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Any Bruce Campbell Fans Here?

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Offline Justin T

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I bought a copy of My Name Is Bruce last month and I've watched it. It was fun, Bruce is quite
the trooper when he's poking fun at himself. Liked all the references to his movies, esp the bad ones.

Burn Notice comes back in January, can't wait.
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Moe: Brilliant, what’ll it be?
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Dog Hambone

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I saw the Evil Dead movies...especially Evil Dead 1.  This movie was pure non stop horror, with no infusion of comedy...they didn't even give you time to relax..a classic!  Greatest Horror of all time. 

I thought I had seen The Evil Dead (aka Evil Dead 1), but I just bought the BluRay of the recently remastered & re-released disc. Apparently, I had never seen this one. Apparently, they show ED2 on teevee a lot, but not the first one. I liked ED1 a lot, but you're right, there is no infusion of comedy. Not like ED2 & Army of Darkness which were obviously played for laughs. And, man, does Bruce Campbell ever look young in ED1 - like he's barely out of his teens.

Given the small budget they had to work with, ED1 is amazingly well done. 

Offline Dunrobin

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And, man, does Bruce Campbell ever look young in ED1 - like he's barely out of his teens.

Given the small budget they had to work with, ED1 is amazingly well done. 

Close - Bruce was 23 when they shot The Evil Dead in 1981.  Internet Movie Database says the budget was $350,000 ($845,929.59 in 2010 dollars.  Pretty pathetic what the Fed has done to our "money" in less than 30 years, ain't it?)

Offline SlyVenom

I'm a big fan of Bruce, and also Sam Raimi and Robert Taprert.
I have to say that Bubba HoTep and Man with the screaming Brain are both enjoyable films and possibly destined to be cult classics.  :D

Dog Hambone

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I have to say that Bubba HoTep and Man with the screaming Brain are both enjoyable films and possibly destined to be cult classics. 

I love Bubba Ho Tep, & own that one. Just watched it again the other night. Geez, in that one Bruce looks more like Elvis than Elvis does! I can't remember having seen Man with the Screaming Brain. It sure never gets shown on teevee. I'm gonna have to look around for a copy. IMDB's description of the story makes it sound hilarious.

I'm a big fan of Bruce in these kinds of movies, but sadly, I can take or leave teevee shows like Briscoe County & Burn Notice. 

Offline SlyVenom


I love Bubba Ho Tep, & own that one. Just watched it again the other night. Geez, in that one Bruce looks more like Elvis than Elvis does! I can't remember having seen Man with the Screaming Brain. It sure never gets shown on teevee. I'm gonna have to look around for a copy. IMDB's description of the story makes it sound hilarious.

I'm a big fan of Bruce in these kinds of movies, but sadly, I can take or leave teevee shows like Briscoe County & Burn Notice. 

Man with the Screeming Brain is hilarious, and has Ted Raimi playing a larger role, which makes it even funnier in my opinion.
I also may be in the minority among Campbell fans, but I found My Name is Bruce to be a little boring compared to his other movies.

Also I hear you about the t.v. shows, Bruce is funny, but the rest of the show just doesn't have enough going for it to keep me interested.


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I have Bubba Ho-Tep as well and I like his other movies...I'm also a fan of Burn Notice- very slick, and Bruce steals every scene he is in!

Dog Hambone

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Man with the Screeming Brain is hilarious, and has Ted Raimi playing a larger role, which makes it even funnier in my opinion.

As a Christmas present, the missus got me a 2 disc set with MAN WITH THE SCREAMING BRAIN & ALIEN APOCALYPSE. I've seen the latter several times (it shows up on teevee now & then), but this was my first time watching the former. I loved it! A great Bruce movie, & I agree, it is destined for cult status. And Ted Raimi did have a pretty large role as the mad doctor's (Stacey Keach) chucklehead assistant.