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My toin again..."The dumbwaiter!""Hey! I resent that!""Not you! The other dumbwaiter!"
"So we stuck our little tootsies in the water, and we ducked under the waves we did, ha ha!"
Next quote..."Can I help it if I ain't Cousin Basil?"
On to the next:"Brighto! Brighto! It makes old bodies new! We'll sell a million bottles! Woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo, woo!"
My toin..."It bit me...but I got him!"
"You know Porcupine, for a guy without brains you're a genius."
My toin again..."What are you shakin' about?""I don't know - I'm in a hurry all over!"
"Do you think we better call a doctor?""No, if he had an ounce of initiative in him, he’d swallow the thing."
"The idea's been in my head since I was 10 years old.""Oh, sorta aged in the wood."
"Hey, this fish looks like Moe.""It is Moe."
"Sorry folks, dinners postponed on account of rain."
"Stop down a 1/4 mile........someone left a little hypo in there........" May not be exact but I am trying not to cheat........
"I am going to kill you to death.""That's too permanent."
My toin..."If you get there first, put a chalk mark.""What if you get there first?""Then I'll rub it out."
One of the gangsters and Larry in Pardon my Backfire My toin..."If you get there first, put a chalk mark.""What if you get there first?""Then I'll rub it out."One of my favorites......THREE LITTLE PIG SKINS....Moe & Larry conversingHere's another one:"You had a hallucination...........No, I had a hunk o'pipe....."
"We'll die with the heat before those dumb ice men get here. Yesterday they put the ice in the radio."