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What TV Shows do you own on DVD besides the stooges?

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I hate the editing. I bought the Odd Couple series, and there is obvious edits. Usually when Felix (Tony Randall) sings. Some scenes it's a mere one line of a song, or not even a song, he's just singing his lines. The person who allowed this should be fired!

Offline Dunrobin

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One more point I'd like to throw out for discussion. Do you prefer to pull out a specific episode to watch on your dvd sets or would you just watch that specific random episode if that show is currently in broadcast? I find that with watching dvds I miss the spontaneity of the episode being broadcast. The anticipation during the opening credits of "I wonder what this episode is going to be about?". I find the dvds most useful for watching shows not currently on that you haven't see in years.

For me it depends on the show.  For example, I will usually just pull out a DVD at random out of the Wild, Wild West collection, because the episodes are generally not dependent on each other.  For a show that is more of a continuous storyline, like Brisco County Jr., I am more inclined to watch them in specific order (although I may go for a while between DVDs.)

Menus on DVDs for TV shows can drive me nuts.  The Stargate SG-1 DVD menus are probably the worst in my collection.  Season 1 isn't too bad; at least when the episode is finished it goes straight back to the episode list, but starting with season 2 they changed that.  For most of the DVDs, the initial menu offers either the episode list or the "special features;" choosing an episode from the list takes you to another menu where you can (a) play the episode, (b) view special features for that episode, or (c) go back to the menu list.  When the episode is finished it goes back to that episode's menu, where you have to scroll down and press the "back to episodes" option, choose the next episode and hit select, then choose play and hit select.  So you have to go through at least five button clicks to get to the next episode; there isn't a "Play All" on any of the DVDs.

Now Stargate Atlantis did just the opposite; they kept their menus nice and simple, and the menu on all of the DVDs defaults to the "Play All" option.  I can start up a DVD and not have to touch the control again for three or four hours.   ;D

A plague on all makers of TV show DVDs that don't include a "Play All" option on their main menus!  >:(

Offline Dunrobin

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I hate the editing. I bought the Odd Couple series, and there is obvious edits. Usually when Felix (Tony Randall) sings. Some scenes it's a mere one line of a song, or not even a song, he's just singing his lines. The person who allowed this should be fired!

You can thank the jackass lawyers at the RIAA for that kind of crap.  (Well, them and the jackass lawyers in Congress who have changed the copyright laws, etc., to please assholes like the RIAA.)

That's why the changing or deletion of songs for shows like Happy Days.  They probably only had a license for the song that covered the original and syndicated broadcasts, and so were blocked from using them when the DVDs were made.  From what I've read, these studios holding the copyrights think they've got the show's producers over a barrel and make exorbitant demands for the DVD rights.


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Also, I noticed a few mentions of "Happy Days" which does not include the original "Rock Around The CLock" theme in the first season and I believe they changed some other music as well? I would have bought maybe the first three seasons otherwise. (The latter seasons were pretty silly.)

That's why I only bought Seasons 3-4 on DVD. Seasons 2 & 3 are my favorite seasons, but I refused to buy Season 2 due to the music change and editing.

Offline Stooge-Adam

For the record, I started collecting when these shows first came out, around 2001. So this is a collection ten years in the making.

Some of these might seem like crap to some, but I'm able to enjoy all kinds of different shows. Even though I know Saved by the Bell is stupid, it's still a show I like to watch now and then and a part of my childhood.

And YES THE EDITING DRIVES ME INSANE! The Odd Couple is a big one for me, so is Taxi, which has edits in the last two seasons. Happy Days as well. Quantum Leap is another with music changes and that's a favorite show of mine.

Since this is a "Besides the Stooges" thread, I didn't list them but I own all 8 volumes. I'm an all or none kind of guy. I can't just have some seasons (or volumes) of a show and not all of them. So all these stalled series are really annoying me.

Offline shemps#1

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I hate the editing. I bought the Odd Couple series, and there is obvious edits. Usually when Felix (Tony Randall) sings. Some scenes it's a mere one line of a song, or not even a song, he's just singing his lines. The person who allowed this should be fired!

I didn't know you were that much of an Odd Couple fan, Jeff.

In regards to "crap" of course it's all subjective (even if a vast majority would agree with me re: SBTB). Sometimes I will go back and watch something I liked as a child and think "I had no taste".
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M*A*S*H seasons 1 and 2, and I have a Night Court season 1 DVD somewhere around here.

Offline Boid Brain

I hate to admit it, but I'm still using my 19 yr old VCR and tapes! It was the top of the line Panasonic with the VCR Plus feature. I'm determined to wait for it to break down before I join the DVD nation!

Offline shemps#1

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That's ok, my brother is eagerly awaiting a Colecovision he bought off of ebay.
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

Offline Boid Brain