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January - April 2010 TV Stooges

BeAStooge · 38 · 14358

Linked Events

  • Three Stooges Marathon on AMC: December 31, 2009 - January 01, 2010
  • Three Stooges on AMC: January 03, 2010
  • W. C. Fields on TCM: January 03, 2010
  • Harold Lloyd on TCM: January 04, 2010
  • Buster Keaton on TCM: January 04, 2010
  • Three Stooges on AMC: January 06, 2010
  • Laurel & Hardy on FMC: January 09, 2010
  • Three Stooges on AMC: January 09, 2010 - January 10, 2010
  • Gracie Allen on TCM: January 10, 2010
  • Lucille Ball on TCM: January 12, 2010
  • Red Skelton on TCM: January 12, 2010
  • Three Stooges on AMC: January 13, 2010
  • Danny Kaye on TCM: January 17, 2010
  • Lucille Ball on TCM: January 17, 2010
  • Jack Benny on TCM: January 17, 2010
  • Three Stooges on AMC: January 18, 2010
  • Buster Keaton on TCM: January 19, 2010
  • Laurel & Hardy on TCM: January 19, 2010
  • Joe E. Brown on TCM: January 20, 2010
  • Three Stooges on AMC: January 20, 2010
  • Laurel & Hardy on FMC: January 21, 2010
  • Laurel & Hardy on TCM: January 22, 2010
  • Three Stooges on AMC: January 23, 2010
  • Marx Brothers on TCM: January 24, 2010
  • Lucille Ball on TCM: January 25, 2010
  • Red Skelton on TCM: January 27, 2010
  • Lucy Ball & Desi Arnaz on TCM: January 27, 2010
  • Marx Brothers on TCM: January 28, 2010
  • Bob Hope on TCM: January 28, 2010 - January 29, 2010
  • THE DOUGHGIRLS: January 28, 2010
  • Jerry Lewis on TCM: January 29, 2010
  • Lucille Ball on TCM: January 30, 2010 - January 31, 2010
  • STOP! LOOK! AND LAUGH!: January 30, 2010
  • Laurel & Hardy on FMC: January 30, 2010

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Offline 7stooges

Perhaps the only good bit about the AMC marathon was this little 30 sec bit, which I found a bit touching in some bizarre way:


Am I the only one who thinks that the pink-tinted clips in that bit looked as those they were shot in two-strip technicolor? I know they weren't, but still...  ;D

Offline 7stooges

^^ I liked that bumper as well. I thought it was cute.

I noticed AMC now has it so you can watch full shorts on their website.

They also updated their FAQ on their website:
"Will AMC air The Three Stooges or The Little Rascals again?

    There is a Three Stooges marathon on Dec. 31 starting at 7AM | 6C. We have no plans to air The Little Rascals in the near future. Generally speaking, we are trying to focus on more movies, more movie-related programming and AMC Originals. That said, you can find more Stooges video online."

With that said, I wonder how long AMC plans to air the Boys. Even with all the commercials its nice to know they're at least on TV.

Too bad they won't be showing the Rascals again anytime soon. But at least they're giving the Stooges a chance again.

Offline Rich Finegan

locoboymakesgood said...
I love a lot of the current-at-the-time pop culture references sprinkled in to the shorts.

One of my favorite bits is in Some More of Samoa when Curly quips "Beat me, Daddy - down to the floor!", a take on the Andrews Sisters "Beat me, Daddy - eight to the bar."

We know that Curly was a music lover, and I'd like to think that some of his many references to popular songs were ad-libs.
There are so many, and they're fun to catch if one is familiar with the hit songs and music of the period, such as when Curly yells "Seafood Mama" in COOKOO CAVALIERS or even a line like when he said "Don't do nothing till you hear from me." Those are titles or lines from popular songs of the day.

Offline FineBari3

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locoboymakesgood said...
I love a lot of the current-at-the-time pop culture references sprinkled in to the shorts.

One of my favorite bits is in Some More of Samoa when Curly quips "Beat me, Daddy - down to the floor!", a take on the Andrews Sisters "Beat me, Daddy - eight to the bar."

We know that Curly was a music lover, and I'd like to think that some of his many references to popular songs were ad-libs.
There are so many, and they're fun to catch if one is familiar with the hit songs and music of the period, such as when Curly yells "Seafood Mama" in COOKOO CAVALIERS or even a line like when he said "Don't do nothing till you hear from me." Those are titles or lines from popular songs of the day.

It is bits like this that will unfortunately be lost unless they are shared or documented.  Look at something as common as a hat size in the 1940's that has virtually disappeard to common knowledge now. 

Just the titles of the shorts alone are spoofs of popular films or songs, and many Stooge fans do not get the significance of "Violent is the Word for Curly".

BTW, who had the bigger version of "Beat Me Daddy..", the Andrews Sisters or the original Will Bradley Orchestra, with drummer Ray McKinley singing the vocals?
Mar-Jean Zamperini
"Moe is their leader." -Homer Simpson

Offline BeAStooge

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Offline locoboymakesgood

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TCM will show TIME OUT FOR RHYTHM (1941) on April 12, 9AM Eastern.
Isn't this considered their best film during the Moe-Larry-Curly Columbia tenure?
"Are you guys actors, or hillbillies?" - Curly, "Hollywood Party" (1934)

Offline metaldams

Isn't this considered their best film during the Moe-Larry-Curly Columbia tenure?

Saw it years ago.  I wouldn't call it a comedy classic, but an enjoyable film for what it is.  There's actually a good amount of Stooges in it, even if they still are comedy relief and not stars.  Worth it for seeing a 1942 Curly doing the Maharaja routine with Moe and Larry.
- Doug Sarnecky

Offline Sadistic Stooge

TIME OUT FOR RHYTHM  on April 12 , Damn and me with out TCM ! I have a copy of it on DVD ,but I was looking for a better one :(

oh well maybe some day Sony will put it out on DVD (I hope)


  • Guest
Wow, I have never seen "Time out for rythem" nor have I found any copies of it.  Pretty Cool!


  • Guest
Well, according to my DVR listing Buck Privates has been replaced with "Elmer Gentry" so therefore I have to wait even longer to see Buck Privates with Shemp.  Ahhhhh poor me.

Offline ProfessorStooge

I have not seen Time Out for Rhythm either. Better set my VCR on April 12

Offline BeAStooge

  • Birdbrain
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according to my DVR listing Buck Privates has been replaced with "Elmer Gantry"

Friday evening has been rescheduled for a program of films starring Jean Simmons, who died last week.


  • Guest
Friday evening has been rescheduled for a program of films starring Jean Simmons, who died last week.

I do appreciate when they do that.  I will catch it in April.