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WHO DONE IT? is an enjoyable short for the most part, but I've never been a fan of the light/dark fight gag at the end ...

Which just goes to show how different things can amuse people.  I've always loved that scene, and to this day whenever somebody does something foolish that draws attention to themselves* I always think "Here I am, Moe!"   ;D

* Like people who create MySpace and Facebook pages covered in pot leaves and pictures of themselves smoking dope, or posting videos of themselves committing crimes.   ::)

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RE "ACHE": Eh, I think the stairs scene went on too long and this one of the more overrated shorts. I'm not saying that it isn't a good short, just that there are plenty of other ones better.

RE "WHO?": Dare I say this one is overrated to? I can think of at least a handful of Shemp shorts that I prefer to this one that don't get as much love.

RE "MICRO": I am in agreement with the above comments about it not being up to snuff with "NAZTY", what with Curly's condition and all. Perhaps it is because it is a rare gem in a sea of shitty shorts (there goes your PG rating, Doug) from the "Sick Curly" period, but I don't think it is deserving of having made it this far. I consider it the weakest of the "Sweet 16" by far.

RE "SCRAMBLED": I definitely agree that it is a far better short than "WAIT".

RE "last Shemps remaining": "Goof on the Roof" is still alive and is one of my picks to win (which means it will probably lose to "Hoi Polloi" a short that I feel is weakened by the ass-wipingly bad remakes with a sick Curly and Besser).

No more "RE"s!
"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime; give a man religion and he will die praying for a fish." - Unknown

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RE "ACHE": Eh, I think the stairs scene went on too long and this one of the more overrated shorts. I'm not saying that it isn't a good short, just that there are plenty of other ones better.

RE "WHO?": Dare I say this one is overrated to? I can think of at least a handful of Shemp shorts that I prefer to this one that don't get as much love.

RE "MICRO": I am in agreement with the above comments about it not being up to snuff with "NAZTY", what with Curly's condition and all. Perhaps it is because it is a rare gem in a sea of shitty shorts (there goes your PG rating, Doug) from the "Sick Curly" period, but I don't think it is deserving of having made it this far. I consider it the weakest of the "Sweet 16" by far.

RE "SCRAMBLED": I definitely agree that it is a far better short than "WAIT".

RE "last Shemps remaining": "Goof on the Roof" is still alive and is one of my picks to win (which means it will probably lose to "Hoi Polloi" a short that I feel is weakened by the ass-wipingly bad remakes with a sick Curly and Besser).

No more "RE"s!

My turn to "RE" :)

"Ache" - I still think this is probably the best Stooge short. I loved just about everything in it. But, we all have our own opinions on the matter.

"Who?" - I agree with your statement.

"Micro" - I agree with you again.

"Scrambled" - I hate this short about as much as I can hate a Stooge short and still be a fan. I'm not a big fan of "I Can Hardly Wait", but I was very glad to see it take "Scrambled" down.

"Last Shemps Remaining" - I love "Goof", but I voted for "Hoi Polloi", because I just felt it was a better made short. They're both great Stooge shorts, though.

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"Scrambled" - I hate this short about as much as I can hate a Stooge short and still be a fan. I'm not a big fan of "I Can Hardly Wait", but I was very glad to see it take "Scrambled" down.


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Why did the tournamnet info disappear from the main board? (I'm not quite sure "where" I am now.)

Disorder in the Court
A Plumbing We Will Go
Three Little Beers
An Ache in Every Stake (been to those stairs)
Brideless Groom
The Sitter-Downers (used in my thesis)
Hoi Polloi
Eet ees a klasseek!!

Offline metaldams

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Why did the tournamnet info disappear from the main board? (I'm not quite sure "where" I am now.)

Rob made a special board called "Metaldams Shorts Tournament." 
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline PSUStooge

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33 Disorder In the Court ( I know it's PD, and I know it's won before.  But it is an absolute classic, and I just can't justify voting for "Wait", a short that I even like, over it.)
41 You Nazty Spy (of the remaining shorts, this is one that I'm really pulling for)
84 False Alarms (an underrated, chaotic gem)
5  Three Little Beers
2  Who Done It
7  They Stooge to Conga
3  No Census No Feeling
11 Hoi Polloi (toughest decision for me...I'm actually kinda surprised neither one of these shorts won this before, esp. "Polloi")

Offline metaldams

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As usual, you guys have until sometime in the A.M. hours eastern time on Saturday to vote if you haven't already.

So far.....

- 20 votes have been counted
- There is one tie
- Two pairings are at 11 - 9
- If the results hold up as they are now, there will be a VERY interesting sub-plot going on.  See if you can figure it out.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Rhinosaurus

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COME ON fellas, we can't let The Sitter-Downers or False Alarms get voted off!

These two should be in the final round against one another.  If someone is new to the stooges, the first short I show them is The Sitter-Downers, and it never disappoints!

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COME ON fellas, we can't let The Sitter-Downers or False Alarms get voted off!

These two should be in the final round against one another.  If someone is new to the stooges, the first short I show them is The Sitter-Downers, and it never disappoints!

Really, I thought we'd get another rally cry by now.  If the votes hold up as they are, you'll all see what it is.

...and by the way, as things currently stand, one of those shorts will advance.
- Doug Sarnecky

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Here are the results.  Thanks again to all those who voted.

33 Disorder in the Court Vs. 80 I Can Hardly Wait 14 - 7
8 Micro-Phonies Vs. 41 You Nazty Spy! 11 - 10
4 A Plumbing We Will Go Vs. 84 False Alarms 13 - 8
5 Three Little Beers Vs. 53 A Pain in the Pullman 17 - 4
2 Who Done It? Vs. 18 An Ache in Every Stake 10 - 11
7 They Stooge To Conga Vs. 55 Brideless Groom 13 - 8
3 No Census, No Feeling Vs. 46 The Sitter-Downers 11 - 10
6 Goof on the Roof Vs. 11 Hoi Polloi 9 - 12
- Doug Sarnecky