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Calling Dr. Howard, Dr. Death, Dr. Howard -- and all (clapx4) TEXANS !

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Offline middlenamewayne

If you're in or near Austin, keep November 25th open -- the great and powerful Austin Draft House Theatre on 6th St. will be showing Moe's last movie, Dr. Death, Seeker of Souls at Midnight!!! Cover charge is one dollar!

For more info:

  - mnw
« Last Edit: November 05, 2009, 06:54:27 AM by BeAStooge »

Offline Moron4392

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I do not know if either of you have see Doctor Death, and please I am not preaching to anyone, but I would lke to put in this warning, I would advise not to take kids to it.  I have the film and it is deeply involved with the Satanic and Ocult World.



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Hmmm.  Not an innocent horror flick huh..  Well Thank you, Im not into this movie then..

Offline kinderscenen

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Huh.  Maybe I should've watched better--the only thing the film suggested to me was glorious 1970s crap!  I was watching for Moe (obviously), so any "plot" was conveniently ignored, but constant laughter?  Yup.  Seeing as they weren't intending to make a comedy, what were they smoking when they came up with that one?  (Yeah, I know...there were plenty of drive-ins that needed fare.)

That being said, it's a great movie to watch with a group....even better with a large group!  Let the riffing and snarkage begin!
Larry: They’ll hang us for this!
Moe: I know! Let’s cremate him!
Larry: Can’t do that--we ain’t got no cream!

Offline middlenamewayne

It's a great movie to watch with a group....even better with a large group!  Let the riffing and snarkage begin!

I'd hate to think of what sort of dark forces would actually compel someone to drive from Tulsa to Austin for a few seconds of gray-haired Moe!

  -- mnw

PS: I would say we're already living in the "Snark Age"...