowder-eating duck in Flat Foot Stooges. It is bizarre enough that this animal shows such an appetite for the gunpowder that villain Dick Curtis trails behind him from the leaky keg that he carries under his arm. The contrived absurdity reaches its peak when, at a crucial moment, the duck, having for some reason settled on a second-floor window sill, lays an egg that rolls off, hits the ground, and explodes, setting the firehouse on fire!

Offline metaldams

Perhaps I'm a sap, but that kitten in CALLING ALL CURS gets me every time.  Cute animal.

Any short or film with a guy in a gorilla suit is a surefire way to get my attention, be it THREE MISSING LINKS, A BIRD IN THE HEAD, CRIME ON THEIR HANDS, heck even MURDERS IN THE RUE MORGUE for any Universal Horror fans.  The suit is so goofy yet never fails to make me smile.

The stock footage animal montage in SWEET AND HOT has an enjoyable Ed Wood like quality to it.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline falsealarms

I like the dog from MUTTS TO YOU, the dogs from CALLING ALL CURS, and the monkey from A PAIN IN THE PULLMAN.

Offline Shemp_Diesel

I don't know if this counts as an animal, but the Shemp-head bat from Spooks is the first thing that pops into my mind...

Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline Dr. Hugo Gansamacher

Perhaps I'm a sap, but that kitten in CALLING ALL CURS gets me every time.  Cute animal.

Oh, simple-minded, eh?

(See attachment.)

I'm partial to the St. Bernard, myself.

(See attachment.)

the dogs from CALLING ALL CURS

You mean the banquet?

(See attachment.)

Quite a tour de force of dog management. Only when I took this screen capture did I notice that there are not one but two great Danes!

(See attachment.)

(Is there no way to get images to appear in a post? I thought maybe I could insert the images after I had uploaded them as attachments, but the site won't even give direct URLs for attachments.)

Offline Shemp_Diesel

Here's one I was reminded of not to long ago when I watched Tricky Dicks; that cute little monkey that causes some mischief in the police station...

Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline Rich Finegan

It has struck me how many animals there are in the shorts of the Three Stooges. There are horses, mules, cows, dogs, cats, goats, gorillas, lions, chickens, ducks, parrots, and many others.

What about Cedric The Clam? (Not that he's my favorite, but I thought he shouldn't be forgotten!)

Offline Dr. Hugo Gansamacher

What about Cedric The Clam? (Not that he's my favorite, but I thought he shouldn't be forgotten!)

Larry's pet in He Cooked His Goose? Well, he's more engaging than the clam in Curly's soup in Dutiful But Dumb, I suppose.

Offline Shemp_Diesel

How about the parrot from Crash Goes the Hash. Jeepers, creepers, what a night...

Talbot's body is the perfect home for the Monster's brain, which I will add to and subtract from in my experiments.

Offline Bum

The bear from IDIOTS DELUXE with the Gene Simmons tongue!

Offline vomit

Cedric the clam.

And the cat that hisses at Shemp's picture.  Forget what shorts these two animals are in?!
Specto Caelum!

Offline Bum

The disclaimer "No animals were harmed in the making of this picture" could never appear on any Stooges film [or any other short comedy from that same era]. Dogville, anyone?

Offline cpp

All the mice in 'Termites of 1938'.  Not only do they defeat the Stooges & the mouse-killing string cannon, they pull Larry into the wall when he tries to hook one with a fishing rod, then bamboozle a whole house full of snobs.

Perhaps the mice should also be given credit for forcing Bud Jamison to adopt a weak British accent, but don't look for that anywhere on the list of production values for that short.

Offline WhyYou

My vote is for the Lion in Hold That Lion,and Booty and the Beast.

Offline Dr. Hugo Gansamacher

In starting this thread, I named the gunpowder-eating and exploding-egg-laying duck in Flat-Foot Stooges as one of my favorite animals. But the mention of mice reminds me that the same short contains the comically ineffective mousing dog Butch. Besides having the built-in charm of being an English bulldog, Butch has a wonderful moment when, ejected from the cabinet by the unexpectedly formidable mouse that the Stooges have set him to kill, he looks up at them in a fashion that can only be described as apologetic! From 1:12 to 1:50 in the video below. (See also attached screen capture.)

Other notable animals in this short are Annie and Fanny, the two firehouse horses that go to the steam bath with the Stooges before getting a massage and a hair-do (see part one on YouTube).

Offline cpp

In starting this thread, I named the gunpowder-eating and exploding-egg-laying duck in Flat-Foot Stooges as one of my favorite animals. But the mention of mice reminds me that the same short contains the comically ineffective mousing dog Butch. Besides having the built-in charm of being an English bulldog, Butch has a wonderful moment when, ejected from the cabinet by the unexpectedly formidable mouse that the Stooges have set him to kill, he looks up at them in a fashion that can only be described as apologetic!

I thought about nominating Butch, but have affinity for the victor.  Although Butch's segment was funnier, he still got his ass kicked, which, along with 'Termites of 1938', et al, shows just how tough those Stooge Depression-Era mice really were.

Offline Faeriegirl

  • Shemp's Darling Dilly
  • Grapehead
  • *
  • Dreaming of Shemp
    • I Surf for the Freedom!!
My personal favorite animal is the cat that was scared of Shemps smiling face in Corney Casanovas I think it was, scared of the thing, it was cute! My other favorite cat is in Malice in the Palace, the cat munching on the hot dog, then purring when Moe strokes the rabit dinner Larry Served. Good stuff!!

I wonder what breeds those cats were, the one scared of Shemps picture reminded me of a Main Coon or a Angora
Shemp: Moe! Larry! Wait for me!! *hits himself with shovel*
~ Who Done It?

Offline Dr. Hugo Gansamacher

My personal favorite animal is the cat that was scared of Shemps smiling face in Corney Casanovas I think it was, scared of the thing, it was cute! My other favorite cat is in Malice in the Palace, the cat munching on the hot dog, then purring when Moe strokes the rabit dinner Larry Served. Good stuff!!

I wonder what breeds those cats were, the one scared of Shemps picture reminded me of a Main Coon or a Angora

Could be a Maine coon, from what I can tell (screen capture attached). 

I have have to wonder what they did to make the cat react that way. :o

Offline vomit

Could be a Maine coon, from what I can tell (screen capture attached). 

I have have to wonder what they did to make the cat react that way. :o

Just look at my avatar.......that was the pic on the table!  Classic.  That picture is priceless.  One of my all-time favorite Stooge scenes.
Specto Caelum!